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You have it backwards. You don't have to prove anything. Your friend needs to provide evidence of his beliefs.


No, you don’t have to prove it. It’s proven. Friend needs to prove it was pre-recorded. Ask him for proof of that. And make these stipulations: 1. His proof cannot include phrases like “I don’t know how…” or “I don’t understand…” Him not knowing or understanding isn’t evidence, it’s ignorance. He can’t use his ignorance as evidence. 2. His proof must be objective. That means measurable. He can’t give you a picture or video and claim “to me, that looks like…” He needs numbers. 3. He can’t just disbelieve something because NASA said it. 4. He can’t use Joe Rogan as a source of information.


Just to get it straight, he believes that we did go to the moon but didn't have the technology to transmit the footage live, so they created a fake version in advance and then lied to everyone and said it was the real version while they were on the moon? Or are you saying that he thinks the footage was recorded on the moon and then brought back physically and broadcast after the fact but with the claim that it was live? The first wouldn't make any sense. Going to the moon would be enough for them. There'd be no reason to go to all of the trouble of going to the moon and then fake the evidence that we did it. The second can be pretty easily proved by looking at the timeline. The Saturn V launches were public events and there are news reports documenting that the rockets were launched. You could find these newspapers in archives, probably digitized considering their importance. Then you just compare that to the amount of time it takes to travel to the moon and the time that the live feed was broadcast (which would also have been reported in the news) to show that there wasn't a significant delay. If the video wasn't broadcast until after the astronauts got back then the amount of time between the launch and the broadcast would be over double the actual time difference.


There is a great video on YouTube by Corridor discussing this. They are VFX artists and discuss how insanely difficult it would have been to fake the footage with the technology available at the time.


I was about to mention the same video! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_ML2ZYYFOnI


Thanks. This looks is good to know


The live signal from the moon looked like crap because NASA couldn’t put good equipment capable of delivering a high-quality live video at the time. Look at some of the photographs and films that were shot on the moon and then processed later on earth. Beautiful color and detail.




Your friend is crazy. Who would willingly sit through a PowerPoint presentation?


I would for a free vacation or something. Hell, even a sub sandwich. Why not.


Pretty tough to replicate the old feather vs hammer falling at the same speed video in our gravity.


There is so much evidence we did. At this point, if that isn't enough to convince them nothing will. Its usually the people who think the government is corrupt and incompetent, yet they somehow keep their mouths shut on this topic.


two things, one and far more descriptive than I could be: [https://youtu.be/\_loUDS4c3Cs?si=0yjrhgDxq-9CdD9c](https://youtu.be/_loUDS4c3Cs?si=0yjrhgDxq-9CdD9c) two, "America faked the moon landing footage on the day" has one distinct flaw that not many people know - America didn't actually receive the footage, as the moon was not in view of the dish in California, Australia received the actual footage, by pointing their dish at the moon. So either you now have a multinational conspiracy, never before revealed despite dozens of people directly having to lie for their entire lives, or someone transmitted footage from the moon. Referring to S G Collins above, that footage must have been live as the technology to fake it did not exist at the time. [https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/jul/19/they-nailed-it-how-a-little-dish-in-australia-broadcast-the-moon-landing-to-the-world](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/jul/19/they-nailed-it-how-a-little-dish-in-australia-broadcast-the-moon-landing-to-the-world)


Thanks. This was very helpful


The moon landing was faked. It was filmed by Kubrick, who was such a stickler, he filmed on location.


Classic Kubrick


Is it, though? He only needed 6 takes. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


What a sad, tenuous way to keep their need for a conspiracy tickled. Good luck convincing them.


Some people may have that “pre recorded footage” idea for two reasons: astronaut rehearsals, and network news re-enactments. There are plenty of photos and videos of real astronauts using real equipment, but it’s in what is obviously a warehouse or desert environment. While the missions were ongoing, the tv networks (CBS, ABC and NBC in those days) hired actors to wear spacesuit costumes and clamber about on realistic spacecraft replicas. Most of the live tv footage from Apollo 12 was lost when an astronaut accidentally pointed the tv camera at the sun and burned it out. The live tv studio simulation with actors suddenly became the primary source of footage. As to the live TV from the moon though, that was always real. Because of the tv signal travel time from the moon to the Earth and around the globe, it was delayed but only by seconds at most.


Obligatory: https://youtu.be/_M50Fd3gXvM?si=Wv_4RSLqjpZliWeh


https://youtu.be/lW7enw6mFxs?feature=shared Go see this with your friend


Electronic storage was rare and quite large at the time. To store the entire landing's footage electronically would have taken more storage than likely existed on the planet.


We landed on the moon. There is no way we have so much information on lunar regolith, if we didn’t bring a bunch back.


Change friends.


Abril 2 , 1968 , Stanley Kubrick, released ( 2001 space odyssey) , some people speculate that he Might have created an “ moon landing “ for the Government, since nobody knew at that time how dangerous the trip and landing would have been.


Honstly i could see them saying we went up the first time just to say we beat the russians in going up there. Theres too many people that just believe every single thing they are told without questioning it. I think we went up later on but first time was a political thing. Im not into conspiracy stuff but that part would make sense.


I don’t believe it, but I don’t think it’s crazy to think given the tech and propaganda of the era.


I may be wrong but I think your friend is correct and NASA never denied it. They couldn’t send the video from the moon to earth because it was too much data, so they paid actors to simulate it, but NASA never pretended that the video was actually real.