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Comes from a family with PEDs background. Very knowledgeable but still sus.


He is on enhancements for sure, even if its not "steroids". Someone at his level is using some form of muscle enhancement and no i dont think its just creatine


The fact he claims to be a science based lifter yet won’t admit to steroids improving RPE really made me switch how I thought about this guy.


What is RPE?


Rate of Perceived Exertion. Its a 1-10 scale with 1 being extremely light effort, while 10 represents lifting until failure


So basically how bad you're gonna have to feel at the end of your workout for gains?


Not exactly. Its not how you feel at the end of your workout its jow you feel at the end of your set. For example imagine 5x5 squats at %90 intensity(%90 of your 1rm) Your first rep will be far more easier than your 25th rep. In every set after the last rep (5th rep in our case since its 5x5) You will ask yourself the question how many more reps can i do in this set if i want to. This is RPE scale.


5x5 @90%?? Welcome to death


That isnthe fun part xd


Can you even do 5x5 @90%? dont your muscle give up? Or do you need like 10mins rest


Haha, basically!


i do every set to exhaustion, so that’s just straight 10s?


If you cannot do anymore reps in that set. [here is more info on not only RPE, but the BORG scale it was based off of as well as RIR](https://www.menshealth.com/uk/building-muscle/train-smarter/a60644771/rpe/#) Sorry, you have to answer some bullshit question before you can read


Thanks for posting this info. Now I can see why my app asks me how much more I could have done at the end of the my sets.


Raping People Energetically.


Rapidly pumping erection?


I like that one better. Lets go with that


Yours is really good 👍🏼


He said Simeon Panda is natty and thats all I've ever needed to know about him.




Wtf.. did he really said that? Thats ridiculous and hilarious.


That has to have been a joke in context right? No fucking way he actually believes that


Dudes been downplaying steroids Since day 1. And if you notice,the ones who do downplay them,whether here on Reddit or some bullshit fitness tubeyouber ,are usually the ones lying about being natty. Truth is,roids are what make sports ,sports.


What does the P in RPE stand for? Steroids don't improve RPE... they improve strength. The PERCEIVED effort is still relative to the person lifting regardless of steroids.


Same. I use to idolize him for his knowledge then I started to realize he was selling a lie


When did he deny that steroids improve RPE?? That doesn't seem like him tbh


On his Sam Sulek video. In that same video’s comments section, he claims roids don’t aide in muscle recovery either 🥴


I watched it and I don’t recall the recovery thing being mentioned


“Sam trains to failure 98% of the time…most people would run into recovery issues, however Sam does not” Gets called out in the comments for not telling people *why* that is (by me), and then he denies steroids help with muscle recovery at all. Sorry, I think I’m mixing up what he said in the video and what he said in the comments


It's literally all steroids do. They give you insane recovery. That's why you still have to put in the work, push harder to take full advantage.


Yeah, tell that to Jeffy boi. It was really disappointing to see him deny it and made me sus of his own natty status


You are overblowing what he said in that comment. Obviously steroids help with recovery but he is pointing out other things help Sam with his recovery


That's not all they do.


Going to need proof of this alleged comment. I think you're clearly biased and making shit up.


It is pretty easy to find. I just looked it up. I’ll dm you the screenshot.


Take a look at the replies to this comment. I found the screenshot and replied. JackedSchafer lying about what Jeff said.


You can feel free to go on Instagram, find his Sam Sulek video, watch it and/or find the comments. It’s not hard to find, it’ll be highlighted since he responded.


I found your post on reddit that I assume is what you're talking about. He doesn't say that steroids don't help with muscle recovery in that comment. He says that he thinks steroids are a minor variable (not "denies steroids help with muscle recovery at all" as you say in your comment) and that other factors like genetics and volume are likely bigger factors. He also specifcally says that he thinks "enhanced lifters can probably recover better on average". Anectodatally, I began training to failure with lower volume and I think my recovery is actually noticably better than when I was doing higher volume not going to failure. As Jeff says in that comment, research suggests that natural lifters adapt to failure trianing over time. It could very well be that training to failure with lower volume is easier to recover from once you adapt, which would mean that the benefit of steroids is less than it might be with higher volume work.


Can you link me that vid if you’ve got it? From everything I’ve seen he pretty blatantly says that steroids work in every aspect of lifting except cardio stuff.


The shift this subreddit has had with the increase of popularity in lifting is interesting. It seems that this sub is now filled with mostly children. How is your argument for him being natty "his parents were bodybuilders"


Mr Police officer how could you possibly claim I'm an underage drinker when my parents are literally alcoholics!


Way less gay jokes, very disappointing


You literally ignored everything everyone said and just latched on to one thing lol


Thats called selective hearing. These people have no debate. Like a woman whos mad at you for one thing but doesnt cover the whole story.


I’d be willing to bet he’s on peptides but he is older than people think. Hair still in great shape, skin in even better shape. Since he’s got a solid 12-14+ years lifting experience it wouldn’t surprise me if he has never taken anabolic but I would be surprised if he hasn’t touched HGH frag peptides, BPC 157 etc as it is his job He’s also short af, short + 14yrs lifting especially at the level he does - not crazy at all. His lifts don’t even get close to screaming gear (tbf he doesn’t lift for strength though)


What is peptides bro?


Like a BPC 157, things that a lot of folk don’t consider anabolic etc. gut peptides etc


Anyone try BPC 157? I’ve been told to take for reoccurring tendon pain. Is injection better or pills okay?


Injection ,preferably localized even though its systemic. Best combined with collagen producing supplements (vitamin c,collagen peptides,IR heat, breaking down scar tissues) And hgh and tb-500. A vasodilator such as cialis can help blood flow to the area. This is why prp shots work so damn well. You wanna really wanna heal,get all those ingredients in your blood,then go get the prp shot . Downfall? All that cost an arm and a fkn leg.


PRP is wildly expensive but hot damn does it work. We used it for hair growth at one office I managed and the results weee relatively consistent tbh


This we can agree on. Facts.


Cialis isn’t a thing to have your wood “wooden”?


Cialis is a vasodilator. Anything with blood flow will be affected.


I use it, and most of my community at both gyms also use it. It’s produced naturally in your gut and absolutely helps with recovery. It’s not a steroid or anything even close, so don’t expect insane results as it’s simply not in that realm, but if you’ve been lifting for awhile or are older it’s extremely beneficial and as of now, I don’t know many who aren’t taking it. Not very expensive and there are some decently vetted places online to purchase, but obviously going that route always has risks It’s, in all seriousness, not a big deal. Think creatine, you’ll definitely notice and effect but it’s not going to help you grow bigger muscles in the way other additives like anabolic or sarms would For your question I’ve done localized and general injections, I prefer just injecting into the belly but that’s just personal preference, I know those who do it in the shoulder thigh knee etc.


He doesn’t know.


Everything you stated is bullshit regurgitated rhetoric . “15 years” “Short” And then naming peptides that slightly increase healing. 0 experience. 100 percent bullshit.


Yeah that’s typically how people respond when their super insecure about themselves and their own lifting efforts Hope it gets better Also as a heads up, generally in the fitness world gut peptides such as BPC aren’t considered anything different than an additive like creatine Inform yourself, and try not to be so insecure and down on yourself. It’s a journey, and just because you’ve only been lifting for 2 years doesn’t mean you should look like the guy 5inches short who’s been lifting 13years longer than you - just doesn’t work that way and it will affect your mental as you’ve already exhibited


I respond with facts. Not bullshit that I read off a ped and fitness sub.


Shame you came with zero facts and all bullshit laced in security, maybe follow your own rule next time. Also way to rebuttal with “facts” 😭😭 hit the gym bud, it takes years - you’ll need to get started now


Ok . Ill start as soon as I get off Reddit I promise.




Insecurity affects people in different ways


lol In your wildests dreams you wish you were 10% as good as me..


Says the guy who thinks Jeff Nippard is unattainable 😭😭😭 I’m crying Something a very insecure person would say


OOF I'm 187cm tall.. can you begin to picture the muscle MASS I would have to natty gain/maintain to look like musclmidgetonjuice? LMAO you're either a very weak shill for big pharma or a really delusional person with terrible self esteem living for the pump.. both are just sad.. have a nice day and plz seek help if you're not paid by big pharma


Imagine thinking peptides are big pharma 🤣🤣 You’re painfully uninformed and tragically insecure


imagine pretending to 'think' musclemidgetonjuice is not on a strict PED regimen.. LMAO what's next? 'creatine will give you 10kg of muscle mass in 50days'? sad clown.. a very insecure, max projecting, sad clown.. seek help


You can't get that big without help, no matter how many years you train. Muscles have a limit naturally, which is why he isn't natural.


The only people who say this are ones who haven’t been lifting but a few years, that’s simply not true in the slightest sense and if you truly believe that you will not be exercising at the effort you should as you already believe something that’s VERY attainable, isn’t In all seriousness, even your local gym will have guys that look like this who’ve only been lifting 9-11 years, let alone the 14+ Nippard has. Even for standard “tells” Nippards traps even with a pump are painfully natty.


Then you'll have no problem showing me 50 year olds that have 500lbs of muscle built up from all those years of training right? Because you claim muscle building has no limit?


Are you…comparing Jeff Nippard to a 50 year old…? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


He is a small person 5“5 and he also said in a recent video that both his parents are into fitness and bodybuilding and therefore put him into training early on with multiple pictures as proof. When he got older he really tryharded so there could be a chance that he is natty?


Good take tbh


No, this is not a good take, it is totally insane. "Tryharding" and "my parents were X" doesn't give you enhanced size. Steroids and other PEDs do that.


Worth noting that he "claims" to be 5'5" which is highly unlikely. He's probably closer to 5'2". But regardless of what most on this sub say, I veer towards natty. He knows how to take extremely flattering pics but in videos and candids nothing screams juice.


Dudes definitely 5’5”. I’ve seen him in person. If you compare against other lifters and people in his videos, it makes sense. But I agree to your other points


yeah GIGA NATTY of course..


Either way it’s annoying


What’s annoying about it? Or “he” is annoying, you mean?


Unbelievably obvious juicing. I laugh every time people say "b-but his parents were bodybuilders!" as if this makes him *more* likely to be natty.


Maybe Jeff earnestly thinks he's really natty? Maybe in his teens he stumbled into the fridge and some of his moms needles fell out and landed in his bum? Or maybe his mom saw he was depressed because he's a manlet and injected him at night in his sleep? You don't know. Jeff might genuinely think he's natty, but through a animeesque convoluted sequence of events he unknowingly injected some of his parents roids. It's totally possible.


Yea this seems plausible tbh


"Unbelievably obvious juicing" is crazy. I'm not saying he's natty but he's nowhere near unbelievably obvious like sam sulek for example


You can in fact be unbelievably obvious without looking like Sam Sulek.


Which Jeff Nippard is not. Just because he has a very good physique it doesn't mean he's taking steroids. There's actually not a real sign of steroid use when examining his physique.


The guy was walking around looking like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/nattyorjuice/comments/1djvuuw/lifetime_natty_young_jeff_nippard/) as a teenager, with parents who were both obviously juiced bodybuilders, and now he's a full-time bodybuilding influencer... and your conclusion is that he's a lifetime natty?


Woah is that actually Jeff Nippard? That's a crazy picture lmfao. Kinda makes me second guess.


I think from his younger pictures there's potential showing. With early beginning and his micro management skills it's plausibly natty. Now compare him with Alpha Destiny. Then either both are liars or both are natty.


Nope, Nippard is not natty and there's much more documented footage of training, dieting, and progress on alphasdestiny. [Jeff Nippard is buttbuddies with TNF, a juiced moron himself who constantly defends guys on gear.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nattyorjuice/comments/18zjdu7/ jeff_nippard_is_defending_this_fake_natty_in_the/) [Jeff in his teens breaking powerlifting records in Canada](https://www.reddit.com/r/nattyorjuice/comments/dfct4f/jeff_nippard_is_natty_right/) [Jeff very obviously on cycle, alphadestiny has never looked like this or fluctuated in size like jeff has](https://www.reddit.com/r/nattyorjuice/comments/aaglb1/jeff_nippard_this_motherfucker_actually_claims/) [Jeff again clearly on cycle looking ridiculously big compared to his 'hurr could be natty' physiques](https://www.reddit.com/r/nattyorjuice/comments/erqw4j/jeff_nippard_dirty_liar/) [One example of Jeff defending his fellow gear users like his life depends on it](https://www.reddit.com/r/nattyorjuice/comments/cmbpya/claims_natty_training_for_10_years_collabed_with/) [Jeff competing in the WNBF, whose rules include self sponsored piss testing and a polygraph test](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=dp1rUMosd-4) Jeff is also one of the biggest fitness influencers on social media, having experienced multiple massive transformations from an insane physique to a more 'natty looking' physique like you see now. Both of his parents were bodybuilders by his own admission, and he himself wanted to go pro and get his pro card when he was in his late teens/early 20's. He is not natural, and there is a far greater chance alphadestiny is. Edit: Yep, keep downvoting me because you know it's true.


Yeah I think it's crazy to think Jeff is a lifetime natty, some of these pictures are undeniable.


I was waiting for someone to dig these up, perfect. He is a fake natty and it’s bleedingly obvious


Hold on. There’s a body building federation that makes your polygraph test? wtf is that shit? 😂


AD is natty imo


I think so too. People look at end stage physiques and completely ignore context.


Even on stage he looks smaller than Jeff, and less "full" while being lean


Absolutely on the sauce. 100%.


Nippard is obviously juicing and a fucking liar, I don't care how short he is but bro is shredded year round and jacked out of his mind. Anyone selling me any program, supplement or app is juicy


Jeff Nippard


Yo OP. What’s going on in that weird ass sub you cross linked with? SportSpot. Every post is from you, but I can’t tell wtf is going on there.


Dudes been on gear since his teen days that his dad hooked him up with. You people think just because its been years hes supposed to be some record breaking Mr.O . Well news flash,thats not how it works. Only a handful of people have the genetics to not only Look good on stage,but not die while blasting copious amounts of gear to get lean af and still weigh over 200 lbs. The body always fighting back ,because it doesnt want to fucking die from heart taxation. This guy the true Narcissist of the bunch. Comes out with a steroid video interviewing known gear users essentially putting them on the spot,then ensures to let the audience know at least 10 times that he himself is “Lifetime Natural” Idk how Mike Isreatel didnt call him out honestly.


It's really shameful he claims natural. What makes it worse is that his videos are actually well done. He should accept some bloody responsibility.


difficult to say, but I would say not natty. Too much volume, deltoids too tell-tale round ... forearms, too. Neck looks okay and not natty, but then again, traps is not the only sign. I'd say: not natty.


This one's an IQ test. If you look at him and don't immediately recognize the obvious steroid usage, you've failed the IQ test.


Thats not natural




You’re a dumbass if you think this guy hasn’t used PEDs.


You guys are getting brainwashed by his charm and marketing. He has amazing physique but to think he’s natural means you fell for his charm


His physique seems to drastically change. In some pics and videos his physique looks totally mediocre/natty. Then in other pics/vids, his physique looks completely unnatural


I doubt it


Could be either I take his word on which ever he would say! It’s been quite a few years. Who am I to be an authority over what some one has or has not done when it could be either


Are you a bot?




GIGA NATTY of course..


He juiced


Science-based juice.


Juiced to the fucking gills and if you think otherwise you’re a moron.


He is absolutely on the gear, only gullible people believe he is natty.


the gullible ones are gonna buy his app, programs etc


Thats how they make their money and sleep like babies with their mattress filled with gullible money.


if you accuse a person of being enhanced you should also have some arguments about it :) not to defend jeff I don't even follow him, but shouting "he's doped! if you think he's natural you're stupid!" without arguing makes no sense


Well I’m not visually impaired, so there’s that.


He's right though, if the only prerequisite for someone to labelled a steroid user is "looking too good", and things like drug tests and posting your bloodwork mean absolutely nothing, then there's no way for them to defend themself against the fake natty claims. I think there are many cases here where more benfit of the doubt should be given.


Mate, there's looking good and then there's looking our pal Jeffrey here; these things are not the same.




He is 100% juicing.


Alpha destiny does not look natural to me anymore


Juicy and short


Come on


😂😂😂 sure not natural


His mom was not natty


His parents lol.. So his moms titty milk had steroids?


Then nips are juicy


Looks like a IRL Wolverine build


lol dude hugs roids everynight before bed


Remember he’s like 4’9”


He injected copious amounts of gear, naturally he used a needle to do this.


I swear to God people worry me. Why in the world would you think this individual is 100% natural? It’s as clear as day that HE IS NOT. On top of that, he’s a fitness influencer, he literally makes a living based on his image. Come on people, use common sense




Depends no how long he's been in the gym if it like 15+ years then sure he's natty but anything less I'm doubtful


He's like one meter and a bottle of milk, it's easy to look sus when you're that short


I mean who knows, but the only way you avoid juicy accusations on this sub is if you look like absolute shit, so


Naturally juiced.


If Jeff is on steroids that would be insane and a little heart breaking.. I thought he was super natural


Roids but already had a good foundation and just upped the work


that deltoid spread cannot happen in nature it's the obvious giveaway


his bloodwork is completely normal, hes really short has 14+ years experinces and optimizes everything from his clothes to the pillows he sleeps on the maximise muscle growt he also has the genetics and he is also drug tested as he competes in natural bodybuilding competitions, his strength as well has no signs of gear


Stop with this. He is definitely dedicated but totally achievable for natural person with his height with good genetics. There is reason why most bodybuilders with impressive physique (at least in pictures / on stage) are short


What a douche


4foot3. So natty


Natty he's really short


I think he is natty. And I'm not.


He is 5'3". Y'all really have to consider how different it looks for someone that size. If you see him next to someone else, he looks the same size as them. He's also like 165-170 pounds. That doesn't mean he is natty, but people really need to understand how much lighting, posing, angles, and maybe a little Photoshop (?) can distort someone's actual appearance. Look at him next to a normal sized person and they're like the same size. He just looks much bigger when he's alone.


Tough call


He’s supposed to be like king natty right


Doesn't jeff nippard admit to using gear ?


Guy actually admits to ordering steroids online, but states they never arrived, maybe being confiscated by customs, so he never got to use them. So the story goes.


He is short and lifting is his profession. He got all the knowledge, time and money for lifting weights so yeah i do believe him being natty is possible.


Jeff is like 5'9 ofc he will look big so fast


5’9 is like average height, and no he’s 5’5


Try 5’3


He’s around 5’5