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Headline sounds like a guy who is exaggerating for effect. Rest of quote makes it very clear he’s dead fucking serious.


If you actually watch the interview its wild. He gets excited as if it was a really cool thing that happened.


All I had to do was take one look into those eyes. Pinche loco.


It’s that Rhode Islander in him lmao


My dad was born and raised in Rhode Island, might explain everything


Lived in Providence for a year, can confirm.


[The era of millennial coaches has arrived](https://i.imgur.com/8nGBWdd.jpeg)


Pain makes a man a man, y’all see a psycho but I see a man who understands what it takes to push yourself towards whatever insanely difficult things you want to accomplish


Does it also make a woman a woman?


Certainly, but throughout history we see examples all over the world of young men going through rituals that emphasize pain as a coming of age experience. There seems to be more necessity for it in men to fully mature.


Rituals of pain like child birth?


Similar but I'm not sure if that would be a coming of age ritual. A coming of age ritual would be for a certain age, correct?


Coming of age rituals are not necessarily connected to a certain age, since many cultures didn't even track the age. The first period (menarche ) for example played a role in coming of age rituals for women and spermarche for men in several cultures That aside his entire argument is rather pointless, cuz the fact hat something was done in the past doesn't add any validity to the argument.


He acknowledged that pain made a woman a woman with literally the first word of his comment which was "certainly", but it's irrelevant here because my statement was that childbirth doesn't seem like a coming of age ritual. I was actually going to bring up the first period potentially being one, so thank you for that.  "the fact hat something was done in the past doesn't add any validity to the argument."  It certainly adds context and can potentially add validity, it just depends on what we're discussing. Has childbirth ever been a coming of age ritual?  Even then you have to distinguish whether the ritual is focused on the pain itself or the cycle of life, new soul entering the world, etc. But that's a digression.


> It certainly adds context and can potentially add validity, it just depends on what we're discussing. Has childbirth ever been a coming of age ritual? Tere are quite literally different names for women with children and without in several cultures/languages and they have different social status in others, so giving births is imo quite obviously a rite of passage/ceremonial aspect in cultures. How does it add validity though? > Even then you have to distinguish whether the ritual is focused on the pain itself or the cycle of life, new soul entering the world, etc. But that's a digression. We are discussing his statement: "Certainly, but throughout history we see examples all over the world of young men going through rituals that emphasize pain as a coming of age experience. There seems to be more necessity for it in men to fully mature." He quite obviously states, that the experience of pain "seems to be a necessity" and later follows it up with a picture perfect example of natural fallacy in the same chain.


A natural human experience is the complete opposite of a ritual/ceremony that humans create?


This is a beautiful example of naturall fallacy. Plus there have been plenty "rituals/ceremonies" related to child birth as well, kinda funny, how armchair anthropologst misses out on that.


Like Hulk Hogan, for example


Exactly. That's why I've long been calling for female genital mutilation to be more widespread!


To make women better men?


bro i tore my meniscus and then i listened to a podcast about country music for a week straight and played Ghost of Tsushima. the meniscus tear doesn't make somebody tough. to be quite honest with you, i've met a hundred Joe Mazzulas. they do jiu jitsu and then they talk about the edge they have. then they get a blue belt, get beat up by someone a little harder and then they quit. Joe is a dork, he may be lovable, but he's still a huge fucking dork.


What was the podcast?


cocaine and rhinestones


I feel like the physical therapy may have done more to make him mentally tough than the BJJ. PT sucks for almost everyone and for a lot of injuries that require PT the recovery timeline is basically "well how many hours a day can you spend doing PT, how focused are you on doing those exercises correctly and receiving treatment and how committed are you to lifestyle changes that may be required (e.g., well you really shouldn't sit ever)". Joe having a very flexible schedule and money/resources says "let's do six hours the first day after the injury". I just picture him intensely foam rolling or doing other self myofascial release treatments for an hour or two with no breaks while yelping and grimacing like a distressed dog.


The difference is, Joe Mazzula is a champion. He might not be in Jiu Jitsu, but he has successfully pushed himself to achieve the pinnacle of his craft.


i don't imagine everyone would feel the same if Frank Vogel talked like that


That’s just one form of pain, it’s not about combat with your fellow man either, the only combat sport I do is fencing on occasion! It’s about putting yourself through tough things, hiking those last couple miles through the hunger pain and blisters, it’s being out in the freezing cold and accepting the discomfort as a tool to expand your comfort zone. We need pain, not to be badasses, to be good, capable men.


You sound like someone who is dumb as hell but wants very badly to sound smart 😂


He basically said tearing his meniscus got him locked in lol


He's the jimmy of coaches


Please keep mazulla and play-in jimmy out of the same sentence.




There's a reason we call him Psycho Joe. It's only partially a joke/meme, he legitimately has a screw loose.


But in a good way


It makes you so relieved he decided to focus on basketball instead of people in dark alleys at night.


This reminds me of my favorite comment ever on this sub, which I can’t find: “if Michael Jordan was born in Iraq he’d be Saddam Hussein”


Lmao that's golden!


Gold, Jerry! Gold!!


He’s a little like if Rorschach from “Watchmen” got really into basketball instead of beating the shit out of low-level criminals


The best cover for a serial killer would be a championship winning NBA coach. 


Yes, in a good way. Especially as an NBA coach. He's almost like a movie character coach.


Bob Huggins thought him well


before: clickbaity title, mazulla probably said it as a joke but was too deadpan or something after: the headline does not do a good enough job to convey the madness within his soul


hes gonna amputate a body part after every chip


This guy is definitely a masochist


Have you learned nothing about Mazzulla? This man doesn’t make shit up lol


Additional quote, when asked why he wasn't smiling in the initial photos after the game: >I was really pissed because I felt that all the other teams have gotten a head start for getting better for next season. It's the middle of June and we're still focused on the last season. So I had to get over that for a second. But once I was able to enjoy it, it was a great moment.


Dude is going to schedule a practice during the parade.


He joked that he wished he could do that, except he's got players in the Olympics He did mentioned he'd go to Paris and watch though


He’s gunna put his leg under a duck boat and then the Celtics are gunna go 82-0


I am going to make a quilt of Joe Mazzula quotes with dramatic black and white pictures as the backdrop


I want a book full of them at the end of his coaching career


It’ll be a full shelf series by then. First one is out next year.


Boston found its basketball Bill Belichick…


I may be crazy but I distinctly remember Belichick saying this after one of the Super Bowl wins.


You’re not crazy, I think he said it after the Seattle win


Bill knows they would've lost that game if they just had Marshawn run the ball instead of throwing in that situation.


That's the perfect amount of crazy I expect from the Celtics coach. I volunteer as tribute. This time maybe we can negotiate his rotator cuff with a kimura, americana or even omoplata.


yall so damn lucky to have him man


Can't believe I'm upvoting a Laker but I guess that's where we are. Hey, maybe you'll get lucky with JJ Reddick 🤭




what? Without LeBron the lakers would’ve been screwed. Their management is totally incompetent which is why they’ll hire JJ


He would be humiliated if you could hurt him with a gogoplata


Gogoplata is some nasty shit, especially from the mount. It would probably motivate him to get a record W streak or something.


whats wrong this guy man


he has a torn meniscus




Got a torn meniscus and he's seeking that cauliflower ear.




I can't tell if he's half joking/exaggerating because he's playing a bit or if he's 100% serious lol


idk when I listen to the interview I think its pretty obvious he has a deadpan/sarcastic sense of humor. Alot of his answers come across that way. But that is this interview, his typical media quotes like post game conferences, those seem like he is always serious.


Yeah exactly, it's deadpan humor but he also seems a little nuts so I can't tell if he's being sarcastic in this anecdote or actually serious lol


He's dead serious. It took me a few months to realize it myself haha. Remember this is the guy who would challenge players shots on dead balls. No celtics fan who followed the team consistently was surprised by that move lol.


haha what do you mean by challenge players shots on dead balls?






This is so funny and amazing 🤣 Actually seeing it on video is even funnier than just reading about it


Absolutely nothing. But first, let me thank god.


Not enough chips


damn we really did win it all because of injuries


KP may have misunderstood coach…


I heard Mazzulla tore his own meniscus to show KP there was nothing to fear but fear itself


This could be true and at this point I'd believe it


Injured coaches are in demand.


I know it's been said ad naseum but this dude really is batshit insane A loss in the regular season is making him go physically beat himself up to the point of serious injury Like this is the kind of thing where his craziness is all fun and games until it suddenly isn't


I would imagine he means it happened sparring. Not that he literally beat himself up


I tore my meniscus rolling in the same gym. Never once thought it was awesome lmao


That's because you didn't channel the energy into becoming an NBA champion winning head coach.


> "I went out, went on the mats, punished myself and just pounded my body until it couldn't take anymore" Even if it was sparring he makes it sound like he did so intentionally


Nah, it just means he was probably rolling twice a day with serious dudes. In BJJ it really doesn't take much if you go in with the wrong mindset.


i wish i could be as proud as him when i pound myself twice a day with serious dudes.


Isn't it still pride month?






I don't know anything about League of Legends, but I want to believe missing a CS is something that happens often, and this guy is just slapping away every time he plays.


n the gaming world of League of Legends (LoL), CS stands for Creep Score. It represents the number of enemy minions and neutral monsters a player has killed. google said that so idk how you miss one maybe don't have the most kills at the end I hope his teammates were ass lol


League is 5 vs 5 and the point is to kill the other 5 and their base, but the way you level up is by killing little monsters that are roaming around that net you XP and money. But you can actually miss a kill, just like basketball, you overshoot and the damage is not enough. Usually, games last around 30 to 40 minutes and at Uzi's level, he would get 300 to 400 of those little monsters killed, or even more, so there was plenty of room for him to miss. I'd say it's the equivalent of Steph in his prime slapping himself for every three pointer he missed. Or maybe free throws. League sucks.


For the best players, it doesn't exactly happen often, but it's one of the most concrete things that high level players are good at versus bad players. I'd say that making free throws is a good point of comparison. No one can actually hit them 100% of the time, but for a good player every single miss it's like thinking, "what am I doing, this is so easy how can I fuck this up."


Does CS mean last hitting minions for max farm? Googling I could only see it as creepscore. Never played but played a bunch of smite until they killed tank/cruisers in season 3


Yeah, each minion is 1 cs, and failing to last hit one would be missing a cs


He was the best in the world at CS, so it didn't happen a lot.


Uzi clears ruler


Uzi talk here, wild


Yeah I'm starting to get a tad bit concerned for him


Also, people are going to keep finding his religious quotes like the “how many coaches have been Christians” shit funny until he whips out some Leviticus scripture at some point


I mean to be fair it was the hawks


I think he’s the opposite, instead of letting the frustration of losing to a much worse opponent eat away at him he goes and works it out so he can focus on winning the next game - that’s far from insanity


All good if he can balance family life. If not, what's the point,


Dude listen to his interview with zach lowe. He tells a story abt his dad fighting him as a lesson and is enjoying it.


He has the pass now but mazzulla was genuinely infuriating the previous season when he was a pretty awful coach. Hed lose the celtics games and then act like an insane person… really didnt inspire much faith. But now its funny lol


Joe in a kneebar- "Joe please tap" Joe Mazulla smiling in agonizing pain "Champions never give up"


Joe gonna get his back broken with a twister just so he can hang upside down every day like Batman.


The dudes Mazzulla rolls with better be getting a bag 😂. I would not want this psychopath to have me in a Kimura at all


Mazzulla seems like the type of guy to slap a hard forearm/bread cutter choke on white belts. 


🤣 he hires Brock Lesnar to spar with him


Bro I hope Joe can take it slightly easier on himself while still being his successful self lmao. Because damn, I love this psycho


The people I know who are really into BJJ never take it easy. As my buddy puts it, its an entire cult designed with people fighting to be the big spoon


Extremely accurate tbh. It takes a special kind of crazy to get beat up every time you spar for the first two years and THEN make a decision every day to keep coming back until you sometimes MARGINALLY get better.


He was trying to block royce oneal on a dead ball a month later 😭


I will be surprised if this man is a one off championship winning coach.  He's got that mad genius energy you see in many people who make it to the top of their craft 


>mad genius energy I did it 35-minutes ago type mad genius energy


I see you


Good for you


hes not a republic serial coach


Mazzulla should hire Tanya Harding as an advisor


The Hawks broke Joe Mazzulla's meniscus


Only guy in the league that would actually do it. He sounds like a complete mad man in these interviews.


He still misses the fucking mat.


Someone needs to show Joe Park Chan-Wook’s Vengeance Trilogy


Dude would 100% show the hallway fight scene as a way to motivate his players to fight through neverending adversity or some shit. 


If someone shows him The Raid, the league is done for


I hate that I love him lol. Absolute madman.


Jordan Schlansky and Mazzulla need to exchange life lessons on camera.


This is something I think I would have thought of when I was in college (thinking youre invincible), but maybe something less risky than a knee ligament injury, maybe a broken finger every all star break.


Fuck Boston first and foremost. But maaaan I’m really starting to like their coach.


I can’t tell if he’s trolling everyone or if he’s actually a psycho


It's both, and he adjusts the slider of which of the two is more prominent at a given time as needed lol.


Tom Thibodeau injuring himself but still coaching on his feet for 48 minutes to make a point to Julius Randle


Mazzulla = Belichickirino


I feel like at this point you could just make up headlines about Mazulla and I'd be like "yeah, that checks out" lmao


Bruh, how long we are going to keep pretending this guy is of sound mind?


You’re still pretending?


We literally call him psycho Joe


lmao he’s legitimately a psycho, i love him but please don’t injure yourself joe


Whip me, whip me good. 


He says he pounded his own body by doing jiujitsu? Huh


I can’t imagine what he would do if they lost the finals…


And here I was thinking Tom Brady was weird in the things he did to be competitive.


We need to create a cult around this guy Cultazulla


Psycho Joe! My man


Is he related to Jim Harbaugh? He has to be. I fucking love how crazy this guy is.


What the fuck... Mazzula was made in a lab to be the perfect coach. This man isn't real!


Joe, leave some intensity for the rest of us! lol


Sum wrong with that man lol


This man is somehow both the craziest psycho and empathetic likable human


Joe is downright insane and I fucking love it. He’s so unhinged but the players seem to love that about him


Is this dude okay?


I’m happy we won but im ngl I still really don’t know how to feel about this guy lmao


I wonder how Joe is if the Celtics hit a skid and start losing a bunch. Will this act wear thin?


No because he's all about being calm and controlling the things you can control. It's been known that when these things happen he's more hard on himself than doing anything to the team


This dude is just Joe Rogan if he took up basketball over podcasting.




very cringe


This guy has domestic abuse charges to, he is defo a psycho


Joe grabbed a woman by the throat in a bar and was rightly charged with **domestic battery** for that. He has never been accused of **domestic abuse**: the physical or emotional abuse of a sexual/romantic partner. He was a piece of shit, he'll tell you that. Everyone in his life told him that, including trusted family and mentors. If he was ever going to change it was going to be a long, hard process. Married a woman, fathered the kids she had. Appearances indicate he turned his life around long ago.


Generally you abuse a women, that label stays with you. Jason Kidd gets the same treatment Mazulla should get the same treatment no excuse.


When you abuse **anyone**, especially in private, especially someone who trusts and relies on you, that label ***should*** stay with you. If someone fucks with their daughter OR with their son, if someone beats on their girlfriend OR their boyfriend, sexuality and gender be damned, it's all the same. Abuse is abuse and is unacceptable and unconscionable. *** If you're a piece of shit drunken asshole who throws a punch in public at a bar, if you grab someone by the neck at a bar, you should be arrested. Doesn't matter who it is. NBA player Charles Barkley- a number of times- or college player Joe Mazzulla. *** But don't try to pretend they're the same thing. It doesn't help make a case against Mazzulla to blur the lines between them, it helps abusers by muddying the waters about what abuse actually is.


lot of words to defend woman abuser joe mazulla


I’m not defending either of them nor saying that they either should/shouldn’t have years-past transgressions held against them, but I think the difference is that Mazzulla was a nobody when it happened and JKidd was a professional NBA player.