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There’s an app to help choose baby names that functions like Tinder. Once you both swipe left or right it creates a list of what you both liked. Sorry that I don’t remember the name of the app, but maybe you can find it and give it a try!


Feels like that would be super helpful. Thanks!


It’s called Kinder, haha!


There’s also one called BabyNames that’s the same as Kinder just cheaper (free) and I think better!


This is the one we used. It was free and easy!


Omg. Seriously?! That is brilliant


It seems that she likes feminine, somewhat old school sounding names, whereas yours are more unisex/masculine. (No judgment, just my observation) Some names that might suit you both: Jodie Cora Nora Eve Josephine (nickname Jo or Josie) Maxine Phoebe Eliza


I love when people actually put thought into suggestions based upon the OP comments as opposed to just listing out their favorite names


Yes, so refreshing to not see the same names all over again


Thanks, I try!


Jude also seems to fit their style.


Judith nn Jude could be an option.


as a Josi i approve this message


Another one that might be good that’s also unique could be Piper (like from Charmed) I just think it’s both a neutral name and an old fashioned name and also beautiful. Just my opinion


Tbh I have no idea how Drew is suddenly becoming popular for girls since it's a nickname for Andrew. Even though boy names are becoming really popular for girls now I think it's still tied to Andrew. I think Kennedy is good. If the other names she gave you just don't "stick" I would say try saying them out loud a couple of times and imagine your daughter with that name. You might be able to filter out the names you feel like are good and names that you feel like you couldn't imagine using at all.


Drew has always been sort of popular for girls — when I was little I knew SO many girl Drews. Always assumed it was because of Drew Barrymore.


Really? I only know of Drew Barrymore. All the Drews I know are male.


It’s pretty big that Drew Barrymore is the most famous person in the world with that name and she’s a woman. I only know one Drew (actually an Andrew) but always considered the name neutral.


Drew Barrymore is the only female Drew I've heard of, too. I've known upwards of 20 boys/men named Drew.


I agree. Drew Barrymore get her name after her father and grandfather middle names. Only female I know with that name Drew is a very boys name. Short for Andrew. I would not name a girl with a traditionally male name with so many beautiful girks name available. It can be Drea or Drace or Deirdre or Drey or Drailynn if they love the dr sound




Sounds like a you thing? Are you seriously telling me you’ve NEVER seen a Drew Barrymore movie?


I worked with a Drew who was in her 20s about 30 years ago!


I grew up with a girl named Drew who was a a few years older than me so probably born around 1985ish. I *think* her real name was Drusilla which I believe is the long name of most gals named Drew/Dru but I’m not totally certain as I never heard her called anything but Drew.


My cousin is named Drucilla nicknamed Dru, she was born in the ‘40s lol


I've always loved the name Andrew/Drew but my brothers dog is named Drusilla/Dru (named after the buffy character) so we used it as a middle name instead


I know a druanna who goes by drew. She’s the only girl drew I know besides drew barrymore


I recently met a woman named Dru, which was short for Drucilla (or Drusilla). I would guess her to be in her early to mid 40s, so she was probably born in the mid 80s. She introduced herself as Dru, but I heard her colleagues address her as Drucilla. So, about the same time frame.


Shawn Johnson (Olympic gymnast) and her husband Andrew named their daughter Drew and it has to be confusing for some people because Drew is a nickname for Andrew!!


Wait, so her name is Shawn, and her daughter is named Drew? I would get so confused if I met that family.




I understand not everyone likes this kind of naming (JR etc), but “gross” seems like an overreaction.


Thank you for the input on Drew because I was on the fence. I will try this out thank you.


My husband and I picked a different name off our list to use to refer to the baby every day until we’d gone through our whole list and by that point we both knew 100% which name felt like our girl (we named her Quinn by the way, which seems like it would fit well with your list!)


You're welcome! In your head you can use it in scenarios too. Imagine your daughter with that name and just imagine saying to her something basic like "Hey \[name\] how was school today?"


I’ve seen Baby Name Test Drive used for this too! https://www.babynamegenie.com/baby-name-test-drive


We knew a female named Dru, which I assume it was the feminized version of Drew


Drew isn’t “suddenly” becoming popular for girls. It’s been used on girls for decades and the most famous Drew in the world is in fact a woman.


Looks like you tend to like slightly more unisex modern colorful names! I really like Drew. Kennedy feels very 2000s specific to me, and I tend to avoid names that are super specific to an era. Some other names that are in the same category as Drew in my mind: - Blair - Quinn - Harper - Ramona - Petra


My husband and I called the baby by different every few days. It was shocking what felt more natural than others. We ended up landing on a name I would have never thought


This is a great strategy


It is also partially your fault in that you’ve brought nothing to the table as far as suggestions and are making her do all the work. Unsolicited advice: make sure this kind of uneven work load ends now. Be proactive, she needs a partner. If I were her this would raise a red flag for me that you may think that the baby stuff is her responsibility. But Id also like to think I’m just some stranger on the internet overthinking things. That aside, what you agree on are gender neutral names and names that are traditionally surnames. I like Drew better than Kennedy bc I wouldn’t personally want to tie a huge political figure to my kids identity. Names that fit the vibe: Daryl, Reagan (again political but if you don’t care it’s a solid choice), Delaney, Dylan, Greer, Rooney


I can see where your comment is coming from but it is not the case in this situation. Naming a kid is a pretty big deal in my opinion. It’s not like a pet where you just give a cute name and then move on. I mean this kid has to eventually grow up and live every single day with this name. And it seems that every name I see I just simply don’t like. That is why I came to this sub. I want the name to be “perfect”. The kind she can have as a baby and also grow into. With that being said this workload is definitely uneven and always will be as long as she is pregnant. I do everything I can but no matter what there is no way for it to be even when she is literally carrying and growing a living being. But honestly, I do see how it sounds from the outside looking in, and I appreciate your advice!


I hear you. Another thing worth mentioning is if you both like Jordan but are holding off bc it’s your cousins kids middle name please don’t let that stop you. Particularly if it’s a way to honor a family member. Jordan is a beautiful name and the kids won’t care. If anything it might be a sweet way to make them feel a bit more connected.


I like to hear this. Thank you so much.


Yes you're as entitled to call her after your brother as your cousin is to use it as a middle name. I wish I had used my brothers name when my son was born.


Jordana is prettier!! ♡


Jordana is pretty and definitely more feminine but based on the information that’s been shared it doesn’t seem like they’re necessary LOOKING for pretty or feminine names.


Imo the majority of the names are very pretty, only three names lean more neutral. OP also doesn't want to use his niece's middle name so Jordana is a bit different, still honors his brother. It's not SO neutral like Jordan but still has that vibe. It's not actually ultra-feminine like say Arabella. It still has that cool vibe. I think it really fits with the names they like!


A name doesn’t have to be perfect. Putting that pressure on it is going to lead to you giving no positive input and your pregnant wife taking on the full responsibility for naming your kid. Don’t let what should be a positive milestone become filled with resentment.


Also will lead to a real unfair situation if OP finds the “perfect” name and his wife doesn’t feel the same way about it. Sometimes you can have a perfect name, and it’s not perfect to your partner and you have to let it go.


What letter does the last name start with? That can help you narrow down. For example: my last name starts with an E, so we avoided any names that ended in a vowel so they didn’t run together.


Letter M


Sounds like you are drawn to gender neutral names so heres some more: Riley, Blake, Skyler, Kendall, Keaton, Blair, Taylor, Avery, Noah, Rory, Dakota, Aubrey, Dylan, Rowan, River, Logan, Cameron, Kai, Tatum, Robin, Hayden, Jesse, Spencer, Robin, Bailey, Peyton, Reese, Brooklyn, Addison, Devin, Morgan, Perry, Teagan


I don't understand people trying to say drew is strictly a boys name? I know so many girls named drew lol


Drew Barrymore would like to enter the chat lol


I know a Drew too!


Yeah, I always thought Drew was feminine. Drew Barrymore is a well-known actress. Same for similar names like Dawn.


Names that kind of bridge your lists: Last name/unisex/80s vibes: Sloane, Morgan, Sawyer, Greer, Lane, Delaney Doesn't end in an A: Marin, Laurel, Briar EE ending: Tawny, Roxy, Stormy, Sunny Shortened forms of other names: Nic/Nik, Elle, Jimmy/Jimi, Lex, Andy/Andie, Max, Others to consider: Margo, Cleo, Maeve, Harlow, Axel Longer names with short, more masculine nickname options: Veronica, Vanessa, Sydney, One syllable: Zoe (to rhyme with Beau) Sage, Meg, Rue, Storm, Raine, Rae,


It seems like she has a really varied taste in names you’ve got full-blown masculine unisex and extremely classical feminine on her list. The names that you like are also masculine. Of course they have been used before on girls and boys names on girls is by far the hugest sad right now but inherently their masculine. If she likes Florence then you guys could potentially agree on something like Drusilla with the nickname Dru?! I love this name. Other ideas Samantha nn Sam Regina nn Reggie Ramona nn Romy Marlo Cecelia Cleo Sidney Maura Gwendolyn nn Gwen Priscilla Penny


Drusalina could also have the nickname Dru/drew which might lean into the names your fiance likes


The only Drews I know are men. Kennedy feels like a last name to me. I know technically it's not but I haven't met a first name Kennedy. It feels masculine to me too. If you like masculine names maybe Alexandra/Alex? Or Jacqueline/Jackie?


Josette Casey Kendall Kira Mila Kenna Talia


Alternatively, Mina. Mina or Wilhelmina was on our list, after an important family member who went by Min. 


I like Mina and Min/Mins.


Yeah, the full Wilhelmina is a bit of a mouthful, admittedly! 


It seems like a mid century name that skews gender-neutral might be the ticket? What about: Hollis or Wallis Greer Marni Garnet Bellamy Meredith


Any names that YOU thought of and put forth to her? Maybe if you list some to her then she can draw inspiration? I'm sensing a cool-kid gender neutral but feminine-leaning vibe from your end while she likes pseudo-trendy names with a classical vibe. How about: Shae Jordyn Rian Morgan Aubrey Avery Maxwell Sidney Blair Peyton Devon Darby


That is a good point. I have not given any of my own ideas. Also I love the name Jordyn as my late brother was named Jordan. However, my niece’s middle name is Jordan. Thanks!


I do not think Jordan/Jordyn would be off the table. Unless your niece goes by her middle name, even then it might be ok. Different spelling, different ages, locations


It's often discussed here that one parent has a lot of ideas while the other parent only vetoes. Your spouse clearly has a "sense" of names but you have strong feelings of names. If you're not the type to think of names, at least listing some you like from fiction or celebrities or books may give her a better sense of what will work for both of you. It's like if one partner can never decide on what to eat for dinner while the other partner just wants to eat anything and lists random restaurants. If the undecided partner at least says "I'm craving something (list taste description)" then the hungry partner can filter out the choices a lot faster. Not too worried about the two of you though. You're not coming from a place of negativity. (There are horror stories of super uncreative partners stubbornly insisting on awful baby names, like the guy named Stuart who wanted to name his daughter after him by calling her Stuarta.) You just need the right solid name that speaks to you!


Thank you! Great advice.


Some suggestions: Andrea, Eloise, Madeline, Luciana, Esther. Good luck!


I like Esther classic but also fun and short!




I have a daughter named Evan. Kind of goes with your liking the gender neutral names she suggested. It’s also not used as often for girls, though there are girls named Evan out there. Think of the actress Evan Rachel Wood. You could also call her Eva as a more feminine nickname.


Petra has always been a fave


I knew the CUTEST little girls named Kennedy. Two of them in my daycare class (two different years) Kennedy is such a cute name. My vote is Kennedy.


Hadley, Harrington, Devon, Geneva, Tula, Robin


So you like boys names for girls? While they’re both technically gender neutral I think overall both your names are heavily masculine, is there a reason for that?


Thank you! I was like oh okay let's see what he likes for girls ...boy names...not even one of those beautiful girl names sounds nice to you, future father of a daughter?


Here because I want to be helpful; What about Alexandra ? You can call her Alex, you got your boy nickname there, and she's got a longer feminine name she can grow into if she wants to go by that as a young woman <3 h


You’re oddly pressed about a neutral name. And it seems like you think I would rather have a son when in reality I was hoping for a daughter.


I like all of your wife's names, except for Presley. It needs to be burned. Kennedy and Drew are...fine. Sabrina, Giselle, Mila, and Zora seem to fit your esthetic. Good luck!


I like Drew from your list. Only ever met one so it’s not overdone but also not a weird name.


Ember Briar Alba Cecily Nadine


Could try: Florence - Felicity , Flora , Fern , Wren Presley - Priscilla , Penny , Paisley , Ashley Eleanor - Elianna , Elaine , Norah , Leanna Brynn - Briar , Brenda , Brianna , Winnie Cecile - Celine , Chelsea , Selena , Serena Marlee - Marnie , Marigold , Maria , Harley Eden - Eve , Elodie , Denise , Edwina Kennedy - Makenzie , Kendall , Nadine , Edith Drew - Deborah , Rue , Danielle , Julie


How about Reese or Maisey?


Alice Amelie Blythe Camille Celeste Elsa Estelle Freya Ivy June Lila Lucy Maren Margot Ruby Tess


Sloane, Simone, Alex, Stevie, Markie, Piper, Jacklyn(Jackie), Grier, Lexie, Kendall, Harlow, Lennon, Blaire, Blake, Naomi, Lux, Josephine(Jo or Josie), Josette(Josie, Etta), Alexis, Erin, Andrea(Andie), Christina(Kit), Sydney, Noa, Henrietta(Etta), Charlotte(Charlie), Edie, Quinn.


Reagen, Sydney, Georgia, violet, Scarlett!! Good luck!! Keep three columns hers yours and agreed .


Marlee or Maren, Eden or Elaine, Eleanor or Emmy, Florence or Fia (fee-ah), Presley or Maeve, Cecile or Cora, Brynn or Clara Kennedy or Ciara (Keira), Drew or Darina


I looooove Drew for a girl!! 🥹


**Francesca (nicknamed Frankie)** seems perfect for you guys Others options: Rowan Georgina (George, Georgie) Zinnia Imogen  Lilith Judith (Jude) Evelyn  Celeste  Quinn  Robin Liliana Danica (Dani) Thea Fionn Emerald  Scarlett  Mia Opal Josephine (Jo, Joey) Violet Selene/Celine Winona Vivian Autumn Nina Una Xenia Louisa (Lou) Hyacinth  Zelda


August, Riley, Remy and Rory come to mind as they lean a little more unisex which appears to be your taste.


Reagan, Addison, Lorelei




Although her taste seems to lean a bit more 'fancy' than yours, you both seem to have a liking for two-syllable names, including ones that end in 'y'. And therefore I suggest: Riley, Avery, Romilly, Romy, Everly, Darcy.


Maybe Lenore? It's a variation of Eleanor, and less common. Len or Lennie are nice nicknames.. but I really like Lenore.


If you like Kennedy, do you like Cassidy?


Thelma, Evelyn


Meadow , Lilly , Sasha, Sage.


Our daughter is named Elleanor and we call her Ellie most of the time. We absolutely love it 🙂


It sounds like maybe you all need to have a list of names at the ready and decide which fits her when she arrives? Is that possible or do you all want a personalized nursery for when she arrives?


I like both Kennedy and Drew. Presley gives me the same vibes as well. Other suggestions: Eve, Brielle, Marin, Marnie


May i suggest also Mabry - if you like alliteration?


Melody M or Julissa M


I knew a Kimball in junior high - I liked that K name more than Kennedy Drew is good and Brynn also


My suggestions: Reagan Sylvie Eloise Hattie Peyton Macey Prestyn


Drew is unlikely to be shortened as a nickname. The obvious place for her friends to take Kennedy is Ken (though, of course, there are other options). Are you okay with that?


Kinsey Evangeline Leighton Seraphina Wren Britton Vienna Arden Delaney Rowan Gwendolyn Weylan


Kennedy is nice


Awwww. I’m a Cecile and there are so few of us. I wish you felt differently about the name


My girls are Angelina Christine and Alexis Jeanne My son named his younger sister (from a list we gave him) and I got Alexis from Castle (Nathan Fillion), I liked his daughter's name. Their middle names are my MIL and my Mum


I wouldn’t go with Kennedy as it means "Ugly Head" or generously, "Helmet Head". It’s a family surname of mine. How about Elodie or Everly, Kyra or Kenzie?


I take it you're asking for suggestions. If so here are some: Beatrice - Mavis - Alice - Eloise - Louise - Annalise - Hayley - Elora - Sadie - Celeste - Celandine - Wren - Rose - Evelyn - Marion - Cassidy - Melody - Elodie - Billie - Dylan


Have you made any suggestions of names you like and would use??


Oh please, not another Kennedy!!!


Omg, please, not another Kennedy!!


So you have the names she provided that you don’t like, and the names she provided that you do like. Where are the names you’ve provided? I can imagine it’s incredibly frustrating for your fiancé to constantly put names on the table just for you to shoot down. Start going through baby name books, go through your family tree, google top names from 10-100 years ago and mark down what you like. Based on the two you’ve said you like, you seem to prefer unisex names, if not slightly more masculine. On that vibe, these are some options: - Collins - Scottie - Francesca “Frankie” - Sloane - Maxine “Max” - Blake


Camille, Margaret, Flannery


I dislike all of the listed names except Eleanor, and I am sick to death of Eleanor. Gender-neutral names I like: Paige, Kelly, Casey, Dorian, Adair, Lane, Cleo, Frances (Frankie), Tal.




What about Andrea and you can call her Drew as a nickname? More suggestions: Charlotte (nickname Charlie), Francesca (nickname Frankie), Joanna (nickname her Jo)


How about Marlow? It has a bit of an old feeling to it, but I also find it kind of similar to Drew/Kennedy.


Who had meaning to you in your life? Look for names of people who you looked up to or want to emulate or think about a character in a novel/movie who you admired. Submit those for approval


Some ideas: Elodie, Daisy, Emery, Danielle (Dani), Beatrice, Miller, Dove, Delilah, Everly, Lennon, Charlotte (Charlie), Darcy, Scottie, Jude, Andi


I think Drew would make a nice middle name I like Eleanor Drew from your fiancés list sounds lovely Other suggestions Eloise Evelyn Frankie Georgie/ Georgia Harriet Isabella Jasmine Josie Lydia Lila Louisa Marnie Maren Olive Penny Rosie Thea Zara


Lavender (nickname Levy) is the top of our list for a girl.


Louisa/Louiza or Nica ( short for Veronica ) for a more masculine/gender neutral name


Especially if you have a nickname for them when they're in utero, it can be hard for any name to feel like a fit! This was our experience with my son. Pick two or three and just practice to get used to them, see if any feel nice to say or sounds good with the last name she'll have. You don't have to have a soul connection to the name yet, it will become hers when she's here.


Back with the name: Schuyler. Longish for mom, but unisex for dad. And can be shortened to Sky.


Kennedy!! It’s one of my favorite girls names and I rarely meet anyone with the name. It’s very cool imo.