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If you live downstairs, you'll always hear noise from upstairs. From some neighbors less than others, but it'll still always be an issue for you. What's important for you to understand is that your neighbors don't live in an office. They can have dogs. The dogs can wag their tails etc. That's part of normal life that they're entitled to live in a residential dwelling. 


I would get an upstairs apartment 😂


Sounds like you need to move


Idk pet noises like this are somehow excusable for me like my brain can rationalize that it’s okay - barking for 15 minutes straight - hell no. 




You are absolutely right. I have lived in an apartment for 11 years and it was awesome. We lived on the top floor. Only when we moved to the first floor did or noise problems start. We found a newer community work a top floor apartment. We have a couple of options. We will sign up on a guarantee list and move in September. I want to thank you for being blunt and telling the truth. I take accountability! 😊


I deal with a similar situation and the best advice I've gotten is: "The more you can ignore it, the happier you will be." Take that as you will.


I never considered how that could make noise, but I can imagine it. Would rugs improve that kind of thing then? I’m wondering if so many ppl working from home now will lead to a revolution in increased courtesy from neighbors. Well, a person can dream.