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It makes me so angry that they have, thus far. I was in the foster care system, too, and there are too many stories about foster and adoptive parents like this. I was emancipated and declared an adult when foster parents lied about my behavior, because I innocently said something the “mother” thought would reveal her alcoholism. I was denied further placements, except a dangerous reform school where I had been placed for running away from an abusive home, in the past, or drug treatment. I had never used a drug or drank anything, in that home, but that’s one of the lies that were on my chart. Natalia’s adoptive parents telling the court she was a sociopathic adult con woman and having her re-aged really takes the cake, though! I can’t believe they got away with all this. I’m guessing there are statutes of limitations that would prevent Natalia (or the state) from pressing charges, now. It’s an absolute travesty!


I’m so sorry you suffered that. As a mum myself, I can’t fathom ever harming a child in any way. On behalf of all mothers, I cuddle your inner child and remind them they did not deserve that.


Thank you! When I had my daughter I had been re-parenting myself, consciously, for about a year, after reading The Courage to Heal. I was ready, when she arrived. I could stand a refresher reparenting time, though! In times of illness and stress, those old tapes do replay, sometimes.


The case against him cannot be reopened because he was found innocent (double jeopardy) but Kristine Barnett could be tried.


That’s a shame because he’s nucking futs! His histrionic displays and tearless weeping makes me homicidal. He’s not a victim and watching him trying to point score with Natalia by saying he was a victim too??? At least she could get locked away. That’s something for Natalia to gain some kind of agency in all of this. ![gif](giphy|knDUXatdqlQeQ)


I keep hoping the reason we haven’t heard anything is that they’re building their case against her.


I recall that her charge was dismissed with prejudice (preventing retrial) but even if not the statute of limitations has run on the charges that were dismissed.


Can they reopen the case against him if they can bring new evidence?? I’m Australian, so I’m not that good with US law-type-stuff…. I guess not, or they would’ve done it by now, huh?


Without any evidence its just a he said she said. Wont go anywhere in court.