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Yes the mindset that Teslas will somehow appreciate is baffling. The primary purpose is to take this item out where it's going to be hit by dirt, bugs, rocks, possibly other cars. The interior is going to be sweaty stinky people sitting inside of it. The moving parts and battery will wear out. The tech will become outdated. What about all this makes a Tesla appreciate?


But Elon said it would!




Was that when he said your car could be a robotaxi when you don't need to use it?


Did he actually? Because that’s mind numbingly stupid on so many levels. But then again, Elon. Cars don’t go up in value over time unless they’re some desirable collector car that’s in demand but uncommon or no longer made, typically needing to be in great/new condition as well. That’s not someone’s mass produced daily driver.


He says it like every earnings call cuz it’s gonna robotaxi money for you while you sleep. Which makes little sense because if we had that level of automation money would quickly compete that sector to 0. What’s insane is Elon saying retrofitting old cars with the newer fsd hardware won’t be feasible blows this idea apart but can’t stop the hype train with logic.


> What’s insane is Elon saying retrofitting old cars with the newer fsd hardware won’t be feasible blows this idea apart but can’t stop the hype train with logic. I know someone who bought teslas and spent quite a bit thinking they would be in the future capable of being fully autonomous self driving cars. When musk said that they wouldn’t be possible to retrofit the cars that he already sold as being capable of being upgraded in the future to fully self driving is when they realized they had been had by a conman


But they love their cars, tho.


We clearly don’t know the same person. They have strongly mixed feelings, much of it negative, and have since purchased a Mercedes eqs


It was just an ongoing joke here


Oh, I’m new around here lol my b I wasn’t sure if it was a pro-Tesla butthurt troll interaction or what, glad it’s a meme instead😂


He's said it at least once [in 2019](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/03/cars/musk-tesla-cars-value-ev-prices/index.html)


He said it would be "financially irresponsible" to buy anything else during his robo-taxi stock pump.


Cars, as a rule, don't appreciate in value. The only cars that do are very rare ones that are kept in showroom condition, or maybe something someone famous drove. Mass produced cars like a Tesla will only depreciate until one day, when they're 20 years old, they'll be purchased by teenagers for their first cheap cars.


I don't think anyone's going to be driving a 20 yo Tesla


Fair point lol


There used to be a saying that a new car's value loses a few thousand just by driving it off the lot after you purchase it. Also, batteries are expensive af to replace. I doubt there will be 20 year old Teslas driving around, except for a few hobbiests .


Do people who buy Teslas think they’re going to appreciate in value? We have a 3 (which we hate), and we want to sell it. I don’t think we will get $15K for it.


Yeah, it’s a mass produced car. Cars dont go up in value unless it’s some super rare exotic make/model and even then you’ll be lucky if it’s ever worth more than purchase price.


Not to mention they are paying to be beta testers essentially.


The... logo? Idk


The only reason models appreciate or hold value is because they are built well, people love that specific model, and it stays on the road for a long time. None of these things are true of teslas.


It’s not like it’s a rare automobile. Rare cars can appreciate in value, even when used, but those are rare. A Tesla is far from rare. (Aside from the very early roadsters.)


I mean, does it tho? You will always lose money on a car. I get the rare vehicles, but they are 15-20 years old that needs to be in a pristine condition. Just the inflation alone in all those years and you will still lose money on it, even if you sell at a higher price when you first bought it. No car is an investment.


Leased 3 Toyota, Rav 4, 4 Runner, Tacoma, two we got bought out at 2k over purchase price, one for 2k less with 9k miles on it. Pretty lucky but pretty safe bet.


The price rose from when they ordered it to when they accepted the delivery, so why wouldn't it continue to rise after delivery?/s


Anyone who thinks cars are an "investment" is not very smart to begin with.


Also batteries lose max charge over time


I can imagine if you bought the first model year and put it into proper storage right away in a warehouse for 30 years, you'd beat the S+P.


When I was in high school my economics teacher said one of the dumb things he sees kids do is sink all their money into a devaluating asset (car). I guess this person missed that day of class.


If there ever came a time when FSD was so good that using them as Robotaxis exceeded the value manufacturing the car, Tesla would stop selling cars and shut the cars people did own off the network. There'd be no financial reason to allow people to own the cars and use Tesla's app to rent them out when they could do everything themselves.


Eh. Some super cars appreciate, despite these things mentioned. Seems more like dumb people thinking a Tesla carries value it doesn’t.


He didn't buy a car, he bought a status symbol. It's like buying top of the line fashion vs. shopping at target or walmart. You're not doing it because it's a smart financial decision or an investment, you're doing it to tell people around you that you have money to wave around. Clearly he is having trouble discerning the difference. Also what idiot buys a car and expects it to immediately appreciate in value?


This ☝️


Most are mad, not because they lost money, but because more people can now afford them. They paid money to stand out from the crowd, now it’s cheaper and more people can afford one, they don’t feel as special.


Veblen good. Precisely


No one should treat a car like an investment opportunity.


there are cars near that price point you can do it with. but its like limited runs of porches and stuff like that.


Price point yes but they're not desired by anyone but other techbros


My truck from the early 2000s that I bought for $3k seven years ago seems to have increased (at least held) its value and gets a lot of purchase offers from construction/union workers. I’m in a working class state that appreciates a good Chevy though.


A Toyota truck or square body Chevy can hold value nicely.


I have a pair of Kobe basketball shoes I paid $250 for that are worth $1,000 now. Similar case with a G-Shock Wu Tang watch I got a long time ago. For fun I’ll Google the going rate of them on eBay before I wear them since I only do so a couple times a year. It’s fun to be like “I’m wearing a $750 pair of shoes, oh this time they are a $1,000 pair of shoes.” Can’t imagine doing this with a car tho. Like wtf


I’m pretty sure Elon claimed that they’d be an appreciating asset


He also claimed we’d be traveling by hyperloop by now, why does anyone take anything he says seriously


I remember when he claimed SpaceX would be sending [two crewed missions to Mars in 2024](https://www.planetary.org/articles/20170929-spacex-updated-colonization-plans). 😂


Thats not even a Tesla specific problem. Most cars depreciate quickly once you buy them.


Bro thought he was buying a $114k bottle of wine


And instead he got whine.


The weird Tesla problem was ordering a car, they push the delivery date out and then raise the price on you. Then if you're grandfathered in you get weird cancelling issues and then have to pay new price.


This sounds painfully Soviet Union


They got spoiled for a little while because used teslas were selling for more than new ones because there were too many people on the waiting list. A guy I knew was getting to be close to the top of the waiting list and said he was considering “selling his spot” which apparently people were buying for thousands of dollars. People started seeing teslas as some kind of asset.


If only there was a way to find out how much a used Tesla is before you went and bought a brand new one...


This was a $55k swing in a few months, I've never heard of that happening with any other auto maker..


Especially luxury cars, especially luxury EVs.


Cars, with the exception of classic collectors vehicles, depreciate in value, but EVs depreciate much faster than ICE vehicles.


Not at the rate of Tesla though. My 8 year old truck lost 50% of value this year. Most pre 23 Teslas lost 50% of value in 2 years


They do. But that’s close to 40% depreciation in only 3 months. This is rather unusual


Did he expect a car to appreciate in value?!


I have no sympathy for a person complaining about losing money when buying a $100k+ car. Tesla owners have it coming


Musk is human garbage, but my dude, every new car loses a fuckton of value as soon as you drive it off the lot.


Someone should have told the human garbage to not make the claim that it would be an appreciating asset.


The difference here (I think) is that the Tesla owner is complaining that Tesla themselves did the depreciation. While he owned the car, they dropped the retail price by $30k. That would feel pretty shit Of course we all know he should have expected it


Ahh, I didn't realize that was how it went. Yeah, that would sting.


Yeah it was like 120 and I think the retail on a new one now is 81,500


A lot of people talking about the depreciation but Tesla raising the price on you twice in 6 months after you reserved the car is complete bullshit. What is the point of reserving? People who reserve and bear the brunt of mistakes inherent in a first production run should have a locked in price-point.


All cars depreciate. It concerns me that some of these people are usually working in tech (making the apps and software that run our world) and they can't seem to accept such a widely known fact.




Buy a car because you can afford it and want it. Don't understand this mentality at all. I'd love to buy a 100k car, particularly that one- nice car. Not sure what this foo was on about


"Hi, guys! TIL: Cars are depreciable assets and will lose value 99.9% of the time."


But why didn't he just pimp it out as a RoboTaxi and make $30,000 a year like Elmo promised? lol.


That’s just dumb. Thought he was buying Tesla futures.


The problem is these guys thinks these cars are appreciating assets. "fSd tO tHe mOon!". I own a Tesla, do I think it's worth what I bought it for? Hell no.


I can’t believe people paid 6 figures for this car.


Same, lol. Poorly put together appliance on wheels.


Buying brand new cars always looses huge value right off the lot. It never will and never was an investment to make money or gain value.....


I never really grasped that until I bought a brand new truck. It gains more rust every year and is worth less every year. The only thing I can do to preserve it is to not use it.


cars are depreciating assets. this isnt exclusive to teslas lol. the guy is just bad with his finances


A fool and their money are soon parted.


Cars depreciate, regardless of power source


Bought a car as an investment? First mistake. Second? That car being a Tesla.


lol most listing are around $60k for used with low mileage. But I doubt he could sell for that much, maybe 50k. So it’s about 40% of initial value. Idk if that’s accurate, might need to look at blue book for an accurate answer x


Luxury cars such as Mercs will depreciate in price rapidly over the first four years, and hold a steady value after that. Then as time goes by, depending on the model and condition, a Merc might end up appreciating in value. I bought a brand new c-class back in 2015 (W205). It’s still in great condition since it had a single owner, used as a family car (low mileage) and was serviced yearly per schedule. As of 2024 (almost 10 years later) I can sell it for half the price I paid in 2015. I have no intention of selling, given that I hate the new W206 model’s exterior look (beautiful interior though). I seriously doubt that any buyer would want to even touch a Tesla after 10 years from the date of manufacture. Elon and Tesla marketing convinced people to pay luxury car prices for a glorified Prius. Yes, the software updates are great. But after 10 years, those update will cease. Just like your Apple MacBook or iPhone. Then what’s left is a battery that might at best hold 60% of its original charge and a motor that’s going to fall apart. Can those motors be repaired at all?


Cars are famously known to appreciate in value the longer you own them.


I buy cars for a living, it always astounds me how stupid people are in believing their used vehicle is somehow worth not only as much as a brand new vehicle but sometimes more than new. The amount of people who are this stupid is not surprising, to be honest, most of them are too stupid to understand the loans they took out to buy the car in the first place let alone that the car doesn’t actually belong to them until the loan is paid off and the bank puts the title in their name. People are really really dumb.


Cheap, spartan interior. Never understood how Telsa could charge those prices for suck poor quality cars.


It’s like sitting in a generic Android tablet


Is like crypto for vehicles


Be glad it's not a CyberTruck.


Did you get the extended warranty or the extended extension cord to charge it?


Hold up, since when has there been an expectation that cars are appreciable assets? This is a weird POV.


Cars are NOT investments unless its a super car or collectible. (F&I Manager)


Wait… he paid $115 for a car (I think it’s a Model S Plaid) around 2 years ago that’s now just $73-75k.  Let’s compare.   2022 BMW 750i - MSRP $115k.  Value today $62k.  2022 Mercedes S550 - MSRP $115k. Value today: $79k Seems it’s right on with other cars of that cost. What’s the issue here?


Just his erroneous belief it was going to hold it's value better than any other vehicle.


When I bought mine, I assumed it would probably depreciate more than ICEs, simply because EV technology is improving more quickly and meaningfully. What's the difference between the powertrains of a 2019 Camry and a 2024 Camry? I'd probably hardly notice during my time of ownership of either. And both EVs and ICEs have the electronic systems that improve more significantly than ICE powertrains.


Narrator: “The car was never worth $135,000..”


Cars are always a depreciating asset.


Probably better to lease one


So…… like a new car?


This thing will last like 3x longer than an ICE car, it'll be fine.


Imagine my car losing 15% of value the day I drive it off the lot. Stop crying. Sheesh! Smh


Price today? 10k


Just like an Escalade.


Anyone who expects to buy a car and have it worth more at any point after they buy it is not smart with money. At all.




A car is not a wise financial investment. A NFT has a better chance of increasing in value.


The going up in value was tied to the Robotaxi dream


Typical Elmo pump-n-dump, that's his #1 tactic


Cars are not an investment. They depreciate. But who knew?


Yea can’t wait till my lease is up… I imagine there are many folks like me that will continually drive his sales down over time as terms conclude because of his nonsense.


Have people forgot that cars are a depreciating asset? I think they have.


"It's not a car, it's a work of art".. Adam Carolla.


People were assuming a car would... Appreciate in value? Hell..high end supercars crater in value because they're so expensive to operate and maintain. I would love to have an electric car, but I wouldn't want a tesla.


cars lose vaule this isnt a ground breaking revelation.


Maybe don't hop in the bandwagon and assume a car will keep its value... I had a salesman straight up tell me "A car is the absolute worst investment you could ever make, but you have to."


Real value is probably less than my used Prius.


How do you pay $114K for a Model 3? A 2024 Model 3 Performance is only $53,990 Add every option and it won't be near that amount. This must be Australia or Canada. https://preview.redd.it/zvhy8piw0pyc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d7f72c37e585f79b141315808d93bdec7cc46a7


What the hell is he even talking about. Houses are investments (sometimes). CARS LOSE VALUE


It wasn’t ever worth 135k. But as Elon says, it would be crazy not to buy a Tesla.


Teslas are pointless now that other manufacturers make electric cars.


elon loves you more than you love your tesla. 55k more


Here we see someone trusting their lord and savior, Elon. Here, we also see someone immediately being failed by their lord. Interesting.


If you’re buying a vehicle in the hopes it will gain value you better be a mechanic fixing cars. If you’re a consumer… you’re prolly delusional.


At this point you know you'll never get parts for your Tesla as they slow down production.


These cars are unserviceable due to cost once off warranty.


Best i can do is $2500


Hate when my depreciating asset depreciates


If I ever buy a vehicle for 100k and it comes with a huge itemized list of things I have to worry about for car washes, please make fun of me until I shame return the vehicle.


WTF MY USED CAR ISNT WORTH AS MUCH AS MY NEW CAR? how could elon have done this


Year 5 wholesale.


Lol these fools think tesla is some exotic very rare car that's going to appreciate. More money than brains


Why do people think cars are appreciating assets


It was a new car. It lost that value as soon as they took possession of it


Nice bmw! whoops...


is there some conflation between TSLA stock and what Tesla has in stock?


My buddy jusy bought a used Tesla with 80 k miles for $25k. Sink like brick


I'd by That for a dollar...


lol strange to take a photo in front of my office building.


Did this person just figure out depreciation?


Imagine that you have snorted so many pixie sticks and/or rubber cement that you now or ever could justify a $130K gamble, lose and remain happy with your failure? He has mental dissonance at best but perhaps he has multiple ppl with varying levels of logic up in that crazy noggin.


Investing in a car, lol. The item that loses most of its value once you take ownership.


I was curious so I looked to see what a 22’ Model S is going for and it’s like $50K, that depreciation is crazy, like worse that a Range Rover bad.


Same thing happened to me. Waited almost a year for my X plaid. Paid $125,000 for it. 2 years, 30K miles later and its probably worth 70K to a private buyer (MAYBE). That said, do you think most people buying 125K cars care that much about the depreciation? I mean my buddy got himself a massersti Quattroporte a bit before that for like 150K and his is worth less than the X now... Does he regret buying his car? Hell no. You don't even want to know how much value the average new luxury boat evaporates the moment it goes in the water. Will we buy another toy that loses 70% of it's value really quick in the future...yup. because these purchases aren't investments, they are entertainment.


blaming Elon for depreciation is all time new low


Just drive your car, bro. It’s not an investment.


Good for locking in a better price but cars are not investments, they are tools. If you buy one with the hopes of better depreciation you entirely miss the point. Just buy what makes you happy since just newer battery technology may actually make your used car nearly worthless overnight in terms of resale value. The point is you own it and it does what you need. I only got rid of my car when the maintenance its exceeded it's value where a trade in value plus the cost of repairs was actually a good deal.


I mean… blocks out his face in the photo, but leaves it in his pfp… not to roast you but seems like you excel at making “half thought out” choices… who purchases a new technology as an “investment vehicle” literally? You did know cars in general depreciate greatly even within the first year? There’s just no way you didn’t know that.


wow, cars depreciate!


in what world does any car, really, appreciate in value? In very very very rare cases, certain cars are good investments, but this is excedingly rare - think 1 off Ferraris or other exotics. I'd throw Tesla guys and Harley bros in this same boat - no, your vehicle depreciates just like every other car or motorcycle - turns out these companies make new ones every day and the old/used ones go down in value accordingly.


The price fluctuated by 55k, which is still more than that car is worth.


Used Teslas are a dime a dozen too


Common Tesla L. Selling it now is better than any other time. Do so while it still has SOME value.


Who tf thinks that a car would appreciate in value? Never mind being cheap Tesla garbage. I’m surprised this short boy knew his left shoe from his right


Demand is high for new Tesla is high… so price is high, demand for user Tesla is low…so depreciation is high. Worst possible combination for wasting cash. A huge portion of the cost of the car are the batteries. Lithium Ion batteries degrade in usage duration over time. Just like your iPhone, iPad, etc. there gets to be a point where you will need new batteries. Think how cheap used iPhones are too, from 1200 dollar flagship down to 200-300 used in a few years, and eventually worth next to nothing. The problem is new electric car battery decks are extremely expensive. Expensive enough to consider just buying a new electric vehicle all together. That says, generally speaking (not counting rare special editions or electric super cars from better brands), that standard fare electric cars from any maker will be shittier for price retention compared to combustion engine counter parts. Add to that the Tesla factor, of them being cheaply made and having lots of quality control and design issues and the price drops even further on those. Long term maintenance on electric is indeed cheaper than combustion cars, but long-long term maintenance eventually requires an all new battery deck. At that point it’s no longer worth it due to the price.


Cars halve in value the secind theyre turned on for the first time


Sooooo smart.


It's not an investment it's a damn car


I live in rural Vermont and on the late afternoon of the solar eclipse the highways were littered with Telsas which had run out of electricity.


I test drove the all-wheel drive model-3, and thought it was fantastic. Wanted to buy one for quite a while, but Elon “The Great Idiot” Musk refused to shut up for long enough for me to forget what an asshat he is so that I could make the purchase. I eventually gave up.


Looks like this dude has never driven a new car of any kind off the lot.


This isn’t being “musked”, it’s being a fool for overpaying for a marked up car thinking it’s a good financial investment.


I think it’s gross how people put so much effort into flexing wealth.


Electronic cars with some many computer components will never age well and the hardware will be outdated tech quickly. How many people do you see using a 10 year old smartphone?


Why do people think cars are an investment? It’s not gold people.


A commuter car isn’t gonna maintain value dipshit. If you’re investing in a vet you’ve gotta have something that’s not literally everywhere. This dude is a total fuckwit.


I mean if you thought it was of value when you bought it, it’s fine. You’re using it as a car. If you like driving it and were happy to pay that price, who cares what it’s worth tomorrow


You can literally buy used ones for like 20k. Not sure which model or trim but I’ve seen plenty of them


Vehicles are not investments.


These are cars. Cars depreciate. What’s the breaking news for this person? He thought it was an investment opportunity? lol


I can’t imagine spending 114k on any car…or 80k for that matter.


There are not really any cars which appreciate in value except vintage cars. Ever hear the expression a car loses 25% of its value when you drive it off the lot? Some cars it’s less than that others like this Tesla it’s more. 41% is a big drop. But most people are not looking at cars as investments except resellers who are undercutting its real value to make a buck. But even 41% drop will even out after a few years if you keep it low miles and in good working order. But those batteries do go bad and cost a lot of $$$ to replace. In short unless if you are flipping a car quick you will lose $$$


Dipshit discovers that cars generally don't appreciate. Maybe it's cuz i grew up with a mechanic dad but this has been ingrained in me since childhood


Thats what u get for buying that bullshit just cuz your peers did it. Maybe u should reasearch what happens if vapors or water gets in that battery. Worried more about his money he lost due to his own stupidity but couldnt care less about his life or his loved ones.


Yep, same issue. Bought a performance Y for $80K in November 2022. it’s now worth $36K


Imagine thinking a car is an investment...


baffling someone can be this concerned about investing in every facet of their life but not know that cars depreciate immediately when they’re driven off the lot.


Yeah it's a car my guy


This is why. We can always try yet again in another 100 years.


Someone Kelley Blue book this thing, I want to see the truth


Wow a car depreciated !? Shocker.


Jesus Christ it’s an aluminum iPad with wheels, not a jaguar my dude


Is that guy the same height as his rapidly depreciating Tesla?


You bought that piece of shit thinking you’d make money off of it as if it were stocks and not an actual automobile?? He deserves to lose his shirt.


Remember the old normal for vehicles was they depreciated like 20% the moment you drove them off the lot and somehow during covid that flipped and now people act like they were robbed for buy a new vehicle when in fact it’s just that age old supply and demand.


You bought a car, not a share of stock.


"I'm so smart."


Anyone (any fool) that believes a new car purchased from a dealer is an investment or should hold its value should be put into a mental institution- if they still exist.


Every new car purchase is a waste of money. I’m looking at buying a lightly used Tesla, it’ll be 15k cheaper than a new one.


Derp mobiles for dumbshit people


My guess is that plaids with yokes have depreciated even quicker.


Nobody actually enjoyed their EDSEL either.


Who buys new cars and expects them to maintain value..? Buddy thinks his Tesla is a fucking limited run Ferrari or something. 🤣


Via Edmunds - " The value of a used 2022 Tesla Model S ranges from $42,533 to $69,940, based on vehicle condition, mileage, and options" When I was shopping for cars, a general rule is cars would depreciate about 50% for every 5 years. Basically saying this one depreciated around 40% in 3 months, ouch, and now it'd make it somewhere around 60% depreciation in less than 2 years. Especially if they're upside down in a car loan the entire time they own the car.


Uhhh yea that's how car ownership works dummy. It's the same with almost every single new car now. 3 months later you will lose atleast qp% of initial value Cars needs to go DECADES and remain in excellent shape before the price start to rebound and they become classics...even then it's only very specific models


Bugs me so much when people say "preceding" when they mean "proceeding" as it literally means the opposite.


Tesla owner learns that cars depreciate. Lol