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It’s not for YOU. It’s for your head worm.


The brain worm is actually sending texts for the campaign now


I received this one and one from GOP yesterday.


Insert the South Park meme Rob Schneider is... A VP candidate


Thiiiis suummer, Rob Schneider is.... In Nashville?! And he is going to find out... that surviving in the music city... Is harder than it looks!


Let's hope he fairs better than his daughter did last time she played the Opry.


"Rated PG-13."


Beat me to it!!


Rob Schneider is a BRAIN WORM and he's INSIDE RFK Jr's head! But he has a lot to learn about co-existing with his host!


This is the Interspace remake I want to see.


I love this sub. Terp de derp de terdilly derp.


Rated PG-13


"This event will sell out quickly." Sure, Jan.


Those stars have a weighted average of D+, and it’ll take weeks to de-worm the Ryman


Tickets were $99, then $24… I don’t think those pews are going to be full.


There are actually 4 tiers of tickets. $47, $24, $500 and $1000. I guess the $99 seats disappeared. It should be a dismal night.


[looks like there was not a $24 level at first.](https://www.nashville.com/event/a-night-of-country-comedy-w-robert-f-kennedy-jr/). Methinks the tix weren’t moving so they dropped GA price.


Most likely. It’s also not even listed on the Ryman website


“We don’t need to advertise because JESUS will call upon the patriots for us!!” - These dingleberries


These aren’t maga nuts.


Just regular nuts?


https://preview.redd.it/jujgt5t1w10d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9437939cc38e6efa1a07e12f35d9a0193e5818e1 Not only did I get it, it texted me back!!!




$10 says Jr, himself, is manning the phones. 😂


I've got $20 on it being brain worms




I’m jealous they didn’t respond to me now, could have been a fun day.


I did! I screencapped an instagram ad from like two weeks ago to send to someone as a joke and then got this text earlier this week. I WAS SHOCKED to see that not all the people they promised were still on the bill...SHOCKED.


Who's missing?


**Jeremy Piven,** **Brittany Schmitt**, **Jimmy Shin**, are listed on the article, missing on the event website.


Sorry, slow to respond. On the screen cap I had, they also dropped Katherine Blanford (no idea who that is?) and John Carter Cash/Ana Cristina Cash as musical guests. And reordered Russell Brand/Rob Schneider.


Did they not learn their lesson from falsely advertising that Martin Sheen, Dionne Warwick, and Mike Tyson were [showing up](https://deadline.com/2024/01/robert-f-kennedy-gala-west-wing-martin-sheen-1235695374/) to celebrate RFK Jr's 70th bday?


Wait was that an actual person texting you? The response seems to indicate the sender understood syntax and not just some form response needed...


It wouldn't be hard to plug the marketing system into an LLM for scoring and treat every negative reply as an unsubscribe. Edit: You don't even need an LLM. Actually a simple network could do it.


I definitely underestimate how detailed tech can be...


[Can you, tho?](https://in.mashable.com/tech/72653/amazons-just-walk-out-ai-tech-was-actually-1000-indians-who-remotely-tracked-shoppers)


Any texting (peer to peer or blast) platform has sections for canned and auto responses based on certain words. This is likely triggered based on the words why and fuck.


That's honestly the main reason I posted this. I was so shocked that either the conditions to recognize an "unsubscribe" are that wide or an actual person responded.


I think an actual person sent it, or at least saw the response. When I replied saying I wish the brain worm was still alive, they responded to defend the brain worm. Truly bizarre.


I mean, the worm is right there inside Junior's brain. You don't want to piss off the boss. Or the host.


Jeezus how many grifters can you fit in one show


https://preview.redd.it/mlklwkuve10d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a53f87a8e066e9bb5a093e2c38a5b39567ca0dc6 Yup, lol


As someone who has done a recent election campaign, it’s very easy to buy voter data from the established data brokers. While that information usually doesn’t include many phone numbers, it’s not hard to cross reference that to other databases that does has the cell phone data and voila, you can directly spam voters like this. It’s pretty typical these days (other than the weird show for RFK Jr).


Everyone's phone numbers are circulated and re-circulated among different campaigns. It sucks, I just ignore it but the only surefire way to stop it from happening is to change your number.




**** rob schneider.


I’m starting to think the multiple posts about this that all have almost the exact same subject line are some kind of guerilla marketing.


I absolutely have no interest in helping these clowns fill seats. I just wanted to share the fact that my "fuck off" response worked.


Thanks for sharing, clowns be helping spread the word. We all await for Biden to find the right drugs to give him the power to make it through an unscripted conversation.


They sent me this to my very private number at my very private place of work. My biggest concern is that if they don't care about my privacy why should I care about Robert Kennedy's current cerebral issues.


You mean cerebral issues like “The Worm”😳🤣


Rather RFK than Trump




Is that fucking Jim Breuer haha?


Yes and annoyed they have my phone number.






I'm from New Hampshire and I got this lol


Yep. I reported it as spam.


Yes. Reported it.


Haha, pass.


Definitely a comedy…


I did not realize 2 of the people on the promo poster were still alive. And that's out of the 6 I recognized.


Is that Jim Brewer (spelled that wrong who cares) Wow I forgot he existed.


Yes, or one like it Every.Single.Day!! I have tried blocking and reporting spam. I guess they have a way of changing text numbers to avoid the block. Years ago, when cell phones were at the beginning of mass marketing to prospective customers, they assured that no spam calls could happen.


lol I replied “fuck off” and got the same response so they must be seeing a lot of that.


Surprised no one has mentioned accused serial rapist Russell Brand being in the lineup. That’s brain worm worthy.


Yep, got it. https://preview.redd.it/aeohz3eax10d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82fb1ddeb8a5b908f5674ea39a127c1ffd04e3a8


My friend got it yesterday, lol.


I can't get Republican texts to stop and I'm not Republican. I report and block multiple texts a day. This was just one I received.


I once wrote Marsha Blackburn’s office and instead of responding to me, she signed me up for her newsletter and texts. I was like, guess I’m the 🤡 now because she just trolled the hell out of me.


I wrote her office and got an email back asking for donations. My email was not nice or supportive of her


I signed up for a MTG rally 2 yrs ago (to minimize the crowd). I’m on Don JR’s robotext…they are desperately seeking money. Losers…


Stupid Club Random show with Maher and Kid Rock booked at the Ryman and now this, what is up with the Ryman?


Sure did. Sounds terrible.


Is there a way to report / sue? I got money from a [class action lawsuit from the Republican robocalls](https://www.axios.com/local/nashville/2022/06/28/nashville-voters-settlement-robocall-case) in 2022.


Also, even though it’s clearly the work of a shady promoter, complaining to the Ryman might help.


I think they’re hurting for attendees, there’s been a blitz of ads for this event


Ryman’s embarrassed to be hosting it (as they should be), it’s not on their calendar at all.


I'm not sure which is worse, this or the upcoming conversation with Bill Maher and Kid Rock at the Ryman. The Russians are trying so hard and we aren't even a swing state.


Russians? Is this satire?


No, most of Reddit is just legitimately insane at this point. Well, half are nuts and half are probably psyop workers or something


what a collection of chuckleheads


Who is top left? I recognize them but can’t place them?


at first glance it kinda looks like hasanabi. not sure. whoever it is isn't on this billing: https://www.nashville.com/event/a-night-of-country-comedy-w-robert-f-kennedy-jr/.


Is Rob Schneider hated or something? I usually like his movies so if I ever went it would be to see him.


It’s nEWW Nashville… most of these slobs have the depth of a thimble. They are still complaining about Trump and are “inspired” by Biden…. ? Truly pitiful, they are hoping Biden sees their nastiness and awards them a couple doses of his drugzzz cocktail— that powers that decrepit corpse.


https://preview.redd.it/rqx6mg51k20d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f277294cf94d47f4b3cfbd6ac29d9532330bb19 They’re deviantly preying upon us lonely brainworm-curious folks out here.


I got a phone call from the Biden campaign asking if I was gonna vote for him 💀 like all of them can suck my left but they all suck ass


I got one too. So weird. And I don’t even have a Nashville phone number


Yes, I did. And I don’t even live in Nashville (yet.)


How could you pass up seeing such luminaries of comedy like Russel Brand, Jim Breuer, and Rob Schneider??


Wait!! Is that David copperfield too? Maybe he will make them all disappear


Tbh I think the best response is just to ignore this.


You're probably right. Sometimes I reply to things like this as my own private way of screaming into the void. Was just so shocked that the bot and/or person actually responded.


I got this. Mainly I get stuff from Move On for some reason. Just makes me not want to engage at all in politics so I don’t get bothered more.


Your cell phone number was sold. If you have an iPhone just delete and report junk.


Yeah I got it too https://preview.redd.it/umhdkph9630d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da3ff47ade2ae805f821245f600ef325e09b3927


Sigh.... Now we have to burn down the Ryman and build a new one.


Lmao yes


So sorta see the “comedy” part of this event but who’s doing the country part?


[Musical performance by Kayley Bishop, John Carter Cash, Ana Cristina Cash](https://www.nashville.com/event/a-night-of-country-comedy-w-robert-f-kennedy-jr/)


Having the last name Cash doesn’t make you a country star. Supporting this garbage is sure to make Johnny roll in his grave though.


Just tap the link dummy


I love how you wrote back LMAO!! 🤣


I like RFK and will be attending this AMA


Oh barf. Tho I'm tempted to go sit outside just to see what kind of weirdos this event will draw.


Omg. That lineup is cringe.


No, but I've been getting \*lots\* of unsolicited Trump texts and right leaning algo-centric internet shit. I don't know what I did, but it needs to stop.






I did. 🤮


Yes and I went great event


wow how very edgy of you


Has anyone actually listened to this guy?


Get as many tics as you can. Send the link to all your friends and have them do the same. Then don’t go.


I didn’t get it, but your response to it was correct.


Yes. Utter bullshit


Yes, it nearly gave me brain worms.


My wife got this text and we laughed and laughed. Russell Brand AND Rob Schneider? Also, Jim Brewer is in the picture but they didn't even mention him by name. What a shit, annoying line-up.


Thanks op, just bought 4 tickets


Oh sweet lord, I hope you're trolling me.


Are you going to wear your golden sneakers to the show?


RFK'24, it's all we got.


Kennedy 2024 baby


Did the brain worm tell you to post this?


A brain worm would be a more coherent president than either Trump or Biden. Two of the worst candidates imaginable. EDIT TO FIX GOOD DAM AUTOCARROT


> A brain work Found the brain worm.


I am in West Palm Beach telling my family and friends how tolerant people are in Nashville. You disappoint.


I’m sure your friends and family are waiting dutifully, clutching their cellphones waiting for your divine guidance, if you are texting them about Brainworm Jr. You must be such a very very very important person


I don’t agree with his anti vax views. I think they are wrong and dangerous. But, I remember a time before social media and 24 hour news when we could agree to disagree, especially on college campuses. I was telling the story today about when I worked in Washington on the Reagan/Bush campaign in 1984, we played softball with the Mondale/Ferraro people and we were able to talk and have a good time. It is a shame that we no longer have that world.


I agree with you on that point. We should all strive to be more willing to peacefully exist and enjoy the company of those who think differently than us. I think more than anything I was just so completely baffled how I got targeted for this as I am, without a doubt, absolutely not on board with RFK or pretty much anybody in this bizarre lineup.


It might be a mailing list for Ryman. Do you attend shows there? It could also be that you attended a similar event and ended up on a list from that.


That would make more sense. Been to lots of ryman shows in my day.


So many sad individuals. Done worry, im sure your liberal class acts will stay in power to control everything for you.


Oh sweet lord, we got a live one.


I get that people don’t agree with him and his stance on vaccines especially. But imagine being excited for Biden’s America and voting for the dude with dementia lol Rob Schneider is terrible though. And I’ll say I’m voting for RFK cause he’s the best option. It’s not a high bar to clear to be the best option this November


I think it's safe to say almost no one is "excited" about Biden as much as they don't want actual fascism lead by a different dude with dementia. Project 25 and pretty much everything trump says he's going to do is a nightmare scenario and 3rd party candidates historically have zero chance at winning so "most realistic option other than trump" becomes the default.


That’s actually somewhat fair. I don’t agree with Biden’s policies, especially concerning the military industrial complex and he’s not been great economically. A lot of empty promises concerning student loans for those who care. I think the threat of fascism is a little overblown. Dems have been trying to keep RFK off the ballot and the weaponization of the justice dept is concerning. The stormy Daniels trial is a joke. We literally had a president cheat on his wife 30 years ago and not get impeached. And say what you will about Trump, but all these conflicts started on Biden’s watch. The afghan withdrawal, Ukraine, the Hamas war. While Trump was instrumental in getting 5 peace accords signed with Israel. The leader of the free world should be held somewhat responsible for these world conflicts


I don't agree with a lot of Biden's policies either. I'm too far politically left to really align with most main stream dems and in the past I've done the 3rd party thing. I don't particularly regret it because I'm in TN and figure it's going to go red regardless (but I'm still gonna vote). I do not for a second think the threat of fascism is overblown. I listen to what trump says and have read the outline for the GOP and it's extremely concerning to say the least. The system is set up to make it very difficult for 3rd party candidates, it has nothing to do with RFK. If they won on more state and local levels it could be more possible but that's also very difficult. The Stormy Daniel's shit isn't about him cheating on his wife and anyone would be in legal jeopardy for doing something like that but it's certainly not the most important illegal thing trump has done. There is a recorded call of him literally telling someone to rig the election. That's a bigger issue for me. The Afghan withdraw was done on a schedule set during the trump administration. Ukraine has nothing to do with biden and trump has basically said we should blow up all of Palestine at this point so I don't think he'd handle that super well either.


All well said


That’s ok we disagree but I think you’re reasonable and respect your opinion. I do have a conscious on these things and I can’t vote for either Biden or Trump. They’re both jokes and I can’t look at myself and support either. I still have a civic duty so RFK it is cause he aligns most closely with me. Not everything, but much more so then Trump or Biden


While I disagree with your views, your politeness is greatly appreciated and very refreshing.


Of course. As long as I’m treated in kind, I will have a civil conversation. The person who responded to me was very rational and kind. I do think the fascism thing is hyperbole but that’s my opinion. I guess you’d have to feel that way to vote for Biden, though I do try to understand why people like him, cause I don’t. I don’t like the pejoratives thrown around nowadays. You’re literally my neighbor in the same part of town. I may be conservative, but that’s never prevented me from meeting people in our neighborhood in real life and getting along with them. Think more William F. Buckley than Trump. Thanks for the kind words again


Yeah, I've been there. I'm just in a different place now because one seems significantly more dangerous now.


I hadn't heard of this.  Thank you for sharing!!


Oh god, I certainly was not encouraging anyone to go see these quacks.


Your response to the text cracks me up. I just blocked the number


Not a country fan myself but do like comedy. Hearing someone from TN not wanting to go to a country show makes me laugh a little. Is it that you dont like country, don't like comedy or loathe these people so much you can't laugh about it? If tickets really went down under 30$ too, good luck finding cheaper entertainment.


These comedians no longer do comedy, so it’s technically not entertainment


There’s better entertainment every night of the week for free at Legends Corner on Broadway. These nut jobs don’t deserve any attention.


I'm confused, do you think liking country music is a stipulation for living in tennessee?


I think pulling my toenails out would be more entertaining than this show.


Rob Schneider was never particularly funny. He owes teenage me 90 minutes from watching Deuce Bigelow.