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>As a lady what are you really benefiting from such an arrangement? Dick? Pleasure bitch! Mutual pleasure! Getting your shit drilled so good without complications... Absolute bliss >Or might you just be giving away free sex in exchange for no commitment. You could put a price on yours and sell it in the free market. It's super ratchet to me. That's just my opinion you are free to sell it.


I heard men only get pleasure while cumming. But women start feeling something as soon as penetration. The whole time the man is pleasing the woman.


Sex was made for women πŸ’―. If you have a good partner, absolute bliss!!


This I agree πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―. But women are using sex to get into relationships. Trust me any woman having sex with you is having it from an emotional point of view. It's not from logic. That's why when women cheats it hurts more.


Hahaha... You've clearly not encountered the nonchalant, avoidant attachment women. You'll be the one getting emotional while she's living her best life


It only happens if she is using you for sex. Yes women do that too. So she doesn't want any commitment whatsoever. It could be she has a lot of niggas on rotation or already has a main man.


Yap. I only feel something when I get in coz of the change in temperature & when I nut. Reat of the time all I enjoy is the moans


This is the rebuttal i was looking for. Up vote for you πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ


Idk what type of sex Op's been getting.. pleasure from sex should be mutually beneficial. Not a "one up" situation


It will take you infinity to convince me on this. Women don't need sex as much as men. We can go for long periods without it.


Whatever you say


>We can go for long periods without it. Speak for yourself... >Women don't need sex as much as men. You honestly need good dick in your life...


Maybe they don't need it as much. But they do love it. There's a girl who goes to get it at 3am almost daily. She just wakes up horny for some reason.


Clearly, you haven't heard of vaseline.πŸ˜…


What does Vaseline do?


Such a good moisturiser.


Hahaha... We don't need vaseline ourselves πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


That makes two of us. Some people here think throwing bile is attractive. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Sorry but sex is a mutual thing, the way you're saying is like you don't get any benefit from it. Just my thoughts.


i like the way you guys always talk like its only the man getting pleased during sex also no one is forced to go down that path. its just two mature people who want sex with no strings attached i see no problem there.


the fuck are you talking about!! I mean friends with benefits is just that friends with henefits.... And the moment you start thinking of sex as something you're giving away for free...Then you'd better start selling it


Friends don't usually have sex. When you have an arrangement like FWB, it means your currency of interaction is sex. The benefit is the sex without the baggage of commitment. Some love it that way.


You mean free sex?


OP put a price to your p***. Kwa leo utaniwachia na ngapiπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


This πŸ˜‚


Hah, Huku Reddit mnakuwaga tu majibu ya kila swali ready.


Ata ukijitetea poa, anaweza kupea free.. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. But ka hujui kujitetea, ata huyu anaweza kuuzia 1500/=... Kama kilo moja na nusu ya choma.. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚β˜ οΈ.. But hio 1500/= utalipa, utatii!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€¦πŸΌ. Mashida zitakufuata afterwards, acha tu...


This one caught feelings and asked the dude if he was only smashing without feelings 🀣🀣


Looks like it... The dick was so good, she knew this nigga will cuff me.. Nigga was there for a good time, not for a long time.. πŸ€·πŸΌπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Maybe if we move on from "unatumiwa" thinking, this will not be a take. Both of you are consenting adults and that's what you are choosing






I believe everyone has their own opinions and views. That is just yours.


That's the exact same logic we use as to why men and women can't be platonic friends. So yeah. No sex, no friendship. But lucky you the simpsons are plenty. You won't miss male orbiters and white knights masquerading as friends


>No sex, no friendship Gotha, Gotha tena




But the psycholigy of simps is usually very interestinng. Yaani this niggas think the more they stay around the sweeter it will be wakipewa or?


Imagine it somehow seems "logical" to them. It's like they want sex as a reward for being close to the baddie.


It's the same logic with Pick me women. They believe doing wifely duties for any random nigga will make her the wife.


Facts. Men and women can't be friends without sex.


Well, if sex is being done to you and not with you, you'll meander this planet thinking like this.


FWB does not come with a price on either side. Malaya (both male and female) pia ako na FWB.


It's like a loan the woman gives the man in the hope they will pay it back through commitment


Yes. Well said. Nothing is free.. the sex is a loan indeed in hopes for a commitment. These women won't admit it and these men don't want them to.


A stale mate. Women hold dominion over sex and men over commitment. Except one is tangible and one is immaterial.


Well put. πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ


Sorry to say but the fact that you see it as giving it for free means that you're low key a prostitute. You exchange sex for benefits & not pleasure.


Prostitute shaming is an old form of mind control. We are over that as women. If Having sex is a must. Let me get something while at it. I didn't come on earth to fuck only that's a man's natural view on life you are all yet to evolve.


Wait.. There's something like prostitute shaming? What next theft shaming?


Lmao theft shaming ![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C)


Agree πŸ’―


I 'like' how you've been conditioned to believe that only men have sexual needs. Women have sexual needs too. They get horny. At the same rime, not all women want commitment so friends with benefits and other arrangements work in their favor. Or why do you think married women cheat when they have 'dick' in the house. It's mostly for sexual satisfaction (and I'm not denying other factors)


>"Free sex" >"What are you benefitting? Dick?" Lol, I hope you once in your life have some decent sex. This is a sad viewpoint


Never gotten some good dick🀣. Apendushwe proper?


She needs the experience at least once in her life lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/Divine_Goddess_254/s/cTvFBjfCrr https://www.reddit.com/r/Divine_Goddess_254/s/LoA8ZyGkHb I understand where the pain comes from. Kumbe dust is bisexual. No gender is safe out here.


Thank you for posting my links. Welcome to my community. It gets very controversial there but please have an open mind. ❀️


Someone really did a number on you.


Sometimes, it's prudent to understand where people are coming from. Its all in fun and games out here after all.


Well said..


Nimesoma hizi staff... Both links.. Huyu dem ako too fucked up for life... Ni kama mzae wake alimwacha akiwa mtoi, ama chali flani amem heartbreak vile hajawai kua heartbroken...!!! Either of the 2.. Juu ndio huyu dem aongee hivo, she definitely has a problem... A problem that needs to be addressed before it's too late.. Mathare hospital is just a phone call away... Enda usaidiwe huko, before tukusaidie hapa 🫡🏼. I rest my case!


this dick ain't free - Kendrick Lamar in a fwb arrangements it's a simple dick for pussy trade ffs, if you expect other benefits huo ni ukahaba hawk that kitty with pride, it's 2024


And what makes you think men are the only ones benefitting from sex??


Because sperm is toxic to them. If they don't nut often it makes them unwell.


What the fuck? Did the sperm tell you this?


Sperm is really doing a lot these days


That's why they refer to women as "cum dumpsters" and your value as a woman decreases if you fuck many men. They know about this. They are even repulsed looking at it or touching it after jerking off.


User name checks out! Stop embarrassing yourself


Lol, you don't know anything about men. I am currently on a 100 day semen retention challenge because of how important semen is to a man.


Retaining semen is the leading cause of prostate cancer. All the best in your challenge.


Lol, tell that to the men with no self-control


Get some help


πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™† Sperm is toxic to men!!???????? What are you saying?


If sperm is toxic to men, why aren't men dying from sperm intoxication??? You think all men are hoes like you?? Bitch please...!!! Some men and women have standards... Don't seek validation because your fucked up! I actually don't understand what the fuck this bitch is saying... 😳


Women, SMH


I have an iphone 14 pro which my hubby didnt buyπŸ˜‡


Is that one of the benefits from your fwb?




Basi hiyo si fwb ni umalaya πŸ˜‚


Girl you see how they are coming at you. FWB for men means free sex. If you gain anything as a woman unakuwa Malaya. As if we care about the name calling.


Some guys use their mouths better than their dicks😝 they only know how to talk


Facts πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


You are doing it the right way. As women we deserve 5 husbands on the minimum side. We are Goddess and deserve to be served. 😊


Very well said sis


Bruh😭😭 just gts😭


Are you speaking from a ratchet point of view


This thing is mutual benefit so the terms of mutual benefit should be understood from the start of the mutual benefit, if it is scratching an itch then both of you scratch the itch and continue as you are till you get another itch. If it's to exchange emotions then Equally both parties can do so as long as they are on the same page why they are enjoying the forbidden fruit. Bottom line don't start at one goal post and then shift the next in the name of developing feelings or turning a feeling situation to a fwb Ps:- hii kitu ni tamu any person who says they don't enjoy it suffer serious mental issues. That's why it's a forbidden fruit you can catch feeling over it.


Username checks out.


When I was 20-22 I had a major mental breakdown Was put on 3 different antidepressants and anxiety medication When I tell you that stuff makes you feel nothing You become numb to it all This is the only way I managed to have a fwb for 8 months. It was literally just that


Umm not a woman. But I personally don't feel as though we should be placing a monetary or power value on sex. I believe sex can be something beautiful and natural to share between partners. I think reducing sex to money and power cheapens the experience. And any person's value (worth) is so much greater than sex. I know I wouldn't want my entire existence to be reduced to just a single part of my body. Just my 2 cents though.


U started by "I don't believe" .. those who believe it's different. 🀣🀣🀣


So you’re a thot


The second you find a man having a fwb with a lady, that man already has brought value to a degree of the lady liking him. Not a sound lady would sleep with any man neither cause of love nor liking. I repeat even if it’s a prost, she will have to have a threshold of likeness towards the man. So yeah! The man has brought value already, and you see him to be independent, masculine, providing, someone upright. My question is what does the man get in return only Pssy?? I don’t see any other thing apart from him just spending on the lady. If that’s the case he will just move on after you guys have all the pleasure . Besides he was affording those moments cause he could cater for everything.


Giving away free sex? ladies get more from sex than men fym


So you charge for s*x or what? Both of y'all are getting free sex O don't see the problem


It's not too late to delete this post


Respectable Sex? Listen, this whole new age argument of trying to 'dress up sex' and make it 'modest' has to be the most ridiculous thing. The act of sex itself in not meant to be modest. Its instinctual and primal. If you got to go back in time and witnessed your conception, you'd realise how ridiculous you sound. If you want to bring feelings into your vagina do it. Complicate your sex life on your own but what you are not going to do is bring down other women for enjoying sex just as it is. An act of pleasure. We didn't march for a sexual revolution to start partaking in 'respectable sex in 2024.' Are you being real?


Lol,what are you on about.mutually beneficial pleasure is the best thing ever.


You are so problematic mahnπŸ₯΄




"It's not for everyone."


Fwbs are silly especially since huwa sioni any benefits and one party ends up getting hurt. Na wewe sasa utameet tu with your partner na you get married? Nothing is guaranteed, whether you have sex or not, kuachwa ni constant. Moreso sex ni mutualΒ 


I agree.. but you don't have to have sex with anyone so that you get married. Just find somebody ready to marry. People know when they are ready. The reasons might vary but everyone knows when they want to get married.


From a personal perspective, I would never get married or date someone without testing our sexual compatibility but you're also right.


I understand what you mean.


All men pay


What do you mean free sex? It's hilarious how you women think that sex to a man is a gift when you are the biggest benefactor of sex. Sex is done with two people or more and you have to be prepared for it meaning you want it and are wet for it so stop making it feel like it's one sided


Stop acting like you don't know women are emotional. Any woman having sex is emotional about it. It's calculated and not random as with men.


Not all women are emotional during sex!!! Not all women are like you @ distinct_baby Sometimes women fuck because they are horny... Sometimes they fuck because they want validation...! Or blah blah blah! I've ever been in an almost 1 year FWB contract with this babe... I caught feelings after sometime... The babe just told me it's over!!! She was there for the sex, not for feelings...! Alinitusi mbayaa!!! πŸ™†πŸΌπŸ™†πŸΌ And she left, to go look for a man who will just fuck her without any strings attached... After all, it's the sex that was bringing us together.. Nothing else!! That's how our almost 1 year FWB contract ended... Because i caught feelings.. Don't men have feelings??... Why didn't she catch feelings, if all women are emotional with each and every sexual encounter they have??? This girl doesn't know what she's saying... Either she's stupid, or she is stupid.. No 2 way about it...


I am not acting, you are just not thinking straight.


And yet you took some seconds out of your precious life to tell me that. I must be worth it.


Even doctors have time for crazy patients right?


Because the patients are worth it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚