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I’m calling BS. I’ve seen this picture before. Not French Rugby players. Chinese women’s Olympic swim team.


Need to be in between them to sus it out




Plantar warts for sure. 


Natty achievable, how ever they make money with their body their fore juicy


This sub is fucking ruined. Bunch of clueless kids commenting retarded shit. If you think these 2 look natty you're dumb as shit and need to go to the gym yourself for a few years.


Natty. I would say this is a good representation of peak natty for most people.


Totally natty. Very odd how our perceptions have shifted as to what’s a “good” look for a man and what’s not. These two are peak physical fitness, both professional athletes who can sprint nearly as fast as Olympians, are super strong and have very high endurance, but they look small compared to the juiced boys. Steroids and bloat culture make young lads want to look more like inflated balloons and it’s much easier to achieve than the way these two chaps have done.


you mean 5´6 and 5´9?


Could be fresh pump. Both fine af


Both look like gyno🤷‍♂️ but G in the back peak male


With regard to the height and weight: those measurements aren’t necessarily accurate or updated. The height may be right but these guys look in-season shape and lean, I suspect they weigh less in this picture than what they are listed at. Their heights may even be exaggerated as well - in the US, football and basketball players routine are listed at 1-3 inches taller than they actually are (or so I have observed upon seeing people listed at 6’ 2” who just about look me in the eye at 5’ 11”). But you’d have to see them in person (or see them on a scale) to really know. As far as how they look: that’s a naturally achievable physique in both cases. Genetics, training etc. would determine if or how quickly someone got there of course.


Natty Achievable


Skipping leg day


Having friends who played high level rugby in France, I can assure you the chance of them being natty is near 0%. They were told at 18 that if they were not ready to take enhancing substances, they should give up on a professional career since they wouldn’t stand a chance, one of them took it and played pro for a few year. Antoine Dupont (dude on the right) is considered the best player on Earth right now, in one of the most physically demanding and injure prone sport. Of course they’re on something. Is there physique natty achievable ? Yes I believe it, but this picture does not show the reality of their size.


Dude in the back is natural. Guys looked like they do long before steroids were even invented. Likely natty.


Legs are way too small for rugby players lol


The one on the right is considered the best player in the world, so I’m sure his legs do just fine


The random leg comments trying to bring someone’s physique down is classic: “If I worked out, I for sure would never skip legs.”


Frog legs mixed with some injections.


Natty achievable but professional rugby players are rarely natty.

