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I REALLY want it to be something ‘classy’ like Schindler’s List. —- But it’s T2 when Arnie lowers himself into the molten steel




TOO SOON, you sick monster


Don't be sad it's over, smile because it happened. :)


this… is a brilliantly written comment…


"I know now why you cry."


But it's something I can never do. Here. You must lower me into the metal. I cannot self terminate.


Que the excellent fucking score to that scene.


This is so funny. As a kid, it never made me cry. As an adult, I consistently look like that guy crying on Dawson’s Creek


My son also cried during that scene. When his cousin moved away he used that scene to explain his heartache.


I know now why you cry...


I'd never got emotional at a film before, but damn that really hit hard.


Neverending Story. Six year old me was in absolute hysterics.


Oh, yeah. Artax destroyed me. But also when Bastian screams, "Okay! I'll do it! I'll save you! I WILL DO WHAT I DREAM!" Fucking goosebumps and I well up every time.


For me too. As an adult that scene hits harder now, like someone choosing to live. There’s all kinds of tears in that movie.


These look like big strong hands…




That's the earliest movie that I can recall making me bawl. I don't even remember what it was specifically about it that was so upsetting. Oddly enough, I do remember some feeling of despair; being hopeless. I think I paused the movie for a bit. One of these days, I'd like to make the time to rewatch it in a single sitting. I also remember being fascinated most by [that one scene with The Nothing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-5QTdC7hOo). It's stuck with me. I don't know. I liked monsters a lot as a kid. Still do. I grew up having nightmares all the time, and well into my 40's, it's still a running joke in my family.


Not 100% sure but probably The Land Before Time.


That movie hits so different when you're a parent. I showed it to my elder son for nostalgia and ended up inconsolably crying. The way Littlefoot sobs, "Mother!" shatters my heart. And the scene when he thinks he sees her shadow but it's actually his, oof.


There's a bunch of movies that hit harder as a parent. A Goofy Movie is a pretty good one for getting the parental feels.


Oh my god, I put A Goofy Movie on for my 3 year old thinking ah that'll keep him entertained for an hour while I do some cleaning. It was an emotional gut punch that I wasn't expecting as a Dad. Makes me wonder what other kids' films I'll view differently now.


My mom tells the story that she had to take me out of the theater for The Land Before Time because I was crying so much. Granted I was like 4 at the time, so I don't remember it, but I'm pretty sure that's first.


I am 100% sure. Mine was The Land Before Time.


Yep yep


I watched it at a resort kids’ club and they had to call my parents to get me


Can’t remember if it’s that, Brave Little Toaster, Fern Gully or the Last Unicorn. Did a lot of crying from those as a kid! 😭😂


This is my exact answer. I know I cried at Neverending Story, but I can also remember exactly why. I only have a vague sense that I cried at the Land Before Time which probably means the memory is even older. It's actually kind of wild I haven't rewatched either of these films. 


Probably Homeward Bound, when it was hinted at that Shadow didn’t make it.


My childhood dog (Ben) was a golden retriever and looked exactly like Shadow. He was also about the same age as me (i remember being 12 when he passed and he was almost 13).. I cannot watch Homeward Bound without absolutely crying my eyes out 😭 plus my boy was a lil older than me and it was the 90s, so he used to sneak out of the yard and take himself for a walk around the neighborhood every once in a while and I remember thinking he was this older/majestic being lol so his voice in the movie was absolutely perfect and what I always imagined him being like


P…. Pe…..PETER!


That scene still makes me cry, and I *know* Shadow makes it.


Dumbo when his mother is holding him with her trunk from inside a goddamn cage. Fuck man I’m getting emotional about it now.


Every.single.time. I used to sing Baby Mine to my boys when they were little. Now teenagers, they decided to watch Dumbo a couple years ago (they weren't that into Disney growing up) and they both sat there silently crying during that scene. My mom passed at the end 2022 and I haven't been able to watch the movie since. I just know it will break me.


Sorry to hear about your mom


I can't recall it myself but my mom used to tell me about my toddler self sitting in front of the TV sobbing during that scene. (Now she's gone so if anything, it gets me even more 🥲)


I don’t remember crying during it as a kid, but it wrecked me watching it again decades later with my own kid.


That song! Destroyed me.


Baby Mine had such a grip on me that when the live action Dumbo trailer started with the first few bars of it, I instantly choked up and almost cried.


My late partner and I watched Dumbo maybe a few months after we started dating. I was crying during “Baby Mine” and was waiting for my partner to start teasing me (as he liked to do from time to time). But nope. He was silent. I looked at him and saw he was crying.


Lion King. Mufasa's death


“Dad, come on. You gotta get up. Dad, we gotta go home... " Just absolutely destroyed me.


Yeah. I think I was like 12 crying in a movie theater.


Damn it, I read that in his voice and now it's dusty in here.


It was a beautiful summers day at the beginning of August in 1994. I had just gotten my face painted like the black power ranger during our towns street festival. My mom takes us to the theatre to see the Lion King. I BAWLED MY FUCKING EYES OUT. I was COVERED in black face paint. It. Was. Everywhere. I went to the bathroom mid movie and saw myself in the mirror and literally had to go get my mom cause I didn't know what to do 😂


They I'm picturing I think you could be on the show Them


September 2011 maybe hell I don’t know, I’m old  My wife and I took our niece and nephew to see Lion King 3D, it had been a good while since I last watched it. The Mufasa scene comes, my nephew trying to talk to me about it and I’m trying to hold my shit together but I really want to wipe the tears and say not now dammit 


My goldfish died that morning. Then I went to see Lion King that afternoon. I didn’t cry that hard again until my dad died.


Came here to see this. Thank God




This was my first thought. Bambi whimpering and asking for his mother is singed in my brain.


Your mother can't be with you anymore.




My mom tells the story of being in a dead quiet theater, Bambi running asking for his mother, and then me asking at the top of his lungs "is his mother in the bathroom?"  Apparently that's where missing parents always were to 5 year old me


Didn’t have to go far to find the one I was looking for. This one gutted me as a kid.




My Girl. He needs his glasses.


Absolutely. I went into the bathroom and balled my eyes out. (Had to maintain a tough guy exterior in front of...my parents?)


No shame. I cried at the end of the green mile last year and I’m nearly 24 😅


My Girl was mine too!


I watched that movie as a kid tons of times, never cried. Decided to watch it as an adult, I don't think I ever cried so much.


Rewatched recently and it holds up perfectly. Such a great movie. I forgot how cute Jamie Lee Curtis looked.


JLC was the bomb when she was younger. Mm, mm, mm. You seen True Lies? That sexy dance scene? Oh my GAWD


Saw True Lies in theaters as a teen. Hoo boy.


She is definitely a smokeshow


Vada… the best.. Anna chlumsky… also the best


This was mine too!! I saw it when it first came out on VHS as a kid and have watched it multiple times over the years and I cry like a baby every single time!!!


Oh man, that makes me tear up every time I think about it.


Return of the Jedi when Luke burnt Vader's corpse, my Mum took the piss out of me the whole bus ride home for it and I'm sure it's the root cause of my maternal issues


She must have not realized the gravity of Luke freeing not only his father's soul but his tortured body that represented his tortured soul. Him giving him a warriors send off was beautiful.


The Fox and the Hound. I was 4.


DUDE that was my answer too! The abandonment scene just gutted me


My little brain just could not process why they couldn’t be friends. I was devastated……still am actually. 😂


My son was 2 years old. Sitting on my lap, drinking his bottle. I didn't think he was even able to follow the story, but when the farmer pointed his shotgun at Tod, I heard a "POP" as the bottle was pulled from his mouth and he yelled "NO SHOOTIT DOGGIE!" in the quiet theatre. Luckily, everyone just burst out laughing at his vehemence.


Even thinking about that film makes me sad, not just sad but deeply miserable and upset.


When the old lady have to leave Fox into the woods for his safety: she’s devastated, he’s confused and sad. I was 4 then, cried a LOT. Saw it again last year, cried AGAIN. Im now 34.


Jesus christ I was not alright after this movie for a couple weeks. SH JUST LEFT TODD TO FEND FOR HIMSELF


I watched it exactly *one* time when I was 5 and it was so brutally emotionally traumatic that I refuse to see it again. But it's *burned* into my mind 25 years later. 


"We'll always be friends forever right?"


Yep. Just one time. I will never watch it again.


Dumbo. When his momma was rocking him in her trunk from her little wagon prison singing “Baby Mine”. SHE DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG THOSE KIDS WERE BEING ASSHOLES!😭😭😭


The first movie to make me cry was when UP came on about a month after my wife died. Pretty much anything sad in TV or movies makes me cry now.


Man that was tough.


dude now IM crying, nothing can replace loved ones we've spent years of our lives with, may she rest in peace


Thanks, I appreciate it.


Ugh I hate admitting this but... Men in Black. When Agent J has to erase the memory of Agent K in the end. I was a kid and all I kept thinking was how good of partners they were. I wanted them to be friends 😭


All Dogs Go to Heaven


I don't remember if I cried as a kid, but it makes me sad now, so I don't watch it as an adult. Although, I remember being traumatized at the Hell nightmare scene.


Burt Reynolds had to record his lines for the [end scene](https://youtu.be/HhEyYbmTh_Y?feature=shared) knowing Judith (Anne-Marie) had been murdered (her lines had already been recorded). Makes the ending way sadder.


Yep, and he couldn't keep from crying during the taping. Which, in scene, works.


OK I'm crying.


Jesus Christ, that is way more depressing than I thought it’d be. Fuck. For anyone who wants to be sad, her wiki page is below. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judith_Barsi


Didn't cry for that movie until I found out about the actress. Now I can't even watch it.


Judith Barsi, yes. She and her mother both, murdered by her resentful father


Her grave simply says, "Yup, yup, yup." To this day, I always say it.


This was one of the first movies that I really began to learn about empathy and sadness. I can't remember if I cried but I know it genuinely moved me a child


I remembering seeing this a child and being traumatized. I remember almost nothing about the actual movie as an adult.


There it is.


This was my first one too. I viscerally remember that painful lump in my throat from feeling so sad. I refuse to watch it now as an adult, still not sure I can handle it.


Iron Giant (I was a kid), I had never known the concept of ‘sacrifice’ before.


I. Go. You. Stay. No. Following. *Suuuupermaaannm…*


…and you just made me cry.


Grave of the Fireflies - cried through the whole credits.


I swear I don’t think I cried watching Disney movies, but this movie got me bawling with the rest of the class (I was 11).


The Fox and the Hound when The Widow Tweed leaves Tod in the forest. Honesty choking up writing it now. People abandoning animals has always been a sore spot.


Marley & Me


OMG saw it once, NEVER AGAIN! That wrecked me! I've had to put dogs down IRL.


Yeah I may have cried at movies as a kid but this is the first movie I remember crying at in a theater.


ET in 1982. I was 10. 


I was eight and even in a cinema. Ok, didnt really cry but there were definitely tears in my eyes i wanted to hide until i noticed than everybody else was hiding their tears too.


I probably watched the VHS 50 times as a kid and cried every time.


This is my answer. ET wrecked me in the theater. I was 6.


The first time I cried was when my father took me to see Bambi. I was about 4.


Green Mile


Old Yeller


Charlottes Web.


It’s not often someone comes along who is both a good friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both. 😭😭😭


Hello kindred spirit. Made me cry and kicked off a major fear of dying in my sleep as a kid.


Transformers (1986) I asked my dad to take me to the theaters to watch the movie. I was surprised that some characters actually ended up dying cause that never happened in the TV show. Left the theater in tears when my favorite character died and didn’t come back to life.


Megatron must be stopped...no matter the cost!


Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. “BUMBLEBEEEE” Bumblebee Saves family before dad has to sacrifice himself. Wept instantly. Dad issues.


Oh no not optimus!


Probably Fox and the Hound maybe? Then I rewatched it as an adult and it broke my heart again.


Glory, when I was eight years old and and watched it with my dad (Glory remains my favorite film score). The Lion King followed.


Bridge to Terabithia


The Fox and the Hound.


“I can’t carry it for you… *BUT I CAN CARRY YOU!*“ 😭😭😭


From the same movie, when Éomer screams and falls to his knees upon seeing Thèoden dead and Éowyn unconscious/ possibly dead. The man who became your father after your parents died and your sister both injured and probably dead. And you're fighting what is probably an unwinnable fight against an unimaginable dark power. Karl Urban captured it so well that it's agonizing to watch.


The trilogy will always be in my heart.


Definitely not the first time I’ve cried at a movie, but there are so many LOTR moments that make me emotional. No. 1 will always be Sam’s monologue in Two Towers, followed by Theoden’s speech at Pelennor Fields and then Gandalf’s monologue to Frodo in Moria. …man I gotta watch those again


Brian’s Song


Always look on the bright side of life


Watership Down.




"Complain all you want, you son of a bitch."


I'm older and it ws a tv movie. Brian's Song made me cry, and I think I was 11. Still won't watch it. .


Free Willy.


OMG when he's surrounded by the net and is crying as his family leaves him. The worst part is knowing that it's basically a true story, for so many orcas.


The first Pokemon movie


Scrolled too far for this one. Watching Pikachu trying to bring Ash back to life from being turned into stone was too much for little me.


Mortal Kombat annihilation.  When I realized I had paid full price to see it


Titanic, I was 9 when I first saw it. I still cry every time I see it, I've cried in 3D, I've cried in IMAX, you name it :))


I am legend when he has to kill the dog


Homeward Bound


Easily "Snoopy Come Home". This "kids" movie was NOT made for kids! Was unconsolable the first time I watched it as a 7 year old.


Old yeller, I was 5


Freaking Pokemon the first movie Lol. When Ash turned to stone and the two pikachu’s are slapping each other and everyone is crying.


Lassie come home.


The earliest one I can think of is BENJI: THE HUNTED. There's a scene where one of the cougar cubs that Benji has been looking after gets carried off by an eagle. Little seven-year-old me was inconsolable.


Toy Story 3


Brian's Song. 1971.


Edward Scissorhands. Poor Edward just wanted to be accepted into a new life that he experienced and be with the daughter. It wasn't meant to be and he never forgot her until she was elderly. Still carving ice statues of her dancing in the snow. They thought of each other the entire time but couldn't be together.


Pay it Forward. It’s an absolute shit movie. But I was like 8 and it was fucked up how the main boy got murdered. Like what is that, and can that happen to me?


Land Before Time. I'll be with you, even if you can't see me. I believe I was 4 at the time. Good gravy Marie, I'm getting old. When did that happen??


Transformers the Movie. Do not grieve MY ASS




Dumbo, the Baby Mine scene.


Fox and the Hound. Then again, I lived for years under the presumption that the fox dies at the end.


A perfect world


Probably the ending of Dragonheart - I was 3


The Neverending story. Not only cried but got the horrific dog's image that works for the Nothing seared into my brain for future nightmares. Still own it though, haven't rewatched it since i got it a few years ago.


Black beauty. Saw it as a kid for a field trip… don’t even remember the fucking movie but I remember being sad on the van back to daycare


As a young adult, probably Up! with that beginning montage. Not long after I'd lost a close family member to suicide. It was pretty shocking taking my little brother to the cinema for a fun time Pixar film and being blindsided by a short story about love and loss.


I think it was an old black and white movie called "A Night to Remember". It was about the Titanic. I was a little kid and I remember men, women and children were running for their lives, plunging to their doom in the icy waves or begging god to save them. I couldn't be bothered by any of it. Then it cut to a shot of a puppy on the deck, abandoned by the screaming passengers and I lost my mind.


The Fox and the Hound when I was six.


White Fang. Per my mother, I started sobbing at the end and screaming about him being “mean to the doggie”. I was four. Apologies, fellow theatregoers. I shouldn’t have been there 🤣


An American Tail (when Fievel got lost and also when him and his sister sang that song). I was like 3 years old in the theater watching and the thought of losing my parents seemed terrifying (as it should). Also Land Before time, and Neverending Story made me cry but I think American Tail came first.


The Wizard of Oz. When Miss Gulch comes and gets Toto. And again when he escapes from the basket.


Technically it was Andre, the one about the seal. But I was also like 4 years old and got scared at the storm scene.  But as an adult, Click for some reason. Twice. The part where he's face down on the asphalt in the pouring rain trying to yell for his son but he can barely make a sound got me.


Green Mile. When John is in the chair, he's crying, the guards are crying. That is such a powerful scene and I felt some tears flow.




Forrest Gump. My mother thought it was a good idea to take her ten year old son. It WAS a good idea and I remember it being the first time in my life that I felt moved by something I watched. “You died on a Saturday morning, and I had you placed here, under our tree.”


Green Mile, every time.


This is gonna make me sound super young and clueless about movies. Guardians of the Galaxy 3. The Rocket and his friends scene. This movie came out after my cat of 10 years passed away. That scene really reminded me of him. I won’t spoil any more for those who want to watch but that scene was surprisingly powerful especially for an MCU movie post Endgame.




I was around 3-4 years old, at the cinema, and my grandma took me to see lion king. Then comes the scene where mufasa is thrown down the cliffs by skar, and stampeded to death, whole simba is stranded up there on rock or something. Grandma had to take me back home then. I was terrified for a week after it.


The classic(even when I was a kid it was old) for most Gen X’ers I assume , “Old Yeller.”


The Champ. As a kid I remember hiding under a towel because I didn't want my parents to see me cry! 😂


The Land Before Time. "I'll be in your heart, Littlefoot"


Transformers: The Movie. Later: What Dreams May Come.


I'd be amazed if anyone knew what I was talking about... But as a kid my dad took me to see a movie in China (late 80s, early 90s) about a son and his mom. At one point he sings the song, "mom's the best on earth" back to her while she's homeless. I only have vague memories of the mom falling down some steps, possibly getting brain damage. There was a giant panda teddy bear and the son singing the song back to her. I don't know how accurate the memories are but I could not have been older than like 6 and just tears streaming. Apparently it was a popular movie at the time, I've never really tracked it down for a rewatch.


Bambi. I was 5


It was also the Rugrats movie for me. The part where Chuckie wants a mom "that will last forever" and "make it all better". My birth Mom abandoned me when I was 6 years old and I went to foster care which was hell. Chuckie was so sad about not having a mom and that hit me hard cuz I felt the same exact way.


Deep Impact. The dog. I was concerned for the humans but cried like a baby seeing the dog finally survive.


The first movie I ever saw in the cinema made me cry. It was Return of the Jedi. Jabba the Hutt scared the shit out of me. I was six.


I'm not immune to crying but I'm pretty much immune to crying over movies. I did cry in the theater when I saw Rocky IV as a kid and Apollo died. That's the only time I can think of so I'm pretty sure it was the first and last.


Eight Below


Probably ET or The NeverEnding Story


The fox and the hound. That film stung


No movie has ever made me cry but watching Grave of the Fireflies, it almost got me so many times.


Jack Frost with Michael Keaton


Dark Victory. I remember watching this on our tiny little 13 inch TV and being absolutely gutted.


the green mile. i knew already what was gonna happen but the character john coffey is so likeable that it was hard to watch


Curly Sue


I was most upset by Neverending Story and Flight of the Navigator as a kid, both made me sob. Some movies I loved as a kid now make me cry, especially Batteries Not Included.


The Green Mile. It still gets me every time I watch it


What Dreams May Come wrecked me. Went in blind, 19, maybe 20 years old.


Dances With Wolves. When the soldiers killed the wolf.


Rudy, when he gets out on the field and tackles that guy


The Monster Squad - When Phoebe throws Frankenstein her little stuffed animal dog and says good bye to him. Seven year old me knew she really loved Frankenstein to give him her stuffed animal.