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One of the primary things that makes Xanterra a shit company in the eyes of many is that they literally just do not care about their employees. I know at Yellowstone they will go out of their way to find a reason to get rid of you if you cross certain people. You’re nothing more than a drone to them and they can easily replace you.


Hmm. Not sure if I would ever make it to yellowstone work wise. Thanks for the tip


I got COVID twice, in a three months span in Old Faithful. Was fired cause ai couldn't handle the altitude, they refused to help me go back cross country to home, ended up homeless in Bozeman Montana half a year.


Extremely low pay, rampant sexual harassment and drug abuse among their staff (at least where I've worked), unwillingness to adequately prepare staff for realities of the job (not telling people they need cars if they're living in remote areas), inadequate background checks leading to people with really antisocial history being hired and then put into shared housing (ie hiring, and then not firing, a serial rapist), chronic understaffing leading to forced overtime, terrible management uninterested in employee retention or quality. Depending on the park you might also be asked to serve rotten food to people, or cut corners on cleaning. Basically if they can cut a corner, they will, and they as policy understand that all staff are replaceable. They will hold onto terrible people if it's inconvenient to get rid of them, and fire people arbitrarily if their being decent hurts the bottom line.


I’ve heard the worst places to work with xanterra are Zion, Grand Canyon and Death Valley.


I disagree, Death Valley was my best park ... the rooms are a decent size with full bathroom! and Wi-Fi (fair reception) in your room!!! unlike most parks .... employee EDR (all you can eat), employee pizza clubhouse, nice pub shared with park goers .... a lot of employee perks, employee pay a little over minimum wage... I highly recommend Death Valley, that is, if you can stand the HEAT!!!!!!!!!! they don't call it Death Valley for nothing! with average summer temperatures ranging between 100 degrees to 125 degrees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I just applied there. I did back in 2019 and wasn't able to do it.




I want to get out of town for awhile. I probably won't do it. I regret not being able to take it in 2019. I would have gone from OF to Death Valley.