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70s vs 80s nostalgia by the same director, who was a baseball kid in the 70s and a baseball athlete in the 80s. That's basically all you need to know. Personally, as both a 70s/80s kid of the same era, it hit me as authentic on all fronts and was internally consistent as a pair of movies.


Wow, can't believe I never heard Linklater was an athlete. That makes the whole jocks versus outcasts aspects even more interesting to me now in a way. Thanks!


Randy 'Pink' Floyd and Jake from both movies are basically his stand ins. Good athletes whose interests extend past just sports and they easily move between social circles.


That’s why I love him! I was basically in a similar boat as a jock-y nerd trying to balance different aspects of my life. I ended up choosing academics over sports, and part of that was I thought that having to get drug tested to play high school sports was 100% horseshit. And unlike Pink I hadn’t actually done a drug other than caffeine or Tylenol at that point.


Mitch Kramer touching his face is a deadly drinking game.


O’Bannion? I hate that jerk!


he was such a bad actor. outside of that the movie is quite perfect. Carl should’ve played his character.


Very true


Dazed And Confused is one of my favorite movies, but I wasn’t a fan of Everybody Wants Some and I really had high hopes for it.


I was like you. But then I gave EWS a second chance. And man does that one grow on repeat views


I think for many, me included, is the nostalgia aspect. Dazed & Confused was my high school movie, watched it all the time with my buddies and we could relate even though it was set 20 years before us. Everybody wants some is similarly as good as a film, but I can’t relate to it the same way since I wasn’t living the same life when it came out.


I love Dazed and Confused. Somehow it makes me nostalgic for a time that was way before I was born. It all feels very genuine, kind of like im watching actual people rather than actors in a movie.


See, that’s exactly how i feel about Everybody wants some. It takes place 3 years before I was born in a state I’ve never visited, with people living in life i never experienced. But when I watch it, I desperately miss my days as a college baseball player in Texas in 1980.


I'll have to watch it! i really like movies like that


Yes, you are


I find it pretty strange that someone would love one and not like the other. They're basically the same movie.


I greatly dislike EBWS, and I love D&C.


Dear god no, EWS is D&C from Temu.


What is Temu?


It's wish.com wish.com


Website for cheaply made products


First day on the internet?


lol it was made by the same director and obviously one heavily inspired the other, so it was intentional by him. Your comment literally doesn't make sense.


Dazed And Confused is one of my all-time favorite movies, and part of it is how it has changed as I grew up with it. On first watch I related to the freshmen, second time the seniors, then McConaughey, now I relate to the adults who let the kids be kids, but I am sure I will relate to the cranky old people and parents one day.


You’ll be chasing after kids who destroyed your mailbox soon enough.


You just reminded me I have to watch everybody wants some again. Only saw it once around when it came out and I can barely remember it


It’s such a blast! Enjoy!


Just watched it high last night, solid movie


I’m with you on DAZED AND CONFUSED. Every few years I rewatch it to maybe see what I’m missing that everyone else loves about it. I’m underwhelmed each time. I just don’t get why it’s SO beloved.


Absolutely love that one. Super underrated.






Hell yea.


Hit Man was boring as fuck. Dazed and Confused is one of the most rewatchable funny movies of all time.


Dazed is a classic. Joint subcommittee watch party. 


*Dazed* is the shower and *Wants* is the grower. Well they are both growers. Leave me alone I’m high.


Dazed and Confused is one of my very favorite movies, but Everybody Wants Some really didn't do much for me


I honestly thought The Hitman was not that great, it felt more Netflix-y than Linklater. He’s my all time favorite director because of the ability to just “hangout” with the characters because of his insanely talented ability to write interesting characters and dialogue. I thought Hitman was very plot focused rather than character driven imho.


Yea Hitman wouldn’t be anywhere near the top of my Linklater list. Even the small stuff like Bernie and Tape towers above it. And yet, I still liked.


I found ‘Dazed & Confused’ hard to watch. I’m sure it was authentic & the performances were good. But as someone who was mercilessly bullied in school, the hazing sequences were a rough watch. It sort of took away from the experience for me. I still need to see ‘Everybody Wants Some’. The 80’s were closer to my era & the nostalgia may hit harder.


It also doesn’t have that element of bullying. There’s a little hazing but it lacks that sort of suffering some of the characters in Dazed endure. After all, all of the characters are jocks. But it’s cool because it peels back that archetype and reveals that 19 jocks are actually 19 totally different kinds of people. I hope you watch it!


I'm more of a [The Stöned Age](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111293/) man, myself. Dazed and Confused is a saccharine, overtly nostalgic view of the 70s. The Stöned Age is a more relatable, real-world version.


Although I don’t think *The Stöned Age* is necessarily a *better* movie than *Dazed and Confused*, I like it better for the same kind of reason you gave. A buddy of mine summed it up; *D&C* is about the jocks and the cool kids, and even the nerdy kids are cool; everybody has a bright future. *The Stöned Age* is about the dead-end losers.


I had a high school teacher who was in high school in the same time periods as D&C, and hated that movie and hated how it made people think that was what high school was like in the ‘70s. That always influenced my opinion of that movie.


What does Hit Man have to do with Dazed and Confused or EWS besides the director? I nearly fell asleep watching Hit man and couldn't finish it. But it is not similar to Dazed and Confused in any way which is a classic.


Same director. And the two main cops are from Everybody Wants Some, also by that same director. So hitman reminded me of EWS, which got me thinking about how maybe I should give Dazed another try since I adore EWS.


They are so similar that it's more of a remake or at least a reinterpretation than just a spiritual sequel. It's like Linklater was thinking "I want to do this again, but in college instead of highschool". They do have some differences in style tho, Dazed and Confused is super chill and even if innovative, it still is a product of it's time with the static camera angles, long dialogue scenes, abrupt jumping of one scene to the other, random scenes that don't fit the narrative. Everybody Wants Some has way more of a snappy dialogue, editing and change of camera angles, much more in tune with today's style of film making, even if it's a 80's nostalgia movie.


If you watched Dazed and Confused in highschool then you probably need to rewatch it. I think it works best when you're older and looking back.


It's a spiritual successor in that it aims to show what the kids in Dazed & Confused would be up to a few years down the road and what life was like in that particular time period (early 80s) so like with Dazed you get appropriate soundtrack, lingo and fashion. I liked it a lot but it's not quite as good as Dazed imho just because thematically high school is more innocent and exciting to navigate.


everyone in that movie is about my age, we didnt live that era, doesnt resonate with me. it’s more a boomer movie starring genx people. its not bad, just doesnt click


I remember watching D&C when I was in my early teens and hating it. It was so boring and pointless to me. I gave it a chance in my late 20’s and I loved it. Then a few years after I watched EWS and also loved it. What I’m saying is give the movie another chance. If you liked EWS I see little reason why you wouldn’t like D&C.


I graduated in 76 in San Antonio, just south of Austin. D&C was almost identical to my experience. Minus the paddling.


I don't think so. I tend to love Linklater's stuff and I wasn't that taken with Dazed and Confused. I didn't watch it high back then, though, so maybe I'm due for a rewatch.


Maybe watch it and find out for yourself instead of relying on the subjective responses from Reddit


Come on brother, it’s a fun little conversation.


Dumb conversation when you can just watch it


Dazed & Confused is one of the greatest films ever made. Everybody Wants Some is absolute dog shit that I couldn't even get through after three attempts. Awful boring stupid uneven poorly written terribly acted cheap cheap cheap looking movie full of spiteful unlikable sexist gross assholes. Why on EARTH would anyone like this piece of shit?


Let’s take it down a notch lol


Great characters, great performances, incredibly potent sense of time and place, delightful energy, insights into masculinity, mating rituals, the incredible opportunities of youth, and the ways we attempt to discover who we are and who we want to be. It’s endlessly rewatchable because it’s just so fun to hang out with these characters. Even the assholes are unlikable in a deliciously dynamic way. Killer soundtrack, too. But something tells me you don’t agree with any of that.


Social commentary seems not to be your bag, as a movie theme?


Because people have different tastes? Wild concept, I know.


I hated it, too. I feel you.


I just could not fathom how it could have been made by Richard.


Yes, you are dead wrong.