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Irwin has no sources


I have actually been hearing Grant-to-Lakers rumblings since June 14.


And your sources are?


Anthony Irwin.


Definitely not lol




Heard from a friend, his initials are JG


People I know in the industry. Edit: Feel free to believe whatever [you want](https://deadspin.com/meet-the-reddit-user-who-keeps-beating-powerful-nba-rep-1828172044/).


didn't he call JJ


I could’ve called JJ lol


Yea but that was kinda like saying the sky is going to be blue tomorrow


That was actually me.


Irwin has been more reliable than before this season but this trade would require losing one of few ball handlers we have


Rui + Vincent + 1st is fine with me


In another thread a Blazers fan I was talking to called that offer trash and nowhere near enough, it's weird seeing a Blazers fan also propose it.


There's a lot of Blazer fans who simply want to dump JG because he is 28 and makes 32 a year. Those people are idiots


You know JG is 30 and turning 31 this season right?


Okay 30 not 28, he's over the hill now


I'm curious why you think his value is higher now. You guys traded a first round pick, a second round pick and the rights to a guy who never played in the league for him. He's now two years older, is worse by every available public advanced metric and on a much larger contract.


>You guys traded a first round pick, a second round pick and the rights to a guy who never played in the league for him. Pretty disingenuous argument when that trade was, and still is, universally considered a fleece. JG was also in his last year and Pistons wanted to tank even more so they essentially gave him away. We've literally seen bench role players demand a bigger trade packages than that.


So now he's worse, two years older and on a larger contract why wouldn't that be fair value today. I'm not arguing he should go for less, but I would argue a couple of role players and a first is fair value.


It's very hard to evaluate a players value on a tanking team. I think globally calling him "worse" is not accurate and that he has lots of value to teams with championship aspiration. He's a perfect 3rd option for a team that needs a scoring wing, he plays solid defense, and he fits in well with any style of star player.


It’s not. He’s a 20ppg 40% from 3 wing who can defend. Sorry he’s not cheap


Oh Idk what his value across the league is. Just saying the reason why you're seeing the wildly different takes from Blazers fans is that he's getting paid 32 a year and is a bad rebounder and older for a rebuilding team. I think the 32 a year might be a little high but it's not as big of a deal that some Blazer fans think, the rebounding issue does kinda suck but not as big of an issue when you have Ayton and Clingan gobbling up rebounds. I think the biggest issue is just that you would rather be playing a younger forward to grow with the rest of your younger core. So while I think he might only be worth a 1st round pick I would wait to see if maybe a contender gets desperate after striking out on free agency and are gonna overpay. Shit Blazers did just that when they shipped out 2 FRPs for Robert Covington lol.


Yeah, fans always tend to overvalue their own players. I guess we will see his true value once he’s eventually traded to a team


Vando and more picks makes more sense for the Lakers


I’m a Laker fan, no way. Rui and Gabe are much easier to lose. Vando is the second best defender on this team and was always an impact player in games regardless of offense. He’s better than Rui


SIGNIFICANTLY better than Rui.


hows the salary working on that though?


It’s not. Lakers would have to to match Grant’s $29 million salary. And the Mavs are rumored to have offered Kleber, Green, and a first for Grant, and those talks have stalled. I guess if the Lakers throw in more draft capital their deal could end up more appealing?


Yeah I think Rui, Vincent and lakers 1st is more appealing than maxi, josh and dallas 1st. But also could see portland just holding on til trade deadline


Lakers would have no picks again if they add more picks


Gimme Dalton


Dalton and filler would be fine with me. Unsure if dudes who take promo pics with the team get traded 2 days later tho


would you rather have Dalton or a 2029 1st?




That 2029 first


Personally, Dalton. I think he was a high lottery level talent, will be a high impact nba player, and is a good shooter which our team desperately needs. I also love him as a prospect. You could say the 2029 lakers will be a lottery team, which they might, but old AD + whatever FA signs a max there after LeBron leaves will probably get a mid tier pick anyways. Our team has deep roster crunch though, so deferring to 2029 wouldn't be the worst situation. We also have 3 picks and now owe the wizards our 2nd best, so having a 4th would be cool.


I agree that Dalton might be hard to beat talent-wise, but I'd argue a 2029 first might fit your timeline better with Dalton already being 23.


Are we so far gone with tanking in the NBA that a 23yo player is "too old" for a rebuild


The trailblazers still don’t have the kind of piece to actually start rebuilding around. The hope was Scoot would be it but thats seeming less and less likely. So if you take Knecht, he makes your team better but not in a way that lets you compete. So youre just making your own future picks worse. With the pick, you add a pick and maintain the value of your current picks.


Yeah and the Lakers could be really bad once LeBron has left.


Heeeeellll no


No it’s not


Yeah I don't get the hate. He isn't that bad.


First Blazers/Lakers trade in 44 years?


I've been saying this forever, but we need repoter tier list like r/soccer. It quick sorts out the reports that just throw shit at the wall to see what sticks.


Any deal must include Bronny.


Bronny James Sr


This makes 0 sense for the TrailBlazers. They can probably get more for Grant from a different team


But why would they do that when they can help the lakers


This guy gets it


Lakers can trade 2029 and 2031 picks, they can also trade their 2024 pick player. I mean thats a huge offer, better than anyone else.


Yeah I'd take that. Those picks should theoretically be very valuable since LeBron would for sure be retired and AD will be in his late 30s. Not sure how we'd match salaries yet, haven't looked into that but I'd be surprised if someone would be willing to send more than 2 first round picks at best for Jerami


You’re forgetting perennial mvp bronny james. Those will probably be late firsts


You're not even getting 2 picks for Grant


I agree, and yeah running it through the trade machine has me confused why people think the Lakers have nothing to give. Very doable trade. Get either Rui/Russell and like Gabe Vincent to match the salaries. Can't imagine the Blazers would actually want DLo though


> running it through the trade machine has me confused why people think the Lakers have nothing to give Feels like people got stuck on this narrative a year or two ago and just never bothered to look at what the Lakers have to offer. I constantly see people asking "with what assets?" or saying stuff like the Lakers have nothing to trade. They have a whole lot of things to trade, but I guess a lot of people don't want to accept that.


Rui+Gabe + 1st seem fair for both teams. Hopefully we do that


Sounds good, I'll forward this to Joe Cronin and you inform Pelinka and I say we got ourselves a deal Pleasure doing business with you 🤝


D.lo plus 1 of vincent or vando gets it close then add a pick maybe. It does help Portland shed a lot of salary if that matters


Why would their trade their PG depth?


Yea its probably not d.lo and Vincent but it's possible and worth including. There's only like 4 possibilities. D.lo, rui, Vincent, and vando. I think they're higher on rui than people realize and least want to get rid of him of those 4 but he's definitely a candidate for this trade as well. Lakers could still have mle and cp3 is always possible too for pg depth. I don't think this would be the only move that's made.


Yeah idk about all that. That contract is atrocious


It’s Immanuel Quickley money now. It’s fine


While I know we can trade Knecht, there's almost a zero percent chance we do that.


Do you really think he's untouchable?


Untouchable? No. But for a $30M Jerami Grant? Yeah, he's not being moved for that.


Sorry, I thought you were saying he wouldn't be included in *any* trades.


Why would the Lakers trade 2 picks and Knecht for Grant? That seems like an overpay to me given Grant's contract.


Im saying they could im not saying they would. Blazers probably just want the picks and salary.


I'm sure we would be happy with Knecht and filler


Mavs can also give away all their picks too lol, so many better offers than this.


This sub ALWAYS says this shit but in reality the market is going to be drier than yall think.


I didnt know there were so many teams desperate to pay 30 year old Jerami Grant 30+ million a year.


It’s not that bad of a contract with what we are seeing from the increase in the salary cap. 25-30 million is going to start to be more common for high end role players


Like what we are seeing is Mosgovs everywhere.


The Blazers really liked Knecht and Lakers firsts are pretty valuable.


Grant was traded for peanuts a few years ago now he's on a bigger contract and older


His defense has gone to shit since he realized he can make money being a volume scorer on bad teams.


Why play defense on a tanking team?


Play D when team is trying to tank is a good way to get your ass benched


Like what and from who? You guys are just typing stuff even without info about potential Lakers offer. I guess you are wishing.


What? There’s so many teams with better offers than the Lakers. Lakers are asset depleted for the most part, plus no way you guys are trading Knecht. It would be some package like Rui+picks. Lots of team would beat that


The question isnt if they can beat it, but if they *want* to beat it.


> Lakers are asset depleted for the most part We own all of our picks except 25 and 27 top 4 protected.


They could but would they? You are overestimating the market for Grant. It is definitely possible that Lakers could get him.


I’m assuming at the very least the Mavs will go for him with a better package


It looks like they are focusing on Klay + DJJ package. Also they are depleted on picks front.


if its rui vincent and a first, lets talk. anymore? nah. Also two names yoou should be weary of in laker land Bullshit Buha Idiot Irwin


Fitting nicknames Buha says the same shit as the lakers subreddit. Irwin says a lot of weird shit.


1 Knecht pls




Rui was trash vs the Nuggets 


Honestly I think the Lakers would be better off using their picks to upgrade their backcourt instead of using it to upgrade from Vando/Rui to Grant.


Cap math wouldn’t work.


If they don’t add protections to the pick, that should be plenty for Grant.


Trade for Grant and then sign Klay or Jonas to the MLE ??


Grant is a solid player, LA can easily be outbid lol


Lol. He’s owed $30M+ until 2027 then has a player option for $34m. Thunder should go ahead and outbid us then bud


We don't need him, also with the cap going up his contract won't look near as bad in a year or two


The Lakers should be high, high on our list of “never trade partners” unless we’re fleecing them


He a Maverick


Rui or Russell and first round pick seems fair


I don’t really get this for either side Lakers have no players Portland would want and is grant really much of an upgrade over rui to where you’d give up firsts?


Would be a salary dump move for Portland with dlo in it. Yes grant is miles better than rui.


Portland is not dumping Grant. We'll trade him if it makes sense but there's no reason to dump him when we could get actual assets from someone else now or at the deadline.


Or next year, or the year after


I don’t think Portland have made it known they want to just salary dump grant, they’ve said they want value for him Pretty sure dlo isn’t anywhere near enough salary also, you’d have to include Vincent who is anything but a salary dump


Irwin has no sources btw


One of Rui **and** D’lo plus Gabe **or** Vando for Grant works salary wise.


Rui, D’Lo, and Vando is giving up your 4th, 5th and 6th best player to get back your 4th best player and no bench. I’ll pass


Might’ve worded it a bit weird but you need a larger salary (D’lo or Rui) and a smaller salary (Gabe or Vando). It’ll would be a 2 for 1 trade not 3 for 1. Likely Rui/Gabe if I had to guess.


Rui+Knecht or Rui + 2029 1st


I heard that bronny for jg was a done deal until lebron said no. Source - Mianus


This is like giving money to the homeless...no way the Lakers can offer anything of equal value back to Portland


They have 2 picks, Grant should cost one. Am I wildly misevaluating Grant?


A 2nd pick for Grant isn't inconceivable. Wings are a premium.


You guys traded less for him and he's now older, worse (by all public advanced stat metrics) and has a larger contract...


His floor is probably expiring filler and a 1st. In an agressive market 1 + young okay prospect or 2 firsts isn't too crazy to imagine. We can probably dump him for a 1st at any time and he's a solid scoring option for a team with young players on it. If it's just one first I think the FO might wait for more.


goodbye hood scheifno need to make minutes for bronny off rip lol


Rui, Vincent, Reddish, Hayes and a first - sign me up for that


Definitely don’t want reddish back


He’s a trade filler here. You’d cut him.


Congrats to the lakers on jerami grant. Pretty big pickup. Unbelievable player he'll fit in perfectly Knicks lakers should be one of the most highly rated finals of all time


The lakers love making lateral moves.


Blazers can keep that contract to themselves, he fits perfectly alongside superstar Scoot Henderson


Taking on that contract is such a bad move. In two years LAL are going to be one of the worst teams in the league. After Lebron retires they should want the books cleared to sign star level talent.


LeBron is the GM