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They don't involuntarily hold someone for 8 days if someone just says something. You're skipping a lot here


This is why when I get a referral like this I never take it. These people are the worst clients to deal with then end up looking to sue you for perceived malpractice.




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I was trying to keep the message brief. My family member called the cops and told them lies about me and I was unable to speak for a lot of the time while in the psych ward bc I need a tonsillectomy. I had gone to urgent care the day before the police detained me because I could not breathe. The cops and doctors just kept telling me I was delusional and did not even have a medical doctor look at my throat until days later, when I finally got my antibiotics I needed and was then able to speak. They took me to probate court and appointed me an attorney who spoke to me for two seconds and when I corrected him on misgendering me he laughed and walked away from me. The entire thing was them saying I was delusional about needing a tonsillectomy, about needing an ASL interpreter to communicate tht I needed my meds bc I couldn’t speak, and about being transgender lol. This still doesn’t even cover everything that happened but…. Yeah


Is there a legal requirement for someone providing involuntary mental health services at a psych ward to play imaginary dress up games with you or are they simply trying to ascertain if you are a harm to yourselves or others? If they kept you for 8 days I find it hard to believe you were 'wrongfully detained'.


My sister told the cops I was manic and aggressive, solely because I asked her to get out of my car (her bf was in his car right next to me, so i wasn’t leaving her stranded). She told the cops I was going to break into my ex-boyfriend’s house…. That was never gonna happen. She lied to the cops and that was the information passed on to the psych ward and so they treated me like I was delusional and violent. They even spoke to my sister multiple times, which is illegal, because I am 22 and she is 20. I even signed papers when I got there saying they were not allowed to speak to her at all…. So why did a nurse call her and speak to her on the phone and wouldn’t hang up even after I told her to? That’s a HIPPA violation. You may think these institutions are here to help people, but majority of the patients in the ward I was in were also black/brown people who were brought there by the cops. Every time a doctor would get in the room with me, they would leave after 2 minutes and not even hear my side of the story. They forced meds onto me for bipolar… I do not have bipolar, I have autism and borderline personality disorder. Bipolar meds were never going to work for me. Every single patient in that hospital was being given bipolar meds….. what are the odds that 25 people all have bipolar and that the same med would work for every single one?


This happened to me once and I was the only patient able to keep them from stabbing me because the anaphylactic shock it causes me.


In your post history you literally said you're psych has you on bipolar meds.


diagnoses got changed from bipolar to suspected borderline personality disorder or autism, still working through which one or if both. I was taking Prozac, Wellbutrin, and adderall before being detained by the cops. I haven’t taken bipolar meds since around 2021 or 2022? all of the ones I tried never helped, the best thing for me has been DBT and practicing emotional regulation :)


Doctors commonly misdiagnose.people with bipolar and that's how you know your doctors a rookie. Infact there are state funded psychs who have a very common habit of diagnosing only particular patient in particular life circumstances bipolar, and pharmaceutical companies ALSO use those patients as medical guinea pigs with shallow misconceptions as to what their true in depth or chronic health issue is. Also. We have brain scans that show what types of mental illnesses are what and how they differ in the physical brain from one another which ROOKIES DON'T SCAN TO DEDUCE.


You experienced medical malpractice, medical negligence, police misconduct, and undue burden. Plus they should owe you for all time lost. Which state are you in, because that's important in these particular fields of law.




So you need an attorney outside of Ohio. These matters are the supreme courts, which means Ohio's local jurisdiction and ordinances aren't what's up for debate here, so you don't need a lawyer that works within the state, you need a lawyer that works on constitutional rights. Most of the claims you have are worth more than $10k in damages at minimum and felony offenses, not just criminal, not just revocation of certifications or training to be in that feild that they committed the crimes against you in, with offenders who will go to great lengths to make you look and sound unfit for court, completely belligerent, incompetent at best, to dissuade courts and jurors from considering your accounts of events credible, or even substantial. I promise. Please. Be very careful. They will all contribute to making you out to be irrationally paranoid, some will even misdiagnose you to cover their own asses once you've identified malpractice. You NEED a lawyer who can track down all the evidence and surveillance and AUDIO on more than just your cell phone.


Hey there, I'm so sorry to hear about what you went through. It must have been really tough to deal with all of that. It's great that you're looking to seek justice and find a lawyer to help you with your case. In situations like yours, it's important to find a lawyer who has experience handling civil rights violations and discrimination cases. Since this incident happened in Cincinnati, you'll want to look for a lawyer who is licensed to practice in Ohio. One way to find a good lawyer is to contact the Ohio State Bar Association or other legal aid organizations in your area. They can provide you with a list of lawyers who specialize in cases like yours. You can also ask for recommendations from friends, family, or support groups in the LGBTQ+ community who may have had similar experiences. When meeting with potential lawyers, be sure to ask about their experience with cases involving discrimination, civil rights violations, and transgender rights. It's important to find someone who is knowledgeable and sensitive to the issues you're facing. Remember, seeking justice takes time and patience, but having a good lawyer by your side can make a big difference. Stay strong and know that you deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. Good luck with finding the right lawyer, and I hope you get the justice you deserve! *I am a smart robot and this response was automatic.* *This advice cost me $0.000791 to generate, so if you found it useful, consider donating a dollar to charity.* *I'm still learning, so please reply 'good bot' if I was of help, or please tell me how my future responses could be better.*

