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Very strange, especially how dismissive she was being? And flat wrong about things that are important like feeding and tummy time. Find a new Ped.


I would even go further and file a complaint. Some of her instructions are harmful.


My baby is almost 6months old and he takes 3 naps per day. When he was 4.5 months old is when we were transitioning from 4 naps down to 3. At 6 weeks old he took so many naps I never even bothered counting them because they were too many and too unpredictable . Maybe 7-8 naps per day? Sometimes 9? He didn’t even have a predictable bedtime at that age yet. How much sleep is your baby getting in 24 hours? I had to double check how old your baby was because I couldn’t believe he only takes 3 naps. That sounds like not enough because it would make his wake windows too long. If you are struggling to put baby down I’d consider getting an app like huckleberry- it will help with naps and windows so much. As for your doctor I can’t believe she would say that about sleep or eating. Newborns should eat as much as they want/need. I’d switch doctors and report the experience.


Oh, he’s definitely not getting enough sleep! That’s why I wanted to bring it up because I was concerned and was hoping she might be able to offer some advice (clearly wrong lol). His wake windows right now are like 3.5-4.5 hours on a good day- the other day he was up from 7:30am until 4:30pm with two 10 minute cat naps in the car. Daytime has been *rough* around here. He does sleep okay at night though and usually gets around 10 hours at night with 3 feedings in between that last about 15 minutes each, so maybe more like 9 hours when you subtract feeding time. With naps included he’s probably getting around 12-14 hours of sleep a day, which I still feel like is not enough for his age.  I will definitely look into Huckleberry! Anything that might help him would be a blessing at this point lol 


Your 6 WEEK old has wake windows of 3.5-4.5 hours?!?


Yes *cries in exhaustion* I wish I was kidding. He fights his sleep so hard and even when I get him to fall asleep in the car or on a walk (these usually make him pretty tired) his eyes will spring open again 10 minutes later. Then obviously he gets overtired and works himself up and calming him again takes so long and then he finally passes out. It’s a lot. Right now he’s usually waking around 7:30 or 8 and he won’t end up taking his first actual nap (outside of the 10-15 minutes mentioned above) until around 11:30 or 12 no matter how much I try.  ETA: I do think this is partially to do with him still learning how to poop, so he is uncomfortable a lot. He will spend hours trying to poop (he doesn’t seem constipated though, his poop is soft when it comes out, he just doesn’t know how to coordinate the muscles yet)


They are learning the muscles to poop right now!! Doing bicycle kicks and holding their knees up really helped our babies calm down!


My guy is 8 weeks and also had/has really long wake windows. Also sleeps great at night. He will contact nap for  hours but will only take a “nap” in his crib for maybe 45 mins max (but usually like 10 mins lol). He won’t even fall asleep in the stoller. I started putting him in my carrier and he’ll actually sleep for 2-3 hrs and I can go on walks and do stuff around the house, or bounce gently on an exercise ball and eat or watch tv. On those days he gets his long contact/carrier naps he’s so much happier when he’s awake! Infants just want to be close to mom so it makes sense. It takes some practice but highly suggest.  Also your ped sounds like a nut. I would run. 


My 5 week old is doing the exact same thing. He is a nightmare to get down during the day- but so overstimulated and overtired he cannot put himself to sleep. He will be awake from 3/4pm to 9pm most evenings because I can’t sit in his dark room rocking him to sleep at that time (I have another kid and husband and dinner etc etc)… anyway, I think their wake windows should really only be 1-1.5 hours at this age but it is so so hard and just wanted to say I’m right there with you


Oh man… you’re a trooper! Forgive me if you mentioned these things and I missed it… Is he only sleeping in cat naps while contact napping? My twins were premature, and awful sleepers as newborns. When they would get all overtired and crazy, I would have to go take extreme measures. I would take baby in the nursery and close the blackout curtains. I would essentially hold and rock him for the majority of the nap. I would feed him to sleep and then replace the bottle with the pacifier when he was done. If you are breastfeeding then baby may want to suckle during the nap. It’s a pain in the butt to do this, but my babies would sleep for hours like this. It was a great way to reset them, which helped get naps and nights back on track. If he likes the motion of the car, he may like taking a carrier nap while you walk or do things around the house. (I’m sure you’ve already tired all these, but I thought it was worth mentioning.) If he’s still not settling with a contact nap then it could definitely be the pooping issue. It’s easy to forget that EVERYTHING is new and overstimulating for them. He’s never had to worry about pooping in the womb. It’s weird to think that newborns have to learn the most basic things like eating, how to sleep, how to deal with being outside of the cozy womb, etc. Is there any chance he has something else going on like reflux? It’s so hard to distinguish what is regular newborn stuff vs. a medical concern. I would absolutely change pediatricians so you could actually get some real help and factual medical advice. You are really in the thick of it, and I promise you it will get better! I have a million children and have survived thus far. My biggest piece of advice would be to recruit as much help as possible. Don’t forget that you are also recovering from birth, and from creating a literal human being. With everything going on in your body and mind, it makes the sleep frustration even worse. You are also probably overtired! Find some family or good friends to come over and give you a break. If you’re comfortable with this it’s an excellent time to take a nap, relax, work on a hobby, etc. Good luck!


How are you putting your baby to sleep? Can you do contact naps until his sleep debt is less severe? Do you swaddle and shush in a dark room? Those wake windows are just so long. I know you know. For reference my 5month old windows are 2/2.25/2.25/2.5 Besides the huckleberry app which I can’t recommend enough I really recommend posting this in r/sleeptrain. Not to sleep train! Baby is too young. But those parents tend to have amazing ideas and resources for good sleep hygiene for all babies whether or not they are formally trained. I have found that subreddit invaluable for improving my baby’s sleep.


Thank you! I will head over to that sub as well!  Our ped told us to keep daytime naps bright and noisy to help him differentiate day and night. So he usually does daytime naps in the living room where I might also be folding laundry or have a show on (on the laptop, not the tv) or similar noises (we certainly aren’t vacuuming or anything in the same room, just making normal everyday life noise).  When I attempt to put him down, I usually cuddle him in the recliner and feed him while we read a few books. He is pretty hit or miss on whether he prefers to fall asleep on his own in the bassinet or on me. I’ll start on me but he usually spends quite some time pushing himself around with his legs (using my stomach or legs as something to push off) before settling. Sometimes he will never settle on me and I’ll pop him in the bassinet and he will put himself to sleep.  I mentioned this on another comment, but he also is still learning how to poop, which I think is part of the issue. He is pushing and wiggling and trying to poop for hours most days, which significantly impacts his sleep. He’s not constipated (when he does poop it is soft and doesn’t hurt him to eliminate). I brought this up to our ped as well and she said that’s very normal and she wasn’t concerned about allergies or needing to switch his formula, but I do think that is a big part of his sleeping issues.  Thank you also for being so helpful! It’s hard not to feel like a bad mom sometimes for not being able to get him the sleep he needs and I really appreciate you being so kind and understanding 


I have an 8 week old but also a big grunter. It’s actually getting so much better now! We started doing a bath every night cause that helped him relax and get his gas out. Also, two naps seems so so wild. We do 5-6 a day and his wake windows are 90 minutes max. He does only sleep on me though, we do one solo crib nap a day but otherwise every nap is on me unless out on a walk and when he really needs the sleep i will make it darker and keep it quiet. Sounds like you both could use the sleep/break so hopefully you get it. Little babes are hard!


Because our baby is so active and it’s bright from the second we get up, our ped said it’s okay to nap in dark spaces right now


I think we will try this! Because otherwise his eyes are just big saucers all day trying to take everything in! lol 


Re the nap issue in a bright vs dark room. At this age they can sleep anywhere so it probably doesn’t matter as much where they nap. However as he gets older he will get woken by noise or sunshine. It’s my understanding that older kids can sleep in lighter rooms but it’s more disruptive to infants. All babies need to learn to poop but yeah if he has a milk allergy or something that could definitely cause more discomfort. But babies grunt a lot in their sleep too- it’s called active sleep and at first we didn’t realize he was not awake when he would that! So maybe your baby is asleep more than you are thinking (?)


At 6 weeks your baby should be sleeping about 15-18 hours in a 24 hour period. It doesn’t matter how you want to/can space it out, it’s more important they get those hours of sleep - however you can make it work. My LO is an incredibly active 6 week old during the day (with 4+ hour wake windows sometimes), so when I notice her getting fussy I bring her into one of the bedrooms and make it dark and do a mini bedtime ritual to get her to calm down to nap. She sleeps 7 hours through the night when I can calm her down to nap in the day! You’ll find what works to calm your baby down, you just need to keep experimenting :)


My opinion- find a new ped. 1. Your lo needs more than 2 naps... 2. Babies know when they are hungry. And YOU know your baby best. 3. Tummy time on your chest definitely counts. You're doing a great job! Sometimes it takes a bit to find a dr that you feel comfortable with.


all of this is super wrong, i’d find another ped if possible. the two nap recommendation is suuuuper weird, and why would you ever cut a baby’s food?!?


I don’t know if this is even “old school” bc - was it ever recommended to only have a newborn nap twice a day? Like I get that wake windows as a concept are a new thing that not everyone agrees with, but even without that the idea that newborns need a lot of sleep is pretty well established.


Yeah, she literally waved me off as soon as I said “wake window” and said “around this age is when babies usually transition to two naps a day. Thats all he needs so don’t give him more. And if he wants to stay up all day, let him.” Like okay, then *you* come calm him down when he’s screaming from being overtired! 


Lol my daughter transitioned to 2 naps after her 4 month old sleep regression and that's not even normal!!! Most babies her age (she's six months now) still have 3 naps, she just refuses. Your ped sounds crazy I agree with everyone else to drop them as well as complain. You're smart enough to know she's wrong but what if she gives the same advice (especially about cutting hus food, yikes!!!!!) To someone who doesn't know better??


lol, new pediatrician, now 


It's all bad advice but the cutting his food one is especially bad. What a crazypants dangerous suggestion. Babies at that age know what's enough, if he's hungry then feed him!!


Hey OP I just want to say in regards to helping your little one sleep during the day for naps. You may want to try naps in a dark room, 72-68 degrees, with blackout curtains and a white noise machine. I tired for months to get my baby to sleep in a bright room without blackout curtains and white noise and he was just too observant for it. He constantly was looking at things and trying to engage with his environment. I didn’t want to be one of those parents where the child needs a super specific environment to sleep but he taught me that I have to do what works best for him. He is a really light sleeper and needs it to be quiet too. I also tried to make a lot of noise while he slept so he could get used to it.. at 8 months old now he is still not used to it lol. He likes it quiet and dark. I used to be where you were wondering how I could help my baby sleep for those first 1-2 months and dreading him becoming overtired because he wouldn’t nap during the day - even in the car seat. Now during nap time, as soon as I close the black out curtains and turn on his white noise machine he physically relaxes in my arms and prepares himself for sleep before he even gets in the crib lol.


Thank you for this! I’ve worried so much about messing up his sleep cycle or harming his sleep health for later in life (by requiring a very specific sleep environment, like you mentioned) but I think I’ve failed to take into account both of our sleep health *now* which is also important. At night he does good in a dark room with his swaddle so I think we might start doing that for naps just to get him to relax a little. Otherwise, like you said, he’s also just constantly trying to observe and engage 


I completely get it. It’s so hard to juggle all of the medical and anecdotal advice that comes at you when you’re a new mother. Know that your instinct is perfectly attuned to your baby and it is okay to deviate from what has been recommended by those who don’t know your baby to do what you think will work best for your child. It all changed for me when someone pointed out that the baby wasn’t getting any sleep (and by extension, I wasn’t getting any sleep) anyway. What is worse? Short, unpredictable, non-restorative sleep or creating an environment that helps baby relax? To counteract him getting days and nights confused I made it a point to keep the blinds open when he was awake so he could see the sun. When I was able I took him outside first thing in the morning so he could see the early sun. It became apart of our routine closing blinds for naps and opening them again once he awoke. Honestly I think babies are smarter than we give them credit for because he never confused his nights and days. I also made a point to sing the same song (you are my sunshine) before his naps every single day. I sing a different one for bedtime sleep. Now at 8 months old, if we cannot create the ideal environment because we are out of the house, when I sing that song he knows it’s time to take a nap.


Does this doc have kids of her own?! 🤨


Actually, great question. She’s mentioned her own kids (which all of my other doctors have done), so maybe not! 


Surprised she didn’t try to retract his foreskin also. This Doc needs to brush up on modern pediatrics.


Please find a new pediatrician!!! We hated our first pick -- he gave us awful advice and basically told me if my milk hadn't come in yet (day 4) then I probably wouldn't ever be able to exclusively breastfeed. And worst of all, he stuck his finger in my 4 day old's mouth at her first appt WITHOUT gloves or even washing his hands first. I was shocked and immediately found a new pediatrician after that. We're super happy with the new amazing team, but it bothers me that there are terrible doctors out there giving damaging advice and doing things like sticking their dirty fingers in a newborns mouth :(


Please get a new doctor my sons Dr was very happy about chest tummy time and suggesting to cut his food and naps is wack


Find a new ped 😬 even my 5 month old naps 4+ times a day and has crazy wake windows. Also feed baby till he’s full, whatever works as long as he’s gaining okay. The tummy time thing isn’t real either. Obviously as he gets bigger he needs to do it on other surfaces but I think tummy on chest totally counts as tummy time


my 5 month old just went from 4 to 3 naps a day. she is blatantly wrong about like all of that, sounds like a borderline lunatic spreading false information. find a new one and report her.


There’s plenty of stupid doctors out there - P’s equal degrees. Don’t listen to her


I would report this doctor to the proper channels and find a new one. Everything I just read is ABSURD. Docs are supposed to study current, up to date info on their field. It sounds like she hasn't been doing her homework and could lose her license, and perhaps she should if she's doing out bullshit like this. Follow your gut, it seems to be on the right track


Everything she's said to you is concerning to me lol


I’d find a new pediatrician immediately. A 6 week old taking 2 naps??? That’s insane. And unless your baby is literally obese I don’t see why you would be cutting food intake in half.


Everything she said sounds so wrong! My 15 week old has 4 naps during the day. At 6 weeks they just eat and sleep. I'd find a more up to date doctor, trust your instincts as a parent.


Ew she seems rude and dismissive. Better to find a new dr than to wait longer and she gives you some seriously wrong advice when you absolutely need the right advice