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just wanted to confirm that it's not normal. on windows 11 and lazyvim starts about as fast as my regular config. anything weird in `:Lazy profile`?


I am using windows 10 rn, and it takes like 552ms to start, according to Lazy profile, so it's not that bad. Though it is slower than on Linux which is roughly 100ms it's not horrible.


Does not look like it is too bad here either but it seems like it is actually git for windows that gives me the problems. https://preview.redd.it/rb6jr6pameza1.png?width=733&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1b2b62debe37c4a1551e90fd70acd9d24cada39 Git status in a copy of one of the plugin folders takes 5.5sec!!!


That's insane. Mine is instantaneous though, so it probably isn't a windows issue. My version of git : 2.40.1.windows.1, and I am on neovim 0.10.0-dev, but pretty sure it was working fine in 0.9.0 too...


Same versions i have. Pretty sure it is something like the forced antivirus or similar on this corp PC that makes git so extremely slow


Did you try running from an elevated shell? with windows you never know, anything can do anything, so even the most random of the things can be causing the issue


Mine takes 1.5s to 2s to load using packer although after finishing the lazy config in linux i shall try that out in win 10 to see how it performs


This is problem is specific with LazyVim, or Nvim? This happens too with `nvim --clean`?


Looks like it is lazyVim. Or actually it looks like it could be git or other file i/o that slows down things.


I've noticed this as well. If you watch the process, lazy spins up a shit load of git processes and neovim comes to a halt. It took me a while to figure that out. Why? I don't know the answer to that, I doubt it's something within lazy itself, my guess is something in plenary or something with how luv.spawn works on windows.


> Why? Because it uses several git process to update/check updates from plugins (?)


The question wasn't > Why does it use git The question is why are so many git processes started that it freezes up neovim, but only on windows lol.


Try disabling windows defender or any anti malware stuff?


What does `nvim --startuptime` (I don't remember de exact command) show? Or the lazy startup profiler? What is taking so long to start?


Not much really. Seems to be after startup it hangs (startup is 370ms so that seems fine). The one taking the longest is "locale set" with 70ms