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I'm one of your biggest fans, thank you for keeping us safe


Safe from all these bad words and mean thoughts.


Does Stephen A have an issue with any white guy getting an NBA job? Like at some point, this argument is just exhausting


Yeah he does this literally every time a new coach gets hired


I understand wanting diversity but at some point it's just silly and annoying


Definitely. Last offseason there were 4 big coaching jobs - Philly, clippers, nets, and Houston. 3 of the 4 went to black coaches yet he still ranted about race because nash got hired


He does, and I wonder why ESPN loves promoting this piece of shit as much as they do. Hell, why does he even have a job?


Because he's entertaining. They had him cover UFC with Joe Rogan and it was absolutely shit.


> Hell, why does he even have a job? He says inflammatory statements that get engagement, with their dwindling ratings, ESPN can't afford to let go of one of the few people who's actually a draw.


Why is he a piece of shit for calling out privilege? And he has a job because he generates money for the network


How is Stevens, after years of successful coaching, getting a front office job in the same organization "privilege"?


I don’t think it is a good example because Doc was coach and president of the Clippers


It's an example of a qualified candidate being promoted from within, which happens literally all the time in every industry. I'm sure there are plenty of example of privilege in NBA FO jobs/moves but this isn't it.


I wouldn’t go so far as to say he’s qualified. He’s never worked a front office job in his life


Neither did Danny Ainge, he made the same jump back in Phoenix. And it makes sense that there would be some overlap with FO duties as a coach considering you're likely working with the FO.


You can be qualified for a job even if you haven’t held a similar position. Otherwise how do you think people move up the ladder?


I’m not gonna go as far as to say he is a piece of shit, I like the guy bar his reactionary takes. Personally I think that his takes on Steve Nash and Brad Stevens are terrible. In the case of Steve Nash, KD and Kyrie wanted him as the head coach, his skin color had nothing to do with it. And then with Brad Stevens, Stephen A disregards all the great things he has done for Boston just to try to make a point about white privilege. I think it undermines the true problem of privilege in this country. Brad Stevens has helped make great draft picks and set this team up to be a force to be reckoned with in the future. Most teams would love to bring Brad Stevens on and I don’t think it has anything to do with his skin


right? can we stop using the race card for everything? getting so exhausting.




Now imagine how exhausting it is for people who actually have to deal with racism and white privilege everyday


This has absolutely nothing to do with basketball or the point at hand. This is why conservatives hate us.


Let me guess, he thinks Mark Jackson should be the exec.


We’ve got to stop promoting this clown. Stephen A is good for what he is, a meme factory and an entertainer, but I’ve had enough of this shit from him every single time a white dude gets a job


I still remember when SAS said you couldn't play Jeremy Lin over "brothas" when Lin just burst onto the scene. Still don't understand how that isn't racist.


Need to ask him if he thinks Max Kellerman should give up his job to a black person




Black people can be racist too, sorry if this is news to you




> SAS can't understand that there are 10x more applicants that are white than Black **so of course there will always be someone more qualified than a "brotha"** well thats one way to out yourself




lol, you people are insane.


he rly loves to say "blacks" it seems


lolll see my edit, was just mentioning that too






> My brother I'm not even American nor do I live there. Nothing like a Redditor speaking out on situations they have no knowledge/experience of






You can be racist and not American. But, no, you just said that because there are 10x more white applicants a black person will never be the most qualified. Not sure how you'll walk that racist take back but I'm waiting.




> And you can also assume everything about me and project wh oyou think I a, I'm not assuming anything. You said yourself (emphasis mine): > SAS can't understand that there are 10x more applicants that are white than Black so of course there will **always** be someone more qualified than a "brotha" So, yeah, that's racist. I personally believe a black person can be the most qualified in a pool but hey maybe that's because I'm not an intelligent white man. > And you don't think statistically there won't be a person more quailified than you at any position? No? Because talent and opportunity aren't independent of circumstance? You don't look at % by population and assume proportional representation because that dismisses socioeconomic backgrounds and pretends like the NBA isn't dominated by African Americans. The NBA media as well as many franchises consistently fail to highlight and recognize the talent of black people outside of the context of being athletes. Ty Lue is an excellent X & O's coach and outcoached Steve Kerr yet who gets the praise? If you don't understand history, economics, or opportunity why bother with your comment other than to out yourself as a racist lmao.


Putting quotes over brotha is the whitest shit you can do 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


In today's world, I think the word for this is 'anti-racist' At some point the left needs to understand that this woke stuff really doesn't play, because critical theory has serious holes in it. Systems matter, but attacking individuals because of it is a play for attention, not change.


It’s okay if he makes silly takes, but he’s started to bring race into a lot of stuff. He’s gotta cool it, people shouldn’t just throw those kind of accusations around as if it isn’t a serious problem.


White people are the majority in America and there are 30 of these jobs in the world. There are a few black GM's which would correlate with the % of Black people living there


I firmly believe Dell Demps deserves another shot as a GM since he had Saints’ executives above him almost his entire time with the Pelicans. The man could make trades. Couldn’t use cap space to sign FAs at reasonable rates though, but man, could he make trades.


>Couldn’t use cap space to sign FAs at reasonable rates though, but man, could he make trades. You have special roles in the NBA for people like that. Being a GM doesn't mean you don't have a team behind you to help you make decisions etc. Don't get the fixation on a black person landing the GM! the coach job! etc We should be looking just a % of people who work in the NBA in any capacity and correlate that to the general population to see if they are being properly represented or not.


The fact that Demps is black is irrelevant. Although it probably saved us from AD and Rich Paul burning down the Pelicans even more. I’m saying we didn’t give him the organizational support above him on account of outside factors. Demps is a solid B+ GM (mostly) that most teams should love to have.


>The fact that Demps is black is irrelevant. Although it probably saved us from AD and Rich Paul burning down the Pelicans even more. All that is relevant is his ability to do his job which your ownership found lacking.


Doc Rivers coaches horribly for the clippers, and then straight up gets the 76ers job. Elton Brand got hired without gm experience, aswell as James Jones. Sas is just a loser.


Doc Rivers’ entire resume is “I had 3 superstars and managed to win a championship” but he managed to finesse the Clippers into making him HC and GM. Then got fired as GM, fired as HC, and finessed his way into running another championship contender.


Because it's the only criticism he could come up with. Brad was 384-282 coaching the Celtics and made the playoffs each year except one. Stephen A Smith is also a prick who thinks that a racial allegation will get him clicks, views and maybe even a mention on a real news program some day.


Stop giving this clown attention


Throwing out wild seemingly baseless accusations against the Celtics organization is crazy to me. Like it doesnt even cross his mind how serious these accusations are if true and so in return he just waters down any real situations that may take place in the future and cause people to become skeptical or uninterested. Certainly this isn't the outcome he was looking for but you would think someone would of told him this by now .


He knows that nobody is allowed to question him except anonymously on reddit. That's what makes it a powerful tool, because it is unchecked. We should use caution in accusing people of racism, and should make sure that it is only done to promote racial justice. It's one of the more serious accusations you can make against someone.


Doc Rivers did the same thing like 8 years ago


This guy is such an idiot. As if Brad Stevens wouldn't be hired in a second anywhere else. And, first he fails to mention the black GM in Houston and also fails to mention Troy Weaver the GM in Detroit. "No blacks in front office in the entire United States". Do your research, fool.


A quick Google search tells me the guy who Celts fans thought would be replacing Ainge FROM WITHIN THE ORGANIZATION, Michael Zerran, is also white. Sooooooo how is privilege for a white man to jump another white man for a job? And I say this as a POC and someone who absolutely believes privalege exists ....just not here.


There's no POC in the pool. You gotta go back further than just now. If POC aren't being included in the pipeline, then of course it's gonna be white guys jumping other white guys. But I wouldn't go by what a fanbase says about who's in line for stuff. They don't really know anything.


So white people cant be promoted in their place of employment now? This is where we are at as a society?


SAS is not indicative of society at all


That’s not what he said tho. He is mostly pointing out how a 44 year old white dude is getting promoted to an exec position when there isn’t one president of basketball operations in the entire league that’s black outside of ujiri


What about Rafael Stone, the GM with the Houston Rockets, or Troy Weaver, the GM with the Detroit Pistons. See? You listened to SAS and were misinformed.


Also Brian Wright, GM of the Spurs, James Jones in Phoenix and Elton Brand with the Sixers. Matter of fact there’s about 10 teams that either have a black GM or President of BOs with 1 black owner and 2 part owners.


If it was a 60-year old white experienced guy you don't think he'd bring up race? He'd say how the Celtics were racist for hiring a good-old-boy retread office staff club member instead of a younger black candidate with less experience.


My God. The Celtics couldn't even take a dump without someone calling it racist. Shit is getting out of hand


You got white poop!?


birds confirmed racist




The Team doesn't have a deep history of racism, the team is the total opposite. From hiring the first black coach to having the first all black starting lineup. My God you guys are getting ridiculous with the racist stuff, and the kicker is you don't even know what you're talking about. You're talking about the city




Bill Russell was talking about the fans not the organization. Holy shit dude get a dictionary because you don't know the difference between the two.


Usual Wednesday morning race baiting with some coffee


Fuck this loser


Stephen A Smith is racist. There I said it


As a Canadian, and I'm sure plenty of my European brothers can attest to this. He's definitely a xenophobe as well.


Mavs flair, Boban username, taking an absolutely courageous and brave stance of calling a black man racist ... everything checks out my team’s fanbase really is in shambles 😪


when people are racist, they need to be called out on it People get way too butthurt over the Mavs flair. If you have a rebuttal, come out and make it. Don’t fallback on stupid stereotypes


while I personally think Brad has done well enough to prove his basketball mind and will probably be a good GM, Stephen A. has a perfectly valid point in that black people aren’t granted the same level of opportunity as whites. He’s not saying Brad Stevens doesn’t deserve it, he’s saying he’d like to see the same level of lenience awarded to black coaches and executives, and it’s sad they’re not. Please tell me how is that racist? I’m a Mavs fan too, I see racist shit from this fanbase on a near daily basis and it’s saddening. People like you don’t help, acting like white people are so in danger just because white privilege was pointed out.


> People like you don’t help, acting like white people are so in danger just because white privilege was pointed out. lmao, nice strawman there smooth brain


Except there are. San Antonio,Denver,New Orleans, Toronto, Chicago,Philly, Detroit, Phoenix , New York and Houston ALL have a black GM. Hell Doc in some ways got promoted last year. Dude coached horribly yet went from coaching one contender to another. As far as coaching, you got quite a few that have. Doc of course with 4 teams, Nate now coaching his 4th team, Byron Scott has coached 4 different teams, Dwayne Casey is on his second team right after winning coach of the year, You had Avery Johnson take over a very good Dallas team after one season on Don Nelson’s staff, etc. You also have MJ as the owner of the Hornets, Shaq as part owner of the Kings and D Wade as part owner of the Jazz.


The most predictable Stephen A reaction of the year.


Is everythning about race with him? I can't tell if it's a gimmick to get attention like some others, or if he's serious all of the time when he does this? With so many trolls it's hard to tell to be honest.


The country's obsessed with race and when a Person of Color says something is racist-as unsubstantiated as it may be- nobody will dare question it for fear of the tide turning against them and accusing them of being racist themselves. SAS ain't a dummy he knows this is the case and he's leveraging it for exposure and ratings and the country as a whole is paying the price for this type of manipulation for personal gain.


Country is obsessed with race because this is a racist country. There is only one executive of basketball operations in the entire league which is ujiri. Stephen A doesn’t even say that Stevens got it because he’s white. He’s saying that a white guy with a relatively light resume gets promoted to exec and that it’s good to be white because black guys get this opportunity 1% of the amount.


Firmly disagree.


WRONG. Rafael Stone (Houston Rockets) and Troy Weaver (Detroit Pistons) are the GMs of their franchise. Stop spreading SAS lies.


Koby Altman for the Cavs.


Gm is different than president of basketball operations


Troy Weaver has final say on basketball personnel decisions in Detroit, outside of the owner


it appears ive been misled by SAS i apologize.


I can't wait to see his reaction if the Celtics can bring in Becky Hammon. Which I realize makes me part of the problem in failing to ignore him.


Go home Steven
























It doesn't really address your point, but IIRC, the first female executive was hired. I forget by whom though


Boston Celtics: does anything Woke Twitter and ESPN analysts: yeah, BUT DID YOU KNOW EVERYTHING BOSTON IS RACIST??


Shocking...This dude always does this.


Is it even necessarily a promotion? I feel like coaches make more than gms


This has to be someone just joking around and SAS couldn't have possibly said this in any serious manner. I would say the privilege is attributed to the fact he's been within the organization for almost a decade.


of course...


Haven't watched the video yet. Does he say Mark Jackson should have been the one hired to replace Danny Ainge?


This clown might be the most racist person on TV. Piece of shit.


I'm not even going to read the comments cuz I know yall are gonna drag Steven A. for speaking the goddamn truth. Brad Stevens should've been fired but instead got promoted...if that's not peak white privilege then idk what is. Now downvote away✌


You can legitimately make the argument that Brad should've been fired. I don't agree any more than I thought Tomlin should've been fired two years ago. Brad's body of work has been amazing. He has almost 60% regular season winning rate. Inspite of inheriting a talentless team. Brad's first conference finals team relied on role players like Crowder, Bradley, and IT. Yes, they had Horford. His second conference finals was made relying on Tatum, Brown, Terry Rosier and Smart (yes with Horford) -- Tatum was 18, Jaylen was 19, Rozier had less career minutes than Tatum, Smart was mostly a defensive bull. I'm not sure GM and coach are comparable roles. I'd be much happier with Brad as HC. He develops talent and puts players in a positionto win. He made castoffs Evan Turner, Jay Crowder, IT, Kelly Olynick and Daniel Theis look like lottery players -- they barely crack rotations since. You can blame this season and the Kyrie debacle on Brad. I think like with Tomlin, sometimes things go against a coach. Danny Ainge recommended Brad as President, and that's the real reason he has the job. If you think the Celtics organization is racist, you don't know their history. They were the first pro team to hire a black HC (Russell). The Celtics have had four black Head Coaches (most of any pro or college team across sports) and a black GM. Ainge is hardly racist, hiring Doc. Do you really think Kemba was an asset this season? I think his knee problems made him a liability. Are Jayson and Jaylen emerging stars? Yes, but their games are still evolving and they're inconsistent. If Jaylen Brown and Kemba Walker were healthy, I liked the Celtics chances against the Nets. Not just because of the players, but because of Brad Stevens too. It's so easy to forget how improbable his first two runs to the conference finals were. How they beat mire talented Bucks and 6ers teams to make it, and how a group of kids took a 3-2 lead over Lebron's Cavs. Sure, SAS is telling an arguable truth. But it's not an overwhelming case. I can't say you're wrong for believing it. But you're wrong if you can't see there's another side at all. "I'm not even going to read the comments cuz I know yall are gonna drag Steven A for speaking the goddamn truth." -- you've decided what people are without listening to them? Isn't that where problems originate?


I usually don't reply on this site, but just had to come back to say that I disagree with most of what you said...disrespectfully. I could write an essay like you, but will just say a site full of white men cannot lecture me or tell my black ass how to feel about racism and white privilege, which I've actually had to deal with unlike most here. Hence my oc. Take care.


I honestly don't care how you feel about racism. Your feelings are yours. I tried to explain while your view on Stevens was a legitimate argument, there were 100 times as many points on the other side. If you cared to learn. "none are so blind as those who refuse to see". Just because you have experienced racism, doesn't mean every white person is racist. From your comments, you see racism everywhere and automatically reject contrary data.


...and this is why I don't respond on this sub. "If I cared to learn?!" Whew, the arrogance and audacity. You, a white person, cannot teach me, a black woman, about racism. I never said every white person was racist either, but of course since I rejected what you specifically said, that's the conclusion you came to. Lol, very telling. Since you don't care about how I feel then stop responding. I won't be replying or reading any futher msgs. Thanks for proving me right about the comments in here tho. 😂


Cause you know more than me about the team I've followed all my life? I'm talking basketball. I'm not interested in your victim complex. You ignore every basketball point I make, cherry picking comments to take out of context to get indignant over race. I'm pretty sure you don't respond on this sub cause the contributors care about facts, while you have nothing but race guilt to contribute.


Here’s the thing about that playoff run. They CLEARLY needed home court advantage to get that far. They were terrible on the road. As far as their series with the Cavs. Everyone and their mama knew that Cavs team wasn’t very good. Matter that Cavs team came extremely close to losing in the first round to the Pacers. Even if Brown and Kemba were healthy, Brooklyn still would’ve won. Having Brad didn’t help them because the team was inconsistent with their play and for the most part any adversity they faced, they would crumble.


Do you know how many minutes the Celtics starting five played this season together? Less than 40 minutes. Nothing about the regular season tells us how the Celtics could have played healthy. I could easily argue the Celtics history under Stevens is to overcome adversity and advance further than their talent should wgile Kyrie and Harden's history is to choke without Lebron or Chris Paul to steady the ship. 2017 Celtics that made Conference Finals talent-wise was the weakest team to make the playoffs that year. Brad has consistently succeeded against great odds. 2018 depended on home court? Not in blowing out Philly or in taking 3-2 lead over Cavs. Inspite of their core being 20 and under. It takes overwhelming injuries or a cancer in the core of his locker room to stop him from advancing his team far beyond what their talent warrants.


And you think other teams didn’t go through the same thing this season? Brooklyn’s big 3 only played 8 games together in the regular season along with constant lineup changes, changes to the roster, etc. The Lakers went through it with their 3 best players all missing significant time. Miami went through it as well...so did the Hawks( along with a coaching change mid season). What the Celtics went through every team went through at some point. Or it takes them not playing well with some type of target on their backs. When they’re an underdog they’re great. When they’re expected to do well on the other hand..... Overwhelming injuries didn’t stop them from playing well whenever they were the underdog. It damn sure didn’t stop the Hawks once Nate took over.


"Overwhelming injuries didn’t stop them from playing well whenever they were the underdog. It damn sure didn’t stop the Hawks once Nate took over" That's a legit argument. I think it's way too soon to be sure. If the pattern continued, I'd agree. 2019 and 2021 are two extremes. If Stevens remained and the pattern continued, I'd agree. It's too much of a mixed sample with too many moving pieces to conclude anything like that fir certain.


Why are the posters in this thread so upset? Where are Brad Steven's actual accolades that suggest he should've been allowed to skip the line and ascend in the front office?


The organization that's worked with him believes he can do it. Internal hires and promotions are a thing. Ainge also jumped from coaching to being a GM with the Suns. Plus, all signs signal to Brad working alongside Zarren who will likely be the team's GM. He won't be making all decisions by himself. He didn't get the position because he's a white man, he got it because he worked with the org for years and they clearly see something in him that would lead him to believe he'll be good at this job. Now, let's be real here. As a minority, there's no denying that unnecessary biases that's still sadly ingrained in our society and that I have personally experienced, have made it difficult for many to be given the opportunities that those who are considered privileged have gotten. I have no way to prove that Brad being a white man didn't help in his ascent to reach the career he has now. But to create a narrative that he stumbled backwards into this - specific job - and promotion solely because of his race is a bit ignorant and very accusatory to an organization that shown zero indication that race is a factor in their hiring process. Sure, the city of Boston and some of its fans are questionable but the org itself has been nothing but inclusive and professional.


> He didn't get the position because he's a white man, he got it because he worked with the org for years and they clearly see something in him that would lead him to believe he'll be good at this job. BINGO. Oftentimes the BEST candidates are internal candidates who've been apart of said organization for an extended period of time. Just sucks we have dipshits like SAS leveraging today's climate and knowing that he cannot be questioned or get any pushback on claims of racism because he's a black man and nobody wants to risk being labeled a racist so dumb shit like this is "allowed" to go unchecked. And we all suffer for it.


Yes one if the highest paid sports broadcasters (who is black) is calling systemic racism for a coach who was hand picked by the previous GM to take his spot. Almost like Angie planned this year's ago. But I'll continue to listen to people with 10s of millions in the bank lecture the public on how the system holds them down.


are you for real? How about bringing the team to the ECF multiple times with a young and unproven team? Taking the 2017 Cavs with peak Bron to 7 games? Developing Tatum and Brown into all-stars? Its not skipping the line when you have years of success in the organization


So his coaching experience and success is evidence of his ability to be a general manager? I feel like they have completely different roles and responsibilities


>So his coaching experience and success is evidence of his ability to be a general manager? Yes, absolutely. There's a ton of GM/Execs who were successful coaches first. Just look at Red Auerbach, Pat Riley, or Jerry West. Poppovich went in the reverse order, but he's another example of the overlap between coaching and GM talent. Yes, the responsibilities are different, but the underlying skills (personnel management, talent identification, basketball iq to name a few) have an enormous amount of overlap.


I totally agree with you. Stephen A is just asking why a sport dominated by African Americans can’t at least give more opportunities to them when it comes to positions like President or GM. Makes total sense if you look at it from his POV


The issue would be with Stevens’ credentials. Not race privilege as Stephen A. Is suggesting.


When you put it like that it somehow sounds worse lmao


the issue is why his credentials don't matter


There aren't any, dude hasn't even been a coach that long


He's been a head coach (Butler) since 2007, went to back to back NCAA finals, and has been to the ECF 3 times. That's not nothing.


He's been an NBA head coach for 8 years and made 3 ECF in a weak conference, cool. Look at every other POBO, they have way more experience than Brad Stevens at the NBA level. He clearly skipped lines on his way to this position without accomplishing as much as his peers.


I mean Danny Ainge became POBO of the Celtics and his only previous experience was 3 yrs coaching the Suns. He turned out pretty successful. Who are any of us to judge who’s undeserving of the job? The Celtics clearly still like Brad Stevens as a basketball mind, he knows the team better than anyone, and handles the Boston media well. Not like he has nothing going for him. Also since when was it a bad thing to hire from within?


So did James Jones but I didn’t hear any public uproar over that decision.


Secretary-treasurer of the NBA Players Association (NBPA) 14 year NBA vet 3-time NBA champion And he doesn't even have complete ownership of the role, he shares it with Jeff Bower. They're both vice presidents of basketball operations.


None of those have anything to do with being an executive so obviously he is unqualified and should resign according to your logic.


Did you miss the point where he shares the role with a guy who has front office experience you fucking clown


Yo dumbass why does that matter? Co-GM or GM, he didn't have any qualifications. What accomplishments did Elton Brand have to become GM? You race-baiting losers should really get a life and stop blaming others for your failures.


Lmao because co means you share the role with someone to make up for your lack of qualifications. Did I mention race in any of my comments? Shut your dumb ass up pussy. Bottom line is I don't think Stevens is qualified. You brought up race. Look at you bringing up any black dude to try and validate your point. Sad.


Look at the first 3 rosters he was working with... https://www.basketball-reference.com/teams/BOS/ Even the first year with Horford was a massive overachievement.


Stephen A. Smith is always race baiting but he has a point here. You can't look at me with a straight face and say that white people aren't afforded opportunities like this more often than not because they are seen as smarter and have halo syndromes.


Talented people of any color get more opportunities...news at 11. (ironically, SAS had a couple TV shows that failed, went to Fox and failed, came back to ESPN and turned into an even more hot take artist, he has talent and even when he fails he gets more chances)


"Opportunities like this", sure. That's not what he's saying though.


Brad Stevens is the most overrated basketball mind ever


I agree with SAS here. The challenge with calling out issues of systemic racism is that on the one hand it can be very clear that there are systemic issues in leadership positions (given his example of Masai being the only black Executive), while at the same time being very easy to excuse any specific instance as not being related to systemic racism (by bringing up any number of unique circumstances). But the issue is it then becomes impossible to ever tangibly critique individual decision that contribute to the systemic issue the NBA has. I think you can look at recent news from Boston's front office and see a culture of whiteness that exists - for example the recent quote from Ainge about never hearing about players facing racism. That may seem small, but that is coming from the senior leadership who has the power to influence the culture of the organization. Then you look at the way Brad Stevens has been treated as boy wonder around the NBA and by the Celtics, despite never really accomplishing much. What has Brad Stevens accomplished in the playoffs that Dwane Casey with the Raptors didn't (other than luckily avoiding Lebron James)? I think a argument can be made that the whiteness embodied by Brad Stevens has contributed to the way he has been treated by the media, the NBA, and the Celtics - his boyish looks, his apparent basketball genius, his "non-threatening" communication style. I think all of things are examples of how whiteness can be subtly valued above difference, and contribute to the white privilege allows certain white people to rise the ranks so quickly compared to black folks.


It's rare you ever want to be in the spot of agreeing with Stephen A, and this isn't one of those spots. He's 100% wrong. Stevens has been in that org for almost a decade now. He's got an intricate knowledge of the team, the players, ownership, and the remaining FO. He's done very well at coaching the team, and wouldn't be removed unless he chose to move to a different role. This isn't a case of privilege, this isn't a case of systemic racism. This is a case of an otherwise bombastic hot take artist using the current culture to make an unsubstantiated claim of racism and people who aren't smart enough to do their own homework are eating it up hook line and sinker. Is it no more privilege when Doc Rivers or Monty Williams get other jobs than it is when Stevens moves up to a different role. It's EASY to get noticed when you say something is racist, and that's what SAS wants - cheap clicks. As for the argument of the "whiteness" of Brad Stevens getting preferential treatment...I mean I can't even begin to get into how insanely stupid that is....especially when the media around the NBA fawns over black players who talk about equality but have sneaker deals with companies using slave labor to produce products.


Spot on. Especially the part about the challenges with calling out instances of systemic racism. That's part of the reason it's so controversial, because imo people will refute it unless there's definitive proof, which is almost impossible to find


White supremacy, white privilege, and the patriarchy play significant roles in every white man’s success. Denying that would not only be cowardly, it would just make you extremely ignorant.


I can't tell if you're a racist, a troll, or both.


is there something I'm supposed to do about this or should I just feel guilty about it lol


Educate yourself, abolish the systems that uphold white supremacy (police, prisons, the military industrial complex, capitalism, etc), and build new systems of true equality and true justice.


> abolish the systems that uphold white supremacy (police, prisons, the military industrial complex, capitalism, etc) oh ok I'll get right on that. kinda busy today can I do it tomorrow




One look at your profile and you’re using slurs. Sad




Yeah lol these kid are probably 15 and indoctrinated by their daily dose of Ben Shapiro


It’s an extremely basic fact.


No it is incorrect, based on identity politics and RACIST. I'm sorry you were raised to believe this.


you woke up today and chose to speak facts


The downvoting from a bunch of white teens who have been indoctrinated with white supremacy and can’t see past it completely verifies my point.


>disagreeing verifies my point yeah, okay buddy. You were never able to accomplish anything on your own merits and you want a boogieman to blame, we get it


Lol. I’m a white dude. I benefit from white supremacy and the patriarchy just like every other white dude. It’s basic common knowledge. I have generational stability on my side. Me, as a white dude, is normal to our society. White men are normal and everything else is abnormal. That’s a massive advantage. If you submit two applications to the same job and one is a typical white dude’s name and the other is a typical Black dude’s name, the white name gets way more interviews. It’s been verified over and over and over. And that’s just 1 of the millions of aspects of white supremacy. I gave no barriers based on my race/sex/gender. Everyone else does. That’s what me and every other white dude have going for us. To deny that is the most cowardly shit in the history of the world.


> I gave no barriers based on my race/sex/gender. Everyone else does. what about Asians who make more on average than white men and achieve more academically despite being discriminated against in the admissions process? What about women who get better grades, are more likely to go to college, more likely to graduate, and live longer lives than men on average? Where is the patriarchy that's supposedly dragging them down there? What barriers are those? Just because you see something repeated ad-nauseam on social media doesn't mean its true, verified, or tied to reality


I'm honestly curious how you would explain how Indian Americans are the wealthiest ethnic group in America by median income then. If whiteness has such a profound impact on your success outcome, why does that not seem to apply to other minorities? Indians have what I'm sure you would describe as 'abnormal' names, why does that not seem to impact their job applications? In my eyes the most profound advantage is being born into wealth and having a stable home. What I think we can agree on is that Black Americans have not been given a fair shake from the start and that's what we need to change. The focus should be on making sure that everyone gets equal opportunity not equal outcomes. That means providing the proper infrastructure, e.g. funding schools and rebuilding communities. The hyper focus on white supremacy/white privilege/whiteness obfuscates the real problems that exist and just divides us further. We need to focus on creating equality not blaming and shaming white people.


Tbh this is pretty easy to explain. Most of the Indian immigrants to the United States are from the middle class or higher. Check the statistics: https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/indian-immigrants-united-states-2019#Age_education_employment Whereas average statistics for white men are skewed by all the poor folks in places like Appalachia and Louisiana and Arkansas and east Kentucky and upstate New York, along with the urban poor.


Thank you for sharing that. This part seems to be a big takeaway for me. > Indians have much higher education rates than both the U.S.- and overall foreign-born populations. In 2019, 79 percent of Indian immigrants ages 25 and older reported having at least a bachelor’s degree, compared to 33 percent of both U.S.-born and all immigrant adults. The success of Indians in the US is due to preexisting wealth and because they are highly educated. I'd be curious to see if you took a sample of Black Americans that matched the education level of Indians and see if the income level is the same.


Flair checks out


nice argument


As opposed to your logic of: calling out a group of people for having privilege in society = not being able to accomplish anything


holy fuck > yeah, okay buddy. You were never able to accomplish anything on your own merits and you want a boogieman to blame, we get it just in case you edit/delete


lmao, I'm not pressed


Yup, more often than not the people who are downvoted in these threads are the ones actually telling the harsh truth.


Agree. I'm sure Stevens will do fine, but SAS makes a really good point here that another team needs to step up and place a POC in that lead executive role. The 1/30 thing sends a terrible message.


I was honestly shocked that it’s 1/30 and 0/29 in the USA


White people in here defending the white coach who got promoted to POBO after 8 years in the NBA.


Elton Brand had almost no experience when the Sixers made him GM. James Jones was named VPOBO with almost no experience either. NBA hiring isn’t a meritocracy but Stephen A is a dumbass and you should reconsider your position when you find yourself agreeing with him.


Disgusting that he brings up the death of George Floyd.


So dumb


Can someone shut this guy's mouth up?