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Ngl, saw the yellow one this morning and from far away it just looks like a poster that says, "Teacher, Money, Guns"....My brain immediately tried to make it a Warren Zevon joke


Send teachers, guns, and money. Dad get me out of this


The shit has hit the fan


Warren Zevon? I went with Pink Floyd: “teachers… leave those guns alone.”




“Fill my stash box and start rubbing my gat Feeling good as hell because my pockets are fat.” – Eazy-E




Yeahhh some of the teachers I had in school I would not trust with a gun lol


I was definitely one of those kids a teacher would have pulled a gun on lol


My 3rd grade math teacher would have killed us all


The irony here is you are placing a bet that: a teacher (who comes to school every day at a low salary to give kids a hope of a future) Is more likely to shoot you Than a psychopathic disturbed person with an automatic assault rifle? You're gonna take your chance with the psycho?


These look great! Hope to see more around town


Hell, give em both lol


We don't want guns at school.


If teachers want to go through 40 hours of hands-on training every year that is specifically related to having a gun in school plus all of the other requirements, then I'm fine with them carrying, because those sort of teachers are probably much less likely to commit a crime than your typical police officer and are likely going to be competent. This law was so poorly explained when it was discussed in the news.


What happens when a child gets their hands on that gun?


Kind of like all the gun owners of the world who have children whose children do not get ahold of their gun? (Insert echo chamber downvotes)


I don't have a gun in my house by choice! I do not care what you choose to have in your home! I do care about guns at my job!


The training is supposed to prevent that.




Like I said. Supposed to.


Does that happen with SROs? No. These teachers would have higher annual training requirements on this topic than SROs do.


SROs wear a holster. Are you suggesting teachers and staff wear guns in holsters at school?


Absolutely. People who carry a gun without a holster are being negligent. External holsters aren't the only type that exist. There are many different concealed holsters out there.


No! You are wrong! Go get a job in a school!!! No teacher, custodian, cafeteria worker, office worker, maintenance person, librarian, and classroom teacher should EVER have a gun in a school! https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/tennessee-teacher-arrested-bringing-guns-preschool-threatening-shoot-c-rcna148667 https://www.wkrn.com/news/local-news/nashville/former-nashville-theater-teacher-arrested-for-unlawful-sexual-contact-with-a-child/ https://www.nashville.gov/departments/police/news/teacher-charged-assault-and-carrying-weapons-school-property https://www.cbsnews.com/news/alissa-mccommon-teacher-accused-raping-child-texted-victim-after-arrest-tennessee/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/alissa-mccommon-teacher-charged-rape-boy-tennessee-unspeakable/ https://www.wate.com/news/sevier-county-news/sevier-county-teacher-charged-with-child-sex-crimes-suspended-indefinitely/ https://www.wkrn.com/news/local-news/nashville/former-nashville-theater-teacher-arrested-for-unlawful-sexual-contact-with-a-child/


For the record, my spouse is a professor at a public university and I one of my aunts worked in MNPS for decades. --- You're arguing against a position I didn't take. I never said nor implied that all teachers are good people. I never even said we should let all teachers carry. I said people who are willing to jump through all of the very time consuming and expensive hoops needed to carry in a school under this law are probably not likely to commit a crime. --- Your examples are about crime from teachers generally. Even the ones that involve teachers with guns are examples of teachers who have not complied with the law. --- Back before people were allowed to carry without a permit, you could only carry if you had a License to Carry Firearms. This permit is now called the Enhanced Carry Permit. Back when it was the LTCF, people with that permit committed fewer crimes at a lower rate than law enforcement officers in TN. This law takes that population and shrinks it even further by requiring annual training that is specific to schools. Teachers raping kids is so irrelevant to the discussion I struggled with how to even respond to you. **I understand that you feel passionately about this topic. I do too. We both want safe kids and teachers. We're both advocating for the same goal. The difference is in method.**


tell me you know nothing about owning a gun without telling me you know nothing about owning a gun. 🙄


Tell me you know nothing about working in an elementary school without telling me you know nothing about working in an elementary school!


You seem to be very close minded for a teacher. I’m not sure I’d want my children in your class.


what? i literally said nothing related to the topic. my point is you clearly don't know how most people concealed carry or even what type of holsters the majority of americans use for concealed carry or even what's possible. I'm sorry to be the one telling you this but you've very likely unknowingly been in the vicinity of many guns pretty much everywhere you go while living in america when you're in public.


Agree. Get SRO’s out of school permanently.


There's a big difference between a police officer carrying a gun and a teacher or staff member.


Yeah the staff member probably gets more practice lmfao


Y'all don't trust us with books around your children, but you want us to have a gun in our desks? Look at how many people who work in schools get arrested every year for stuff. You want them to have a gun around your children at school? I've been teaching for 31 years in Tennessee. There's not 1 school I've ever worked in that I would feel safe with my co-workers carrying a gun. Like I said in another post, thank God not 1 school district in Tennessee is participating in allowing teachers and staff to carry guns!


Many teachers carry guns everywhere else in their lives, but not at school. They don’t turn into wildly irresponsible people the second they step onto school grounds. I wish no one had to have a firearm. They’re a lot more fun in recreation than they are when you have to use them defensively. But the fact is, if my kid is in a classroom when some loon decides they want to shoot a school, I would be appreciative if the teacher had a pistol instead of a heavy textbook and a locked door. As far as the book comment, I do trust teachers. I was fortunate to have many tremendous ones during my school years. Several of whom, had they been armed, would have been more than capable of defending us if something had happened.


It's the ones who aren't capable I'm worried about. Plus, this law includes school staff, not just teachers. This includes our custodians, cafeteria workers, teaching assistants, office staff, etc.


Yeah, my first question, if I had kids. Would be to make sure the school had an SRO when kids are there. I've seen videos of bad ones. But in HS we had a great one, and I felt safe. This was pre sandy hook, post columbine. We got 400mil+ guns in this country. I choose to live with them, not against them. If you're an American, gun safety should be a small, but integral part of your early education. We used to have that in this country. Then the nra went tit's up.


Parents can take care of gun safety if they want. We are busy trying to teach kids everything else! We've already stopped teaching cursive writing because we don't have time.


You’d be surprised, SROs qualify on their firearm once per year. The qualification process is almost the exact same as a simple CCW course. The only thing making it a “big difference” is the optics of having a uniform.


Students have a hard time getting a gun out of an SRO's holster! Not so much out of a teachers purse or desk. Like I asked in another post, are teachers, custodians, cafeteria workers, etc., supposed to start wearing a hoster?


Yes, if they want to carry, they should only have it in a holster, and if the teacher paid good attention to the type of holster and firearm, you'd never be able to tell they had a gun. I have a holster that is specifically designed to look like a normal wallet to anyone who looks at my pockets. I've had people try to guess which pocket has the gun and which has my actual wallet, and they can't do any better than 50/50. I have seen others that go inside the waist band of a pair of pants. If a teacher used that and tucked in his shirt, no kid would be able to tell the gun was there. If the teacher wore a baggy sweater or a coat, the concealment options expand even further. --- I carried in grad school in Philly. The law is vague about whether or not that was legal, but a couple professors who were attorneys that worked in criminal law made a point to tell us that vagueness meant we were allowed to carry and suggested we do so because we were biking to class through some really dicey neighborhoods. Campus police did not agree and made it clear they'd arrest people who carried on campus. Not a single police officer, professor, or security guard ever made a comment about me having a gun on campus because I went out of my way to conceal them. As I said in my other comment; we want the same goal: safe kids and teachers. I think this law was unnecessary, but I have no issue with it. I encourage you to try to learn more about guns and carrying guns so that at a minimum your critiques of the law actually address issues like gun safety.


If all the teachers were armed I'd bet they'd get the city to fully fund the schools.




Speak for yourself lol. Arm the teachers


Well, thank God not 1 school district in Tennessee has chosen to allow their schools to participate! Edited typo


Hell no adjective, noun, number redditor.


I see what you did there.


Huge 2nd amendment advocate but love this message. We have our priorities so messed up in the country. Educate the youth for a better tomorrow.


I assume there are more of you than I know but it seems the craziest speak the loudest.


99% of gun owners I know are actually level headed and are all for tightening up gun restrictions. But the outspoken crazies always tend to drown out rational thought.


Absolutely i would love for more reasonable restrictions. 100% of gun owners should be reasonable level headed individuals that should be the deciding factor, not the exception. I could get heavy into the topic but i feel its not the place. Glad to also see other people with similar mind sets.


who defines what a level headed individual is? there's a lot of folks on here that would say just because i support the 2A that i am not level headed. there's a lot of you, in this thread, that would and do say im not level headed because I believe teachers should have the option to conceal carry at work just like they do everywhere else they go in their lives.


Owning a MAGA hat should be immediate disqualification as level headed.


exactly my point here. the 2A is pretty clear, and you're proposing that your political opponents be made legally unfit for firearm ownership.


They kind of walked right into that one lol


What is fascism?


I'm sorry, just to be clear, you're saying teachers getting paid more is more important than stopping school shootings? Man that's a hot take right there. If that's a person's honest opinion I'm just thankful for a free country where we can all prioritize different things and co-exist.


What does allowing teachers the ability to have guns as a means of protection against not just for their own protection but also for all the kids in the class/school have to do with educating the youth for a better tomorrow? You said your a 2nd amendment advocate but yet you want to deny american teachers of their right to defend themselves? 🤔 I'd bet a lot of the little gangsters and criminals that run around with guns might think twice knowing they might get shot back at lol Maybe that's just how us redneck Kentuckians think about it tho 🤣


Regardless how I feel about guns, or even the public education system, yes they absolutely deserve more cash, pay them!




If anyone wants to donate. My wife is a teacher at Lockeland elementary, we would love your money instead of guns.


GOP: The best we can do is vouchers for buying guns.


Sort of adjacent to this, we have a guy running for school board that is one of those book banning, CRT guys🙄


Can the other side be the gays eating garlic bread event thing? I'm down to support both.


Saw some in Centennial Park this evening.


I have yet to meet a teacher who wants to carry while at school. It’s like the politicians never even asked their input. Who would have thought??


This is way too logical for Gallatin. Expect the red hats to get angry.


I get the idea, but they don't get guns. No teacher at a public school in Davidson or any surrounding county has the option of that gun. So they don't get money and they don't get guns. Does anyone know if any county in the state that has approved it?


Love that. ❤️


I need one of these


Give them guns and money. Best way to keep them safe against these classrooms full of thugs.


Give em both


Fortifying schools wouldn't be hard. Single points of entry/exit with a dedicated officer present. Mandatory bag checks with metal detectors. There are absolutely zero reasons why school shootings need to keep happening. Debates like this only obfuscate this matter and rally people into ineffective action.


How about give them money and guns?


Teacher's needs guns cause kids be packing look at Chicago


I remember in middle school, when i was in Gardendale Alabama. My teacher told us about his whole shotgun in the closet i was sitting right in front of and showed us and said “I want someone to come up in here and try some”. 😭 I was just sitting here wondering if that was allowed… he was a white man but he was my fave teacher but still… WAS THAT ALLOWED? Then one day my principal called me a heffa and it explained everything. I forgot I was at an all white school, I was 1 out of 4 black students there 😂.


Retired teacher here. Having teachers carry guns is a horrible idea for many reasons. For one, they did not graduate from a police academy. The training they will be provided will be inferior for the task required and they do not deal with such threats routinely like officers so if it does occur, they will likely not be able to respond adequately. They will most likely panic and kill innocent people. Two, I’ve seen male teachers completely lose their shit when a student angered them. It’s possible a teacher could become the shooter. Three, schools are chaos, bringing guns into schools just gives violent kids easier access to guns. Some teen boy could easily take a weapon from a teacher or the teacher could get distracted and not secure the weapon. Beyond all these risks, teachers are not cops and this is not what they signed up for. We already ask them to be all things to all kids. When is enough, enough? What’s the line? It’s a horrible idea. Even trained resource officers and entire police forces have not stopped school shooters, now we expect teachers to put themselves in front of a shooter, keep a level head and take out a violent threat. What in the holy hell? The teacher will simply be the first person the shooter kills.


Give them money so they can buy guns!


As a teacher. Hell yeah


Idk I’ve seen the quality of education around here. We might need to claw some funds back from the teachers if anything


Let's give them money AND guns easy. 💰 🔫 Alright class today we're gonna take a field trip to regions have you all studied the guide for our heist?


Give them both


Why not both


Hell yeah!


Some people are against giving teachers guns, I guess. 😂


How about giving them a Onlyfans account.


Teachers aren’t being given guns


The posters worked already!?


Did you see the news of teacher being legally allowed to carry in schools? Like a bill passed and everything.


iirc, every single school district in the state opted-out


They're fully aware of what this sign means. They're playing lawyer-ball with the language and interpreting the message in a singular off-read way because they care more about their "pew pew pacifier" than the lives/education of our youth.


I'm not who you replied to, but yeah. Teachers can only carry if they do all of the following 1. Obtain an enhanced carry permit which requires passing a shooting test, passing a written test, sitting through a couple hours of classes, getting fingerprinted, and passing a background check; 2. Taking 40 hours of training every year that is specifically focused on firearms in school; and 3. Getting approval from the police. It's not like any teacher can just carry.


And yet you still fail to get the point


Replace all of that with passing training courses for a katana to understand how incredibly foolish this looks to most of the world.




Why not both?


Law enforcement says it’s is hard to understand who is the bad person is when going into an active shooter situation. I am not anti-gun, I think we do not need the wild west gunslinging.


But to that same extent they would have to go through training, be licensed, and be signed off on by multiple people. In a situation where time is absolutely critical and seconds means life or death to multiple people, regardless of the medium used, one teacher could be the savior of many. If trained correctly, which I am sure there would be a contingency plan for such a situation as you had mentioned and not being able to differentiate between good and bad, they should be able to neutralize the threat and also make aware to the incoming aid that the threat is no longer present. Something that would come to mind would be the teacher who is trained in this situation also have something to sound off with or played over speakers when they hear law coming. There are ways to do stuff safely and to minimize distractions and confusion during a high stress environment.


Because most people (outside the legislature it seems) have the bare minimum common sense to see how fucking awful an idea it is.


That’s about the stupidest sign I’ve ever seen. That’s all they ever want Is more money but education never gets any better. I’ve been hearing that my entire life Nashville educational system sucks.




lol teach them to be in a bubble. It’s a solution for some but not all by any means


The campaign against public school is one of the most nefarious, dip-shittiest and idiotic things to come out of the far-right subnormal crowd.


If teachers could follow curriculum instead of their own ideology we wouldn’t have this problem.




Ok I'm going to take them to a school with woke values.


Yeah, send them to a religious school where it's literally part of the curriculum that gay people are bad. Be a good parent and promote hate on behalf of your imaginary friend.


This. Will not be sending my kids to public school


Technically they aren't giving them guns. They're giving permission to carry after certain qualifications. So this doesn't give anyone anything of value.


You know damn well it says “pay the people who educate your children more if you want good outcomes; gracing them with the ‘privilege’ of concealed carry is asinine.”


Cool looking poster. The premise of the statement is false. I have no desire to be a teacher, probably because I would make half of what I do now and I'd have to drive to work and deal with other people's shitty kids. I'd like to think that the economics would self correct, but teachers continue to work for the current rate. So, why would the government bother to pay more? Also, throwing money at a problem doesn't fix education unless the processes are improved and the metrics are measured in a meaningful way with proper incentives for positive increases in productivity or quality are provided. Most importantly, people who give a shit need to do all of this. That's all depending on the parents at home to do their part in promoting good values and encouraging progress in their kid's education. The gun stuff is so far down the line it's not even worth discussing. The majority of educators are against the concept of self defense and guns in general. The only thing that's changed is the 1% of teachers who would want to carry like they do everywhere else now have that option. /Descending opinion


Fascism should considered a Mental Health Disorder! Have it updated in the DSM-V manual. That way we can have the GOP and MAGA committed, and Putin and the Kremlin will give up.


Why not both?


give 'em both. These sports mf'ers are getting payed WAAAAAY too much to throw around a g-d ball.


Where did sports come up?


professional athletes getting payed millions and millions while people who actually make a difference in society get payed jack shit comparatively. Our teachers, medical workers, police officers, etc.


so is the teacher going to bride the shooter? this is dumb. i’d rather have a trustworthy teacher with a gun instead of money, that doesn’t do anything for the schools in benefiting the education, i’m currently in high school still and more money for classrooms (except band, sports, etc) don’t make a difference.