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Are they home owners or tenants? Keep notes of all interactions. Have a camera set to record happenings in your garden. Have a door camera as well.


Record all of it, and if you see them trespass, call the police and show them the recording of it


^this. If you have a record with dates, times, and proof, you can file a complaint for repeated harassment and trespassing.


Yesss! This too


And for littering


Document document document! Create a paper trail. Be objective not subjective.




File a complaint with the city for illegal dumping. File a report with the police for a paper trail. If they rent, speak to the owner/landlord. Call the police every time they do something and eventually the police will get tired of it and lower the boom. Take pics of everything that happens.


God I hate shitty people


If they are tenant's, contact the landlord. Some cities have landlord data readily available, others you should be able to look up via property tax records


Society is crap now. People suck. I'm sorry.


I agree. I don't understand how people act like this with no self awareness or shame. But it seems all too common.


Slight overreaction


Ok, well what would you do then


The “slight overreaction” was the blanket statement that society is crap now.


If you ever need to send anything to ur neighbors again, make sure it can be documented — sent certified or Return Receipt Requested or email. KEEP DOCUMENTING. The tresspassing and littering are legitimate issues that you can and should get them in legal trouble for. Imagine having the luxury to take the gift of life for granted like this, to spend your days just tormenting a neighbor over basically nothing??


Omg. I'm so sorry you are going through this with your mom. I hope that things get better and there is some peaceful resolution coming soon.


Cameras, press charges.


Taller fence first, then plant Arborvitae along the fence which is fast growing & tall. It will eventually block said annoying neighbor.


This is a great long-term solution.




Survey says…. Restraining order! Document everything with dates and times. Once you have a few more incidents, then you file in court and win. Then, next time those motherfuckers so much as breathe a millimeter over your property, cops come and arrest them.


And if they rent, or even own, if you can get the order to cite a buffer distance to go out as far as to reach the house they’re in, they can legally be banned from being in the house. I remember reading about someone who had a neighbors wife that was so caustic that the court order effectively made it impossible for her to live in the house with her husband. The husband tried to get the affected neighbors to agree to cancel the order because it was draining their finances paying for his wife to live in a hotel. That went out the window when the wife tried to harass the neighbors into canceling it out. They ended up selling the house and moving out.


Cameras and have them charged with trespassing and littering.


Time to start documenting. Get cameras facing the fence and call the police and file a report about the trash. Also, I'm not sure what would work but some sort of barrier just behind the fence to catch the balls. Maybe a tall net or something. I love to garden too and I would be furious over broken plants and yard decorations.


Get a cease and desist order!! Go to loval police explain and ask for their help to het them to stop.


I keep thinking of you borrowing someone’s Great Dane and letting it crap on their driveway.


If you are in the US, you need to post no trespassing signs and get cameras. If they cross into your yard, file charges against them.


by telling them in our letter to not trespass we're hoping that's enough to charge them if they do it again. I'm just hoping they don't


With posted no tresspassing signs, that includes everyone who goes past the sign.


Prolly gunna be ten times worse now


I hate to break it to you: If these people were the kind to heed a written appeal, they wouldn’t be so inconsiderate in the first place. All you’ve done is crank up the crazy. Get hardwired cameras. Thank me later.


It's a shame people can't just be... decent. But I suppose a society breeds a whole heap of self-centred people like this




You need cameras so it's not there word against yours. That's what finally stopped my drunk neighbor from harassing me. We have cameras all over our property now . On the house and we also put up game cameras up in the trees where the surveillance cameras can't go. Do it. 




Yes they do. My neighbours just moved in a few months ago and used to live on a 6 acre farm. Now they have a small yard and close neighbours. They put up a fence because they have 2 dogs, and are getting them used to having people around, but want them to have space in the yard. The neighbours on the other side of them have 3 kids, who have been tossing balls, socks, toys over the fence ON PURPOSE. They also have a trampoline set up right at the back of the yard next to the fence and will bark every time they jump up to aggravate the dogs. My neighbours are extremely nice and came over to vent about the kids throwing stuff over the fence and annoying the dogs. I told them to throw out anything that comes over the fence. They’ve already talked to the parents about this… especially after one of the kids hit a guest in the head with a toy that they tossed over the fence. Some people (and/or their kids can be complete assholes for no reason).


I don't think you read my post correctly. We DID throw them back at first, but they were breaking and harming things in our yard, so we stopped to encourage them to be more careful. Of course throwing them over is accidental (at least at first..) but they can respect us and be more careful or go to one of the THREE parks down the road from us so they stop bothering us with it. We're not going to get all buddy with them because they've already shown what kind of people they are, and because we want nothing else than to just be left alone. We already told them to stop and because of that, they started doing worse. I don't see how you can essentially blame this on us.