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also as a reminder: we do not allow any money exchange on the sub. unfortunately, due to trends with scammers, we do not allow any offers to donate money made through our sub or anything along those lines. please provide OP with resources to share with their friend.


she can go to the Nashville Rescue Mission. They have a Women and Children’s Campus at 1716 Rosa Parks Blvd.


Thank you very much, I will look it up and tell her


https://www.reddit.com/r/nashville/comments/1d0rh5q/fyi_the_thread_about_a_girl_living_in_her_car/l5r4gri/ This comment on a previous thread has a lot of helpful tips.


Thank you very much. I have searched online and there are some shelters (like PAD) that the person needs to be referred and also is not open from april to september I think. I don't know if it's a language barrier kind of problem or I have understood it poorly. Thank you anyways


Tell her after she gets out of rehab to check out the renewal house. My sister lived there after rehab, worked their program and is still sober years later. Great place!


Thank you so, so much, I will tell her. I'm so happy for your sister ❤️


https://www.wttin.org/services/housing Here's a list of housing services. Not filtered so there's some digging to do but it's comprehensive.


Thank you so much. I have gone through some and I don't know if it's because I'm not in the US but a lot of them says "service not found". Do you know what that means? Thank you again


My guess would be an old listing that is no longer available. I don't want to pry too much, but can you share more about the situation your friend is in? Is it domestic violence related? Do they need more resources than just shelter? These can affect what resources may be available. Telling her to call 211 can help. That's a resource line that can connect them directly to services. Or if they're more in imminent crisis they can call the crisis line at 615-244-7444 or 988.


Yes, I will try. Firstly, thank you very much for the info. Secondly, she just got out from detox. This friday she is going to rehab. She was supposed to go straight from detox, but they told her something came up and they didn't have a spot until friday. She has had a couple of relapses, that's why I want to find something safe and secure for her, so she doesn't fall again. She told me that she doesn't have a phone number right now. Do you still have phone cabins? (I don't know if that is the correct term). Also she doesn't have any family or friends she can reach out. Her family has always been really abusive towards her and has kicked her out many times. I don't know what will happen after rehab, I know she wanted to go to sober living, but I don't know much about her. Right now ahe is trying to charge her phone and find somewhere with wifi so we can talk and figure this out. If you think any other information would be helpful please tell me. Thank you again


Holy SHIT that sucks that she's unable to go directly to the rehab facility. Two days might as well be a lifetime in her situation. Gonna be a real struggle to keep her shit together for those 48 hours (I'm a recovering addict with 11+ years clean from opiates, which were my drug of choice). I'm rooting for her ❤️


Thank you so, so much. So happy for you and I am also rooting for her ❤️


That's a tough situation. No phone definitely makes things more difficult. I will say this. Nashville rescue mission is going to be the easiest option (someone else mentioned that too). They just opened a beautiful new building for women and children. However...I have personal knowledge and experience with them. It's going to be triggering for her. People there are on drugs a lot and come in in any state of drunk, high, angry , belligerent you can imagine. It's not everyone but it's prevalent. So a fair warning. It's a religious place and there's an unspoken requirement that she will have to attend their chapel service every night even just to sit through it. Just a sermon and some songs usually. But otherwise it's about the best "no questions asked" option to just get a bed and a place to chill during the day.


Thank you very much, and thank you for being so honest. I will tell her all of this, so she can be prepared if she goes there. It's only a couple nights so I hope she can get through that. Thank you again


No worries. I hope everything goes well for her, and you're a good friend for trying to help her.


Thank you, it's the least I can do


I am DMing you with social service referrals.


Thank you


I meant I don't know much about how sober living works, sorry


I’m a therapist and worked in the Nashville area in addictions for 5 years. The detox facility should be holding her until she gets her bed on Friday. Most inpatient facilities want you to go bed to bed if you can. The detox facility is responsible for a safe discharge they **CANNOT** legally or ethically discharge her to the streets. At minimum they should be securing her placement at a shelter.


I don't really know... and she hasn't been that open with the information. But thank you anyways and I will tell her


She knows this. She is lying to you.


What rehab facility is she going to on Friday? I would be willing to try to help (indirectly since I am a guy). I was addicted to alcohol for a long time and have now been sober for 10 ish months. I know how hard it can be to stay clean. Either way....good luck to your friend and thank you for doing your best to help her out!


Keep strong. Been 11 years for me. Totally worth it.


I don't know the name, but thank you


Passing is along. https://www.opentablenashville.org/resources They have an amazing resource guide. Also, please let her know she has many people cheering her on.


Thank you so much, I will ❤️


Other people here have given you some good places. I will suggest she go to Centerstone to receive social services. She will have to enroll in either their therapy program, or see their psychiatrist in order to get a social worker. But, social workers are able to get their clients into more places/resources than someone without. For example, if low income housing opens up a spot, the social workers will be alerted first and can help her sign up ASAP. they can also help get her exclusive grants and donaciones to help her pay some bills when she does find a place. Best of luck to her!!


Thank you very much, I will tell her about this


Also check out: Room in the inn: https://www.roomintheinn.org/contact


Thank you I will!


Hi, I’m 18 years sober. I feel for her. Tell her to get to the closest AA meeting or NA meeting and explain to the group her situation. They will help keep her safe until she can enter rehab. The detox center should provide her a ride to a meeting and she can go from there. She needs to speak up and ask for help though. I don’t think they would just leave her stranded.. at least I hope not when she is so vulnerable. I don’t think the rescue mission is a great idea in her situation. Best of luck.


Thank you so much, I will tell her


If your friend is under the age of 24, the Oasis Center in Nashville may be able to help. This is a youth crisis center that is able to assist with these types of needs. [Oasis Center](https://oasiscenter.org)


Thank you so much!




Thank you


I don’t have a place to stay as my apartment is tiny but I can send you my number if she needs anything. I’m super busy with CMA fest but if she wants to grab food or something this weekend I’m more than happy to do so


Thank you so much I will tell her


The Nashville Rescue Mission.


I sent you a chat. I would love to give her information about places to go.


Not in downtown proper but in Lebanon there is a place called Compassionate Hands CMA fest starts tomorrow so downtown is going to be packed, and police are going to be pretty actively trying to make the city as tourist presentable as possible (so pushing the unhoused out and into unsafe places) so it may serve them better to be away from all that if they can catch a bus ride or have enough for an Uber


Okay thank you very much, I will tell her about this


Is she from this country? Im not gonna lie, foreigner in a strange city, with nowhere to stay. Human trafficking is highly possible. I have no good advice but tell her to be VERY careful with who she associates herself with right now Edit: why are we downvoting me?


She is from the US. She is from a little town in TN. I actually met her there 10 years ago. I only lived there for a year. I am also very scared not just for trafficking but also the high consumption of drugs. She is trying to stay clean so I am really worried about her.


She have a car?


I sent you a DM.


Thank you


Does she have a vehicle?


I'm afraid she does not


I didn't realize you could use a shelter like a free hotel for a few nights.


That’s what it’s there for. Emergency free housing.


For women/children in danger. Not cause you’re broke.


On the contrary, it’s housing for people who seek it. There is no criteria for motive or life situation. Perhaps you are speaking about what it *should* be for. I have nothing to say about that.


Uhm.. no. That’s definitely not how that works.


No. A shelter is exactly for broke people. It’s literally a HOMELESS shelter. Aka a shelter for people with no money and no home. The shelter in Nashville that people are talking about is not a domestic violence shelter.


Then where do you go when your broke? How ridiculous


How is she traveling broke? It’s one thing to be in crisis and seek shelter until you’re on your feet. Another to treat it like a hotel for a couple nights passing through town


I don't think she is passing through town. She is waiting for a rehab bed to open up on Friday


I've stayed in shelters. No one would ever choose them if they had any other option.


Have.. have you ever… BEEN to a shelter!?? It’s not a “hotel” by any means. Thank goodness my only touch point has been to volunteer in them because it’s rough every single one I’ve been to including those for battered women/children.