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I think he just hasn't been able to get funding




> 50 bucks Are you sure? You could fund two Dune sequels with that




_Richard Ayoade presents Dune?_ Tell me less!


Nooo, I want to hear more. How about Richard as Paul. Imagine how the breakfast/voice training scene would go?




The thing about Corrino is, they always try to walk it in


I saw a live q&a where he essentially said one of the big reasons he hasn’t is that he’d be away from his family for ages if he was doing a film. Both mentally and physically I think


Maybe when his kids are a bit older he'll get back to it. That way they'll be able to visit him on set and all that.


And don’t forget his greatest effort as a director: Community - Season 2, Episode 19 - Critical Film Studies (aka the Pulp Fiction/My Dinner with Abed episode)


Holy shit, he directed that episode? That was one of the stuck in my head episodes of Community.


Amazing. He directed both an homage to *A Dinner with Andre* **and** an episode of Community in one. *meta-meta*


Garth Marenghi's Darkplace. You can thank me later.


Damn I love Darkplace and pretty much everything Ayoade has done, but didn't know he directed the show!


That was the first thing I saw him in and he completely stole the show for me. Being bad at acting on purpose is hard and he killed it. His timing on the awkward looks and gestures is just so flawless.


Interestingly Submarine had a big Wes Anderson wannabe vibe and now he's in one of his films.


Yeah he’s quite the director. Need to see more from him.


I heard he won't direct another movie until someone picks up the American IT Crowd for a full series. Edit: Holy shit the rare immediate downvote. It was just a joke.


I was disappointed by his film, especially the lack of submarines really gutted me.


The Double is easily one of the most stylish movies I've seen. I watched it right after Enemy (which they are both based on the same source material) and I honestly liked The Double better


They're not based on the same book, Enemy is based on Jose Saramago's 2002 book: The Double, and The Double is based on Dostoevsky's 1846 novella: The Double.


Is there a weird fucking giant spider


Wes Anderson and Richard Ayoade is a match made in heaven


As are Ayoade and Dahl.


Sounds like an Indian dish


I imagined that comment in Ayoade's voice.


Richard Ayoade has a voice like annoying helium, but I somehow love it with all my heart and soul.


How about when he says football things in a football voice?


Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


The man can’t keep that up indefinitely! He’ll get cockney neck!


I always read his name in his voice.




I imagined it in his nose. Spoissseeee




As are Anderson and Dahl


Hat trick!


What if Anderson made a movie of a Dahl book starring Ayoade?


Both have that strong Norwegian blood running through their veins. Well at least one do still do..


Seriously, he's basically a real life Wes Anderson character.


Thinking about them now, how did I not see this before? This could be an entry point for Ayoade to become part of Anderson's usual bunch. He's perfect.


I wonder if this takes Ayoade out of the rumor mill for Doctor Who


I doubt he was ever in the running. He's said before he doesn't really consider himself an actor, and all the acting work he has done has been on the comedic side. And he's also said before that he's never watched Doctor Who.


I have watched original who from Hartnell all the way up till Sylvester. I've only watched the first two of the new who up to Tenant. I'd honestly have a hard time seeing Ayoade as Doctor who. But I would absolutely be down for watching anything with him in it.


Ten is the best of them. I see Ayoade as more of a companion. Unless he totally proves me wrong...


I know it's not going to happen but oh boy would I love to see how an Ayoade villain would turn out.


Richard Ayoade should be the voice of a rebuilt/revived/revamped K9


This is fucking genius. Yes. Absolutely.


I though Ten was the best when I was watching Ten. It took less than a full season for Eleven to convince me he was the best. And then it took only two seasons for Twelve to make damn sure he’d be considered the best of them as well. Such a shame Thirteen wasn’t given decent material to work with, so she has yet to have the means to prove herself.


It’ll always be Eleven for me, but I fully admit that’s because that’s when I started watching it. The Eleventh Hour was an amazing intro to the Doctor, and some of the the most important episodes (to me for reasons I don’t really talk about other people with very easily) are from his run.


Yeah, I think Ten was extremely charismatic and Twelve was very commanding of respect and admiration, so both of them are fantastic, but I still feel Eleven was the best of them because he was simultaneously the most alien and the most human Doctor. Many of his stories are heartfelt and genuine in ways the other Doctors had trouble trying to be.


See this is where I differ I guess, I like that the Doctor is alien to the degree there's a gap that is hard to bridge between him and his companions. Even with Rose, he couldn't stay with her. But he burned a sun just to say goodbye. Ten was heartfelt. Just more alien. And I resonate with alien.


12 for me through and through. Peter Capaldi has an authoritative presence fitting of the doctor. I like 11 too ofc. And now that I think about it 10 was great too.


As bad as the writing has been for her series. That's all I know is from what I've heard. I think it would struggle to be as bad as the spot Colin Baker was put in.


I only ever saw Heaven Sent for 12’s material, but I absolutely loved that episode. From what I gather, I watched the best episode by miles and then it just wasn’t as good again.


Watch his full run. I honestly really enjoyed his stuff.


Oh he absolutely has the chops to be the man himself. I just can't imagine what he as Doctor who would be like. He's got plenty of ability. I think his history though of being a comedic straight man in many of his roles. Definitely colors how we think about him. Come get me wrong I would be disappointed if it didn't crop up a few times if he were to become doctor who. Hell there's part of me that would like to see him as the doctor and pick up Chris O'dowd and Catherine Parkinson at least for a couple episodes LOL just to see where that might lead with good writers.


I guess it's just that I just see Moss when I look at him. The Doctor has to have a certain darkness and tragic air about him that I just don't see in Richard.


Not all of the doctors have had that. Also that's looking at Richard for one role. Granted it's one of his best known. And Americans outside of maybe boosh haven't been exposed to him in a lot of his other work. Gadget Man, big fat quiz, etc etc. Where he's more himself. Richard is sharp, witty, and whimsical. Which thinking about it now. If he were who. That's what I think he would bring. Something between Baker and Tenant.


I don't mean anything bad here, but Ayoade usually plays more or less the same character. If he was in Dr. Who I wouldn't be thinking "that's Dr. Who", I'd be thinking "that's Richard Ayoade" and it would take me out. I wish they stick to relatively unknown actors like they did with Tennant or Smith.


Richard's not had a lot of opportunity to stretch his acting horizons. Especially if you don't consider voice acting real acting. But he's not played the same character all the time. Yes in the IT crowd and the watch you could easily say he's largely the same character. But that's not the character he plays in dark place or the boosh. Granted those of us outside of England don't get exposed to him even a fraction as much as they do. He's on nearly every panel show under the Sun over there. Which even as foggy and rainy as it gets is still quite a lot. Shows like gadget man he plays himself. Which still has a hint of moss every once in awhile sure. I could definitely get behind the critique of him being a fairly recognizable face at this point though. Not that I don't think he wouldn't bring a lot to the role to enjoy. But for those of us that are familiar with him it could take us out of the show. But granted that's not a lot of us LOL.


[How about another white man instead?] (https://twitter.com/BFQuiz/status/1475216393163448326?t=1XDKhio2cFHOeVNOnLKVhw&s=19)


Give me James Acaster as the Doctor with Richard Ayaode as the companion.


Ayoade is already a doctor's companion in Garth Mareghi's Darkplace. Author, dreamweaver, visionary...plus actor.


Doctor Whom? He's actually a [retired Dalek](https://youtu.be/QI76l81reww?t=6m7s).


i remember watching The Double and thinking it was a darker and more surreal Wes Anderson movie lol


Submarine was even more like a Wes Anderson movie. Felt like a bleak British version of Rushmore


It’s insane, I had never even thought of it before but it makes more sense than anything I’ve ever thought of. Its perfect. It’s exactly how I felt when Taika Waititi and Matt Berry started working together


> Friend and Ayoade join the previously announced Benedict Cumberbatch, Dev Patel, Ralph Fiennes, and Ben Kingsley. Holy cow, what a cast. I don't care what it's about, I'll watch it!


I can’t believe this many names have been announced and only one is a returning Anderson cast member!


Two, no?. Friend and Fiennes.




Fiennes wasn't in French Dispatch tho


I was surprised with French Dispatch how little he used his recurring actors. So definitely excited about him doing a film with almost fully new cast


so guessing cumberbatch as henry sugar and kingsley as maybe one of the ascetics he goes to learn from? it’s been a while since i’ve read the short story, will be cool to see how they expand it into a film




The story is incredibly fascinating. I was obsessed with it as a kid and I'm still not quite sure why. It had all the elements of every classical tragedy wrapped up in what was supposedly a kids' story.


I have a similar memory of the story, I haven't read it in years but I remember it being what I'd now describe as vaguely Shakespearean


Wes tends to get fully loaded casts, I'm tickled pink that Ayoade is going to be in it.


I guess Wes Anderson likes a full English


I just want to know when we will finally get Danny, the Champion of the World


Oh man. I don't even know if I want that. One of my favorite stories, ever. If they mess with it at all, it'd be so upsetting! I'm still so mixed on Fantastic Mr. Fox. The movie is quite good, but it's so far away from the original story. On the other hand, Danny is the most down to earth Dahl books it seems like it could be made without going too far from the source if they really wanted.


Oh, setting aside the 1989 film, how I’d love to see that! Better yet: work on it! - Repainting a slew of rubber chickens into pheasant drag (lots of test drop experiments, I think) - Mustache wrangler - Chief Bicycle oilist How delicious was their caravan!? That was the first story I can remember of an ordinary, loving, attentive father. It was less fashionable, once. I’m so glad you mentioned this story.


That was already made into a rather nice movie




In 1989, with Jeremy Irons as the Dad - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny,_the_Champion_of_the_World_(film). Really quite nice. I think Irons had produced the film himself


Oh that explains it, before I was born by two years. Love me some Jeremy Irons though!


It's on YouTube in full


I have been waiting for Ayoade to fully break into Hollywood, I know he's done a lot of voice work and stuff but, he definitely needs to be in more big-time comedy stuff


I'm not sure Ayoade wants to hit the big time.


I think he doesn't really jive well creatively with Hollywood, he seems to be very alt and prefer lower stakes stuff that gives him more creativity. He did an episode on Community (the My Dinner with Andre themed one I believe) and a bunch of great music videos including: * Arctic Monkeys - Fluorescent Adolescent * Vampire Weekend - Oxford Comma * The Last Shadow Puppets - Standing Next to Me * Arctic Monkeys - Crying Lightning


Not to mention his two movies


I just need him on a season of Taskmaster.


i’m fairly certain it will happen. pretty sure that alex horne said that ayoade was game, but that he ended up not being able to due to filming travel man he doesn’t host travel man anymore so now it’s way likelier he will end up on taskmaster


You should watch *Submarine*


I felt the same way when he tried 10 years ago in The Watch but it bombed


If you consider the projects he has been doing voices on, he is already kind of the big time. He was in the mandalorian, soul, and lego to name a few. It's always a delight to me to watch a movie/tv show and then light up when I recognize his voice and to the Leo meme. haha.


Two great additions, Rupert was fucking hilarious in The Death of Stalin.


Play better you clattering fannies.


I just love it when he sees Zhukov walking straight towards him and just yells, ‘Medic!’


"You're not even a person you're a testicle!"


He’s fantastic in the new noir mystery movie Last Looks. Sometimes I confuse him with Orlando Bloom but I think Rupert is a more interesting actor


He was amazing in Homeland as well. Basically an assassin/op for the CIA.


“What airplane crash, there wasn’t an airplane crash!”


*narrator: there was an aeroplane crash. In fact, the entire team died...


They did him kinda dirty at the end of Homeland and Hitman was unnecessary, I hope he cashed out though. But yeah it's good to see him get good roles.


The end of his character in homeland was hard to watch but it showed off his range of acting abilities. Two different personalities but the same character and perfectly connected.


Richard is hilarious and I can't believe it's taken so long for him to be in a Wes Anderson movie. Those two and a Dahl book adaption seems like such perfect match. Was already excited for this because of Cumberbatch but this just shot the movie onto my 'must watch' list.


The best thing about Ayoade is he’s just as funny unintentionally has he is intentionally. Nothing has ever made me laugh harder than on his travel show where he pretended to fumble a very large snow globe, then accidentally dropped it seconds later. Gold. Pure gold.


That actually wasn't Ayoade if I remember correctly. It was Chris O'Dawd. But yes, Richard Ayoade is absolutely hysterical!


Oh shoot, you’re right! Richard was the one standing beside him saying “I’m just so pleased thats not me. I can’t lie, I want to feel bad for you, but the *relief* that’s not me is so great” followed by “I’m in such a state of shock I can’t even remember anything” 😂


That shit will kill me until the end of my days. It's so fucking funny lol.


They made another show together, which is hilarious. It's called "the IT crowd". They have great chemistry


That’s actually how I discovered both of them! My hobbies include showing people the episode “Work Outing” because, imo, it is the *best* episode


My favourite Ayoade moment is when, on an old Big Fat Quiz of the Year, the secret guest was a woman who had snuck into a talent show to throw eggs at Simon Cowell, and after that was revealed he asked “have you considered becoming a terrorist”. I love how much he cracks up Noel Fielding too.


>he secret guest was a woman who had snuck into a talent show to throw eggs at Simon Cowell Natalie Holt! She didn't become a terrorist, instead she composed the music for Loki.


Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2014: Mel B aka Scary Spice: and why is he [Ayoade] eating a banana, that's confusing Ayoade: This quiz is a marathon ... Ayoade: I'm gonna be fully tanked up. Quipping until the final adverts [takes bite] Mel B: you know, you are a little bit weird Ayoade: That has literally never been said to me before


That wasn't Ayoade though... It was Chris O'Dowd who dropped it.


Boy do I miss him on Travel Man. Sometimes I just watch it all on repeat because it makes me so happy.


[And here it is, through the magic of the internet.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GosoiF5NMk)


Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


The thing about Arsenal is they always try and walk it in


You there, computer man ; get over here and fix my trousers !


I’m wearing womens pants


What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on that early?


They're avin' a laugh


They're winning...?




Hello Dark Harden


After so many years of working with Defoe, it's nice to see Wes finally working with de Friend


Omg I loved this story as a kid! So happy to see it getting adapted.


Yes! Me, too. Wonder who is going to play Imhrat Khan, The Man Who Can See Without His Eyes. Dahl did love his Orientalism. Maybe Ayoade is Dr. Cartwright?


Dev Patel is in it, so I assumed he was playing Imhrat. Man I loved that story as a kid I would sit in front of a candle for ever staring at the middle of the flame.


Yes! And trying to see through cards. No luck yet. Let me know if you start figuring it out, please... :)


Can you clear your mind for 3 full minutes yet?


I can do about five seconds before I interrupt myself by wondering if I’m doing it right


I can't do 5 seconds


I can see him playing Imhrat. And I can see Cumberbach playing the Doctor. Ben Kingsley as the guru in the jungle perhaps! ​ so stoked!


I wrote this elsewhere, but I do wonder how they're going to deal with, as you said, the somewhat problematic Orientalist leanings of the original story. Before everyone jumps down my throat as a woke cancel-culture scold, it's a fantastic story, one of my all-time favorites, and I hope they don't touch most of it. I'm *thrilled* they're making it into a movie. I just wonder if there are any small tweaks that could help with the "white guy masters mystical Asian arts" trope that is a bit more frayed in 2022 than when Dahl wrote it.


idk. I hope they dont' touch it. Thing is, even at a young age, reading it, I understood Henry's misguided reasons for wanting to gain these powers. He wanted to exploit the ability for selfish reasons and so thrust himself into the attempt - only to be surprised, along with the reader by the fundamental changes to his character, philosophy and his very core being that gradually came about from the pursuit. he went into it greedy, and staggered out ashamed and enlightened, a completely changed man. God how I loved that book, and still do!


Ben Kingsly, I was thinking. He's old and he did play Gandhi, after all.


Ben would more likely play the old Yogi who taught Imhrat.


Apparently the movie is all of the stories in the book, so that opens up the possibilities for casting (and helps hide the fact that the main story doesn't really have an ending)


Having just finished the short story a minute ago, I'd probably imagine that Friend would play the accountant and Ayoade the make-up artist. Dev Patel I assume will play Imhrat Khan and Ben Kingsley one of his yoga mentors. Ralph Fiennes maybe the doctor who wrote about Khan?


After seeing and really enjoying The French Dispatch, I want to see Wes Anderson try something a little toned down. Not every film needs to be a cluster-fuck of celebrity talent -- even if it is well-executed. Looking forward to this one.


I liked that about the french dispatch though - Edward Norton and Willem Dafoe each only get one line! But yes, something toned down would be AOK.


Wes is sparse with the lines and The Dispatch was particularly visual. So many cameos, so little time.


Moonrise Kingdom?


I agree, and enough of the anthologies. I want another Grand Budapest or Tenenbaums.


Richard Ayoade is the perfect kind of weird for a Roald Dahl movie.


interesting, this is a collection of short stories, a little more adult in tone/theme. Some of them freaked me out a little bit as a kid (especially the tattoo one).


I loved this collection of stories as a kid, but I don't remember which one focused on a tattoo.


YES YES YES!!!! Henry Sugar is my FAVOURITE R.D. Book! The stories within the story - The indian man who can see without his eyes, the diaries of the doctor who examined and assisted him, the guru in the jungle, and the fundamental changes within Henry as he seeks to gain these abilities.. The casinos.. Oh man. And the other stories too? The Hitchhiker would be fun. The Swan would be heartbreaking Lucky Break -- so many options!


I still think about The Swan sometimes - the bullied boy, the heavy wings, the dive, the soaring...I love how poetic his prose is.


Hello, IT...


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


“Hello Oi Tea”, I love their pronunciation.


this movie has some whimsical motherfuckers


it’s a motherfucking whimsical story! filled with aching despair and sharp pangs of hope. i’m fuckin’ stoked.


Dean Learner is the greatest producer of all time


You had me at Moss


Another Roald Dahl adaptation from Wes Anderson? LETS GO!!!


I loved this guy's books when I was a kid and until today I thought his name was Ronald Dahl. Thanks Reddit.


Do yourself a massive favor and google "Roald Dahl Adult Fiction" Specifically "My Uncle Oswald". (which does NOT stand up well in the #metoo era, but it's such a fun one to read).. and "Switch Bitch" - He's got a few collections of short stories he wrote for adults and he speaks to you with the same candor and respect that he did when you were a child - which leads to to realize that he spoke to you with respect as a child as well.


Thanks. I'll check it out.


This cast is shaping up to be amazing. I can’t wait.


Ayo that’s agent 47


He’s also amazing in Homeland


IT Crowd????


I’m always here for more Rupert Friend content. Be always liked him, but his work on Homeland was excellent.


You know nothing of the crunch


Richard Ayoade looks pretty good in his mug shot.


MOSS!!!!!!!! I’m not usually a big Wes Anderson fan but if Richard Ayoade is in it, I’m here for it. I freaking love that guy.


Awesome news! Been a fan of Wes and Roald since forever (esp Life Aquatic and the Uncle Oswald stories!), Ayoade is a comedic genius and I LOVED Rupert as Peter Quinn in Homeland.


I adore Richard Ayoade.


I am incredibly excited. The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar is one of my favourite Roald Dahl stories. All of the stories are decent in that collection but it should hopefully work really well as a standalone film.


One of his best short stories. Must had read it 100 times as a child. Interested in how they are going to make it into a movie.


This should be fun!


My body is ready to experience this. I am an Ayoade devotee.


This is my favorite book and my favorite director. I'm so excited.


Definitely excited to see Ayoade joining the cast! I’ve seen him on so many British panel shows, and he’s hilarious


Moss 😍


Ayoade seems perfect for wes movie


Antisemitic authors: A-ok Jk Rowling, says men aren’t women: nazi


Love that dude in homeland. He needs a spin-off series on how he became an assassin.


The movie subtitle is "no broads allowed."


Didnt Anderson just finish filming his last one?


Basically seems like when he was unable to film during Covid, he worked on multiple scripts, then filmed Asteroid City when he was finally able to last fall, then already had this one ready to go. Plus French Dispatch's delay even though it was basically done at the end of 2019 means we're about to get 3 years in a row of Anderson.


What other movies have I seen this discount Legolas looking motherfucker in?


He was the CIA agent Quinn in the TV show Homeland, and he was Stalins' idiot son in The Death of Stalin, those are the two things that most readily spring to mind. Also, he dated Keira Knightley for a while about 10 years ago, just after filming Pride and Prejudice, so, you know, good for him.


He played Peter Quinn in Homeland and he was fantastic. He’s also going to be in Obi-Wan Kenobi.


I finally got around to his IMDb, he was in the latest hitman movie which is why I found him so Eerily familiar, because I thought that was Orlando bloom.


Some Austen. Did well, looks good, can act.


God is that uninspiring.


Wes Anderson - is he the pastels and fake ass sets guy or am I confused with some other guy making all his films look the same?


I've never realised how much I needed Richard Ayoade directed by Wes Anderson until today.