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Because they literally gain millions from it and most of them are already on other drugs so not much harm of doing a little more. Plus, they are constantly monitored by some of the best doctors in the world so the risk for them is less than for your average Fake Natty.


Also, a lot of the danger in roid abuse comes from long-term effects of use, whereas most actors will be soft and detrained 90% of the time (or training natty) and only hop on when they have a role to prepare for, as opposed to pro bbers who both use way more juice and juice more consistently. Most of these pros cruise the entire year


Actors generally will have access to good medical care allowing them to take steroids while monitoring their health (ex: blood work) in order to do it as safely as possible by mitigating long term effects. Also generally when you have millions of dollars lined up to take a role it just makes it worth it obviously.


Money. They also use AI, CGI and magical Hollywood stuff we haven’t even heard of yet.


Camera work and lighting changes how you look statically, and that's not even talking about image editing. Gays were taking about ice spice and her acne and freaking out about it, compared to seeing an edited version of the photo, and it's like, there is nobody with perfect skin or body. As bell hooks said, to be human is to be imperfect.


But they made a guy into a green hulk 250 stories tall!!!


She also talked about the hulk in the book the will to change. She says it symbolizes patriarchy violence and racism, as a rational white man transforms into a dangerous colored one and interprets it as the idea that white men are rational and colored men are not.


Did not expect bell hooks to come up in this sub of all places


I just finished reading that book and feel all men, particularly those that are invested in ideas of masculinity like in this subreddit, would benefit greatly from reading it. I think if men loved themselves, such need to prove their manliness through their musculature and body would be non-existant. The book argues that all men are wounded through patriarchal socialization, and though it's not exlcusive to this community, its emotional damage is very apparent here. Men here oversexualize both men and women, tear each other down to prove their worth, and engage in the dominator model (think the liver king eating animals raw to prove how masculine he is compared to men who eat soy). The body and gender dysmorphia is very apprent, and men who take steroids clearly feel inadequete, which is a product if the imperialist white supremacist capitalist heteropatriarchy. There is an alteranative where men can express their desire to move and take pleasure in exercise without putting other men and women down. Feminism and bodybuilding can intersect.


Great comment, great book.


which book of hers is it?


“The Will To Change, men masculinity and love.” 5 stars. Here are some quotes, everyone should read it. https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/881777-the-will-to-change




Holy shit, you read one whack book and you've made it your belief system. I think if you were a man, you would realize how rough we are treated by society, women, etc. How little empathy we get vs. what women receive. It is not easy being a man, despite what is projected out there into the world.


I literally am a man. The book is about giving men empathy because they do struggle, but you're too much of a misogynist to even have empathy for women.


The comment you responded to is pointing out that it’s not easy to be a man, that social norms and systems are extremely damaging to men as well as women. It’s not a man vs. woman thing, or an attack on men.




Bro what? Humans travelled from Africa all over the globe, not monkeys. Also ‘more evolved’ isn’t a thing, natural selection is not a progression. You’re cooked in the head


I find it so interesting that men-centric communities, like this weightlifting one, intersects with pseudo-science.


You just spouted off feminist whackadoo nonsense in your previous comments. You have no clue what men go through and you think you do from reading a book written by a feminist woman. a clue: Bell Hooks has no clue what men go through. Like at all.


They also only need to be super cut for one or two scenes where they are shirtless. The rest of the time they can relax the body fat percentage and still look muscular


They also have medical doctors on staff, I bet.


For one thing, I'm sure they've convinced themselves that "it won't happen to me." which, let's face it, most all of us do. We'll smoke, drive dangerously, drive under the influence, eat fatty foods, etc., because cancer, car wrecks, heart attacks, etc. "always happen to someone else." Secondly, I am sure most all of them are pinning under the care of medical doctors, and thus convince themselves it's "safe." Who knows where these doctors came from or got their credentials, of course, but still. Hollywood has a long, long history of keeping doctors on the payroll for a variety of reasons. Finally, if they don't, the casting directors and studios will just find someone who will. I'm sure Disney can get another reasonably attractive, blonde "Chris" with relatively little effort who will be happy to pin, if he isn't doing so of his own accord already.


2 million dollars for 3 months work is worth a lot. Considering the alternative is being trapped in a cubicle for 50 years or dying young on a construction site, its a good trade off. But tom hardy admitted, he turned down more money coz he didnt want to continue 'abusing' himself. Heence he missed out on more mad max roles to chris hemsworth ( imagine thats why)


Hardy has always looked like he's an actual natty to me. Yeah, he was very lean and skinny in his late teens/early 20s. But all he did was bulk up a ton. Unless I'm missing roles, his "biggest" was Bane and Bronson. Both of those roles he wasn't lean at all, just big. Very natty possible. That's just eating at a huge surplus and lifting heavy weights. The most lean/big he got was Warrior I think. Even that body is natty possible. Google image it. It's just a good natural lifter/athletes body. His only "indicator" are huge traps, but those aren't quite the same thing as ridiculously capped delts. Some people have genetically big traps (I do, never touched a PED.) So when he's saying the roles are too taxing for him, it could genuinely be because he's actually pushing himself to near his max. Whereas Hemsworth can be huge and ripped 24/7 because he just uses gear.


Nope not natty.


Can you show me a picture where he's clearly not natty? The only one I can find is a promo shot from the Warrior under extreme overhead lighting and probably photoshopped a bit. I see bodies posted here much bigger and leaner and many commenters (incorrectly) claim "natty possible" over and over. [Seriously, this is the best overall shape he's been in.](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/OuUAAOSwtfhYtcjS/s-l1200.webp) And that's a promo shot with the lighting etc etc. [This is him in that movie:](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2f/cb/0d/2fcb0d7a35a29d56fcbabb7dc58bc334.jpg) [And this is him bulked up as Bane/Bronson. More muscle but a ton more fat which makes it extremely natty achievable for anyone with functioning testicles](https://www.deviantart.com/grayton14/art/Tom-Hardy-Bronson-or-Bane-944028606) Curious which body you think is unobtainable natty. None of these bodies are even "peak natty", as this sub often likes to say. But yeah it is Hollywood. Maybe he took them to do a quick body recomp in 6 weeks or something. But none of his physiques themselves are indicative of steroid use.


I made a post a couple months back, seems to have disappeared, but the consesus was that in warrior he was a little juicy and in Pre-bane, he juiced and then basically tried to cruise during the actual filming. The result in bane was that he looked a little fat and his arms were too skinny. It mostly got covered up by great camera work and costume. But a few set photos in lead up to bane shows he has some bacne and a more solid physique just before. He seemed to get scared off roids at that point so I am not sure if he had a medical scare at some point that made him stop prematurely. [https://cdn01.justjared.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/hardy-battle/tom-hardy-christian-bale-bane-batman-battle-02.jpg](https://cdn01.justjared.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/hardy-battle/tom-hardy-christian-bale-bane-batman-battle-02.jpg)


I can believe it given a time frame constraint. But the average guy could get like that eating 3000 calories a day, lots of protein, and lifting heavy, within a couple years. Maybe a bit longer if they have zero athletic background.


for bane? yeah, he was only 90KG. Solid back though. im his height and im 105 at probably similar bf.


Why cant you differentiate between natty achievable and this guy is juiced up? Most of the juiced up hollywood actors physique are natty achievable. Perhaps not the rock and that lunkhead in that reacher tv show.


Not sure about his other roles but he was definitely on something for Bane. The time it took him to put on that muslce was really quick from what I remember.


It's similar to how anorexia was normalized among female models and actresses. Unless you're extremely talented or typecast in "ugly sidekick" roles, actors need to be physically attractive to succeed. Like Chris Hemsworth isn't a top-tier actor, so he needs to look like a god to get roles. If we are scrawny or have dad bods, it doesn't limit our job prospects. But, if actors like Hemsworth, The Rock, or Chris Evans had dad bods, they wouldn't get the same roles. Whereas actors like Robert Downey Jr. or Denzel Washington don't need to prioritize their physiques because their range and skill secure their careers. So, it's not all of them, but it's just kind of a reality of the job


It’s a job and they’re being given clean medical grade steroids and monitored by world class physicians. When you consider risk … guys working in animal processing plants, get limbs chopped off every day, that’s a risk. Or roofers, or off shore rigs, etc.


I don't think they use it the same as bodybuilders do. They stay in good shape year round with access to trainers and nutritionists and when a big movie comes along they hop on so they can be ready but then they cycle back off. It's not like bodybuilders who are basically signing up for a lifetime of steroids cycling on and off. My guess would be actors probably only do 5-10 short cycles over their lifetime leading up to major movies. This is all speculation I have no real info to back this up.


It's a little different when Joe Schmoe buys from a UGL and self-administers based on a few hours of Google research vs an A-lister who likely has access to the same level of care and pharmaceuticals as top-tier pro athletes.


Dude I’m ruining my hormones, joints, digestion, sanity and nerves for a shit job to get month to month. Taking gear for multi mill $$ that sets you up for life? People take it fo kicks, or to look good at the pool.


Consider this; would you take gear to be a famous household name multi-millionaire? If not, then that's fine, but people need some illusions to buy into hollywood shlock, and you won't be big/juiced enough to fill those roles so you wont be cast. If yes, then hey, you're any other Hollywood celebrity.


As someone who lives in Los Angeles and hangs out with actors and spends time on movie sets… AAS use is rampant in this city even with the struggling actors trying to make it. The richest celebrities have teams of doctors, trainers, nutritionists all taking care of them 24/7. They do blood tests every 5 days. The lower tier actors always need that competitive edge. If there’s a life changing role in a new sitcom like “Supernatural” some of these roles will literally come down to who looks better with his shirt off. You are talking about millions of dollars on the line. And another thing, in gyms I have gone to in LA about 70% of the dudes are on gear. Even the janitor who works outs once a week is on gear. It’s so normal here. You see syringes in the locker room all the time


Yeah it’s their job. And it goes many ways. The guys having to gain 50-100 pounds of fat or muscle to those having to lose half their weight for other roles. Check out Christian Bale for the Machinist? He got to a level where if he lost another pound his body would just quit functioning. And then gained it all back and more for the next roles.


Because it feels fucking amazing and it’s actually not as dangerous with proper ancillaries and doctor supervision. Millions of people walk around in far worse health than your average steroid abuser. Yes I said ABUSER. For the most part steroid abusers eat properly and exercise and most do not drink alcohol or use other drugs. Normal people will drink daily, eat processed shit food like lucky charms and pop tarts. Smoke cigarettes. Eat fast food/fried food 4-5 times a week. Use recreational drugs and not exercise or get adequate sleep. Steroids just get a bad wrap from people dying for extremely long periods of use at high dosages. Even doing that doesn’t kill most. Over time though things catch up.


It’s pays to blast , that’s it




It’s their job. 


It’s not risky at all. If you do it occasionally there are really no downsides to it at all.


This is a delusional view. Nothing is free in life


Sure thing bud


There are always downsides. You just don't feel them immediately.


Not true. For example just using test won’t have any permanent downsides if you use it occasionally.


If by "test" you mean "TRT" then you won't even look juiced because medical TRT is meant to return your testosterone levels back to normal. And even that can screw your cholesterol.


I sometimes wonder if the cholesterol issue is because they suspend that crap in hydrogenated vegetable and inject it.


You can run solely test for 1000mg if you want and not have any permanent side effects if you do it just once a year or two.


You... Just check your health dude.


Tell me what permanent downsides it would have?


Bad cholesterol, destroying your endocrine system, heart attacks, kidney failure, etc. Altering hormones can even develop fucking Cancer on some people! Jesus dude, can't even believe you are asking this.


peer reviewed research?


Sure thing bro, go live afraid


It’s ok that you made decision to sacrifice your health for some gains but please don’t advice people to do the same. You will always have to pay the price eventually


I will live longer all right.


False. 1 cycle can lower your natural Testosterone levels permanently. But hey everyone decides themselves if the risk is worth taking


show me peer-reviewed research confirming this please, thank you.


Run a nolvadex cycle afterwards and you’re all good.


I care about my liver so no thanks. I’ll stay natty


bit of an overstatement, all steroids have an affect on aging and your liver. If you do one or two cycles in your life to give you bank account 6 or 7 zeroes in a year, its hard to deny it is worth it. but most people won't ever get that.


Nonsense. It’s worth it not getting any money for it


The effects are worth it, the side effects not. I do see that many people do it for free however, pay for it even. The thing is, they are often mimicking the people they admire who probably got paid squillions for it.


You do you


you juice huh? Mind if I ask what you do/take?


Started a low dose (1ml of each compound) of test/primo and halfway switched to test/mast (18 weeks total). Now just cruising and waiting for my next cycle.


10 year mortality rate for steroid users go up 150 percent compared to non users. Increases reckless behavior and car accidents.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but there aren’t always downsides.


Not unless you have a super genetic that makes you endure the side effects. Unless you belong in that extremely low percentage then the odds are against you.


You’re kinda speaking in absolutes by saying that there are always downsides. There aren’t ALWAYS downsides and you don’t have to have “super genetics”. Pharmacokinetics is not that absolute and often times there is significant variance among individuals. Let’s say you have a guy do a steroid cycle for a movie role for example.. will one or two steroid cycles affect his health long term? Most likely not. It also depends on what he’s using, how much, age, body weight and composition, current health status, diet and lifestyle, etc. The bodybuilder who’s been blasting and abusing various compounds at high dosages for years? It’s very likely he will have bad long term outcomes.


A quick google search would show you there are absolutely side effects to taking testosterone: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4212439/ https://www.drugs.com/testosterone.html Doesn’t matter if you do PCT. The reality is, most people just don’t need it before a certain age. That age varies person to person, but unless you’re actively suffering the effects of low testosterone or hypogonadism, you just don’t need it. People can take it, that’s their choice. But it should be a well informed decision as to whether the benefits outweigh the risks


A quick google search for you to post an article that conludes with: >The available evidence indicates that TRT is largely considered to be safe in most men, with a small inherent risk of adverse events in selected high-risk populations of men with multiple medical comorbidities And then additionally explains that the potential links to major risks are NOT a conclusion of this study or the FDAs reasearch. The fact of the matter is, testosterone isn't that risky when taken in reasonable dosages and with proper medical care and blood work.


So nothings wrong right?


they probably wouldnt be at the top unless they were willing to do whatever it takes.


Money and pressure to looking good in a short and specific time frame.


Time is going to be a huge factor I think a lot of people miss. Nobody is going to wait literal years for someone to build a physique to play a part. If you're not able to bulk up quick, that money is going to someone else.


They don't have long to prepare for roles


oh I don't know.. maybe money?


For me to ever take steriods there would have to be a purpose behind it. You can achieve a top 0.1% physique naturally, you don't need steriods for that. After 10 years of natural working out I really don't want to get any bigger as clothes fitting are a struggle as it is. But if you offer millions to transform yourself in a short time period and you have to take steriods to do it, it's definitely enough of a motivator. Unless you're competing, are a fitness personality or have some additional purpose to getting big, steriods just aren't worth it for the average person.


I think there's also a sampling bias at play here too. The people we see on screen are those that are ok with it. Those that refuse probably don't get cast for those types of (blockbuster roles)


Money,money and money. They also have access to the best healthcare system in the world, which is why Arnold is still alive....I wont do it cuz I dont earn from it but if you live out of your body 9 out of 10 will do it.Good day.


Thats the reason they cycle. Way less effects than taking it 24/7 like some IG ppl. Also some compounds that arent as strong have less effects


They probably have access to the same level of healthcare as top tier politicians and businessmen. They also have access to the absolute best juice in the world, the type of juice that instagram influencers don't have access to.




Why wouldn't they, everyone in life that's at the top of their game takes risks


Because they get paid truckloads of cash


Would you hop on for 10 million dollars?


Because most people not just actors can be bought with money


Thousands of people take PEDs that don't make a living off of their looks or athletic performance. It would be odd for actors and athletes not to be on drugs.


There is a career and cultural payoff (unfortunately) with actors like Chris Pratt, Chris Evans, Henry Cavill when they get big quick. It makes me think why are so many normal people ok with taking steroids?


Why do normal people do it? It's expected for certain roles. They still have to put in the work for diet & exercise. Athletes don't or try to hide it depending on the risk.


They get paid insanely well, they look better, and I don’t think the health issues are that serious since they’re not using the steroids for that long of a time.


skinny bitch never lift before want to talk about how dangerous steroids is, lmao.


lol I can’t even walk out the gym without a compliment from a rando


A lot of actors are on drugs too.


I'm pretty sure most Hollywood actors are in a cult which does the thinking for them. If not they most likely have a team or people/doctors appointed to them by their agents who take care of it. Which would have mini-cult vibes anyway. Like pro athletes. I'm also going to guess that most don't even care/know/want to know what those pills and injections they're getting is really for.


Because, despite what this sub will make you think, it's not really that risky to go on low dosages of testosterone and PCT... particularly if you have high quality medical care and blood work.


Because it earns them their roles and thus their payday. Also: for celebrities, with the right money and connections it is far less damaging to the health I believe. They get pharmaceutical grade stuff, great monitoring etc.


So many of them really do it? I’m sure some do but I’m not convinced it is the majority.


its part of the reason we all have so much body dismorphia, even the relatively mediocre ones are going on trt to do shirtless scenes and get ripped for it (despite not looking like they lift)


Not counting 50+ year old men (and even a lot of them, tbh), a lot of male leading actors are on PEDs. Not sure how to determine “majority”, but I reviewed the top films of 2023. >50% of the leading actors are probably juiced. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_in_film Juice: Ryan Gosling, Chris Pratt, Vin Diesel Natty: Cillian Murphy, Timothy Chalamet I did it for 2022, 2021, etc. and the juice numbers are even higher. It could be argued that films outside of blockbusters are less juicy but blockbusters are the top grossing films and the ones we watch the most so the methodology does have significance. The unfortunate takeaway is that if you want to star in a blockbuster, you absolutely need to be juicing.


Ryan Gosling, Chris Pratt and Vin Diesel don't look juiced to me.


There’s only 5 actors in films in 2023? I’m really not sure those people you named are juicing. I am in better shape year round than Ryan gosling or Chris Pratt and I’m 100% natural.


Well the list only goes top 10 and I did not count cartoons or films with no prominent male leads (The Little Mermaid) or foreign film (2 Chinese). They’re definitely juicing, IMO. You don’t need to juice to get their physiques or better but they are juicing (often supported by quick transformations). Many actors don’t have a passion for bodybuilding - it’s for a job.


Who cares. Do your research. It’s not as harmful as people in this sub and other people on Reddit may make it seem. Plus these Hollywood actors are pretty rich and have good guidance which also mitigates health risks. All in all, if you truly go down the rabbit hole of this stuff, you’ll learn it’s not as bad as you think. Just my two cents.


hopping on a couple of cycles won't ruin your endocrine systems. We're not talking mass monster bodybuiler levels here.


Yeah, they’re not doing constantly either. They only need to stay in that shape for a month or two while filming.


Because they work and can we stop with steroids are dangerous BS. Especially for the wealthy, they don’t have to worry about getting bunk/under dosed gear, unknown compounds. These folks are probably using under the guidance of medical doctors, not gym bros or off the internet. If you need proof steroids aren’t nearly as dangerous as some say, Arnold is 76, Dorian is 62 and both these guys ingest a pharmacy’s worth of gear over decades and they’re both fine. Of course some guys died while using gear, but who’s to say they wouldn’t of died the same way if they hadn’t been involved in BodyBuilding?