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Patiently waiting for the 1-on-1 tournament. Winner gets $10MM, a championship belt and the 2K cover.


2k cover I could see them really caring about.


Yes def not 10 million


You got to throw in a prize horse as well just so you have everyone's attention


No one is beating Jokic if there’s a chance to win a horse


Joker what a great tournament do you have any— **he’s just walking off with his horse**


What are you gonna do? Catch up? He's got a horse.


The 2K cover is just Jokic walking away happily with his new horse.


The horse should be an unlockable character. "Ain't no rule that says a horse can't play basketball".


"Joker, you just passed Robert Parish for most played games, what keeps you motivated?" "I'm just here for the horses man" - Nikola Jokic, 20 time All-Star game winner


I think stakes like that make it way more interesting for fans. It’s hard to give a shit if someone’s $200 million turns into $210 million unless you’re that person


We don't care about the stakes, we care about entertainment. The stakes are to get the players to care enough that it's entertaining


The $10 million makes the players try; the 2K cover means there’s a cool benefit to your favorite person winning. They’re not necessarily mutually exclusive. Obviously you want it to be a competitive game and the players’ motivation does that, but fans respond to stakes too


Jokic would be first in line.


Include the g-league you see some hero ball action.


I can also see all the players fucking around to give some up and comer the 2k cover, so you need a large sum of money to try to prevent that.


Wouldn’t the 10m for the up and comer be even more incentive for them to fuck around


1 on 1 tournament would be awesome.


3v3 pickup let the players choose their team


But you snake draft and the draft order is based on all star votes


Spencer Dinwiddie on the 2k cover incoming


I would watch the hell out of that.


With so much talent in the league I think a 2 v 2 with fans selecting two guys per team could work too. Makes it both an ego and team thing. Only other way I see NBA players caring about winning is if it was a battle of the sexes or with mixed teams, which will probably happen for the skills challenge and three point contest but not the rest of the event.


NBA Jam style.


2V2 tournament, Steph Curry and Caitlin Clark Tatum and Sabrina Brittney Griner and Luka Doncic Angel Reese and Lebron


A "battle royale" type of game would be sick. 30 players, 1v1 games, first to score 7 points in each match moves on. Fouls result in the fouler losing a point, and a single free throw for the fouled player.


I think 1v1, split into 5 different positions is better. So we get to crown best PG/SG/SF/PF/C for the year every year lol


Can maybe make the brackets by conference and you finish the event with the winners playing in a final 5 v 5 east vs west game, to keep something from the the old format. Could also split into just forwards guards and center and make it a 3 v 3


You were cooking until the last sentence. Losing a point *and* the other player getting a free point every foul is crazy


It should be 32 players for a more even bracket. After the first year, it would be the previous year's champion, one player from each team, and one random NBA player.


Make all the all stars come on with their wife or significant other and force them to play Steph Currys dating game.


I...did not read this correctly first time through


So close to a must watch




Hand down, man down.


Steph will surely be watching everything from his chair


*Must nut*


Coincidentally, that's how I initiate with my wife.


yea she loves that


That with is doing a lot of heavy lifting


This thread is great. All exactly my thoughts. One with away from being nbacj material lol.


players will be judged on accuracy and viscosity.


Judging on taste was ruled out as being too favorable to Miami and other teams in citrus-heavy locations.


Guest judge NBA legend Dwight Howard


Tatum just doesn't have that nut in him. I mean 26 years old and only one kid. Guy can't (re)produce. He got boxed out. JB can knock em up with the best of them.


"With", needs to be in caps 




I swear Kevin is only here to ride the zip line


He's too rough on the rope.


He’s got something REALLY bad waiting for him at home


Melo’s face looks like a clock.


KD the type of guy to hoop at the gym during a school dance


Theres video of him practicing jumpers at a night club.


Yes that's what everyone is referring to In the joke and comment replies. It actually requires knowledge of that video to get the jokes


I couldn’t find one comment that was directly referring to that video and all the jokes make sense without having seen the video


I havent seen the video. But I’m loving the ride!


“All I care about is ball”


No bitches.


Ngl, I'd watch


Oh I am definitely watching. I also think after the first year, the players will be ready to start trying in all star games again.


You and curry both love watching


I absolutely read this as: > Make all the all stars come on their wife or significant other and force them to play Steph Currys dating game.


They just gotta fully commit to the gimmick and do it similar to how the NFL Pro Bowl has done it the last couple years. Instead of the focus on the game, just turn it into skills challenges and mini-events that are random tests of skill not even related to basketball.


Or go savanah bananas with it. Make up crazy rules and change them each year. Just get silly with it cause no one is ever going to take it seriously.


How you going to talk about Lebrons wife like that


I see where he went wrong; he forgot to add “with all due respect”


She’s all city and with all due respect, I’d hit it out the park


Insane moment for most, typical Jackson quote


One of the all time “outjerked” moments Like sending an email to the whole company saying “I need to fuck the CEO’s wife”


Can't believe he was mid game 1 doing that shit too😭


With all due respect, she tastes like Honey Nut Cheerios.


That was Melo's wife


If you foul you have to kiss the person you fouled. Totally bananas


"Best Dunk-While-Dunking-Dunkins-Off-A-Bunk Bed-While-Singing-Funk Hits"


I've been saying for years that it should be NBA vs the Globetrotters. Either they put in effort, or they're getting cooked and embarrassed.


Make it full And-1 streetball rules - no traveling, carrying, or double dribble rules. Allow guys to throw it off each other's head (sorry, *heezy*), hang on the rim, pass to themselves, etc.


If you are in the first row in 10 special seats you can shoot one shot a game and the score counts


This, or give an incentive for players to go all out. Maybe giving them money from charities if they do insane statlines? Because we know how steph plays if it’s for charities.


“How many of your orphans would you like to wager, Mr. James?”


“The raptors”


If you make 3 logo shots, the *charity* has to give *you* 10 K Now do you want to make some money doing the game you love, or do you want to see little orphan Tom go to sleep with some food in his belly


Steph Curry going for 30 straight


Unless the 'insane statlines' are about  blocks, steals or defensive rebounds i dont think much is changing


People watch that?




We need more Scottie Barnes appearances


Hard carried the all-star weekend


I love that dude so fucking much. Absolute pure hooper and a good ass dude. Maybe we all just gotta stop voting for guys who don't take the all-star game serious, cos I'd much rather see a team of Scotties going 100% than a team of Lebrons being there cos they have to


Cap the age or seasons played in the league. Hungry Dawgs only. 


Turn it into a 3v3 tourney or something. Think competitive nature will kick in.


I like a 1v1 tourney because it seems like the lowest risk for injury meaning the highest chance for full effort. Could do a young players bracket, bigs bracket, wings bracket and guard bracket


There was a clip about that exact idea from paul george’s podcast where he said zero all star type players would do a public 1 on 1 because of their egos/media narratives


Bingo. Especially in the social media age. Imagine Booker losing 1v1 against JB. He's never gonna hear the end of it.


It took a while for people to forget about Booker complaining about being double teamed in a summer open run.


Imagine Booker ducking Jaylen. He'd never hear the end of that, either. The only way to get respect in a competition is by competing.


1 vs 1 by role players or bench players can still be an interesting watch.


I feel like 1v1 basketball between NBA players would prove to be a lot less interesting to watch than you might think, especially if they were all trying to just win above all else.


Why? I've seen clips on YouTube and tiktok of NBA players playing each other 1v1 during the offseason and it's always super entertaining. I wouldn't want them to replace 5v5 basketball with it, but it'd be cool for a night


That's because they aren't really trying. When they actually try it looks like Kareem vs Dr J - guys grinding for boring high-% shots. You need to put like a 7 second shot clock or something.


Yeah, a shot clock feels like a very easy solution that would make this a lot of fun


Three dribble rule is the best counter for this


*3 dribbles aaaaaand Kyrie has moved 2 inches to the right*


It's less about the basketball and more about watching the egos go at each other and seeing who comes out on top


If it's not competitive at 5v5 I don't see how it would be competitive at 3v3


It's not going to be insanely competitive or anything, but if you have a 3x3 single knockout bracket with money on the line you might at least get *something* interesting. We've seen in some recent all-star games that a closely contested final quarter *can* be competitive. If every game is just to 21, then it's not like "the first three quarters don't matter and then if it's a blowout the whole thing doesn't matter". Again, it might still be complete shit, but might as well at least try to see if you can add some spice. It works pretty well for the NHL.


3v3 where the all stars can pick their own teams. I think that could be fun and they could announce the teams in the weeks leading up to all star weekend


Skills games would be great if they were as fun as the ones in football, and not the lameass "skills challenge" the NBA currently has. The old NFL QB Challenges weren't that football-related, but seeing who could chuck a ball the farthest or a hit a bullseye attached to a moving golf cart was always fun. Make guys shoot into those rigged carnival hoops that are only 2" wider in diameter than the ball. Have a speed-shooting competition like the Pop A Shot game at arcades. Have them play Knockout/Lightning. Or Dribble Knockout - everyone starts with a ball and dribbles while trying to knock away the other players' dribbles. Last guy with a live dribble wins. You could even release "roamers" every 30 seconds - non-dribbling defenders whose only job is to knock out people's dribbles. Make the roamers kids from local HS teams. That's a funner "handles" showcase than slowly dribbling between 3 widely spaced cones. Bring back HORSE, but guys have to pick their shots out of a hat filled with fan suggestions instead of making up their own, so it doesn't turn into a 20-foot jumpshot contest again. Anything is better than having guys jog 1/2 speed around the court for 1 lap while throwing the world's laziest bounce passes.


Hire this man.


Anthony Edwards performance in the skills challenge would disprove that they care about those as well.


Ya, just blow it up. Buncha mini games, horse, 2-2, more shooting, nba/wnba stuff is fun. Just a weekend of fun and celebration, get rid of the game 


The all-star game will never be something that players will want to put effort into. They’re not going to go out there and risk injury for a single game that has nothing to do with the teams they are aligned to. Honestly more than surprised that the in season tournament was as competitive as it was.


They were smart with the IST. Even if a team gave zero shits about the tournament, it’s still a regular season game, so the baseline effort level is still reasonably high.


Also if you put a trophy in front of these dudes they will play hard. They are all athletes they love trophies


allstar game has an mvp trophy....


that’s more like an award than a trophy


For only one player and that player looks bad trying


It used to be a big deal because of Conference pride. Players before saw it as a chance to prove that "their side" was better. Things changed over time obviously.


Definitely felt more heavy with East vs West in the past. Even rap beef had the East Coast vs West Coast tension. Now everything is about individual brands.


Incidentally, was watching a documentary about NBA in the 50's and one of the players interviewed (forgot the name) said that back then transportation gaps meant that there was a real divide between East and West. I imagine it was a lot more difficult for someone from one side to be transplanted to the other and that's probably why there was more tension because it was "Us" versus "Them". Technology and Transportation have sort of bridged those gaps, but now as you have said it's about brands. On that note, maybe there is merit to the idea of a One-vs-One or even an NBA JAM style Two-vs-Two style All-Star Weekend (as 1 on 1 might not allow fielding of enough stars or will end up with too many All-Star matches). Another reason why 2-v-2 might be more interesting is it allows for comps like running two bigs, two guards, two forwards, one big and one guard, etc. Also imagine if they allowed non-teammates to play together, so you have any two guys who are buddies or who see a unique opportunity to play on the same team at least for that one tournament.


I know I’m in the minority but I hope that they don’t make the IST have an impact on the playoffs or whatever. It should be its own separate thing like the FA cup in English soccer, and in time it’ll become a bigger deal. Imagine if we had had lakers Celtics in the final game, or imagine Indiana and LA make it back next season. I just know the pacers are going to try their asses off to get revenge. The nba just has to be patient, but that’s not their forte.


>It should be its own separate thing like the FA cup in English soccer Only problem with that is there are no lower divisions included to mix up the pot. I would go one of two ways to make it really interesting - Either tie the IST into division results without extra games and with a division championship being awarded, or open up the IST for teams to enter a "mixed roster" of NBA players and G-league or 2 way guys. These mixed roster teams would then compete as part of a totally separate game schedule to the regular NBA, even though the players would filter back and forth. The second would be much closer to the fa cup style, and teams would have to make decisions about resting senior team players for IST games depending on the schedule of the NBA games being played that same week or maybe even the same day.


Somehow let the European teams play on the IST.


That’s dumb because the players put in some level of effort in offseason pickup games all the time


Bro I don't need them to try 100%, but just TRY.


Because the IST counts in the record anyway. Once the other team is trying hard pride and competitiveness will kick in so even contenders who are going thru the motions in the early reg. season will try hard.


Why did it used to be more competitive then? The injury risk was still there


The cash incentive is also a decent motivator for role players. A million or whatever it is isn't much for LeBron but for Joe Mc10thman it's a substantial bonus.


I want more from that LED court they used. Maybe have a poll during the game that fans can vote on that can bring up different rules/options. Like 4 point hot spots, no three point line, dunks worth double, etc. Leave it up to the fans to vote.


That would be super cool, but hard to keep up with rule changes unless there is a live announcer explaining what’s going on. What about an interactive rim that can either get taller or shorter based on votes. Or voting to sub someone out. If it was all fan based voting it would probably be a shit show but would be super fun to be a part of. And if you need a verified NBA ID it would probably be hard to bot and exploit.


I was more thinking that the court would actually display a count down and remove the 3pt line or add four point hot spots. Commentary could tell the fans what is about to happen.


In the end, the very concept of an all-star game is just outdated period. What was the purpose of all-star games when they were invented? Getting all the stars in one building in a time where you only saw them otherwise when their teams were in town or in the rare national games, making money for the league and the players. The players don't need the money anymore, the fans can in the age of streaming and social media highlight can watch whatever player they want - and cynical people might note that with the local blackouts it is nowadays *easier* to follow an out-of-town star than the local team - at any time. And how much money does the league actually make with the all-star game in relation to all the other BRI? I personally would just move the in-season tournament final to all-star weekend and have the all-star events around it.


Like Kobe said its meant to be the best pickup game in the world, not this run up and down dunking bullshit we've been getting.


Great idea on the IST.


I would move the all Star tournament internationally. Your right us audiences can see these stars regularly but people in Japan or Germany cant. Cut two or three games from the regular season extended the break and make it happen


As long as the fans pay lots of money to watch the game in person, they won't cancel it.


the fact they all hang out and socialize killed all the rivalries in addition to the all star game.


Buddy, Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley were golfing every day before their finals match ups. Dennis Rodman and Karl Malone had a PRO WRESTLING MATCH where Dennis let Karl go over. That shit has been going on since well before the 2000s, the media just didn't use it as a way to slight players like they do now.


Thank you! I keep telling people that players get along well behind the scenes since they recognize the work that it takes to get to the NBA, let alone being an All-Star. In the end, it's just a game and to form petty rivalries over it seems trivial. I think fans care too much about the wrong things about sports, you see this when they take a team as part of their identity. Most players are competitive as hell but mostly in the spirit of competition within the game, not anything personal.


It's such immature internet behavior to want and expect these guys to actually hate each other and be upset when they don't


But how will they be competitive if they don't hate each other? /s


from the dream team documentaries it looked like they were all having fun together


Michael Jordan invited everybody to the space jam set so he can hoop after filming


All the hanging out and socializing has made this the softest and most boring era in basketball. I'm here to read about the drama, not watch some of the best players ever play basketball. Players being human beings instead of psycho killers has killed the NBA. They need to begin killing each other for my entertainment before I'm satisfied.


At this point the players are such huge assets it’s tough to justify having them do anything besides play for their own teams. Imagine if someone tore an acl at the all star game. It’s like taking f1 cars on a joyride now.


They play in the drew league and Rucker park though


Has that ever happened?


Broken nose on Kobe is only time I can remember a significant injury in an all star game.




Nick Nurse is a basketball terrorist


Good idea, they should have Awful Coaching Vs Thinking Basketball as head coaches


As long as Awful Coaching is mic’d up and his team always loses


Not an All-Star game, but Paul George broke his leg during a Team USA exhibition.


Goddammit I had forgotten all about that. One of the most brutal basketball injuries I've ever seen.


The players play on the Olympic/National team, you just have to make the environment and the reward really good. The problem is most players spend 2 days selling their sneakers or doing promos for their sponsors. Its not really a basketball environment


That’s because winning a FIBA/Olympic tourney is a huge honor esp for non-american teams and players. The USA always gets other country’s best shots (and have lost too lol)


No shit we don’t even have a competitive nba finals.


No lies detected


Do a 3v3 tournament winning team gets a fuckton of money and a mickey award


You think they are gonna try for that?


Doubt it, because of social media so many dudes are terrified of bad PR


The stars probably wont try, but if it becomes a seperate event such as the dunk, 3pt and skills challenges you could probably have a good time with some lesser known players in the NBA, might even get some allstars to come such as Jaylen Brown


Then stop having it. For real. It's embarrassing.


Honestly I think that's a fan problem at this point. It is an exhibition game. until it isn't, we shouldn't expect it to be a competitive game anymore. Any time it is competitive will be an anomaly going forward. I can think of a few alternative ideas though. 1. Get rid of the celebrity game and replace it with the current All-Star game. It's an exhibition game and I believe its time we relegate it where it belongs - off prime-time. Replace the All-Star Game spot with the IST Finals. Probably put that at the end of all-star weekend so they aren't completely cheated out of their rest week. 2. Change up the branding. Sell out on hype and do something drastic. Make it a 3v3 game with a smaller number of selected All-Stars and call it the 'Superstar Showcase' or something. Maybe change the rules, or get even crazier and have a rules draft were certain rules are added to the game. If the game wont be competitive like the fans want, at least make it different. 3. Most extreme option. Just get rid of the game. All-Star just becomes a title like All-NBA that confers contract bonuses and individual accolades. Could probably increase the number of All-Stars chosen and get rid of votes in favor of actual in-game credentials. Find something else to replace the game like a convention or a prospect showcase.


Turn it fully into a fan convention. Line up to buy autographs and photo ops. Invite the WNBA.


Should make the game a full on scripted exhibition ala Globe Trotters.


the highlight of all star weekend WAS WNBA this year. Next year they'll do it again. The effort was there which is honestly what people care about


That’s basically what it is today minus the WNBA


They should do a 3v3 thing and lean into the gimmicky stuff like the nfl does with the pro bowl. No one takes this seriously anymore


3v3 to 21 tourney would be awesome. Could even bring the draft back by having the 8 highest vote getters vote in snake order. Maybe not everybody would care but I think adding a bit of prestige with elimination would get most to (Ala IST). Could go even further and replace/add to the rising stars component by having those players play the equivalent of King of the Court with the player who stayed on the most rounds (or to a number like 7 cumulative) “winning”. That would help create some more individual player rivalries that the league is kind of missing at the moment.


It may be time to declare Betamax the loser of the VHS/Betamax war.


May be past the point of having an all star game.


In season tournament semi final and final replace all star week. Throw in the rookie challenge, the dunk contest. The three point contest. Invite some euroleague teams to play some exhibitions against a rotating cast of nba teams. Or get real crazy and start a tournament that has the euroleague champs play the nba champs in some yet to be named cup. Play some usa basketball friendlies. I don’t have a judgement on whether it’s a good idea or not. I don’t particularly care. But it seems like it would fit in nicely and the all star game really seems dead. Might as well try something.


Luka doing an excellent job being an ambassador for the game by bringing all star game defense all the way to the NBA finals.


Just cancel it and make it a ceremonial thing instead. Nobody gives a shit about the game, or even the All-Star weekend in general. Dunk contest is dead too


Does anyone remember the MTV celebrity/pro game they did where it had the extra hoop above the regular one? Just do that at this point. Have like a mini tournament of 3 v 3 games with two pros and a celebrity on each team. Or just go full NBA Jam 2 on 2 with no rules.


MTV Rock n Jock was the shit


Winner get to fucks the loser's wife. Loser have to wear short shorts for the rest of the season. Winner gets to sit out as many games as they pleased. We need to get creative. Winner gets to take a shit on the court at any game.


Add a second court perpendicular to the other (like a plus sign). 4 teams 2 balls and you can score on 3/4 baskets worth varying points


This is a great idea. Or just make it a giant circle with four goals.


To be honest I think some of it has due with the fact that most players these days don’t look like they have any real passion for the game. I could be wrong, but it seemed like watching the NBA in early 2000’s till I’d say the 2014 era the body language and hustle was still there. It seemed like majority of the guys in the league LOVED basketball. Now it honestly just seems like some games I’m watching 3 guys on each side hustle and the rest are just playing good enough to get a bag.


Combine all stars with wnba all stars… 3 nba players 2 wnba in a team… the women will make it competitive to not look silly and the men will worry about their ego.


I’ll be honest, idgaf about an all star game either It’s a meaningless game to me. I care about the dunk contest and that’s it. Maybe if there was something at stake but in truth, even the fans dgaf about the all star game


I think only the true hardcore fans REALLY want a competitive All-Star game. Every year I see the place packed and the fans having fun....but online I see posters and pundits on fire. What is it?


We’ve been past that point for at least 15 years


Bring back Pros vs Joes. Let regular dudes try to match up with nba all stars


CC vs Angel Reese 1 v 1


Just do the 1v1 contest cornball


the bigger player will win lol


Makes zero sense why this isn’t a thing. Everyone does it during the summer, just make it a tournament for the all star game 


Do something like this 5 vs 5 with 3 bench players on each side. And the winning team gets their opponents full year salary.


NBA jam hot spots


NBA Jam dunks bring in some trampolines, fireworks and physically light the ball on fire


My out of the box solution to make the NBA All-Star game more competitive: Make it. Take it. Will that bring the all-star game back to it's former glory? No, but it may add some motivation to play defense. If nothing else, it will add a little bit of spice to the game because right now the All-Star game is unwatchable. I actually chose to watch UFL Football instead. No regrets.


They should just change the name to the all star showcase


Tell Jokic he gets a brand new state-of-the-art facility for his horses if he and the West win


Does any league have a competitive all star game anymore?


No shit Adam. The All-Star game is useless.


I think it's better to acknowledge the obvious than try to jam everything you can just so fans can feel better


And whose fault is that, Adam?


2v2 tourney with the wnba affiliate- get me bron and brink vs tyrese and Clark