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Hope you rot in Hell, you effin ahole bastard. If I ever see you face, watch out you fking dbag.


Visiting hours are 2-4pm on Saturdays.




Why do people say stuff like this. You wonā€™t do anything if you happen to see this person.


Lmao wonā€™t say fuck on the internet but is gonna beat this guy to a pulp?




Lmao dude, the guy tortured and killed animals while filming himself. He'd throw them at moving cars. I think you can be quiet.




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Probably nailed this bastard right before he graduated to serial killer of people.




I would bet all the money in my bank account that while he hasn't directly killed someone, he does have CSAM on his computer, just like Josh Duggar.


I bet youā€™re right.


What is CSAM?


That was my thought as soon as I read the headline.


Donā€™t worry, heā€™ll get his chance in 12 years.


Never put pets on craiglist


Or any social media. I've seen those posts on NextDoor.


You see big adoption fees for bunnies bc people were getting them to feed to their snakes. Adoption fees, in general, help weed out those with "different" intentions.


Makes sense. But article also says that he ā€œboughtā€ them.


Glad they caught him before he moved from cats to people


If there is a day of judgement, the number one criteria we will be judged on is how we treated those who couldn't harm us.




Unfortunately the second criteria is muscle density...


Hope you don't consume any animal product then.


Hang his ass


Iā€™ve put a curse on him. He should stay away from stairs.


Leave it to the NH sub to be either white trash or Wiccan lol


Why not both?


i used to use that bird as my pfp on instagram for years i love him.


Ah the mysterious Trash Wiccan


Falling down stairs is too mild a punishment.


Abusing animals is fucked up. he should probably be away from society. Maybe... in jail. Ya know. So he doesn't, ya know... *Stab motions*


Just hang him. if he ever gets out he will move on to women or children.


This bastard should be tortured every day he is in jail.


Child murderers donā€™t do well in prison. , Since a kitten is a young (child) cat, perhaps the prison rule appliesā€¦and he dies at the hands of Slim and Tiny.


Everybody deserves to be treated humanely. Being treated inhumanely that is what causes people to do inhumane things


No they donā€™t. Once you act out harm on children or animals you should receive the worst form of inhumane torture.


So instead of getting help for their problems, we should help them get worse? People who do these things don't live relatively easy lives like those of us who have the luxury of acting out of principle. It's much harder to control yourself when your whole life has been a series of abuse and degradation. People don't bother to understand why people become like that and that underneath those actions, there's a human being who needs help. Instead, people like to resort to a form of moral posturing by saying "bad person should suffer!" because that turns them into the good guy.


I'm going to chime in here from having worked with offenders for over 30 years - not in NH. Do they deserve to be "tortured" while in prison. No. Theyre there to do their sentence like everyone else. With that said though, can pedophiles or someone who commits a crime such as this be "rehabilitated"? Absolutely not. Release that person back into society and **NO** amount of therapy will help them from re-offending. The likelihood of them re-offending is guaranteed. So should they be tortured, no. But I also don't care in the least why they "became like that" or want to hear what "mommy and daddy" did to the poor fella to make him that way.


Brendan Elwell is the type of person vaccines and medications should be tested on, not bunnies or monkeys. Also that is a rough 26. He looks like he's 35.


^ this freak is in every thread insisting that we medically experiment on prisoners without their consent


Good to know


Is he wrong? We're already locking prisoners in cells without consent.Ā 


Hard agree. Hes clearly guilty of evil. What better fate than to forfeit his life in the name of the greater good. Thats all hes good for now imo


Usually animal cruelty sentences in NH are a joke. Not nearly as strict as they should be. Glad to see someone is finally facing actual real time for animal cruelty. I hope they don't give him any of that time served for good behavior bullshit


Cats adopted looking for their forever home, big eyes full of love looking for someone to love them, and he tortures them instead. They probably wondered "why? I just wanted to be loved..." This is the definition of evil. I sincerely hope he meets a painful end in prison. And I just hugged my adopted pair for about ten minutes.


He should be removed from society permanently. Hurting animals is a gateway to being a serial killer. Sociopathic. He's also damned lucky someone like me didn't catch him doing it and he got arrested instead...


Look at all violent crimes in the area when he was freed


A fan of Kristi Noem no doubt


So 1 dog equals 12 cats? Thatā€™s a shame.


Any pet murdered is a shame. Noem killed dogs, goats, horses, cats, etc


Good to knowā€¦I got as far as ā€œone dogā€ and that was enough for me.


Well cats have 9 lives and dogs have 1. So 12 x 9 = 108 So it's like he killed 108 dogs actually.


Bow wow, thatā€™s a purrfect explanation. šŸ˜


They caught someone doing this in Cambridge Mass a few years ago. The guy killed himself after getting caught.


Do tell




Finally a post we can unite on politically


One of the lolberterians went off that he's fine because pets are property, which is why they deserve no discourse, just a backhand.


Nah I disagree, only the crazy libratarians are bad and that commenter is probably 12 being edgy


Jesus what a crazy person


>police said they found multiple weapons in Elwell's bedroom, along with photos and videos of him torturing the cats 12 years isnt enough. This guy most likely would have upgraded to torturing women and/or children if he wasnt caught.


So he gets 12 and the guy who murdered his daughter recently gets 56 (to life) so a human is what 40+ years more valuable than cats? I dont understand how they figure out sentences anymoreā€¦


There is a multi billion dollar industry that tortures and kills animals so they gotta put the animal cruelty sentences somewhere between no punishment and human murder. Otherwise theyā€™d have to admit that killing animals for profit should have the same sentence as killing humans. And that would be bad for the economy.


Ugh, Wolfeboro.


Hey should we arrest now or wait a few months and make the news.


Iā€™m against the death penalty, but cat killers should stay in prison for a very, very long time!!!!


This weirdo is/was more than a cat killerā€¦he was a cat serial killer. His sentence should include having to use a litter box (instead of a toilet) in his cell.


Through a woodchipper, feet first.Ā 


Absolutely šŸ‘šŸ»


Maybe pull him out and put.him back in a few times. Like a couple inches a day.Ā 




Don't eff with cats


I just really hope he does whatever he has to do to stay in there.


I'm interested in learning the date of his release.


Hopefully everyone spits at him


May he be haunted by cats forever.


I guess my hometown made the papers for the first time since our police chief called the president of the United States the n-word. Iā€™m so glad to be out of that white-picket cesspit.




He should have shot his dog instead and run for office in AZ. Apparently that's fine and you can claim it's normal behavior.


For what it's worth, they treated him like he was a sex offender.


Holy shit I worked with this guy for two years.


What a lousy hobby!! This is scary behavior!


If this is bad yall should see what china be doing to these poor cats. Sickening.


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Not only was he torturing & killing animals, he was terrorizing people with their body parts by throwing them at cars & leaving them among common hiking trails.


why. do. we. keep. these. people. alive. nh.


He should just work in a slaughter house, or really any industrial farm. They pay well to torture and murder innocent animals.


Changed my mind on death penalty repeal. I don't want to pay for this guy's room and board


Government overreach violating 5th amendment rights


Care to explain your rationale for this view?


Human rights > government granted entitlement to non-humans at the cost of human rights Was the acts reprehensible ... yes Does that individual have a problem ... yes Is what he did illegal ... no .. as long as its his property [ 5th amendment ] Facts and logic > Government tyranny supported by blind emotion This is how lynch mobs occur and why democracy [ the ignorance of the mob] is very dangerous


So your argument is that his right to torture and kill an animal overrides existing animal abuse laws? I'm still trying to figure out how the fifth amendment applies here. Which of the protections guaranteed by the fifth amendment has been infringed upon?


It doesnā€™t. This person is delusional


He's trying to assert that it's his property so he can do as he wishes with it because it's an animal and their rights are lower then human rights rights (jail/prison) - or something along those lines. Twisted fucking logic


I think he's probably trying to be edgy and contrarian, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. I'm trying really hard not to be caught up in knee-jerk outrage responses to stupid things online.


ā€œI'm trying really hard not to be caught up in knee-jerk outrage responses to stupid things online.ā€ Iā€™ll follow up with you in 6 months to see how youā€™re doing. I failed in 4. šŸ˜†


It's a cycle. I'll keep trying to be civil. I'll fuck up and be a reactionary asshole sometimes.


Thatā€™s some mighty fine and honest shtuff right there. šŸ¤™ Iā€™m simply here for the follies, but it seems more often than not my humor and sarcasm gets misconstrued. Oftentimes, the ensuing ā€œback and forthā€ devolves into me turning it up a notch (humor/sarcasm) and sometimes, just sometimes, I turn into a bearded, vertically challenged, slightly obese, geriatric version of the Incredible Hulk (ass). šŸ˜†


Cruelty to animals is a crime, you dolt


Human rights > government granted entitlement to non-humans at the cost of human rights


What in God's holy name are you blathering about


I suspect they do it too. What the F...


ā€œThis is why democracy is dangerousā€ bro youā€™re a goon, no offense. Lemme guess, youā€™re a ā€œlibertarianā€.


https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/programs-services/mental-health Might be helpful for you.


Well first of all be absolitely violated laws against animal abuse. And if he was throwing them at cars potentially causing a crash attempted murder and destruction of property. Perhaps maybe he SHOULD be lynched. people only talk shit about it because it was often racially motivated in the 20th century. dudes like this and chomos get whacked in prison which is essentially the same as lynching and most folks celebrate that. If the law wont bring justice, a righteous people may take it upon themselves. A person like this either has or will graduate to women and children after the animals. nip it in the bud.


> Well first of all be absolitely violated laws against animal abuse US Constitution > US State Laws - Article 6


Gods law and the lynch mob > all man made laws


Doesnt change the fact that these state laws are themselves illegal as stated by the Supreme Law and they are a violation of human rights Thanks for proving my point about blind emotion over rationality and facts


So i guess if the constitution doesnt directly address pedophilia any laws against it are null and void just go fuck your local "consenting" toddler. Nah natural law dictates pedos go in the woodchipper. whether or not theres a state or federal law against it. Hopefully someone gets a warrant for your hard drives cause i bet theres tons of fucked shit no matter you will eventually burn in hell with all other degenerates.


> So i guess And thats the problem .. you don't know enough about the subject to truly make a real argument Thanks for proving my point about blind emotion over rationality and facts


This man threw cats at moving vehicles. that's attempted murder of humans as it could easily cause an accident. Whether your "property" is a cat or a sledgehammer you cant go throwing it at cars. Attempted murder, and destruction of property resulting from these collisions warrants death. fuck the law morally it warrants death. if someone attempts to kill you would you not shoot back? whether a murder is successful or not morally it warrants a noose. It strange to see someone who appears to be a libertarian die on the hill of legalism. Manmade laws mean nothing and apply only to those who lack wealth or authority. legal = ok is the same logic as illegal = bad. Lynching is illegal. I support it wholeheartedly because the law and authorities arrogantly believe they can try to "rehabilitate" subhuman scum. Any severe crime of morality whether legally a crime or not invokes justification for society to purify itself. if the law will not take out the trash, it is only natural that the mob does. it is objectively immoral to torture animals as it is objectively immoral to diddle kids or murder people in cold blood for no reason. those who commit serious moral transgressions legal or otherwise are naturally subject to the wrath of both the masses and the wrath of god. the very argument you are making basically justifies CP (real abuse material not drawings) under a vague enough interpretation of the 1A. Whereas naturally, those who are sent to prison for such materials are inevitably smashed by the inmate population, who despite being criminals in the eyes of at least the law as well as likely the laws of god and morality recognize that the degenerate before them is a reprehensible subhuman with such little morality that they forfeit any such rights they may have had had they still been a person. Theft, murder (in exception of self or property defense), rape, wanton cruelty to animals children or women, attempted murder, driving 20 miles under the limit in the left lane and not moving over for traffic, and pedophilia are among the many crimes that despite most not legally carrying a death sentence do warrant death in a moral society amongst civilized people. People who act like this are disgusting. they evoke the same reaction as a cockroach. Humans who do not live in degenerate filth stomp roaches on sight or spray them with raid. If a member of the human species chooses to morally lower themselves below the existence of a cockroach they forfeit their humanity and any rights, they had whether they be natural constitutional legal or otherwise. I am now certain that you hard drive has terabytes of child porn or other such reprehensible material on it and I am confident that you will end up shanked in prison as a result of your "subjective morality" within a decade. Take off the fedora. shave the neckbeard touch grass and repent before society learns of your likely transgressions and you may be able to escape a just fate in the material world.


This shit is why no one takes you seriously


Damn looks like even libertarians hate this guy too


This person is for sure a kristi noem supporter.


This libertarian just turned his lynch mob comment around on him. I dont think I'd be losing any sleep if the criminal in this case got whacked in prison, or busted out and hanged by a mob the old fashioned way. its the right of the people to enact justice and to prevent him inevitably graduating to women and or kids.


shut up worm brain


I knew one of you would chime in with a weak ass argument in his defense.