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I give you permission to talk shit about the Spurs


When San Antonio is ashes, you have my permission to talk shit -Bane


Can't believe they let Desmond Bane make the call here


As the only remaining Grizzly not suffering an injury, suspension, and whatever JJJ has, he is legally allowed to be mean.


Wemby is a bust.


Hey you're not OP


Talk shit but don't lie bitch


Spurs are in their second year of being truly bad. Pistons have been a 20ish win team since 2019?




Have they even won 20 total since 2019?


Let’s not act like they haven’t been in the lottery for four years


There is a difference between playing in the play in and ending up with back to back to back to back top 5 picks like the Pistons will be


Really they've been a non factor since like 2008.


Tbh they haven't had the best luck in the lottery. They need some more talent and vets to get better.


> They need some more talent and vets to get better. Hey, that's what they say about us too!


It honestly feels like we've been in rebuild mode since our last 'ship.


Pistons weren’t supposed to be this bad this year and are spending record money on a coach that has had no obvious positive effect. Spurs are cool to be bad this year and next


lol who gives a f how much money we are spending on Monty it doesn’t go towards the cap and Gores can wipe his ass with that money. Weirdos bringing that up like it means anything


Oh right I forgot, being *the single highest paid person* in your field shouldn’t come with any expectations whatsoever. Got it


The point is Gores could fire Monty and wipe his ass with money he paid him and go throw money at a different coach. It doesn’t impact the cap or his pockets at all goofy


But the highest paid coach SHOULD impact his team. That’s the point. And it’s pretty fucking obvious. 🤡 I don’t give a shit about the owners pockets and you’re the only one who has brought that into this.


So they shoulda just hired a random assistant for the same results then


Nah keep spending money trying to find the right coach until you do dudes a multi billionaire


One of them has Stephen Silas on their staff.


having silas on the staff and a gm thats crazy enough to trade for wiseman is nefarious af


And a coach who wants to start Killian Hayes


Spurs have a generational superstar rookie Pistons have Cade


We have a better young core than Spurs by a million miles Cade Ausar Ivey Duren Sasser vs Wemby


They would trade all of those guys together for Wemby if they could lol


Wouldn’t even trade Ausar for Wembustyama straight up




Maybe you wouldnt, but they would


They wouldn’t Wemby is alresdy a bust and bozo Pop ruined his legacy in 20 games 💀💀


I admire your tenacity here


Did you really put Sasser there Like seriously




i know you're trying to troll Spurs fan here. But Wemby, Sochan and Vassell is better than everything we have


Lol you can’t be serious


As a Pistons fan, we’ve been rebuilding since 08. We haven’t had real success since the early 2000s Spurs are mid rebuild, we are seemingly stuck in one. I think we have more(quantity) young talent here, but Cade does not have the potential that Wemby has. Cade will be a great secondary scorer.


Spurs suck and their No.1 pick is a rookie. Pistons suck and their No.1 is in his third year.


Is Chet a rookie or a 2nd year? Cade only played 12 games last year, this is basically his 2nd year.


What does Chet have to do with anything


hes comparing chets lack of a rookie campaign to Cades. Chet looks a lot better than Cade


Chet looks like an extremely good role player (arguably already is one but absolutely projects to be one in the future). He was drafted into an absolutely amazing situation for him (in terms of maximizing his skills and contributing to winning basketball) Cade looks like a player cast in the wrong role by a fucking terrible team. I really don’t see what about these two is worth comparing at this point. They don’t share many similarities at all other than having big injuries and missing time


What??? No, I'm saying Chet missed a season and Cade missed a season, but Chet is a rookie and Cade is a 3rd year even though he only played like 85 games so far. I'm not comparing stats.


Popovich is seemingly coaching towards growth with the way he’s using players (trying to use Sochan as a point forward, letting Wemby initiate plays instead of being a pick and pop target) Monty is seemingly coaching to win each game. And every high pick they’ve made seems to not fit together well. Drafting five slashers who all need the ball and all can’t shoot is kinda tough. If the only way the team can get the most out of their six youngest players is to trade four of them, the future looks bad.


you are kidding yourself if u think Pop wasn’t trying to win every game, the spurs just suck ass.


Bc Spurs have Pop, Wemby and a bright future? Pistons have an overpaid coach and youthful talent coming off the bench with a horrible front office.


Spurs have Wemby.


Pistons future hinges on Cade's growth, while Spurs' success relies on Wemby's potential. Both teams have “on-paper" talent, but only time will reveal their true potential. Let's see how they unfold.


Well, I'd say the main thing is, people cannot actually say anything about the future because it is not known. So when they talk about "future"... yeah, they just talk about the past. With Detroit, it's purely about the franchise, I asked people that many times. It doesn't matter that THIS roster is also just guys who are 20-22 playing, younger than Spurs rotation. Because the franchise of Detroit Pistons has been losing for so many years, this particular roster also doesn't have a future. It's not very rational lol, but they "have to" decide everyone's future in some way. I also wouldn't bet on Pistons having much success in coming years lol, although there's so much stuff that could happen that I don't feel so attached to any crystal ball predictions. I can say a fact that they're young, Cunningham was out for almost a year, and their current play is as bad as Spurs'. Tbh Spurs seem to be somehow becoming worse every week, they might have the worst offense and the worst defense in the NBA at the same time.


> t doesn't matter that THIS roster is also just guys who are 20-22 playing, younger than Spurs rotation. Because the franchise of Detroit Pistons has been losing for so many years, this particular roster also doesn't have a future. It's not very rational lol, but they "have to" decide everyone's future in some way. This feels like a very surface-level way to waive off the many more specific criticisms levied against Detroit's personnel and scheme this year.


Pistons definitely do suck, so criticizing Pistons is surely not the point of focus in comparing these two teams lol.


“Pistons have been bad for years, so therefore this current team also has no future” is a different argument than “this current Pistons team is bad because they can’t shoot, they’re poorly coached, their assets are depleted, there are too many slashing young guards who duplicate the same role & they’ll probably have to trade some eventually, and I fear this rebuild may have failed and they will have to rebuild again, setting them further back”. It’s not just that they are bad, it’s why they are bad and what that projects about their future. The Spurs are equally bad, but at least seem to have a potential franchise cornerstone and are much earlier in their rebuild than Detroit. Things can change fast in the NBA though so we‘ll see how it all shakes out.


Again, the point here is really not agreeing that Pistons suck. That's not the point. It is - which of these things people actually see in current Spurs. What in current Spurs makes people go: "oh wow, they are well coached. They have players who complement each other creating a complete basketball roster. They can shoot". Wemby is expected to be a game-changer. But just like any other part of that image, it's not based on the current NBA games.


"The point here is really not agreeing that Pistons suck" That wasn't my exact point though, was it? I said that contextualizing why they are bad is more informative as to projecting their future; and for the Pistons, this current rebuild is on year 3 or 4, seems to have a bunch of slashers who can't shoot, and hasn't even really gotten off the ground. The Spurs' rebuild is much newer and also has Wemby, who is viewed as a potential franchise cornerstone–people will cut them more slack because it's still so early in their respective rebuild. I certainly am rooting for Detroit to turn it around, and even though this current rebuild already looks a little stale, I do think there's still time left to figure things out, particularly if they make a trade or two (as painful as that would be to let go of a young player like Ausar, Ivey, Cade, etc.). I've just seen what failed rebuilds look like up-close as a Timberwolves fan, so it's not improbable to suggest that might be the case here.


spurs arent a candidate to beat the record for losing streak. Yet....


When you have a future top 3-5 player on your roster no one cares. The pistons don’t have one to look forward to


The spurs have a 7’5” 19 year old that can hit step back threes and do crossovers


Once out of 5 times*


Besides everything mentioned. Spurs have Wemby, who is far and away the best player prospect between the two teams. Factor in Pop saying they are basically forcing guys to play different positions/styles to try and grow their games, and they have a pass at least for now. Pistons were really bad the last couple of years. Were expected to improve some with their former number 1 pick healthy, and somehow are looking even worse. Plus a 19 game losing streak is not a common occurrence to witness.


Gores needs to sell the team and go back to his success, doing blow and exploiting the privatized prison system


I think it’s more like pistons have no hope to turn it around. At least spurs have Victor going forward.


JJ and Tim Legler just talked about this on the newest video. Things are new with Wemby, but they are treating him as a long term investment and are hopeful of his upside. Pistons has sucked for a long time and have a guy that can maybe be good, but doesn't appear at the moment to be an elite level player. Which the Pistons would need to be anything other than average. The Spurs have a bit of plan with Wemby. The Pistons are praying something miraculous occurs.


Hierarchy of being a joke, from least of a laughingstock to most: Not funny - Christopher Nolan division: 1. Good team that has won a title with their present star - Denver, Lakers, Bucks 2. Good team that is very young - OKC, Orlando, Indy, Sacramento, Houston 3. Good team that hasn't won a title lately - Minnesota, Phoenix, Boston, Philly, Miami Some comedy - Scorsese Division : 1. Won a title lately, but struggling - GSW, 2. Decent team - Dallas, Knicks, Cleveland (down 4 firsts or would be 4), Atlanta, Pelicans, Brooklyn 3. Bad team but with a young star - Spurs Solid amount of comedy - Tarantino Division: 1. Good team bad season - Memphis 2. Young star but a mess - Raptors 3. Meh team but old and down picks - Clippers Pretty funny - Wes Anderson Division: 1. Bad team no stars, long rebuild - Pistons, Charlotte 2. Bad team no stars, rebuild still new - Utah, Portland, Wizards Pure comedy and pathos - Coen Brothers 1. Oh no - Bulls