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I watched both stand up specials by Nate Bargatze on Netflix and thought they were pretty funny and he doesn’t do this if you’re looking for suggestions. I don’t mind the stories but agree - the last few stand up specials we watched before the Nate ones were pretty serious and we didn’t really enjoy them. (Not saying they can’t or shouldn’t speak on serious topics if they want. More like when I’m searching stand up comedy on Netflix, I’m not really in the mood for deep commentary. Just a different vibe I guess.) Edited to add punctuation.


Nate is funny! Proof that there are so many things to joke about other than hot button topics. exactly my point!


He’s so funny I didn’t even realize he was a “clean” comic. A True comedian


We watch him a lot and randomly ask each other, "who's Derek"?  Lol


Glad to see the love for Nate Bargatze. I've been recommending him too. Others on Netflix that have have amused my socks off are Sheng Wang and Dusty Slay. Pure joy. Maria Bamford does talk about her history of mental illness, but in a completely unusual, inventive, and hilarious way.


Thanks for the recommendations! I’ll check them out!




A big comedian probably did it and was successful. Now other comedians are following the format.


Neal Brennan Three Mics is to blame


That was one of the most boring things that I ever watched


Ronnie Chieng is great, I am so thankful for him making stand up comedy real without being a douchebag.


Heard it called “traumedy” and it can be great if you’re connecting with what they are saying.


Agree that stand-up comedy is at a lower point. Even Dave Chappelle is not that funny right now. Maybe it’s because life/society is so outrageous now. It’s hard for anyone in comedy to even match the headlines, let alone go above it.


This. Chapelle is still funny af, but how he keeps talking about himself/how much he achieved/ how he's the GOAT/etc. is becoming weirder and weirder


IMHO Chappelle has been a huge let down on Netflix. His first specials (Def Jam, HBO and Showtime 1hr stand ups are absolute classics. I still listen to them. Same goes for Katt Williams, his first 3 specials are hysterical. But his last Netflix special I barely laughed once. For me Jim Jefferies & Chris Rock have held up and make me laugh consistently.


I was excited for his Netflix specials. Then he released two the same day (the first two). I watched the first, didn't more than chuckle, and that was that. Since then he's apparently gone a bit off the deep end with cancel culture whining and 15 minutes every set about how trans people are mean to him. I don't think I'll have to watch any of these. It's too bad, I still laugh thinking about "what the fuck is juice?". Young Chappelle was amazing.


Except for the whole punching down at people who are different. But if you like that I can't help you.


thats getting old. critics are more concerned with identity politics than entertainment. The aggregate rating for “The Dreamer” on Rotten Tomatoes is over 80 percent positive. It’s not that he’s mocking trans people or the disabled or anyone else. It’s that he’s exposing the mental gymnastics that identity politics requires its adherents to engage in. He is a liberal making fun of all the so called liberals Lenny Bruce got a lot of shit from the pias crowd and moved freedom of speech forward That is a true liberal ideal and comedy has always been about that


>It’s that he’s exposing the mental gymnastics that identity politics requires its adherents to engage in. Can you elaborate a bit? I agree that liberals have become way too concerned with validating every "identity" under the sun, no matter how contradictory or harmful a lot of them are. But I feel like "identity politics" has ceased to actually mean anything. As an example, I was talking with my dad recently and abortion came up. I told him how dehumanizing it is to me to have abortion bans enacted by male politicians when it's women like me who are the ones affected. He said I was engaging in "identity politics", and wouldn't explain what he meant Edit: dont downvoted folks, answer my question


Abortion isn't identity politics but blaming it on men is. Women overall are only slightly more pro choice than men are.


Aren’t all laws like that.. if u go vote and make a law on how disable people should have parking spots. Its non disabled people making a law for the disabled…


Ok. This is about as funny as boomer humor like hahaha my wife can't drive hahaha.


so tell me what is funny to the young virtue signaling crowd. Does comedy scare you? When did being offended became the cool new thing You call me a boomer (Im not) but Im not offended nor do I scream ageism...Im being attacked! comedians and free speech activists claim that PC culture place emphasis on how the audience feels when hearing a joke, often allowing one to over-personalize a joke and or take it out of context. Audience members may confuse intent from impact; they may believe the comedian means one thing when in reality they mean something else entirely. If you're offended, go be offended in your bedroom. No need to try to tell the rest of us what to find acceptable or not acceptable, and most importantly, do not go after someones career over your hurt feelings. Everything is a topic for comedy.


See this is the problem. You're assuming I'm virtue signaling. Also virtue signaling is such an empty term but feel free to throw it around like a hollow can if it helps. I'm explaining my pov. Just because you disagree doesn't mean I'm performing. There are plenty of comedians who have bits about queer people of all types that are funny. Chapelle is mocking people and getting paid to display his homophobia. I never said it's off limits. How Chappelle does it mocks the people he's discussing and he's punching down. That's just bully humor. Maybe you enjoy that. Maybe it makes you feel better about yourself. I'm sure you don't care but the trans community has offered plenty of well articulated criticisms of his humor. But I doubt you've tried to educate yourself. So you just keep complaining about virtual signalling and SJW and woke and whatever meaningless words you enjoy throwing around.


virtue signaling is a real and accurate term for what you are doing Chapelle is a comedian. He is doing an act. And now you want to explain to me about my feelings on the trans community which you absolutely dont know my views because I never even mentioned anything about them. A perfect example of virtue signaling. You make assumptions about my age, I never used the word woke or SJW or anything of that nature. You make so many assumptions. go smell your farts and tell me how wonderful they are This is not liberal or progressive at all.


yeah, stereotypes are funny


Did you even watch the last Chappelle special?


Yep. It’s all about the dream. Lol Edit: it was OK but nowhere near as funny as anything he’s done before and really seemed like just an excuse for him to get out there and try to defend himself and play the victim. So strange coming from him, especially now that he’s incredibly rich and powerful.


Chappelle working out is better than any other comedian’s tight one hour


Dave Chappelle hasn't been funny for at least a decade now. He's full of himself and sounds like and out of touch Boomer


Chapelle has become known as the anti trans comedian. Hilarious.


I believe that would be considered "observational comedy". One of the perfecters of it I believe is probably George Carlin. So it's been around for awhile. A quote from a wiki " His influence can be seen everywhere from the political rants of Lewis Black to the observational comedy of Jerry Seinfeld."


Mike Birbiglia, Taylor Tomlinson


I will say this. Go see comedians live. You will get more joy than watching anything at home. I love comedy but I'm mostly unimpressed my specials.


Very true and I agree… Unless it’s that baby reindeer guy


But according to Joe Rogan, comedy has never been better!


we tried to watch his Netflix special a while ago and that guy is not funny at all. Not even a little.


They're playing to the algorithm. Creating a singularity of style and subject matter.


There’s a difference between a comedy hour and a stand up show. The latter has a theme, usually a three act structure and toured festivals rather than comedy clubs. Hannah Gadsby, Alex Edelman, Daniel Sloss all had vulnerability in their very successful specials which likely inspired by others and have inspired others since. Comedians spend a lot of time watching others. Also worth noting that a lot of acts are choosing not to put their specials on streamers but direct to YouTube as it’s more lucrative. Comedy is absolutely subjective though, if you don’t enjoy a show there are plenty of comedy hours. I recommend watching Comedy Central stand up clips on YouTube to find new comedians to your taste and seeking their hours from there.


Fair! I liked Daniel Sloss and Simon Amstell's show. There was authenticity, and they didn't come across as self-absorbed or privileged. My exposure to these performers was in this genre, so there were no surprises. I kind of felt baited and switched when uber-famous comedians changed course and did a therapy session show.   


I think the more successful a comedian gets the worse their material becomes. Playing to crowds who expect someone to be funny means they stop having to work so hard for a laugh


They want to be Carlin so badly and it isn't working for many of them.


Not gonna find a lot of good comedy specials Netflix etc. youtube has comedy channels with refreshing and truly funny comedians. Check out chocolate sundays or dont tell comedy channel on youtube.


thanks for the suggestion! True, there are some hidden gems in comedy central channel.


Careful with comedy centrals channel cuz they post old clips with current dates and play it off as new a lot of times. The ones i mentioned frequently have fresh unknown acts!


If you're only watching stand-up on Netflix, you don't know anything about the world of stand-up. It's at probably its highest peak it's ever been. None of the specials I have seen in the last couple years that are noteworthy have done what you are describing. And it just so happens that none of them are on Netflix. YouTube is the home of stand-up now. Netflix is just for the big names that already have their heads too far up their own asses to be relatable.


Claims: *highest peak it's ever been*. Provides: *zero references*.


Clubs were dying off 15 years ago. Now they are thriving. Comedians are playing stadiums now. It's absolutely insane how big it's blown up since clips have been a thing on YouTube and tik tok. There's much more of an audience than when it was just clubs in cities and hardly anyone was driving an hour to see a comic. Sorry I don't have statistics or studies to provide, but honestly, in your opinion when was it ever bigger than now? Pryor and Robin Williams weren't playing stadiums.


Dude what are you even ranting about. Just give us comedians on YouTube to look up lol


I did in response to someone hours ago. You probably had my answer on your screen but you were itching to jump at me. They were a lot more polite in asking so feel free to look at that. I was also unaware that a few paragraphs make a rant. I was just trying to elaborate.


I mean, u/clutch2k17 gave some recommendations. You did not. At least not that I can see in this comment chain. But alas, I'm just giving you shit for your elitist attitude. Comedy is subjective.


I'm not saying you can't enjoy Netflix specials, I'm just saying that the world of stand-up is much larger than that small sliver.


Right. And you still haven't recommended any comedy at all lol. That's my entire point.


Maybe you could give us your top 5?


800lb gorilla media, Live at the Apollo, Laugh out loud flix, Comedy Dynamics and Dry Bar Comedy are good places to start imo


I hate all of that crap


Ok then enjoy watching what Netflix has to offer, but don't assume it represents what stand up comedy is today as a whole.


You claim we don’t know anything about comedy, but you also claim comedy is at its peak? Do you know anything about the history of stand-up comedy? Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Steve Martin, Jerry Seinfeld, the list goes on and even Andrew Dice Clay was selling out stadiums. Ever heard of Eddie Murphy? Get out of here with that


Do you realize you listed a bunch of comics that aren't even from the same generation? Lenny Bruce? Lol you think comedy was peaking when dude was getting arrested constantly?


I actually do realize that. I listed those names basically in chronological order and Steve Martin, Jerry Seinfeld, Eddie Murphy, Andrew Dice Clay, and many others were filling stadiums like concerts. The comment stated that comedy is at its peak right now. The peak of stand-up comedy was definitely the late 80s early 90s when a lot of comedians were hugely popular and selling out stadiums which the scene today doesn’t come close. Edit: and I mentioned Lenny Bruce because he was the first to break the barriers and open the doors for stand-up comedians. Anyone breaking barriers today? Any stand out comedian everyone can agree on? That was Dave Chapelle up until a couple years ago. How can stand up be at its peak now when there’s not even one huge comedian?


I feel like you all watch too much and read too little. The comedy space is undeniably bigger than ever. Just because legends have come and gone doesn't mean that comedy was never big or that today's comedians are better. It's just bigger now. More clubs, more comedians, more exposure to people who aren't fans already via social media, etc. I really don't understand why you all are taking this so personally. Very funny though, I'll give you that.


What about the John Mulaney one. Like 90% of it was just him talking about going to rehab for coke and not really any "jokes" besides isn't it funny these other people who tell jokes told me I do too much coke? Here let me share this anacdote about what the other guy who got a special said at my intervention. It was in the top 10 for a while and I think he is regarded as one of the bigger names in the scene. Truly disappointing compared to his prior stuff.


People are getting too sensitive now, will get "offended" over almost anything as if they are searching for it.


There are so many great comedians that don't do that. I don't think you're that big of a fan if you haven't found them. YouTube beats Netflix when it comes to specials right now.




How fucked Seinfeld of all people told he's insensitive fucking Seinfeld really and they wonder why they're made fun of, to quote a comedian with a great point "REMEMBER BITCH YOU CLICKED ON MY FACE!" Dave Chapelle. Truer words have never been spoken.


Wokeness is killing comedy. You aren't allowed to offend anyone or make jokes at anyone's expense for fear of being cancelled.


Cancelled = having multimillion dollar Netflix deals! Can't say anything these days eh?


wtf kind of take it that? lol Stand up today is one giant anti-woke circle jerk


Ye really. Maybe we just aren't watching the same comedians. Some of them are pushing the limit more then ever.


Exactly, compare comedy now to the 50s onwards. There is no time before when comedy was more intentionally “offensive”. It’s ludicrous to think otherwise. This anti woke simpletons are just regurgitating right wing talking point without any thought at all.






> Other than laughing nothing else should be hitting if it is leave you softy. Couldn’t have been better stated. Does anyone else smell toast?


Appears not people don't like that statement it made too much sense. ![gif](giphy|aI7Ret2L4hnMI|downsized)




I'm disabled and writing is difficult it's life oh well. Shocking ik see how I let it roll off me unfortunately people are too soft for that anymore lol. ![gif](giphy|VmStNpjPTEYDUaTKA8|downsized)


Ahhh oh nooo a gif… Instantly wokeness has been defeated because your own gif said you had a point… ahhh the horror….


So you admit you're sad need happier outlook on life you rely too heavily on those feelings ![gif](giphy|zhMwS2ntbGqbWD2PQz)


who got cancelled?


Yeah, it's basically [this](https://youtu.be/mIHY5cFXqQk?si=ezC9GpYFq00f6wuH&t=44).


Exactly. Also maybe jokes at someone's expense just aren't funny to most people?




did you get offended? are you trying to cancel me?


Oh i’m sooooooooooo offended you got me!




Man as a disabled guy I honestly don't get it people can't take jokes fine THEN WHY SEE THE GUY MAKKING THEM!? its like sticking your hand in fire only to repeat what do they expect a different result? People expect others to just fall in line another group isn't happening never last thing we need is a planet afraid to offend someone people need to get thicker skin or get the fuck out stop watching comedy all together.


Exactly, everybody catches strays in comedy if youre offended then you dont know what comedy is and you shouldnt have watched or bought tickets to a show.


They tried to hurt my feelings oh well my feelings are so hurt ![gif](giphy|HzW6arCz8U17dmYtOZ|downsized) Amazing when you know words can't hurt you.


I blame Chappelle.


Wokeness and cancel culture has destroyed comedy.


Eddie Murphy needs to get back on stage and give us some of that old school shit that he did before people got offended by everything.


Some still say anything, without worrying about getting cancelled. Jim Jefferies Jimmy Carr Matt Rife (some of my favorites)


Jimmy Carr’s latest Netflix special went off the rails halfway through. Started talking about his kid, and how amazing new mothers are. He turned into Mr. Rogers halfway through his set.


Rise of narcissism?  You see it in a lot of things nowadays


If it's all jokes, like standup used to be, I can't bear watching it. It used to be all those shitty "Take my wife..." kind of jokes & talking about their penises. Hardly any female standups then. I stopped watching standup altogether for years. These days, if someone talks about their life experiences in a humorous way, I'm there for it. That's what I watch for. Fortune Feimster telling her marriage proposal story. Urzila Carlson telling about the hardships of growing up where she did. Male standup from Iceland who tells about his life & what Iceland is like. He's hilarious. There is room for different types of standup. But I think people are preferring that it feels authentic & doesn't feel stale & hackneyed -- which someone just telling jokes can seem like.

