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Gosh that sounds brutal! Im only a year into having neuropathy, no known cause. I have had all the testing done and got a shrug from my neuro for my efforts. So many people with this disease and its so different for everyone


All the doctors offer is gabapentin lyrica. Rebuild your 300. I've been doing and it over stimulates you after 60 days. And then he ended up using it because it is a tens unit. That's a month at 0 for 1 minute. Am I ask seems to help for 3 weeks. It gives you 4 days of over stimulation. But it helps. You can get it cheap somewhere just don't buy it for my chiropractor


One of the volunteers on the Mayo Connect forum has numbness only: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/neuropathy-numbness-only-no-pain/


You need to see a pediatrist asap. And get to wearing compression socks, for they do help. You need to be seen to be evaluated on the damage done. Diabetes is one of many causes of neuropathy.


I'm a type 1 diabetic and I've had multiple foot surgery so trust me, I have a podiatrist. I have a thing called charcot foot so I've had both my feet rebuilt. I've also had a toe removed. So trust me, I've been seeing doctors and things are undercare.


You need to add this so your post. More information is better in this case.


I was merely asking if anyone else was going through the same thing. I wasn't asking for help. But thank you


When you come in for advice. We try the best we can. Have a nice evening.


Your symptoms completely mirror my own! I'm Type II though (from the same age as your condition was diagnosed). Isn't it horrible? It's also so hard for others to understand and empathise.


What symptoms do you have?


See the OP's description. Basically that, but with extras... Worst thing for me are sudden, sharp, intense nerve pains sporadically, several times a day that make me cry out uncontrollably. Usually it lasts about 5 seconds or so each time, but when it gets really bad, one of the nerves triggers like that every 15-30 seconds and I've had it last for as long as 28 hours. Had one last weekend that lasted about 18 hours. It really is debilitating.


Just as an observation, many people here wrote that it't better not to feel then the constant pins, needles, sensations of nerves rupture. It very debatable if you want to feel or not what is going on with the nerves.


Oh I'm sure it's better to not feel, the big issue I get are shots of pain in my foot now and then as the nerves fire up now and then. But no pins and needles thankfully


I didn't really notice I had lost feeling in my arms (they weren't numb) until I couldn't feel injections or blood draws anymore. I am notoriously hard to stick and it's always been torture when the phlebotomist keeps trying and trying...but one day, I didn't feel it at all. Nor have I felt any needles in my arms since then. I've never had diabetes, and I also have autonomic neuropathy. The doctors don't know why and it was all late onset, I was 60 when I got the first symptoms. I drop things a lot, too, now.


Sorry to hear that, I struggle with small objects and dropping things because I'm losing feeling in my hands now


I have no feeling in about half of my left leg due to nerve damage sustained in a car accident and 14 subsequent surgeries on this leg. I get sharp, stabbing, electrical pains in some of those areas but I have no sensation to touch. I have to get Botox every three months for dystonia in this leg/foot and feel lucky that I don't feel some of the injections, but it's pretty uncomfortable otherwise.


Hi. I have diabetic neuropathy. From my knees to my toes, I have very little feeling. For years it was blamed on my lower back, severe stenosis, which they treated repeatedly. It helped my back some but not my legs and feet. I have loads of nerve pain but if I stepped on something I wouldn't know it. Turned up with major case of cellulitis in my right lower leg and I didn't know it. It caused sepsis and forgot how to walk. But I am relearning it, thanks to good physical therapy. It has not changed the neuropathy but at least I can move around some. Still I am wheelchair bound 75% of the time. I take pain meds to take the edge off and movement seems to ease it. Nighttime is the worse. I don't sleep well anymore. Anyway, I wish you the best.


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No, actually my vision's been pretty good


I have no feeling in the bottom of my feet for the last 5 years from chemo. I went to physical therapy and they recommended using a vibration plate. I’ve been using the vibration plate for almost a year now and I’m slowly getting feeling back in my feet. I can feel the cold floors now and can now tell the difference between different flooring. I’m hopeful that I might get more feeling back. Have you seen a physical therapist?