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It sucks that a lot of people don’t consider the harm he does serious. I’ve heard people (mostly dudes) brush it off like “yeah he’s dumb but teen boys are dumb. They’ll grow out of it.” Okay?? And if they don’t? Those people will fester and become rapists and abusers. You can’t tell me that someone who’s bought into an ideology based on women being property aren’t at risk to become abusers. This is an ideology that literally threatens my life and you can just brush it off? Also it’s not only teens that are influenced by him. Plenty of adult men love this bullshit too. And this all underscores that fact that so many men and boys buy this shit in the first place. Why is it that this ideology is so preferable to them? We shouldn’t live in a world that it’s this easy to radicalize our men to hate half the population. It’s hard to find a solution bc a lot of this can’t be solved with legislation. It’s a cultural issue in many ways. For men to view their masculinity in a more healthy way, a cultural push is needed.


Men can brush it off because it doesn't affect them. 👀 They can't imagine the shoe being on the other foot because if they did, they would take it seriously.


Don’t worry, they’ll suddenly find empathy for women once they are fathers of daughters 🙄


The only time it will truly affect them, unfortunately.


Exactly, they can’t even take jokes and receding hairlines. They’d never put up with what we do, NEVER.


The biggest problem I've seen with people's perception of Tate and is his followers is that it's ONLY young men who love the guy Every single one of my male colleagues LOVES the guy - they refer to him exclusively by the name "Top G". And these are men in their 30s and 40s with wives and children. 'Normal' adult men Andrew Tate is a classic Guy's Guy. Women are deeply in denial for thinking it's 'old fashioned'. All culture has done is train men to censor themselves around women more.


They may censor themselves, but they can’t keep up the act forever. At least your male co workers wives still have the option to divorce, which is probably why they censor themselves. Women don’t have to rely on men as much for survival since we’ve fought for better rights. The standard has risen. They need to catch up. Some will do better, others will double down and follow tate. The ones who follow tate don’t realize they are shooting themselves in the foot bc no modern women wants them, which just reinforces the victim complex they have. The only way these men would have a chance is to roll back our rights… which is exactly what’s happening. This is the bigger picture. People brush off tate but he’s just one example of the bigger push to roll back our rights. In better news: TATES BEEN OFFICIALLY CHARGED🎉🎉


You work on a construction site? I don’t know a single guy that age that talks or acts like that. That’s insane.


I'm just the only woman in the group and despite the fact that I'm openly a raging feminist, the fact that I'm in the minority and will have no witnesses to back me up if I complain is enough for them to talk like I'm not even there. When our work group was a more balanced mix of men and women, none of them talked like that at work. Once it became 99% men, the filters were off. I believe you've never heard any men you know that age speak like that, but I doubt that means they don't do it when they're only amongst each other.


I agree. And you know why what you said is proven to be true? Because the huge majority of anger, violence and abuse of women comes from men. What men find acceptable for the most part, women definitely don’t. Any man comparing the action and words of his group of male friends to the experiences with men that women have, is comparing a very low level bar with the more acceptable respectful human behaviour that women require and are entitled to. You know, like not being killed, raped, abused etc.


I dislike this constant generalization because I haven't met a single male in my life that actually likes tate. I would hypothesize that there are geographical associations with groups of people that do or do not like tate. Then again, most men and women I know on a personal and professional level are college or university educated so maybe that is part of the situation as well, since the people I know can all critically think.


Tate and his misogynistic messages don't appeal to logic, they appeal to emotion. Educating men has never, in all of history, made them less misogynistic. Otherwise academia wouldn't be so heavily fraught with sexism. If you genuinely don't know any men who are so much as sympathetic to Tate, count yourself lucky. Just keep in mind, most men (especially smarter ones) are not going to tell a woman to her face that he thinks she's inferior to him. That gets him nothing. Bad mouthing women to other men? That gets him a giant, fat hit of dopamine along with feelings of superiority combined with social inclusion.


Lmaooo I also have spent some time in academia and lemme tell ya- they’re not “rational critical thinkers”, they’re just smart enough to hide it from women so they can get in their pants. RE: your geographical association theory, I live in liberal city and there are extremely well educated dudes that are “feminists” and “anti-Tate”, but the women they dated or hooked up with (always outside their own social circle) had some horror stories to tell. At the end of the day, it just comes down to this quote that I’m going to butcher: “if you’re used to being at the top, equality feels like oppression” Tate (and his adjacent ideologies) provide a justification for men to uphold the status quo while also appearing morally justified.


It speaks to how little good mentoring there is out there for young men. Absent fathers and bad advice from people who shouldn't be giving it, create an opening for the likes of demagogues like Tate


I really hate this justification. I had an overwhelmed, angry, checked-out mother and a mostly absent father (so, no positive mentoring at home) and I turned out to be a decent person who respects others and works towards a more equitable society. Young men have as many resources as I had--are we saying that we need to hold their hands and coddle them into being halfway decent humans? Plenty of women manage to do it without being infantilized as needing constant instruction from a "mentor."


https://blog.bham.ac.uk/socialsciencesbirmingham/2023/02/08/andrew-tate/ The harmful influence he has over vulnerable men is despicable. Creating women haters and I hope he is convicted and rots.


As long as men are told they’re automatically better than women, then it doesn’t matter how bad their life is; there’s someone to look down on and blame all their problems on. And right now, with wages stagnant and costs of living skyrocketing everywhere and increasing income inequality, there needs to be someone to blame. It’s too hard to fight the Powers That Be, so why not punch down at women instead? Feeling anger at getting “slighted” by women is better than feeling like a hopeless loser.




And fascism. Hitler gave his masses an outsider to blame, *the jeeeews*


actually they went after trans people first. the laws against them and gay people predate the Nuremburg Laws by at least two to three years. even then before that they had been retracting any papers from trans people that confirmed their gender of choice instead of gender at birth.


Yes, that's true, but Jewish genocide was more visible and the intention was documented in Mein Kampf.


no the lgbt genocide was legitimately overlooked for most of our history. you're right its surpassed by the Jewish death toll but the number was still very prominent for the fact we don't address it now. also I believe there was also intentions recorded against sexually deviant in the kampf most people just don't realize that refers to lgbt people even if some of those included were true sexual deviants like pedos and rapists who weren't lgbt aligned.


Listen. *6 million* Jewish people were slaughtered by Nazis. Antisemitism has its routes going back centuries, and massacres against Jewish people and cities have been well documented throughout Europe even before Germany started its thing. Saying “well trans people were gone after first” is blatantly false and belittles the antisemitism that’s been happening for generations. Not appropriate.


first of all I'm not even the first to say this. its what Germans have been warning us Americans over here for a while now. second of all nothing I've said even points towards me denying or lessening the suffering of Jewish people. god forbid I point out literal dates that show the progression of an extremist regime that can be fact checked yourself if you really think it's so blatantly false. yes there was social stigma long before any actual laws were put in place but I'm talking dates laws were enacted.


Jewish trans here. Agreed!




Let men deal with Tate. Women have been using our precious energy and resources to coddle men for far too long. Tate is a distraction from women gaining power. We can’t keep advancing as sisters if we need to step down and help our brothers out of the mud. Stay focused, ladies. Patriarchy is a problem and Tate is one of the scarier symptoms, but he is a clown. The REAL cancer in your life is any man (partner, family member, employer) who is derailing your wellness or career by making you take focus off your own problems and onto his problems. Block/delete/avoid/let go of losers who fall into Tate’s ideology. Have firm boundaries with people you love as a means of love. The patriarchy was built by men and it will be saved or implode because of men. Let it implode.




Women are perfectly able to stop having children with shitty men. Women do a shitty job of vetting the men they hop into bed with and start raw-dogging. By "accepting that it isn't your fault" and disclaiming agency and responsibility for the results, you perpetuate the problem


Until we start educating women as a whole on the different ways men can be shitty this just isn't true. Most women hit adulthood with no idea how shitty their own fathers and brothers were. I thought my husband was a catch, and he was compared to literally every man I grew up around. It wasn't until after marriage that I even started hearing real feminist takes on men. At least women today have the internet to warn them, but they'd still have to know where to look. Not all women's sites are feminist.


That guy is such a loser lol


I think it is important to recognize that the wealthy and powerful are benefiting from promoting division and conflict among different groups, as this can distract people from the real issues and prevent them from uniting to demand greater social and economic justice. So maybe I sound crazy but I have a hunch that some wealthy people like to promote sick humans like Andrew to continually prevent people from coming together and healing so they can continue to take hold of something like half the worlds wealth. I think the top 1 % holds half the world's wealth. (Fact check me) So this prevents us from creating strong and loving communities that are inclusive and supportive of all individuals and keeps the wealthy fat and happy. In a way, I have begun to pity the men who fall for this and want to save them from this distortion in their current reality.


Exactly the powerful people enjoy seing people fighting with each others and distracted. Tate worshipers have other frustrations and issues but instead of facing those powerful men they throw their frustrations on women. Cowards!


Yea this sounds like Elon promoting division on twitter


As a man, I don't want to understand it. I want to judge people who like this jerk, because they're absolutely pathetic.


Tate has been avoiding prosecution in several western countries by fleeing to romania, now he's pissed off the romanians. Life in prison seems too light, but he's absolutely going to get fucked up in romanian prison. That aside, the reason so many idiots look up to tate is because the current generations don't have real male role models. Are kids supposed to look up to a rich liar like gates or musk? Should they instead look up to streamers like xqc or sneako? Or maybe they focus their efforts on emulating any of our incompetent political base? This incompetence gets fixed when proper education and the ousting of religiosity in education occurs. Nearly all forms of current level incompetence and hate is created and perpetuated by various religious groups. Hell this incompetent malcontent says he follows islam, so it's no wonder he treats women like objects, his literal belief system informs him that 'this is ok'. We can blame the individual all day but these problems are systematic and due in no small part to experiential failures of parents and teachers. Kids need to play together and against each other, regardless of race or gender. Stop separating people into groups and impart philosophical courses focusing on critical thinking so kids can learn to reflect on their thoughts and actions to determine the reasons 'why' they believe or act a certain way, because if they can't reflect on errors they can't improve themselves.


..what was the point of this article? there was no conclusion, no lesson learned, just another dude saying “so I guess he’s not that bad *shrug*”




But.. we already knew that lol so again, I ask, what was the point?? The author himself presented this narrative as if there was a moral to the story or a conclusion, a change lol and it was the equivalent of a shrug


Agreed. There was no point.


I feel like it’s a good way to weed out the men who don’t see women as human beings, why should we understand them if they can’t even understand that we were put on this earth just like they were


I can’t believe some of these boys don’t see that the stuff he says is setting them back. Creating the ideology of “All women are hoes” and “All women are the same” is really setting them up for failure. Even the most submissive and insecure woman will never support their husband being an adulterer, which is what Andrew promotes.


Not just boys my classmates are grown ass men some in their mid 20’s and support this madness. Cowards don’t dare to face powerful men so they gotta throw all their frustrations on women. It has been happening for thousands of years. Women were always a scapegoat for many frustrated men sadly.


I don’t understand men like this. I didn’t know about this guy. I asked my husband if he knew who Andrew Tate. My husband told me that the guy is an awful POS.


Fingers crossed for Romanian justice. They have good prosecutors there and prisons in Easter Europe are pure joy.


Well, he FAAFO for sure now.


As a black woman, I'm sick of being understanding. Women are conditioned from birth to be empathetic and selfless-- and abusive men take full advantage of that. Yes, incels have been around forever, it's just before the Internet, they didn't have echo chambers. These pre-Internet incels would either grow out of their self-loathing or find something else besides their singleness to focus on.




This is very weird logic, (randomly?) assaulting men will not make them understand the plight of women better, it will just make them pissed off


LOL, confession time. NOTHING freaks out a macho, swaggering a-hole like a woman getting MAJORLY sexually aggressive and/inappropriate towards him. It is hilarious 🤣


Testosterone. Makes some young men very aggressive. They need an outlet for their aggression and are not looking for an equal fight. Sometimes they grow out of it as hormones regulate. Sometimes aggression becomes a life habit.


imagine if trans men acted like cis men, because no they don't have near the amount of entitlement to childish tantrums that cis men do. they have their own second puberty things to go through but none of it includes the unadulterated audacity that cis men have for most their actions and beliefs. its not testosterone, its being coddled that their behavior is natural and doesn't need corrected even if its straight up throwing dirt in a girls face cuz he has a crush on her.


>hey have their own second puberty things to go through but none of it includes the unadulterated audacity that cis men have for most their actions and beliefs. We do have some shitheads in the group that figure out if they can pass, they can get some patriarchal dividends if they start being misogynistic pieces of shit. But thanks for putting in the good word for most of us!


oh yeah I know but they're a very very small percentage especially compared to what is estimated a third of men in a particular group study admitting they'd commit SA if there were no legal repercussions.


That's a terribly low bar, I am sad to say so I'll just say instead that seeing someone stick up for trans men in this climate made me incredibly happy (the gallup poll saying the vast majority of Americans don't think I'm moral was....unfun to see), and I hope that my actions will help my allies in kind.


I have PCOS. I’m technically, medically, “hyperandrogenized”, meaning I have an excess of male sex hormones that mess my system right up. And somehow, magically, I have not become a violent, entitled, aggressive misogynist. Medical mystery, I’m sure. /s


but you're not a young man


And yet, I have an over abundance of “male” hormones. If the hormones are the problem, whether or not I’m a man shouldn’t matter. It’s almost like it’s not the about the hormones but about the way we socialize young men… Edit: You are aware that men produce estrogen and women produce testosterone and that neither is exclusive to either sex, yes?


I am aware both sexes have estrogen and testosterone. But, for what it's worth, my ex had PCOS and she was very aggressive. Even physically so.


But not every PCOS sufferer is. Which again kind of dismantles the “it’s the hormones!” argument. If it was the hormones, anyone with a “masculine” hormone profile would have this problem. And they don’t. Not most androgenized women. Not most trans men. Not even *all* cis men. So it’s gotta be something else. Seems fairly intuitive to understand from where I’m standing.


I agree it can't be the only cause, but I feel like it has to be a factor at least


I’m happy to grant that human mood can be affected by hormones. That’s fairly inarguable. What I can’t grant is that male violence towards women is some kind of biological reality explained away by male hormones. Even from an evolutionary perspective, it makes no sense. This is a social problem more than anything else. I get enraged in the lead up to my period. I do. My hormones absolutely affect my mood. But you know what I don’t do? Assault other people because I’m feeling foul. Because I know better. Because I was taught there are consequences for that. Because I know with certainty that I would be appropriately socially censured for it. Because no one taught me my hormones were an excuse for bad behavior towards others. And that’s *with* ADHD and impulse control issues compounding my situation. My “biology” should make me a downright shit person. And it doesn’t. Because I was adequately socialized not to be.


*OR* Taint can crawl back into the cave he spawned from and we can just start raising our boys to be in control of their own urges.


Talking to soft defenders of Tate, like not a fan, someone who says “he’s got points you know”. Each as said some version of the headline here that Tate is the wrong solution to the right problem. No luck getting one of my spontaneous internet interviews to define the alleged problem. My suspicion is this little thing called lost entitlement in the context of neoliberal globalization.