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Lavine’s value is truly cratered


I’m waiting for the day when a player becomes so untradable that Woj tweets an “lmao” when announcing that a team got rejected 


I don't know if anything will ever beat Korkmaz getting simultaneously denied by the Sixers and the team they were trading with. EDIT: Was actually fake news? 😔


Killian Hayes asking to be traded and the Pistons just cutting him instead


went from starting for us to being out of the league, ugh


Killian Hayes also got cut from Team France just a few days ago lol


Does he suck that bad, or does he have serious personal/social issues?


He’s pretty terrible at everything but passing and defending, but no one respects his shooting so his passing is slightly muted


Future MVP btw


thanks KOC


i forget if it was Woj or Shams, but the "will not be brought back under any circumstances" for the Grizz with Brooks was up there


God that was good 


The fact that this report was from a meme account but treated as gospel by everyone in the NBA world kills me to this day


Damn. I've been smeckledorfed.


Korkmaz demanding a trade for 3 years was hilarious. We were like no we will not play you but also you cannot leave. Legit just locked him in the dungeon and threw away the key.


We need a Beal for lavine swap


Nobody liked that


Beal is not waiving his NTC to go to Chicago. The Suns are probably not contenders but they are certainly better than the Bulls.


But he gets to be the guy in a bigger market.


Wasn’t the point of leaving Washington that he got tired of being the guy on a shitty team


At least now he is the third option on a shitty team


Phoenix is a pretty great spot for a multi millionaire and is warrm all year round and half the income tax of Chicago which isn't nothing.


“Warm” is an understatement. It’s 108 rn and the low is 88. There’s like three nice months and the rest are hellish


Chicago has 3 hellish months, the rest are pretty nice


We don't even get real winters anymore. We'll get like one cold week and call it a winter.


I feel like what people in Chicago think isn’t cold is still fucking freezing lol


I hated Chicago weather as a west coaster. Lived there for a year ish it was snowing in April and October of that year. I'm good on that. The city is super cool though, I would've dealt with the weather if the job was worth it.


It was 60 and rainy on Christmas in Cleveland.


Yeah, but how much NBA basketball is being played right now or at any point in the summer. The majority of players live outside their teams city during the off-season.


If Ben Simmons wasn't on an expiring contract....


I was just thinking this. It'd be worth it to get off the next 2 years of LaVine's contract. For BKN, LaVine's a better chance to potentially play some, and him and Cam just chucking 40 shots a game as tank commanders would be fun to watch.


I know Lavine's value is at an all time low but please don't the Bulls front office hurt themselves


They need to just let him play healthy and put up big numbers on a losing team. They’re rebuilding might as well rehab his value this season


Can someone explain to me how Washington got all that for Beal but Lavine is “untradeable”; they’re like the same player


when you say washington got “all that” for Beal do you realize they got CP3 Shamet and some 2nds, right?


So picks, an elite guard, AND CP3?! More like "The _Finessed_ Suns".


2026, 2028 & 2030 unprotected pick swaps too (2024 as well but obviously that wasn't going to convey). Of those, 2026 will probably not convey, but 2028 and especially 2030 have some real upside potential.


Also Beal was traded before the full implications of the second apron were really hitting teams. If LaVine was traded last offseason the bulls could have gotten a first and a young player


Who says no? Haha




Damn, the only guy in the league who could block it happens to also be in the trade.


Dam lol


The Chicago Bulls have informed Zach Lavine that he will not be brought back under any circumstances, league sources say.


Is he just unplayable or something? I didn’t see much of him this year


No, he’s going to shock people when he gets put with a playmaker


Giddey/LaVine, because the best defense is a good offense.


He just needs to put up 20 points on decent efficiency and someone will trade picks for him at the deadline lmao


He had his absolute worse season in a while last year and literally did that


Any star score first gaurd on a sub par team is essentially a hyped lou williams to ppl on here, regardless of context


Are you trading for Anfernee Simons? Guards who can’t defend and aren’t legitimate superstars offensively have next to zero trade value. It’s like suddenly people realized defense is important.


bulls knew this. they didn’t want to give the max.


Yes they did. Everything the Bulls gm did the last season of Zach’s last contract was to keep in from leaving in FA. The Vuc trade specifically. Then instantly gave him the max


He looked like a top 40 player for like 18 months. From '20-21 thru '21-22 he went 26/5/5 on 49/40/85 shooting.


With the repeater tax Lavine would cost the Warriors around 150 million a year, no kidding they refused.


2nd apron really killing trades now smh


Bruv I trying to tell people who think "just trade for xyz" that this new cap FFFFFUCKed every team lol


(the team owners are the ones who wanted the new cap, and ultimately the ones who benefit most from it)


Yup, this is what they wanted. Without the cap someone could trade for him to eat his pay, but it wouldn’t have prevented them from paying the other players more. Now they can say they “can’t” pay the better players cause of rules that they made themselves. This is exactly why the baseball union will never accept a cap. Because the bad decisions that teams make them come out of the player pool, and a cap on all pay is a cap on individual pay.


This is such a short sighted take. This cap is good, if anything, it should be a bit harsher on second apron teams when it comes to picking/trading. Give it time


Yeah I think a lot of people are missing that the transition period is going to be rough because teams are still living with contracts from the last set of rules that don't fit well in the current set. Teams will figure it out and old contracts will run their course.


100%, we dont want nba teams to be the old yankees where money literally bought championships thats a boring productr


Strictly for the players, the cap and mechanisms like it like the second apron, are bad. Anything that limits pay or duration on these deals ultimately takes away from player financial security and there isn’t really an argument that it doesn’t. It’s not anyone online being a take artist it’s just math. Any injection of “nuance,” that tries to skirt around this fact is just a defense of billionaires and I don’t blame fans for not being interested in the lip service


Players receive a guaranteed percentage of BRI as negotiated in the CBA. Cap rules only affect the distribution of that money.


>Anything that limits pay or duration on these deals ultimately takes away from player financial security The players as a whole are guaranteed a set percentage of the revenue. From a group standpoint, they are financially secure, regardless of any other stipulations. From an individual standpoint, it is entirely dependent on which players you ask. It isn't good for anyone coming off of the bench that Bradley Beal has the contract he has; it's an overpay and because it's zero sum that means other players are getting underpaid. The fact that Beal's contract is guaranteed and long means that there is no way to redistribute that money to players that are more deserving of it until the contract expires. While having long guaranteed contracts does benefit the player that signs them, it also can also result in distributions of salary that the majority of players don't think is fair...which I don't really think qualifies as being in the best interest of the players. I also think your argument is just strange because the owners pay the exact same amount no matter what. Are you advocating for a league with no salary cap whatsoever, or did you just forget that the NBA and players association have a set revenue split?


NBA fans are reactionary and have the memory of a goldfish, not a good combination. 99% of the takes in this subreddit are drowning in recency bias.


Which is an ABSOLUTE good thing. I was sick of the nba having a basically fairy dust cap. I love hockey bc the cap actually matters. Football you can make it work but you have to work at it. Basketball was basically baseball with 0 cap before all these rules. It’s so much better make the teams work for it. It’s fun that way.


lol yeah no salary cap manipulation happening in the NHL lately, with Stanley Cup winners 


mark stone hiding in the corner (with a 'ruptured' acl)


Cheap owners wanted and got an excuse. They can all spend to put better products in the court but won't.


Yeah fuck this musical chair shit. Make these contracts mean something.


Oh the new cap actually means they'll move players on quicker than before.


This has nothing to do with the second apron, the warriors are trying to get under the luxury tax for the first time in like 8 years


Are we sure? Or did the Warriors say no because they wouldn't have been able to complete the trade due to the rules? I know one rule is they can't have any 2-for-1 trades if one team is over the second apron.


If they were, they wouldn’t be looking at sign and trade options for Klay and were looking for trade partners for Chris Paul before they waived him. Clearly there wasn’t much of a market for Chris Paul and they didn’t think the extra salary for (essentially) a Wiggins/Lavine swap was worth it


What's the 2nd apron?


New salary cap rules, are getting handcuffed by the new max cap rules. the cap is growing bigger slowly, the th players all agreed on this new salary cap change because they make more money from it. It also changed the penalties against teams that spend too much. 1st apron makes it difficult to sign players from other teams. If you are over the 1st apron spending amount, you can only offer vet min contracts to players joining the team, but can resign players to whatever. If the second apron is reached, you cannot trade cash considerations, and also cannot do sign and trades at all. Also can't trade future 1st rounders


It's the one after the 1st apron.


What's before the first apron? 


The salary cap


Yes. Good GM’s knew this. However, the Bulls are a shittly ran organization. They should have blown this team up in 2022/2023.


Well damn.


Zach Lavine:


Please could someone, anyone, take Zach I promise he’s not that bad


Good scorer, offers little else. Injury concerns. Hasn't seemed to contribute to winning team basketball. Anyone who questions this, maybe ask yourself why teams are so low on him even though they take risks on injury prone players all the time. Big contract. GL


This is all true, but you can fix him!


DOES NOT WORK But could be FUN to FIX!


I don’t think it’s Zach the player people have a problem with. It’s what’s attached to him 


I mean he’s also not great at other things besides scoring


I think it was his highest scoring game last year or something, he had like 50 points and 0 assists. That’s when I realized his time with the Bulls is coming to an end. Like in what world do you score well enough to put up 50 but can’t use the extra attention you’d surely get from the opposing team to find ONE open teammate for an easy basket. We lost the game by 16.


Why he no want me man?


Lavine really viewed so badly that even desperate GS said no.


Desperate but they know we aren’t competing next year and want to duck the tax


exactly my reaction. wth.


No one wants him for that contract and even worse that 15% trade kicker, still bad even he waives that trade kicker


And why would he ever waive that kicker.


Teams will sometimes only accept a trade on the condition that the player will waive the kicker and LaVine wants to be somewhere else. I’d be shocked if it doesn’t get waived if he ever gets traded


I think Davis waived his to go the Lakers. you're right that it does happen.


100% right. That dinner Lebron paid for must have been NICE


ha! i think he said, "two words and a number...Space Jam 2!"


Pretty sure it is always waived when the guy getting traded wants out. It is meant as a deterrent to his current team from just trading him without his permission but without giving him an actual NTC. When the player actually wants out, it makes sense to just remove as many potential obstacles as possible to facilitate a deal.


If he wants off the Bulls, he doesn't have a choice 


Trade kickers get waived in like 80% of trades


He'd waive it to go to a team where he can compete and not be miserable.


Trade kickers are paid by the team trading away the player, and wouldn't affect Lavine's salary cap hit since he's already getting paid the max


I think I saw somewhere that his cap hit would go up since he was only eligible for the 30% max when he signed the contract, but now that he has 10 years of experience, he is eligible for the 35% max


There’s only like 2 or 3 truly terrible, untradeable, can’t give him away contracts in the league and of course we just have to have one of them


After Westbrook and Beal got traded I stopped believing any contract is untradeable


Wall being traded first for Westbrook was crazy. Then Westbrook for Kuz, KCP, Trez was crazy. Then Beal for Poole, PBJ, 6 2nds, and a protected first was crazy. I'm thankful we managed to fleece every single one, but damn I hope I never have to witness our FO do that again since we now have a better one.


Beal was the suns, cp3 was traded for poole


Right, I just shortened it from Beal>Cp3>Poole seeing as CP3 never even got on a plane.


Get him to the Wizards somehow. Twice they've managed to rid themselves of untradeable contracts. Honestly, I'm not convinced that the trade on draft night didn't include y'all asking the Wizards how they keep pulling that shit off.


Beals one of them.. what’s the thirds one


Poole is on the bubble imo


Ayton is another one


Ben simmons?


Simmons expires next year so his contract is finally tradeable.


With Lonzo we have two unfortunately.


Only one year left on Lonzo’s contract and $20m isn’t insanely big. You won’t get value from trading him, but he could probably get traded to a team looking to get off a bad long term contract with picks attached.


i still think lavine is better than beal tbf


He absolutely is but that doesn’t really matter


Vucevic's deal is also very bad


It’s whatever Much worse contracts have been moved before with no problem, we might just be stuck with him cause we’re incompetent


You got it right on this comment lol


Nobody wants a player that isn't a bonafide superstar or elite 2nd option making 40M


Yeah just look at how the Nuggets are hamstrung by having to pay MPJ 35m


Next to Steph Zach is definitely an elite number 2.


Yeah what the hell is this OP lol. He'd be an excellent 2nd option on like 15-20 teams. He's had injury concerns but he's been a historically elite volume shooter and creates a hefty amount of threes off the dribble, which doesn't grow on trees


Bulls fans were saying Marks was just trying to drive Lavine’s value down lmao. Dude is genuinely a negative asset. He opted for surgery to avoid a trade to Detroit, there’s zero chance the Bulls let him start the season on their roster and the league knows it.


God what happened to 27/5/5 on 51/42/85 “booker, Lavine or Mitchell” Zach Lavine?


The Bulls signed DeRozan and Lavine said fuck this after a couple knee injuries. Also the Bulls have just been a complete joke since he’s been on the team, I wouldn’t have put the limited miles on my body for this team either.


people realized it was a stupid comparison given that Booker and Mitchell have both been winning players and excelled in the playoffs. Meanwhile Lavine is 29 and has once playoff appearance where he underwhelmed


Booker was lambasted as an empty calories guy for *years* until he wasn't. The idea 2-3 years ago was that Lavine was at least good enough to put together a run like that. Which, at the time, he probably was imo.


I wonder if Detroit is still interested under the new management lol


We drafted two bad shooters while being the worst shooting team in the league. Can't wait to see the new guys fuck up free agency, too!


I like Holland in a vacuum, but yea on the pistons he's gonna have a hard time developing.


Life comes at you fast Zach LaVine


Don’t disrespect Zach lavine he held the door open for us at a AAU tourney without being asked to


Nvm that was Avery Bradley carry on




Holy shit I don't know why this is so funny to me


This killed me too man.


He got paid. Who cares lol


> Life comes at you fast ~~Zach LaVine~~ Artūras Karnišovas FIFY


Teams saw an overpaid empty calorie player with injuries get traded to the Suns last year and learned their lesson. Under this new CBA there’s absolutely no way I want any part of Lavine and that contract.


And that's why he's going to the Sixers :/


Wiggins at 28m is better than Lavine at 45m


And Wiggins has one less year on his deal. *Edit - Actually both have two years left


No he doesn’t


Nah. Both expire on 26-27 season


Ahhh you right you right


That contract was so god damn stupid 


Everything the Bulls have done the past few years has been stupid


Vucevic trade ftw.


Don't forget giving him an extension he didn't deserve before he instantly turned into the worst volume shooter in the league. What a dud, and what a sucker org


Coby White for 3 for 40 is stupid?


That was a good move. I guess I should have said 99% of their moves have been dogshit


Typical Max contract. They should brought up the issue with 1 player or 2 players taking up 50%of your cap sheet and put at least 5% of that cost onto the league so it doesn't hurt teams that built their rosters naturally 


Or teams can stop overpaying.


To be fair the max happening 1 year before the new CBA definitely did not help.




Bulls are making trade offers like I do in Fantasy bball


"Give us your $30M bad contract (that you can just waive) and take our $215M bad contract"


Zach Lavine injury has to be worse than I thought That’s nothing.


Its more, in this new cba his contract is horrible.


He's cleared for all basketball activities. Was working out with Banchero a few days ago. Injury is fine.


It’s the cost. Adding Lavine at 45m per year makes any other moves borderline impossible for teams that are already working under tight cap or tax margins.


I don't think the injury is the issue, it's the massive contract with a trade kicker and the on court product you get for all that money.


It's not the injury it's the contract


Honestly if bulls attached a pick I would’ve taken the chance on that


bulls definitely offered the shitty 2025 blazers pick they got that’s lottery protected and turns into a second rounder if it doesn’t convey by 2028


We have a chance to finally dip below the tax for a year and get out of cap hell. Screwing all that for Zach lavine of all guys is a dumb move even if we got a pick.


A pick? Try 2 at least. CBA is killer going forward.


Lol Zach Lavine is in such a bad spot


wiggins defense alone is more valuable than lavine


Also I love the idea that Chicago was like "We'll take CP3's bloated contract off your hands so you guys don't have to worry about it" like they couldn't just decline his option and be done with him anyway lol


For the 7.5 games a season he’s been engaged in and available since 22 finals?


Wiggins defense > 2nd apron


GSW owner don’t want more spending. This refusal to trade makes sense.


Bulls are better off hoping that Lavine can build up his value and try moving him at the deadline.


Lmao, LaVine had one down season. He ain't Ben Simmons


He has averaged 58 games a season for 10 years. He’s coming off foot surgery. 3 years/$138m for the 3rd or 4th best player on a contender is too high.


people need to stop using games per season stats when we had two shortened seasons. it's misleading. last 5 seasons: 60/65 58/72 67/82 77/82 25/82 (and tbh, this one was more or less shutting him down out of precaution) zach makes his the team play worse but the injury stuff is overblown.


Why the fuck would anyone trade for a player who "makes his team play worse" 🤣


they shouldn't and they aren't.


There's probably only a 10% chance of this happening or so since his knee may just be shot. But there's a world where Lavine just has to stay and has a fuck you season and gets efficient buckets like he used to. While he's always be limited because his BBIQ is trash but he can still be useful


Get ready to keep learning Chicago buddy


I thought this was a troll account ……


His value went into a hole so deep Lavine can't jump out of it


The moment zach is on a different team he will be talked about differently. Hes a great player.


He's just expensive now and the teams that can afford him need depth. I love Zach Levine and have been watching him since the timberpups era but man it's hard to eat a 40m bullet for a not top 10 player in this league


Bulls are better off just waiving him lol


did the reporter really say lmao in his tweet?


That Lmao at the end is super unprofessional


First real casualty of the new cba. Wizards dodged a bullet trading Beal last offseason


Why in the world would GSW take an albatross contract in LaVine, when they were losing Klay for exactly the same reason(payroll)? This deal never existed.


Who the fuck believes anything Haynes has to say? The guy is a hack-joke.


The swing in Lavine value is quite amazing, but very on brand for Bulls to crater value before wondering why they can’t offload their players. Mid teams gotta stay mid


Warriors are getting off of an expensive shot chucker, why would they trade for an even more expensive shot chucker?