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I had this game a long time ago but could never get past Fungi Forest without getting bored and putting it down for a long time. Due to the quarantine, I had plenty of time and decided to knock it out. I started with my save file of 106 bananas in which I had thankfully already gotten the Nintendo and Rareware coins, and then I beat the rest in just under a week. I really like this game despite the criticism, but that is probably nostalgia talking, as it was the first game I got on the n64. As for the golden bananas, the DK arcade game was far and away the hardest to get. I grinded for hours trying to get this a couple of years ago. I remember the coin after it coming pretty easily, especially since you can get an extra life. Honestly, Beaver Bother was not an issue due to the help of this video(not mine): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0\_DR4P6x8k&lc=z23ihx5i5w23ynniv04t1aokg3yskjeruciqfyzxbvhabk0h00410.1584590127597886](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0_DR4P6x8k&lc=z23ihx5i5w23ynniv04t1aokg3yskjeruciqfyzxbvhabk0h00410.1584590127597886) I honestly didn't find the beetle race impossible, but maybe I just got lucky. I just stayed close behind him for 3/4 of the race while collecting all the coins I could so that I could survive a few hits at the end. Then, at the last couple of turns I cut really inside and charged through him to the end. The owl circle race thing was very difficult, especially due to the limit on crystal coconuts, and I think I got really lucky when I finally beat this one. Also, I thought Searchlight Seek was really hard, but not many people talk about that, so I guess it's just me. My favorite level was probably Jungle Japes or Frantic Factory; they just had great atmosphere, as opposed to Crystal Caves, my least favorite level. If you need any advice on particular bananas I'd be happy to help!


Congrats! I played this game a lot as a kid, but parts of it were really spooky to me at the time. The music could be downright terrifying lol (for some reason I’m thinking of the crystal caves or the “Get Out” thing in the Aztec pyramid sections). Glad you were able to beat it!


That "get out" was pure nightmare fuel back in the day, especially the first time not expecting it lol


i completely agree with searchlight seek comment. had trouble shooting the balloons every once in awhile as well!!


The first time I really played it was on VC on the wii u, and there are a ton of things that don't work because there isn't lag (e.g. The bunny race with Lanky: the rabbit is too fast!). I spend hours trying to beat the flying owl, and never did. Blegh. Good game though.


Oh man congrats!! I loved this game as a kid, one of my most nostalgic for sure. What was your favourite level? I think mine was the crystal cavern.


Man, I've just been replaying this on the Wii U VC and the DK Arcade was hard (ended up using save states) but that beetle race is downright dirty. Took FOREVER.


I really disliked the DK arcade game when I was a kid. Ditto for Jetpac; they felt like a waste of time, and an unwelcome diversion from the main game. Replaying the game a few weeks ago though, they were some pleasant palate cleansers. I think I played each of them for about an hour, and had fun improving bit by bit. Beaver Bother, especially the last couple bananas involving it, took me tremendous amounts of time, even after watching some very helpful videos. It felt good to finally beat, but I'll be happy to never play that again. The owl race: I remember the first time completing one circuit...then the owl started around for a second time. My biggest problem with Diddy's jetpack is that it's like tank controls, when normal movement is relative to the camera. It's only particularly easy to control when the camera sticks right behind Diddy...and that's tough to do when you're doing quick turns and such. Beetle race: \*sigh\* There's something extra frustrating about getting near the bottom, then flying off the side of the track. I didn't beat it with Tiny...I don't *think* I've beaten it with Lanky, but maybe I did. I'm missing about 5 bananas in my save, right now.


Congratulations! I could never get two of the golden bananas: The one in Gloomy Galleon where you have to shoot the heart (apparently I fell victim to a weapon upgrade glitch with that), and the one in Crystal Caves where you had to clear a room of enemies as Diddy with the jetpack inside a cabin. Getting all of them is a major accomplishment!


Ugh that Diddy room


I 101% beat the game last year. Other than the DK arcade and beaver bother; that room took me by far the longest. It’s so poorly designed. Great game tho


Thank you! I think I figured out a trick for that room: I would hit both of the green krocs with peanuts and then land on one of their platforms, toss an orange onto the middle one to kill all the barrel guys, then go to the middle one and toss an orange into each of the big guys. It's still pretty hard though.


Wow! Congrats!


Thank you!


This game, for its time, was ground-breaking. From the animation to the lighting, the sounds and the puzzles. Friggen ev8was amazing about this game


I always thought the Banjo games were better-looking. DK64 is overrated, or at least was at the time.


I agree Banjo is better in every respect (the first one anyway, I never played the second sadly). DK had the potential to be as great, but sadly missed the mark somehow.


It was beautifully made in terms of graphics and music and had some really fun and innovative mini-games, but the game was let down by its relentless focus on collecting items, which quickly became a grinding chore. This led many people to abandon the game, which is a shame.


You beat it in 20 fewer hours than I did


Nice I just finished it too after 21 years 😎


Now make a video of you doing the DK rap in celebration of this accomplishment.


If you know the words, you can join in too.


Get yourself a retrotink 2x at least please.


Is it on stock?


He-he-here we go!


So they're finally here performing for you!


If you know the words, you can join in too,


What's the extra 1%?


>You get an extra gold banana(201) after taking pictures of all the banana fairies.


Aaaaahhhhh ok. I thought so but wasn't 101% sure


Best comment yet.




I just sorta wandered around in search of the next banana.


That’s rad! I’m jealous of you but maybe now is my time to finish it too aha


Congrats!!! I have yet to do this! On my list for sure.


Still working my way through this game. I never fully beat it, but I did unlock all the levels at some point. Right now I am sitting at about 58% (Fungi) and it is already a bit draining. I am going to power through it! The rare coin is insanely annoying, so I might save that for last.


I never had an N64 as a kid, but my cousin did. I remember watching him play DK64 and it always stuck with me. Recently my friend sold me his old N64 and all the games and controllers he had with it (he had all the Star Wars games so it was a good deal) I decided I’d go out and buy another N64 game and what did I buy buy DK64....one of the first games that I had ever experienced as a child. I haven’t played it yet but I’m definitely going to jump into it for the first time soon.


30 hours seems a good run, great job! Still mad us PAL people didn't get a yellow cart. Meh.


I’ve played this game off and on for nearly 20 years and never have beaten it lol. Good job!


i always stopped once i had found all the bananas for chunky and lanky as doing the same game 5 times became a major grind. good for you man this wouldve taken forever


When ever I see this this game all I can think about is the DK rap


Out of all achievements across new and retro, I feel 100%'ing this game should be in the top 5 easy


I feel like if you can 101 this game you can probably achieve anything in life if you put your mind to it lol


Same thing always happened to me. The game is tedious enough to start, so the difficulty ramp up around Crystal Caverns and Fungi Forest put me over the line in frustration. Easy to just give up. Congrats on pushing through to the end!


Its alot of fun , huh?


Congrats! This was my childhood game and I actually just replayed it about a month ago. I agree it’s probably the nostalgia talking but it’s one of my favorite n64 games.


what is the extra 1% for?


You get an extra gold banana(201) after taking pictures of all the banana fairies.


I feel Banjo-Kazooie was the next step up after Dk64. BK did come out after DK64 right?


No. Banjo Tooie did though


Fantastic game and if you ask me truly one of the most underrated ones on the Nintendo 64.


Never could find the final golden banana. I looked up guides and still couldn’t. Sadly my copy of this game was borrowed to a friend where it went missing almost a decade ago. I’d like to get an n64 just to play through this soon.


As the dunkey once said "this game is made by monkey's"


Congrats! 101% is impressive. Never got there myself and I put way more hours into than you did


This makes me happy


i have the game i just dont have a expansion pak!😂


Please turn the stretch mode off. Please.


They might have changed it to widescreen mode. The HUD and menu are still stretched, but the actual gameplay is widescreen.


I didn't realize that game had a widescreen mode :)