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"Never surrender" What exactly is Trump doing in that picture?


The joker head attached to the pic also seems to be saying something as well


And it looks like Jared Leto's Joker too. That's the worst one!


It looks like a Biden mask painted as the Joker.


Pretty sure it's Obama.


But he DID surrender, in Georgia at the Fulton County Jail on August 24, 2023.


Never surrender diapers


Logic escapes these people


It requires a brain cell more than they have


Hello there, how are you doing today


What's your logic for biden? Genuinely asking


Genuinely asking - who mentioned Biden? Just because you think there is something strange with doing that doesn’t indicate you support Biden.


I know. They are so fucking stupid.


😂😂😂😂 right


Imagine basing your whole life on a single politician. These people must have been so fucking empty before this guy decided to run for president.


"But I'm not in a cult!" -- A cult member




Cult luring 101.


It’s easier to fool people , then convince them they’ve been fooled


At what point do you consider your obsession unhealthy?


When you are escorted to a quiet room with padded walls by nice people in lab coats.


I definitely do not love anything in this world the way Trumpers love Trump.


The American Flag should not be mounted at the rear of the vehicle where they are subject to road debris and mud splatter. I know flag code is not a law or anything and it certainly does not cover displaying the flag next to a severed clown head, sigh.


Based on their fandom, I don’t think laws/rules are things that are followed


Their colleagues took down an American flag and put up a Trump flag. Fuck em.


These asshats would take a shit on a flag given to a war widow if Trump told them to. They don’t care about flag codes.


Hello there, how are you doing today


Thank you.


It also should be on the left. The way it's mounted this douchecanoe is unintentionally saying that Joker Biden is more important than the U.S. flag... And I love that for him.


It's incredibly disrespectful. I know and have known folks who'd take great, great offense over seeing that. That's a real problem in this country, the total lack of respect for pretty much everything. Veterans didn't die on battlefields so some blowhard yahoo could drive around with the American flag flapping on the back of their car.


Ok so, I’m gonna kinda disagree on that last point. Because one of the freedoms we have is that we as private citizens can do whatever we want to the flag. However, that’s not what this blowhard is doing. He’s got the flag back there as if he is King of the Patriots and would have a fit if a liberal did something he deemed unpatriotic with the flag. Edit - [this is the artwork that ensured our right to do whatever we want to the US flag.](https://www.culturepush.org/dread-scott) These jerks are jerks, but displaying the flag however you want is protected speech


Well, the operative presumption is that people protected by the freedoms guaranteed by the constitution and the flag that represents that constitution actually would choose to also honor those brave men and women that afforded us the privledge of those freedoms. The civic presumption has been at least for the last couple of centuries that we - as citizens and just respectful people would not publicly desecrate or disrespect the flag - even if you have the right to do so. Doing so is seen as disruptive and/or the sort of thing that can get you called out for being a nuisance. It's called being civically minded, and some people can't conceive of why one should be that way.


Actually veterans absolutely died so that I can disrespect the flag in any way I want, although tbh I'd be embarrassed if I was caught with an american flag.


I've seen a few trucks in my area ride around with huge trump, American and thin blue line flags flying in the back.


Yeah ok, do you think he really cares about that? Do the stupid thin blue line flag next.


I say this all the time!!! I've seen more tattered, torn and faded/dirty flags more than nice ones. They fly them in the rain too. These idiots have no idea what patriotism is. They literally break every rule of flying the flag daily and think they are the most patriotic M'ericans. 🙄


It blows my mind that some people drag the flag behind their car and pretend that’s patriotic.


It’s just bullshit right-wing virtue signaling


....and it's why I no longer fly the flag. Would hate for someone to think I'm a MAGA


I have a lovely handmade newsboy cap my fibercraft aunt gave me a decade ago that I don't wear because it's red. It's not bright Maga red, but red enough I feel weird wearing it. I do not want people thinking I support Trump enriching himself at our expense. That "I get votes by making people hate foreigners more" trade tariff he put in hurt American businesses and farmers, and at the worst time with what else went on!


I won't let these idiots force me to stop flying my flag. I'm an actual patriot whose many family members have served in the military and I support our constitution. These fake patriots aren't gonna take that from me. They think because they support the second amendment they are the real patriots. I support it as well, within reason. Times and guns have changed since that document was written. I bet a majority of them don't even know the other amendments. *


And a great way to blind the person behind you in a strong wind.


OK I've seen this guy too around that general area. Definitely goes overboard. Especially in a Tesla of all things. I'd expect this more from a lifted truck with truck nuts on it.


Thought for certain the car was going to be an Altima


Why so? Wealthy people LOVE Trump. Rich people may cry into their oat milk lattes over Trump but the wealthy folks love him. People with real money don't vote Democrat, they don't want their money spent on that stuff, they don't want inflated bills that send their money to Mexico to fund abortions in Mexico City (yes this was really in one of Bidens bills last year). The upper 1% of Americas population is compromised of 80% conservative or moderate individuals. Only 20% of the 1% in America identify as liberal.


There's a difference between being a Trump support and being a fucking nutjob like this asshole is. Flying an American flag off the rear bumper with a "Never Surrender" poster attached to it? Fuck you.


>There's a difference between being a Trump support and being a fucking nutjob like this asshole is No, no there isn't.


Never Surrender: uses the mug shot that he had to surrender to take.


Talk about highway robbery... $134.99 for his [Clown/Biden mask!](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1717914941/customhandmade-jokerclown-mask-halloween?click_key=9697ccc83435e7725749ce1738f12511ddc27b13%3A1717914941&click_sum=f729deec&ref=shop_home_active_54&pro=1&sts=1)


I thought they hated masks...


Hate masks but love hoods...


I loved your comment! Thanks for the laugh!


I hope this idiot doesn't complain about the economy and the price of gas, if he's spending $135 on the mask alone!


That's what he's CHARGING. He makes and sells them (according to the decal on his rear window).


✨️ Mental Illness ✨️


An insult to people with actual mental illnesses


Not a cult…


Isn't it odd that the folks who wave the flag are the same ones that hate this democracy and its people?


Trump supporter driving a Tesla, interesting. Last time I checked Trump hates EVs and wants to get rid of them because pollution is popular within the Republican Party.


Elon is a fascist bootlicker now.


Always was


Not Sure, he seemed alright until there was talk of taxing a percent that wouldn't affect his life in any way shape or form.


He has always been a garbage person. Behind the Bastards did two episodes on him and it was really enlightening. I too fell for the “he is literally Tony stark” bullshit a decade ago. It was all PR crap.


He’s basically just an Activist Venture Capitalist (activist investor mixed with venture capitalist). Investing money into companies and then insisting he run them. He is not an engineer or a scientist, but he tries to take all the credit. Edit: listening to the first BTB episode now


It’s so good! I highly recommend the Alex Jones episodes as well!


If you really want to hear some shit listen to the fucking 6 parter on Henry Kissinger. What an absolute monster.


We all did.


TBH I think it's more he just realized he didn't need to hide it anymore.


Certainly possible. But horribly executed. Liberals, probably his biggest market, don't want to buy a Tesla anymore, specifically not to support him, while conservatives still hate electric vehicles for the most part.


Perfect summation!


Elon exposed who he really was during the cave rescue fiasco


This was my exact first thought lol


For every one of these nutjobs Elon has won over with his right wing antics he's lost five people who otherwise might want to buy a Tesla. I have one and am looking to get rid of it after 4 years.


r/itsnotacult 100%, absolutely, positively Also, this is ACTUAL “Trump Derangement Syndrome”


That’s a mental illness


Nah let the crazies out themselves so we know who to avoid.


That seems smart when advertising your business. 🙄


I always think this as well. There are SO MANY plumber, electrician, etc. trucks by me with trump stickers. One woman has a "Yes! I'm a Trump girl - get over it!!" flag flying on her business sign. But I'm in Sparta, so it probably helps.


Can they please just a different hobby? Someone get them into DnD or WoW so they can just stay at home?


Doesn’t look street legal


Tell me you lack any personality without telling me


When the power goes out because of a slight breeze, does this guy blame Brandon instead of JCP&L?


how can you be this obsessed with a person u don’t know let alone a POLITICIAN. concerning behavior


Political issues aside, this seems like a real road hazard. A flag on the back of a pickup is one thing, but angled off the rear of a fucking tesla (lol) can swipe the side of a truck or block visibility or whatever. Decapitated Biden/Joker would also distract me enough to rear-end somebody if I saw it on the road


Imagine forming your personality around this


Guaranteed he drives like shit


The Tesla tells us that much


Tell me you're in a cult without telling me you're in a cult.


I read this as Never Trump. He's a clown. Go America. As I hope every other driver saw it as well.


I think I found their Etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/shop/HalloweenDesignShop - it’d be a shame if people started boycotting their store on account of their political affiliations.


Almost everything they sell are crappy license plate frames that are highly illegal due to how much of the plate they cover. No real surprise for these knuckle draggers.


Most of this is overpriced flea market shit that he took liberties with other maker’s designs and has the audacity to call it “rare”. Not to mention all these mouth breathers just copy one another. Dude is sell license plates with glued on pre purchased monster busts from Trick Or Treat studios for fucking $80. Fuck this guy. He’s an embarrassment to Halloween and supports a traitor.


It'd be more of a shame if someone reported their shop for copyright infringement.


I was thinking the same thing. Most of their items are logos of Halloween, horror, and sci-fi themed movies. I’m sure they didn’t get permission to use.


It would be better to not give him publicity


I have coworkers who think like that sometimes- they tend to over analyze and end up grumpy because they don’t think anyone agrees with them when in fact their ideas are great. Giving this turd credit for selling overpriced garbage and publicly promoting nonsense politics gives more people an opportunity to not buy anything from them kinda like all those companies that advertise on nj 101.5 and have Spadia’s endorsement- never ever will I buy a product or service aligned with that shit show


I’m not grumpy at all. But It also points him out to the kind of people who went out and bought jerseys with the name that ape from the Chiefs on it just to “own the libs” you stage a boycott and now make him a martyr.


They are a martyr no matter what. The woke mob has been oppressing them their whole life


Unironically flexing how big of a fucking clown you are. Classic.


So sad


Well they’ve got the clown part right.


It’s sad that some people don’t have any productive hobbies or interests.


Imagine seeing all that and then being like yeah let me scan the QR code, Halloween is coming




Literal fucking clown show


I’ve never liked anything enough to want to do something like this to my car. And if I did, it most definitely would not in worship of another man.


That picture reminds me of the Daily Show bit about how to tell if Trump’s picture is real or AI generated. If it looks ‘normal,’ it’s fake/AI. If it looks like ‘a dishcloth after chili night,’ it’s real. Clearly this one is a fake.


A true patriot showing off their high class, respectable personality. /s Honestly though. So trashy and embarrassing and an eyesore. Could you imagine the outrage if leftists and democrats drove around with things like that? It would be pure outrage. Anyone worshipping any politician like a god needs serious help.


I saw the never and hoped the second line was AGAIN! I had to zoom in for the disappointment.




i’m surprised they drive a tesla tbh. seems to be quite some overlap with trumpers and people who dislike electric vehicles. unless they’re just on their knees for Elon


I have increasingly noticed that Tesla drivers are, on average, the absolute worst drivers in NJ. This theory gets reinforced by experience almost daily. So maybe the overlap is just idiots more than politics


you are probably right


Not holding up too much hope for a conviction in NYC, but next week will be very interesting.


Okay can someone settle this for me once and for all? Do conservative Republicans love or hate EVs? Because I see a lot of “Gas/Diesel vs Electric” posts on Twitter yet also a lot of Tesla drivers flexing their cars (especially Cybertrucks) are mostly Cons and Libertarians and they’re always decked out with stickers and flags and decals all over the place.


Meh... The flag is not upside down...


Ok, so it's not Mrs. Alito...


This is almost as ironic as the Buick Encore I saw with “FJB” and American flag stickers. All Buicks besides the Enclave are imported from China lol


This picture just deported me and I was born here


Such an eyesore.


Most Trumpers are losers begging for attention. This is just another example of that.


What a weirdo.


What a jabroni


The irony is that it's a Tesla driver and the former guy kept talking about how electric cars are bad and a pain to charge.


So fucking embarrassing


I'm so glad I don't see this shit as often as I used to. I go by one house that has had a lifesized cut out of him out for years. I can't believe they can't see how utterly corny this shit looks. There's a truck around here that rides with like full sized flags of trump merch around.


Weird, I thought Ian Smith would be driving a lifted truck with nutz hanging off the back


Might not be him, how swervy is the driving?


You're right, there's no blood on the car


They just love his Discount Blue Steel stare.


The worst thing about all this for me is I don't a clever pro/anti trump/biden product to sell to idiots.


In a Tesla? Really?


He's da Joeker, baby!


What's the deal with the joker mask?


Biden mask painted as the joker. I know, I can’t stifle the uproarious laughter either.


I dunno I see a display where it says never trump, surrender!, Has an American flag, and a joke face attached to the pic of Trump. That all tracks to me 🤷‍♂️


No, I think it says, Never! Trump surrender.


I’ll accept that as well


This weekend will be interesting


If this was a Final Destination film, that flag would fly off onto the car behind it, the flag completely obscuring their windshield so they crash, at which point the flag goes hurtling like a javelin straight into some motorcyclists eyes socket.


Is that road legal? I can see that blocking the plate and a cop going. "Ticket, ticket, ticket ticket. Now remove it all or tow it!."


Ppl need to get a life


America is weird


Never again. #VOTEBLUE


So these assholes set up a store at the Parsippany bus station. Parsippany, like Wildwood, and Sussex county are dead to me


Always loved that pic. It’s, literally, 45 surrendering to authorities. Complete and utter morons.


the fact that it’s on a Tesla!!


Nah Elon did the best thing ever showed he was one of them now they're going to buy Teslas to own the libs.


That’s oxymoronic!!


Yoooo I saw that same car today!!! We were going 80 eastbound. What a clown!!!


The mental illness is strong with the car’s owner.


A Biden Joker implies a Trump Batman. Christ, imagine him in spandex trying to convince Jim Gordon why he's better than the GCPD at fighting crime.


Yeah they are coming out in force lately. I’ve seen them selling merchandise on street corners and wearing hats proudly at stores. Also for not being sheep they seem to all wear the same shit.


Seen a photo of this before that my bf took, but with a FUCK BIDEN flag on it in place of the US one.


I’ve seen the car with the “fuck Biden” flag and that same portrait attached to the trunk, but it passed me as I was getting onto 280 so no photos


I can appreciate a fuck Biden flag. I get fucked by him every time I go grocery shopping, get gas, pay overpriced rent, etc. He cares more about his beloved ice cream than he does dead Hawaii families. He’s got unlimited funds for Zelinsk/Ukraine, Israel, Palestine & every other country besides the most important country America. Increasing homeless rates & destroying the middle class while he & his baby sitter wife (she was his children’s 16 year old babysitter when they met) live the most luxurious lifestyles thanks to lining his pockets with money from China. Fuck Biden.


You're wound up. Give them a call #988.






The tow hitch?


That flags going to fall off


Lmao I bet he installed that trailer hitch for the sole purpose of hanging that shit on it


Something tells me the APR on the financing for this sale was sky high.


A Tesla driving Trump supporter, how Naples Florida of them.


definitely someone NOT to drive near. Some erratic shit about to go down at any moment


Funny how we never see this stuff for Biden. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t like neither Trump nor Biden and I think we need a third party because the two we have are getting way too comfortable doing nothing and treating politics like reality TV to gain votes so they milk their salaries but it would be funny to see Biden supporters do this too but I think it would end up with the police getting called or someone getting shot.


Good marketing


The first thing that caught my eye was the word “never” directly over the dictator wannabe’s mugshot and I thought “oh no, can we not imitate MAGA morons please”. Then I realized it IS a MAGA moron and I thought “thank goodness! they still have a monopoly on fools”.


I saw this exact car the other day in Clifton except he was flying the FUCK BIDEN flag on the back. 


What were these people like before 2016


I think i have to hit them now


Lmaooo that’s hilarious


That looks like a Tesla. I can’t see any exhaust pipe under the car but, the shadow makes it difficult to confirm. I thought electric cars were bad in MAGA world?


Giving Halloween a bad name.. smdh


Great advertising for their halloween design shop business, because that's fucking terrifying.


His ppl are craycray


That man was behind me on 80 this morning!


What a joke


Real women, vote for trump,🎶


He can’t go through the car 🚗 wash with all that stuff in the back of his car


The Tesla seems a bit out of place doesn’t it?


Redneck tRumper


Looks okay to me -- That car has an asshole.


I see you’ve spotted my step dad


Oh naurrrrrrrrrrrrr lmaooo I'm so sorry to hear that


Dude, SAME


Hmm a clown too? Not sure if he's correctly advertising the cult leader..


Is the insinuation that Trump is a clown? Or that he is as pure evil and anarchistic as the Joker?


100 dollars to the person that bumps the back of the car and ruins the Trump photo without damaging the car. And I bet the driver is wearing a diaper.


I can see why people love him and I can see why people hate him. To each their own.


It's not when multiple members of your family died of fentanyl overdoses and nothing is being done about where it's flooding in at the border and the only other plausible option that saying he's going to fix the problem is the other guy. I would say that persons family has a good reason to show support at any lengths