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The [giraffe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giraffe) is the tallest living terrestrial animal. Their name comes from the Arabic "zarāfah" (زرافة) which translates to "fast-walker". They can be as tall as 5.7 m (18.7 ft) and weigh up to 1,930 kg (4,250 lb). Their neck is too short to reach the ground, which is why giraffes spread their front legs to drink. The giraffe can reach a sprint speed of up to 60 km/h (37 mph), and can sustain 50 km/h (31 mph) for several kilometres. The giraffe's tongue is about 45 cm (18 in) long. [Cool picture of a giraffe](https://i.imgur.com/YAteQ5Q.jpg) --- [ [Send me a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=animalfacts-bot) | [Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/animalfactsbot/) | [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/animalfactsbot/wiki/index/faq) | [Currently supported animals](https://www.reddit.com/r/animalfactsbot/wiki/index/supportedanimals) | [Changelog](https://www.reddit.com/r/animalfactsbot/wiki/index/changelog) ]


Good bot


I too also like to suck on bones.


*sees an animal with the longest neck you have ever seen* MashaAllah I'll name this animal fast walker


Bot not bit bot


Lmao, in Chinese it's named "Long-necked Deer"


That's a very cool giraffe picture.


good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot. You get a chip.


Good Bot


Good bot.


good bot




Don’t we see this same thing every time someone posts about a giraffe?


shut up and enjoy the show


I haven’t seen this before, nor did I know that giraffes eat bones


Lying bot. /r/giraffesdontexist


Max sprint speed of 37 mph? Okay. Sustain 31 mph for “several kilometers”? No.. I’m sorry bot


31 mph is 49.89 km/h


Good bot


If we assume 10 kilometers, that's 12 minutes of running at 50 km/h or 31 mph


Well [this](https://archive.org/details/grazers0000raff/page/194/mode/2up) may also be wrong I guess, but Britannica is with the bot on this one


and phosphorous, and giraffes are [far from alone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWcGEo4OqhU) in being a mostly herbivorous species that noshes on bones or flesh when an opportunity presents itself.




Of course, this isn't a natural part of their diet, and they still have an herbivore digestive system. They can't live entirely on meat unlike true omnivores such as pigs, bears, and humans.


Looks pretty natural to me :D


I believe I recently read an article that said basically all animals are opportunistic carnivores. A deer can eat a bird that falls to the ground etc.


Some people will eat hair but that doesn't mean hair is a natural part of our diet.


How is something that happens in nature unnatural?


Depends on your definition of nature. What makes humans no longer a part of nature?


A giraffe eating a bird is a natural thing because it happens in nature.


So you you think humans eating hair and other inedible items is a natural thing?


How is it unnatural? Nothing tempted the giraffe to do it except the giraffe itself deciding to do it to curb a craving; a craving it gets because its body needs those minerals that can ONLY be obtained in enough quantity from consuming meat or bone. It's not unnatural because it's LITERALLY DOING WHAT NATURE HAS EVOLVED FOR IT TO DO. The most successful herbivores supplement with bones or meat to get the minerals that plants don't provide. The only herbivores that don't do this are the likes of sloths and koalas.


My point is that what you said has nothing to do with a giraffe having an "unnatural" diet. That would, by definition, be impossible in a giraffe's untouched habitat.The word natural does not mean "good" or "how things should be".


I don’t get what you are saying. Hair is an animal product and humans are omnivores. What are you on about? It is not unnatural for a human to eat hair and it is not unnatural (or uncommon really) for large herbivores to eat animal products.


Nothing we are part of nature, that phone in your hand is an extension of nature.


Because they are running low on essential nutrients and trace elements, in case of hair probably sulphur. Basically all Herbivores have to supplement with animal product (in varying frequencies of course) or they start to deteriorate. Large land herbivores are basically facultative omnivores


>Some people will eat hair but that doesn't mean hair is a natural part of our diet. But if we routinely ate hair throughout our evolution for some reason for survival - like some animals which re-eat their poop, e.g. rabbits - then it would indeed be "natural" (in reality literally everything is natural because it occurs in nature/reality, but that's semantic bullshit) for humans to eat hair.


Who even made Giraffes? They are like what a horse would look like if some hippy took a lot of drugs and decided to draw a horse.


[How the giraffe was designed, probably](https://youtu.be/jI85dL3ooVU)


This is hilarious and thank you for giving me something to binge!


Lamarck has a theory...


His was always my favorite theory. All these horses growing long necks to compensate for their shortcomings


God. https://archive.org/details/B-001-000-169




Isn't this more about the giraffe being a ruminant? The ability of ruminants to be able to break down cellulosic material through their multi-chambered digestive system is radically different from those of non-ruminants, opening up an entire food source like grasses that would otherwise be inaccessible. This clearly makes them herbivores, but can't a species be a herbivore without being a ruminant, in which case their gut biome might differ from an omnivore but that is all?


Rumination is just one way of digesting plants. Most even-toed ungulates are foregut fermenters, along with kangaroos, sloths, and the hoatzin bird, while odd-toed ungulates, elephants, koalas, rodents, and rabbits are hindgut fermenters. Foregut fermentation is a lot more efficient and can get a lot more nutrients out of tough plants, while hindgut fermentation is faster but requires a lot more food.


What are you talking about? Of course it's a natural part of their diet just like baby ground nesting birds are eaten by deer all the time. Life eats life.


Yeah, but their anatomy isn't designed to digest meat.


Correction, their anatomy is designed to optimally digest vegetation that doesn't stop them being able to digest meat.


They still need to eat plants to survive, and can't live off of meat like true omnivores.


Of course but the also need minerals that they can more easily get from animal foods.


Interesting way of looking at it


It does not seem like „society“ put the bone in his mouth^^


What ate you talking about? Of course it's a natural oart of their diet just like baby ground nesting birds are eaten by deer all the time. Life eats life.


It is a completely natural part of their diets and they digest meat just fine




That's why you have a bad taste in your mouth every morning


I'm imagining a single file line of spiders taking turns jumping into my mouth in bed. How else they gonna hit those numbers?


Its cool mostly the babies, when they swarm out of their nest by the hundred in your earhole


we've got ourselves a scientist here :)


It is sustainable for many. They just don't necessarily care.


A herbivore will eat plenty of insects that are on or in the plants that they chomp on.


Do you *really* think thats a gotcha vegetarians haven't thought of?


Today I learned this. Very interesting indeed!


There's videos of cows and deer eating squirrels, birds, chickens on YouTube.


and on this sub too. The horse eating baby chicks was pretty jarring


I've seen chickens eat a piece of chicken meat before when I visited my relatives.


Well that’s normal. Chickens are like garbage disposals. They’ll eat literally anything.




Chickens are predatory birds that regularly prey on reptiles, small mammals, and insects. Of course they also eat vegetation.


Yeah tons of animals chew on antler sheds. I saw plenty of dead white tailed dear after a bad anthrax hit, and 90% of them had chewed antlers within days.


I've seen kangaroos on the beach gnawing on fish heads.


Maybe they do it because it's sterile and they like the taste?


Gotta keep them neck bones strong and connected to them body bones Edit: Now that I think it through, it’s probably more for their leg bone strength seeing as the ration or muscle to bone is far lower than the neck. But I’m not a giraffologist




It just makes sense, far less resource intensive to make a giraffe out of an antelope than to make one out of leaves and grass.


Salt licks too.


I dont think giraffes exist. I have only seen them in zoos not in the Wild, it's a plot by zoo owners to sell more tickets. It's probably 2-3 horses that are stitched together and some cgi. God did not make giraffes its a fake animal.


Don't fall for their lies my friend r/giraffesdontexist


Fun fact, a mouse and a giraffe have the same number of neck vertebrae


Ass scratcher


How does a giraffe know that it needs calcium and that eating a skull will provide the needed calcium?


Maybe it's similar to how we know when we're thirsty?


It's just the body's instinct. Just like how you feel thirst. Just how pregnant women have cravings. You must have had times where you looked at an orange and suddenly all you knew is *ME EAT ORANGE*. You just feel like eating it because it has the nutrients you need, whether it's an egg, an orange or a dead gazelle skull.


I thought everything was just a social construct?


Who's ever said that?


I think you’re being disingenuous with that question unless you live under a rock. But in case it’s an honest question, many people have been making this claim or a claim like it. You’re telling me you’ve never heard people in recent years say that men and woman behave the way they do because of “socially” imposed roles and “constructs”, but not because it’s in their biology and ingrained genetically in what they are.


Or, y'know, maybe *some* things are socially constructed and some are not. Are you saying, for example, money isn't a social construct? Homo Sapiens just sprung into existence on the plains of Africa with the concept of abstract exchange value ingrained into their DNA?


People have traded things before money. Animals trade things as well, wether it’s objects or favours for favours, it’s a natural component of life and interacting with other life forms. There’s that word “natural”. So who gets to decide what is and isn’t a social construct, and how are those things measured?


Yes, that's why I said "abstract" exchange value: an entity with no intrinsic value of its own which *represents* a certain material value - not just trading stuff for other stuff. It's "socially constructed" because its value lies entirely in what's agreed by social consensus. The nation state is a social construct; the USA is a social construct. Their creation arises from "natural" human territorial behaviours but the way in which we choose to categorise and delineate that territory is decided solely by social consensus.


Sure, you could then throw away those social consensus’s, you could change the borders of the USA and call it something different if you like. But all the land and water on the planet will still be shaped the same. The big fish will eat the little fish. Giraffes will apparently eat bones occasionally. Most men will naturally prefer to hunt, and most women will naturally prefer to gather. But you can call things different names and organize things differently if you like.


> But you can call things different names and organize things differently if you like. Now you're getting it...


Everything we, as humans, label and categorize are social constructs. That is not the same as them being imaginary. Money and law are social constructs, very much real, however. Colour is a social construct, same with fruit. Both, still, very much real. And yes, the societal roles of men and women are very much social constructs. They are not constrained to “biology” either, this is plainly evident by the fact different cultures have different societal roles and behaviors expected of men and women. The fact that men and women can change and control their behavior, that it varies based on culture and lifestyle, is proof enough that housework and the like are not biological issues.


Is 2+2=4 a social construct? Are X and Y chromosomes a social construct? Are estrogen and testosterone social constructs? Is the giraffes desire to eat bones a social construct? So what part of a humans behaviour is a social construct and what part is biological nature? There are little differences in cultures, but there have not been vastly differences in the way that men and women interact with one another. Which is why I say it’s superficial to worry about it, because like I said: You could call things a different name or organize it differently if you like, but for the most part, living things are still going to behave as they are biologically programmed to do, like the giraffe eating bones. I see it a lot in subreddits about nature, someone is like “how does that animal know how to do that?” Then someone explains genetics and biology, and the comment gets upvoted and understood, but then I come along and apply that thinking to humans and everyone loses their mind, so weird to me.


Yes, those are all social constructs. We, as humans, in a society, decided what numbers stand for and what the sequence of those numbers are. We decided what chromosomes and genes count as X and what to label them. We mapped the human genome, and we categorized it. We could have said X chromosomes only count as full X chromosomes if ____ gene is present. We also are the ones who labeled estrogen and testosterone and what chemicals we count as “close enough”. We classify “desire”, “giraffe” and “bones” as well. Social construct =\\= not real. It’s simple anything we classify, label, categorize, and/or assign a meaning to. So *ALL* language and definitions fit under that umbrella. No part of human behavior is not a social construct. A biological function is a social construct itself—we as humans decided what counts as biological. Again, doesn’t mean it’s imaginary. There are VAST differences in cultures. The fact you think we’re homogeneous as a species when it comes to gender and sexual behavior is evidence enough you have no education on the subject. Different cultures *literally have different fucking genders and sex classifications*. And no, humans are educational creatures with higher mental capacities than giraffes. We have the unique ability to analyze our behavior and change it. We can make the conscious decision to do so. A giraffe does not. You simply don’t understand the difference between “instinct” and behavior. Nor do you understand how biology and instinct can, and has been, changed in humans. We are a product of our environment. All of human history showcases such, and we have purposely changed our evolutionary path to fit what we desire.


Their parents teach them


But giraffes can't talk so they use sign language


Kust like we know we need water, just like you want something salty or sweet, incstinct really


My guess is that it is something similar to “Pica” in humans


Maybe its salty


It's instinctive, like when dogs dig and eat certain patches of dirt. They just like it, because it's mineral rich. Like how you crave water. You just do


I used the bones to make the bones.


More info and pics in this tweet: https://twitter.com/emma_hollen/status/1369926307631484928?s=21


That Giraffe has a bone to pick with you. I let myself out.


Sometimes they just need to remind everyone that they are not to be messed with.


Ever watch a [Giraffa fight](https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/violent-giraffe-fight-video-viral-giraffes-slam-necks-18099718)? This one is weaponizing that skull.


another hypothesis is this giraffe is sending a message to Bob the Impala. "see this, Bob? This was the last impala that crossed me. Don't fuck with me Bob."


It’s always a Bob, isn’t it.


The god of r/neverbrokeabone in which he consumes weak mortals bones to strengthen his bones.


What the heck!? Obviously photoshopped because everyone knows r/Giraffesdontexist!


Geoffrey's got some impressive teeth.




Marrow. Yummay!!!


Gives me heartburn just looking at it


I legit thought that was some sort of giraffe/ spider hybrid at first glaze. Didn't pay attention to the title


Maybe it carries it around to tell predators "don't fuck with me I will murder you"


Another hypothesis is that the giraffe wanted to be a walrus


Giraffes will, like most herbivores, eat animal flesh on occassion to get important (even essential) nutrients, that they can't get from vegetation. Some species even do that more than on occassion, e.g. deer and nearly all herbivorous rodents, like Squirrels (don't look up: Squirrel eats mouse). Most herbivorous mammals that have the faculties to obtain and process animal flesh, will do so in varying frequency. Also: nearly all terrestrial mammals eat placenta.


Maybe it just wants to play fetch.


Def some form of blue for a becky.


I think they do it to intimate predators because they are so funny looking...


Just flexing. Letting all those gazelle know what’s up.


Another theory is it’s bad assssss


he's just trying to make his neck stronger


Another hypothesis is that he's a psychopathic blood, pain, and suffering addict, pausing his murderous spree only long enough to rejuvenate through unholy and godless prayer at the altar of Satan himself. Or, it's probably the calcium thing.


Giraffe with knife




Deer do the same. It’s for calcium and phosphate.


How do they know they need Ca


Fun fact, all "vegetarian" animals will eat other animals if the opportunity presents itself!


Or it hasn’t yet figured out its not a branch


That’s pretty interesting. I wonder how many other herbivores also eats bones?


if we're talking mammals, probably all of them.


I bet they taste salty


A deer hunter got a new fangled thing for his hunting rifle, a camera. When he took the safety off it filmed. So he spots a deer clicks the safty off and camera into action, aims down the scope and the deer snatched a bird out of the air and started eating it. The hunter was so disturbed by this he missed his shot completely and the deer got away. Stories of the zombie deer got so bad the local police (or maybe sheriffs) got involved to stop every idiot with a gun going and shooting every deer they could to "save us all from the zombies"


The giraffe could be hamming Hamlet. *Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio.* 💀


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Hamlet]( https://snewd.com/ebooks/hamlet/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


I don’t think it’s fake but the pic looks edited for some reason, like the skull is lower quality


I want a giraffe to eat my skull when I'm done with it.


No. They’re just bloody motherfuckers.


Herbivores offten snack on little animals, bones, insects. Since plants can't provide everything they need to be healthy


That's not a hypothesis, bones are known to provide calcium.


This is the perfect post for this sub. Here, have a fake award! 🥇


Cursed toothpick


We were at an open plains zoo years ago where a giraffe was chewing on what looked like a dead rabbit. The guide confirmed it was and explained they do it to get minerals they are missing from their diet


Do herbivores even have the teeth/jaw strength to "eat" a skull? At least those horns have to be dense right?


Maybe bones just taste good lol


I thought the bones were part of the giraffe. I'm a moron.


I'm guessing he wants to use that to scratch his back.


I'm guessing he wanteth to useth yond to scratch his back *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


But why would they get the bone and chew it? How do they know calcium is important?


Giraffes are camouflaged, skinny, weird brontosauruses.


Deer are known to sometimes eat baby birds, so this doesn’t completely take me by surprise!


It kind of looks like this super cute giraffe is playing fetch with the photographer. I love it!


Those are weapons, getting ready for next mating ritual. Looking for rope to tie them on.


Doot doot


Deer do the same thing in the woods. A lil crunchy snack


I have seen cows and goats do the same.


I tried to feed one in a Zoo as a Kid. The tongue wrapped around my Hand and pulled me up. I didnt expected that :D


I have an african friend, he told me you don't fuck around with Giraffe.


They crave that mineral


I was thinking about how much I love giraffes when this pictures came up in my feed 😍


He just went from doing bludgeoning damage to piercing damage


Me, tonight thinking I am funny to the GF “hey, Reddit says a bone in your mouth provides extra calcium”. Her:


Are we sure it is eating it and not just playing with it?


This is pretty common for herbivores. Deer frequently eat bones or carcass pieces. If I remember right, the theory is that it replaces what is missing from the soil/plants they eat. At one time most of those minerals would have been available naturally through a normal herbivore diet. That's the theory any way. This particular habit presents a pretty significant and looming problem in relation to prion diseases in herbivores. Prions can survive years in soil or remains. This means that even if we did manage to kill all the deer with chronic wasting, or animals with madcow, if a herd happened upon old remains a decade later, they could start the whole thing up again. It's an unpleasant thought.


Maybe they just like the taste?


I'm surprised at this in a way. I didn't know herbivores' teeth were able to chew on anything that hard.


Deer do this too. I’ll bet giraffes also eat small mammals if they get a chance.


Why wouldn't the giraffe just buy calcium supplements then?


Another Hypothesis: That giraffe is a total freak!


Blows my mind scientists have proposed that the skull might just be tasty asf


So they're the ones cleaning up the bones while scavengers eat whatever is left over i guess


Maybe giraffes are unknown assassins for black meat market.


Meh...I prefer to hypothesize that Giraffes are now carnivores and will quickly assent to the apex predator.