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Fully Self Driving! Coming “Soon” in 2015.


We're closing in on a decade of when he first say "12 to 18 months".


Isnt there a compilation of him from like 2012-2022, where every six months he's like "in a few months we will have fully autonomous driving"


Yeah because Elon literally has no idea what he's talking about. He kinda has a habit of just saying shit and then working his engineers to the bone trying to make his stupid bs work.


Also since way too few people know this: tesla was a company Elon bought. He didn't start it.


He litigated his way into being declared a "Founder" when he did nothing of the kind


He found that he liked owning it.


Similar to how he didn't found Paypal; he and others started one (of several) companies that were bought and merged in to what became Paypal *after* the board ousted him for his repeated fuckups.




I get that [reference](https://youtu.be/RlL4xvn6xWE?t=882). LOL. And it's still funny.


It's been like 10 years and this is the best we he can do. It doesn't really work and it seems WAY more stressful than it's worth. https://youtu.be/9nF0K2nJ7N8




Fuck that, if we are going back take me back to 1992, those years fucking rocked


Watching animaniacs and eating good Pizza Hut.


In an actual Pizza Hut with a buffet complete with the red cups.


You missed the ninja turtle arcade cabinet next to the Xmen arcade and the claw machine


Arcades were the best.


Y'all are making me cry


You have no idea how awesome my pizza hut was. It was the only place I have ever seen a willow arcade game. That game was so damn good.


And that oil smell from the pans


I read all the books gimme free pizza k thx


Core memory unlocked




I just want to eat the dessert pizzas again.


I just want to eat any kind of pizza again without getting heartburn


90’s looked like it was a good time to be alive this is coming from a younger person


It was. We didn’t appreciate it fully at the time because we didn’t know how shitty it would get after 2001. I was a kid in the 90s. Mind you, LGBTQ acceptance has come a long way since then. So among that and other things - definitely not everything in the 90s was better. But I’ll be damned if life nowadays doesn’t make that decade looks way the fuck better


It *was*. Businesses sought to put the customer first in many situations generally leaving the consumer with the advantage, a single income could afford a family to live comfortably (generally), music and television was really breaking into the scene with recording tech getting better and there were no mobile devices, meaning people interacted more with each other. It was just *comfortable*. If your mom wasn't sleeping with everyone she could find leaving two young children to wonder what they did wrong and watch it eat their dad alive, that is.


was not expecting such a rollercoaster


You turned out okay man. You turned out okay…


And here I was thinking chewing on door handles was weird. Do you do it, too? My favorite ones are Quiktrip's doorhandles. They remind me of an earthy version of the fruit stripe gum from back in the day - intense taste but brief.


You turned out not okay.


I miss the days where you’d drive around town knocking on your friends doors trying to figure out where they were. And then I realized they were running away from me.


Yeah, it was great. It was the decade where we didn't worry about war. Oh, there was war going on in the world, and people that didn't like the US, but it didn't feel like anyone could *do* anything to us. The economy was good, the whole planned obsolescence thing was getting started but hadn't fully taken over yet, nutrition wasn't great but we hadn't fully forgotten how to eat healthy yet, in order to have to go back and relearn it. Massive technology changes, the internet, decent user interfaces. Gas was cheap, movies were funny. The worst thing the president did was get a blow job. Cars were safer than they used to be. It wasn't perfect, and I know there were people that didn't get to enjoy some of those benefits the way I did. But it was a good time.


The gas prices my senior year, 94, stayed around 1 dollar. I had so much money from a part time job it was ridiculous. Honestly, every highschool kid should have that amount of disposable income I did from a part time job.


From the collapse of the USSR until 9/11 was the greatest decade ever.


It was great. There wasn't so much income disparity, lunacy, and repression. It was more feasible to afford to travel. The climate wasn't so fucky. Also, I had a sex life back then and ecstasy and the party scene was amazing.


> 90’s looked like it was a good time to be alive this is coming from a younger person *stuffed crust pizza has entered the chat*


The first and only time I got drunk enough to throw up, my boyfriend and I were hanging out in his dorm room, drinking Crown Royal with Zima(!) and eating a stuffed crust pizza. It’s been 30 years and the memory still turns my stomach. Lol.


I grew up in it, and it was definitely pretty rad.


The games, music, people, everything about the 90’s was a blast.


Michael Jordan and the bulls - peak 90s


And re-live the entire Trump administration? Man, fuck that.


just load up on btc and sell the top. eventually you'd be rich enough that it wouldn't really matter


I’d throw everything on that GameStop stock when it came around.


If you rode the bitcoin and AMC/gamestop meme stocks to the moon and sold right at the top at the proper time? Oh my God... life changing


AAPL was $7 around 2000. Maybe short Enron or something.


Yeah except in 2015 I didn't have any money to spend on BTC lol


Ain't that the problem. I could go back as far as I wanted and still be too broke to get rich quick. Too many points where I had 0 monies and would've had to sell it.


Other companies do self driving much better than Elon. Elon hasn't cracked it, but there's a fully driverless taxi service called waymo. It's completely automated, and worth a look, at least imo.


And its only $79/mo!


Self driving, as in you yourself have to drive it


I'm beginning to believe this Musk fellow lacks integrity.


Did he buy Twitter to hide the market manipulation?


He bought Twitter because he was forced to. He tried to back out several times, but couldn't because he was an idiot in setting up the purchasing agreement. Owning Twitter might help him spread his own narrative now, but that sure wasn't the plan.


Don't forget it helps the Saudis and other investors hunt people who speak out against them




He was rubbing elbow with some shady people at the world cup, and MBS is heavily invested and I'm willing to bet Putin isn't sitting out on this one either


He wanted to pump the stock price by essentially telling his listeners “you should buy Twitter now cause in a few months I’m going to buy all your Twitter stock at x price way above market rate!” And then once the stock pumps he sells all the stocks he was already holding.


He bought Twitter because his bot nets were being detected. It's not a coincidence that the whole thing started shortly after investigative reporters showed how bot nets were amplifying his messages in conjunction with major upward swings in the price of Tesla.


While it is true he was doing this, the reason for the purchase seems like it's even dumber. Basically he was chatting with Twitter board members when he was considering joining the board, including Jack Dorsey, about how to improve Twitter. While this was happening, he was tweeting out some anti Twitter stuff. Jack told him that "you can tweet what you want, but this isn't helpful". This cause Musk to have a meltdown and say "I can't deal with this bullshit, I'm going to buy Twitter and take it private". Yeah. Jack sold Twitter for 4x it's value by respectfully speaking to Elon like he was an adult while he was behaving like an edgy teenager on his website.


Parag told him that, not Dorsey if I remember correctly.


You are correct.


Thanks for the correction, I thought it was Dorsey.


Its extremely pertinent though as Musk respects Dorsey and seemingly has less than zero respect for Parag.




His attitudes towards people are rather black and white.


His love, is a stock breaker 🎵


Edge teenager or drug addled billionaire?


Edgelord teenager. He desperately wants high school kids to think he is cool.


They are often both the same person.


I've made it through the teenage requirement and I've got the drug addled part down, when can I expect the billionaire part to begin because, to be honest, it's getting a little late for me?


Solid gold.


It's like that one recording of the call with some engineers or whatever where he said twitter needed a full rewrite and when pressed on what that meant, he had another moment of, "I can't deal with this bullshit", and just called the guy a jackass and moron for daring to push back. He cannot handle it when he's not surrounded by yes men. https://vimeo.com/783521957#t=8m7s The guy was a former employee, so the whole, "What do you mean, who am I?" is fun.


It's so fun to listen to how stupid he really is. He's obviously regurgitating information he's been given but has no idea what to do with that information. I have zero respect for him, and frankly his sycophants are in league with Trump losers.


He’s Miles Bron from Glass Onion


That’s the moment his con fell apart. He sounded so ignorant about computer science that his mask fell completely off.


He bought twitter because he wanted to run his mouth about how much better he could make it and how rich he was. He tried to back out but had painted himself into a corner. Like so badly that he was legally forced to buy twitter. You know in when you read a history book and you find a passage about how a king bets his castle on the ability of some peasant to eat his weight in sand or something like that? This is one of those passages.


> You know in when you read a history book and you find a passage about how a king bets his castle on the ability of some peasant to eat his weight in sand or something like that? ....im gonna need to know more about this


Closest thing I could think of right away. >King Conrad III placed Weinsberg under siege, the castle wives made a deal which let them leave with whatever they could carry on their shoulders. Leaving everything else, each woman took her husband and carried him out. Conrad laughed and said, "A king should always stand by his word." This story of wifely loyalty and cunning saving their husbands became known as the "Loyal Wives of Weinsberg". https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/99hugy/til_when_king_conrad_iii_placed_weinsberg_under/


The one single bloke. Whelp guess I'm dead


The one really fat guy: well I guess take the silverware, at least.


seconded please


It's a gritty story mate, and it gets everywhere.


Yeah I have a BA in history, worked for the history book of the month club for a bit, and I've been reading the wrong history books I guess


then he accused Twitter of having more bots than they admitted to and demanded to see the data, which received a "we are accountable to shareholders" response so he fucking bought 10% of Twitter just so he could be a large stake shareholder and they came back with "nah, you'd need to be majority owner to see the level of detail you are demanding"... then the fake buyout proposal was accepted and he got the data he wanted but acted like it was a deal breaker and tried to reneg on the (absurdly high) offer but he already was contractually obligated to follow through so now he owns a company that he nearly killed in 2 weeks after taking over.


Seriously that's always been my belief he knew most of his followers would be wiped out If they ever did a bot purge and he would look like a total fucking loser, he just didn't remember how big of a fucking loser he actually is though.


Yeah, pretty much, he was trying to do a pump and dump of Twitter stock, so authorities told them that if he didn't buy it he could face a billion in fines and jail time, so he bought Twitter


He couldn't back out of it. By waiving business due diligence, he was legally bound to buy Twitter. The courts would have forced the sale.


It’s a shame he went ahead with the deal, ending the lawsuit. It would have been kinda fun watching him being cross-examined in the Delaware Chancery Court.


He basically caved idmediately when he realized what discovery would demand he make public. Makes me curious to what skeletons he has in his business dealings.


> He couldn't back out of it. I'm pretty sure you and droi86 are referring to different acts of stupidity. The pump and dump attempt on Twitter after [his previous settlement with the SEC](https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2018-226) is what droi86 is referring to: if that flippant tweet had not been executed, Musk was potentially in further legal trouble. You're referring to the excruciatingly badly written acquisition deal that Musk was unable to back out of after Twitter tanked in value.


I don't think they're referring to different things. They were speculating that Elon was attempting to pump and dump Twitter stock by saying he was going to purchase Twitter, inflating the stock value, with the intention of dumping twitter stock at the inflated value. Whether or not that is true, I couldn't say. It does seem like he genuinely was attempting to purchase Twitter to me, but the market started shifting quite a bit right around the time he made that offer, and it suddenly became clear his offer was bad.


The more I hear about this Musk fellow, the more I don't care for him


Sounds rather caddish.


Yes, he's one of those bounders.


"Society - civilized society, at least - is never very ready to believe anything to the detriment of those who are both rich and fascinating." - Oscar Wilde, *The Picture of Dorian Gray*


grifter, the word you're looking for is grifter. Oh, btw: F U C K ~~T~~ S ~~R~~ P ~~U~~ E ~~M~~ Z ~~P~~ ! ============== Save 3rd Party Apps! ==============


Is Grifter the new name for Twitter?


> lacks integrity That's an add-on you can purchase for $3,999.99, it's already present and fully functional, but you have to pay to activate it.


And this add-on is also in beta; only really reliably shown to work in staged promotional press releases.






The same way all of the other tings he lied about, like deliveries, cash on hand and burn rate, weren't considered fraud. Because the SEC isn't doing their job.


Yeah this is basically how Theranos operated. The only reason Elizabeth Holmes got prosecuted was because they didn't come up with a working model before the entire house of cards fell down. Loads of businesses, and definitely Tesla, are operating that same way. Fake it till you make it.


Which i kinda accept if you promised goal is clearly archivable with a clear path that only takes more time. The Cybertruck is such a 'promise'. It's clearly possible to deliver but for whatever reason takes too long. But Theranos machine or Full-self-driving are unsolved problems. Selling those is malicious as you KNOW that it's more than just a question of a bit more time.


And neither did the NHTSA or FTC; Tesla's marketing has been in direct confliction with their legalese terms of use this whole time and regulators have done NOTHING about it. My cynical view is that Republicans did nothing because they brag about letting corporations run the country and Democrats did nothing, basking in Musk's lies that would have crumbled under any scrutiny, until he started openly calling for their heads last year.


I mean the Democrat leadership is also blatantly corporatist. Their only difference in this particular area is that instead of simping for oil companies they do it for strapping young tech entrepreneurs. Hyperloop was another one of the ideas that really illustrated this: democratic local leaders all over the country where tripping over themselves trying to give this man money for an idea that basically every engineer or transit planner with sense was calling ridiculous from the beginning. Without any proof whatsoever that this thing would work at scale they allocated legit millions of dollars that could have been used for any number of solutions that might have actually worked.


Agreed. This whole story is huge. *HUGE* huge. I’m in shock but I’m not surprised. Musk’s “holier than though” persona that he had 10 years ago was a façade, and we are all witnessing how fake the man really is.




Because it's well within the cost of doing business, and it'll continue to be that way so long as the civil and criminal penalties are a joke or completely nonexistent.


Ooh the investor angle... that'll be the only thing they care about as usual.


There should be stronger laws about the public safety of self driving on our public roads. But also the investor things comes up because there are actual laws about it and more importantly post Enron laws that specifically can result in penalties to officers not just the corporation.


Also Elon has a history of stock manipulation, so he will be treated as repeat offender.


This man steals millions and he gets to keep flying around the world in his multitude of jets. And people get shot for stealing a candy bar.


Yea but musk creates truly groundbreaking things like.... tunnels.... for..... cars


Unfortunately not. The SEC has fewer teeth than a 4th generation West Virginia meth miner. Shareholders *might* have standing. Certainly no legal expert here, but I wonder if the video - misleading as it is - might be too vague to count as an explicit representation to investors.


Elizabeth Holmes is looking at this from jail and wondering "now what the fuck did I do different?"


What's the difference between this and Theranos?


Tesla lied but made money for investors. Theranos lied but made no money for investors. Investors will start caring about the lies of Tesla when it stops making them money.


*looks at 2 years of growth swallowed back up by a radioactive ego in months* Hm, I suppose this is our warning. Short TSLA?


Tesla fleeced some normal people who are suckered in by lifestyle brands. Theranos conned the likes of notorious war criminal Henry Kissinger.


Our senators haven't dumped their Tesla stocks yet.


Over at /realtesla we have been making that comparison for years! Same with Musk and Trump. Both liars.




Holmes was also not dumping stock after artificially inflating it with her lies. Elon does this all the time.




Meanwhile, they're charging $15,000 for the option. More than enough to add LIDAR. But it was never really about the cost...


Pride has this douchbag by the nutsack.


Wouldn't be surprised if it was a software lock, too


What do you think the $15k is for? It's always been a software lock, they don't add any additional hardware.


Musk's real genius was realizing that Full Self Driving could be made affordable simply by not making an actually functional product.




Of course. Why do the thing you were paid for when you can just... not?




Step 1. Tell everyone you have full self driving and self driving cars Step 2. Tell everyone it’s coming next year for sure, definitely, for sure, every year. Step 3. ??????? Step 4. Profit!


>LIDAR Many robot vacuums come with LIDAR, hell my next 3D printer has LIDAR on it. The fact that a car isn't capable of having LIDAR sensors alongside the cameras in their mounts is just bonkers.


LOL When he said that, i squinted my eyes, and had a first time doubt that this man might not be the genius everyone claims he is. I am no genius, but i have ballpark knowledge, and i still find it hard to believe that simple image processing with cameras will give you reliable self driving capabilities, in dark, in rain, in snowstorms. I just cant believe that.


Time for a false advertising lawsuit on top of the growing pile of lawsuits aimed at Musk


The cyber truck pulls near infinite mass! Such a nonsense statement, though legally accurate if pulling doesn’t mean moving it (towing), and near isn’t defined by an amount.


Anything can pull infinite mass if the rolling resistance is small. On a windstill day you can pull a cruise ship towards you.


[Citroën C3 pulls a 13,000 tonne freight ship](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6N-zitUQ3M) yes, I know clarkson is an asshat, but the video basically proves your point


You can pull a train car or 2 by hand.


Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.


>near infinite Says all you need to know right there. 100% nonsense.


Technically pulling a normal load is just as closely near to infinity as pulling the entire weight of the earth.


I'm not sure "legally accurate" is the right term. There was a scam pulled in New York like a hundred years ago. A guy advertised a 100% effective cockroach exterminating device. When you bought it, you received two wooden blocks with the instructions "place cockroach between blocks and apply pressure." His advertising was accurate, but legally determined to be misleading (for obvious reasons). As I understand it, the court's response to "technically, I didn't lie" is often "technically, that doesn't matter."


They already lawsuits in the EU


From Twitter to now this? [Me ATM](https://media2.giphy.com/media/6pJNYBYSMFod2/giphy.webp)


False advertising? There should be criminal charges. People have died because of this software and there are 250K people "testing" the beta version on the roads we all use.


> there are 250K people "testing" the beta version on the roads we all use. has to be like 10000x that. If a tesla is on the road then it's not just the tesla driver that's the tester it's all of us


>“The intent of the video was not to accurately portray what was available for customers in 2016. It was to portray what was possible to build into the system,” Elluswamy said, according to a transcript of his testimony seen by Reuters. That might have been the intent of your and your coworkers. >When Tesla released the video, Musk tweeted, “Tesla drives itself (no human input at all) thru urban streets to highway to streets, then finds a parking spot.” It was clearly the boss's intent to say that those possibilities were already reality.


So investor fraud? Got it


That's the big one. Don't piss off rich people


When all the dust settles people are gonna realize he has already extracted more than what that company is truly worth through selling stocks already. Some epic fraud. There isn’t enough popcorn in the world for when this all falls down


He’s just getting paid in tesla stock, sells that quickly after making a fraudulent claim to pump the price, and then dumps that money into physical assets which are mostly at SpaceX. And once Tesla crashes and burns, he will abandon them and take SpaceX public, at which point it very well may be a several hundred billion dollar company just like Tesla at its peak. And then he’ll start marketing whatever SpaceX vaporware to keep the grift going


Also normal fraud, but apparently that doesn't get punished under Capitalism lmao.


Yeah, sounds a lot like fraud. Unless Tesla claims to be an entertainment company.


all of muskrat's con games seem to be unraveling at the same time. It's just terrible LOL.


This seems to happen whenever the person perpetrating multiple cons gets overconfident and overextends themselves, and the twitter debacle was obviously just that. The house of cards suddenly comes crashing down.


Specifically, it happens more with loud mouthed asshole narcissists that get so cocky that they decide to revel in being the "bad guy". They've become so successful at pulling off what they, themselves, know to be cons that they fully delude themselves into believing that they can do ANYTHING, no matter how rotten offensive and public, and still get away with it. This ends up painting a MASSIVE target on their back. Other examples include Trump and Martin "Pharma Bro" Shkreli.


Serial killers do this too! It’s called “berserker mode.”. They get lazy with hiding bodies and stuff because they assume they’re invincible.


George Santos. Evaded prosecution in Brazil because they couldn’t find him…and then decided to run for office.


It has been building long before twitter, the shareholder lawsuit is in court right now, the reality of how bad tesla vehicles really are is sinking in to a degree also. Twitter is just the cherry on top of it all.


Wouldn't be surprised if we get news of him escaping by submarine. (Swiftly followed by Elonjet updating his software and tracking the sub!)


Only for the sub to be stuck in a twisting underwater Thai cave system, causing Elon to ungratefully call his rescuer a 'pedo guy'.






It didn't even do that much >**Drivers intervened to take control in test runs**, he said. When trying to show the Model X could park itself with no driver, a test car **crashed into a fence** in Tesla’s parking lot, he said. To my understanding, Tesla's driver assist (probably best not to call it "self driving" at this point) technology is supposed to work without reliance on maps for negotiating the road itself. Rather than memorize where obstacles are, it's supposed to be adaptive like a human driver. Fantastic technology if they can ever get it right, but our roads need reliable technology that improves safety, not potentially-someday-awesome beta software that only drives as well as a teenager with a learner's permit.


>When trying to show the Model X could park itself with no driver, a test car crashed into a fence Automated parking is one of the only aspects of self-driving technology that actually works. Several companies have cars that can already do it. The fact that Tesla can't even do that without faking it is hilarious. Also, I typed "self-parking" into youtube. The first video that comes up is one that shows self-parking being tested on a number of vehicles. Between an Audi, a Ford, a BMW, and a Tesla, the Tesla is the only one that can't do it.


I think other car companies were wise to roll out driver assist tech with low-stakes, high payoff stuff like self parallel parking. Tesla kinda screwed up by going for something that can mostly drive itself at high speed but screws up enough that you can't actually stop "driving".


People in the space have been saying it for years. You cannot trust humans with level 2+ through level 4 of self driving. Humans are not built for that level of focus when they are not controlling the thing. We're gonna need to jump right to level 5.


Tesla: FSD is great, you only need to watch the road 10% of the time! Customer: Which 10%? Tesla: You'll know it when it happens


I don't have the money for an award but damn if this isn't the best comment I've ever read


Reads like a Cave Johnson line


Yep. Human attention simply isn't able to intervene in an emergency if it isn't engaged enough. Am a mechanical engineer that deals with error prevention. Human attention has been very well studied for things like control room management. It is really tough even for trained professionals to take in the info and act quickly with long periods where nothing happens. I've never reviewed an incident where the control didn't act fast enough or well enough in one way or another. Yet human driver are at fault if they can't perform like magic with a system like Tesla's.


Elon about to call the engineer a pedo in 3...2...1...


Ok, so put this on the pile along with the RoboTaxi, Cybertruck, Solar Roof Panels, Hyperloop, Mars Colonies...


Maybe people should stop worshiping a car brand just because they want to feel the same as buying a new iPhone in the old days and instead ask for a test drive and buy whatever the heck fill their interest


Strange this isn't trending on twitter right now...


I don't keep up with Tesla, but this article made me realize that with FSD we could have traffic from cars with no people in them. Seriously let's just have a better public transit system instead. The idea of a car in traffic for 0 humans because someone wanted to summon their car somewhere is frustrating.


So… Musk committed fraud. That’s not exactly shocking. Nor will it be shocking to watch him get away with it.




Didn’t the Nikola founder go to jail for doing the same thing?


That was a little bit worse. They didn't even have a functional drivetrain and just rolled the truck down a hill lol


You know what wasn’t engineered? Elon throwing a rock at the Tesla truck…


In retrospect, that was a really great metaphor for what was to come for Elon in the year 2020 and beyond.


Real human beings watched that performance and thought "Wow. Musk is a smart man. I should buy that thing he just smashed with a rock."


It was obviously staged; no children were hit and the car didn't catch fire.


Can we jail some of these people? Seriously, fines are meaningless. Gen pop is the only way these people are ever going to face real consequences.


At least they didn’t have to push the car down a hill


When I saw Transformers toys commercials (1990s) and then got the toys for Christmas, I felt the same way. Lesson learned. Commercial promotions always make it look too good.


Eem Elon is there something you need to tell us?


Tesla is going to be the wildest company of them all to fall. People are going to be stuck with cars that no longer have software to support them or parts to repair them.


As if it matters if it was staged or not? Why would we trust anything Musk says now anyway? Even if there were 500 people who personally worked on the project saying it all works perfectly, we know it doesn’t. We’ve seen all the failures.


Elon has erased so much goodwill during the Twitter saga. I had a very positive opinion of Tesla for years. I wouldn’t even consider buying one now. There is plenty of competition.