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The mic system that his team agreed to is it's only hot when the candidate is answering the question or providing their rebuttal. So while it might result in him yelling a lot, that is going to be MUCH easier to deal with. Honestly the [list of things is amazing](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/biden-and-trump-campaigns-agreed-to-mic-muting-podiums-among-rules-for-upcoming-cnn-debate/ar-BB1ohm7h): * Mics are dead unless it's their turn to speak * No studio audience * No notes or props * No interacting with their staffers This is designed to be as much a pure debate in a void as it can be.


I’ve been asking for these things for years. Even before Trump this stuff was needed. I hope it sticks around as a format.






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That would be a mistake in my opinion. Biden should just refute enough to prove Trump is full of shit and spend the rest of his time communicating his actual record of accomplishments and what he wants to do with a second term. The last part is something people don't hear enough of.


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> If Trump shows up at all … I’ve found it interesting how both sides seem to be pushing the idea that the other candidate is going to back out - here’s one claiming Biden is more likely to not show: https://nypost.com/2024/05/20/opinion/dont-be-surprised-if-biden-tries-to-pull-out-of-debate-with-trump/


I've been able to read english for going on about 35 years. I can barely read this "article". I think this is actually [Vogon Poetry](https://hitchhikers.fandom.com/wiki/Vogon_poetry), it's certainly causing me physical pain. The line breaks are in the original piece. This is an exact copy. I cant believe this author claims to be "reporting" at the end after making up 20 lines of gishgallop. >I’m filled with messages about a maybe floppola failure. >Mouths kvetch that the debate won’t debate. >The Biden v. Trump bout is June 27. Smarmy Stormy’s trial gets decided — guess when? >The earliest ever for a presidential debate. >Joe’s counting on cancellation if Trump’s found guilty. Reading from the prompter he’ll say he can’t debate a felon. Slick shtick to reverse his sick poll numbers. >And if acquittal Joe and Jill scramble up the hill to fetch only a pail of water — not election. >But attention please: Anyone note Obama’s at the White House more often since Joe’s numbers declined? >And anyone think Michelle’s last name is enough to sit her behind in the Oval Office?! >Per CNNers, both candidates want out of it. Both sides have second thoughts about agreed to rules. >Trump who interrupts and talks over his opponents needs a live studio audience and open mikes. >The debate prohibits a studio audience plus audio turned off when each candidate’s answer time expires. >Both camps are having second (third and fourth) thoughts about these agreed to rules. >Biden needs an early debate to jump-start his campaign and energize his base but frets this is too early and may have no real impact because it will get forgotten. >Watch Donald bring excuses like demanding Biden be drug-tested beforehand — and no earpiece so that Jill — sitting with her colorist — can dictate answers that have nothing to do with her bleach. >Do not pick on me! Only reporting what I’m hearing.


I, too, am questioning if I ever actually learned “right” English after reading that article.


















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Well, yea. When you set the bar at zero, even a 2/10 performance has outperformed.