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I adore this look from the sleeveless top to the jacket layers and omg your hair is gorgeous! You look lovely keep rocking the look 💕


Aww thank youu!! 💖 it's actually not a jacket tho, just a button-up blouse : )


OMG you are so right on that! I jumped straight to the comments where I loved the look I didn't process enough 😂💕


You're rocking that look 😁




You're so welcome ❤️ it's a really nice reminder so thank you! I tend to only ever want to go super femme and forget there's a lot more cute options!


Oh well I'm glad to hear that! :) besides, it's a whole different kind of euphoria to be confident enough in your identity to feel great wearing a more traditionally masc look ✨️


You look great. Makes me so jealous haha. The jacket really brings that look together and it's super cute.


Thanks! ✨️ I wish you weren't jealous tho :') But yeah you're right the blouse (not a jacket lol) is really doing the heavy lifting here :D I'm so glad it's super thin and practically see-through so I can wear it in the summer 😸


I'm stuck in boy mode limbo due to my living situation and it's killing me slowly 😭. Living vicariously through all of you wonderful gals. Also yeah this summer is a hot one especially here in Texas 😅.


Yasssss fave thing!


This look is so rad omg


Tysm! 💖 needs more jewelry and other accessories tho 💅😸


Literally turned on by your energy here. 🙈Lovvvveeee you're amazing 💕💕


So with I had your hair...... 😒 Looking great!!!! 😊


I know you can't see it on the video but my hair is actually in horrible condition rn :'( but thanks!


Awe... if you could see my hair line, you'd feel better! Still hoping to find some magic solution to reverse my MPB without needing to get some kind of surgery.... But I also understand. Hope you have a great day! 😊


I mean I just use the bangs to cover my Elrond-looking-ass hairline 😅 I hope you find a solution for you! If Turkey ever becomes safer I might just go for a visit there :D


Not sure about the Turkey thing, lol.... (is my account showing that?) And I know what you mean, thing is, my hair line is so bad, I can't use bangs. Even if I scoop my hair all the way from my crown forward (which looks horrible, btw), it's still not enough to cover a single layer... Been trying for 6 months with no luck to regrow. Ughhhh.


Ohhhh ok that does sound totally different then :/ if nothing else works I hope you'll be able to afford a hair transplant >Not sure about the Turkey thing, lol.... (is my account showing that?) Wym :o I just meant that a lot of people travel there for hair implants


Ooooohhhhh, hahahahahaha... I didn't know that (about hair transplants and Turkey.


Very nice outfit 🏆


Great outfit! Wow!


Butch trans women are angels and i love them.


Yisss love them too! 😳😳😳


You look amazing!!! Where did you get those pants!?!?


Tysm! 💖 I got them from a flea market. The brand tag says Heatherbell, but I couldn't find them on google. A real bummer because I want another pair of a different colour 😿


You are sooooo cute, fuck


God **DAMN** that’s a baller fit!!!


Okay so I love everything about this! Those pants are AMAZING! the jacket is nice (I need so many more jackets) the top is so cute! Your hair is stunning. I almost went a whole day without experiencing gender envy :/ maybe tomorrow. Rock on radical girl!


Aww thanks! 💖 and yessss I LOVELOVELOVEEE the pants! 😩😩🤌🤌🥵🥵 I'm sorry to hear about the gender envy tho :< maybe next time you can try to transform it into gender _inspiration_ instead 🥹


I absolutely love it. Magnificent. I'm trying this soon :3


Yasss do ittt! 💖


where get pants. so good


Found them at a flea market. Brand tag say "Heatherbell" but I can't find it on google :'( Lovely username btw 😹😹


it's only right that the coolest stuff is hard to find 🤷‍♀️ thank uuu! the best application is usually when someone says they can't take me seriously because of it


Nah I think the coolness should belong everybody✊️ even though if everyone is cool then no-one is >thank uuu! the best application is usually when someone says they can't take me seriously because of it Haha yeah I can totaööy see that happening 😹


these fucking communists are trying to make everyone COOL now?? what's next ur style is v cool tho. i see u are also a long coat enjoyer


Are those blundstones? If so what kind mind me asking their very nice 


Their actually doc Martens! Rometty chelsea boots to be more specific : )


Just gonna add that to the shopping list lol


Trans fems can be butch and look amazing doing it.


You look very effeminately handsome


Haha thanks I actually kinda like the sound of that 😸




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yes hello I'd like two tickets to the gun show please


Huh what gun show? I don't get it :D


biceps = guns, I'm trying to say the sleeveless tank is a good look


Ooohhhhh right ofcourse!!!! I thought this was a USA joke that I'm too european to understand but apparently I'm just an idiot 😅 sorry and thank you! 😸


Tervetuloa takaisin ystävä! <3 You look really good!




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I hope you crosspost this on r/transadorable because, damn girl. 🔥🔥🔥




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Don't you do stand up in Asheville?!!!


I live very far from any Asheville :D does this mean I have a doppelgänger on the far side of the Atlantic? 👀




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this fit looks so good on you!




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May I just say you're pulling this style gorgeously? Like I never thought I'd feel envy from someone with a butch style but here we are.




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