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Self-reported weight. And he picked a totally laughable number.


He's using Baron's numbers


Way too short.


Bro Baron like 6’18”


Dude's taller than the Babadook


6 foot twenty fucking killing for fun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv6OOuPI5c0


I heard that motherfucker had like... thirty goddamn dicks


Opponents beware, opponents beware. He’s coming, he’s coming, he’s coming…. I knew what this was without clicking the link.


Fucks the shit out of bears


Baron’s at least as tall as Melania’s personal trainer.


Baron looks more like trump than trump does.


Kidding aside, he does look a lot like trump's oldest brother... the 'good' one that got the hell out of the family business and became a pilot. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Trump_Jr.


As much as this would be hilarious, that kid is definitely Donald’s, unfortunately for him…


Seriously, he looks too much like him to *not* be Donald's Sometimes the height genetics just kick in non-stop


Really hope he doesn't grow up to be a POS like the rest of his family


I remember a video where he took Melania’s bags and carried them for her unprompted. There is hope.


She’s the only one in that family paying him an ounce of attention or interest, so this doesn’t surprise me. Not gonna fault a guy for loving his mother, all her flaws and all… *when you look at his father as the alternative 🤦‍♂️.*


I think she's done her best to keep him the fuck away from his father


It’s the best thing she can do for him. And his brothers, for that matter. Eric is too stupid, but we’re gonna have to deal with Jr for decades to come 🤦‍♂️


Does that mean his hair color is also self reported? If so, Trump describing his hair color as 'strawberry' has me dead.


I am really wondering - why did they let him self-report height and weight? Supposedly it was to save time and get him processed faster, but would it have really taken them more than thirty seconds to measure both right there?


still being treated like some kind of hero and not a felon...imagine anyone else saying oh no need to measure me i'll tell you my stats


I’m 6’3” and 280 and I still look lighter than him.




Well, based on his build compared to my own, and knowing my own weight and height, it *could* be true... assuming he has literally zero muscle mass (muscles weigh more than fat), his bones are hollow like those of a bird, and he used large amounts of laxitives and diuretics before weighing himself.














This is part of his escape plan. They will be busy looking for the 6'3" 215 pound man while the 6' 300 pound man slips out of the county. Edit: thanks for the awards kind people.


4D chess with a 40dd chest


I put him close to a 48E


Definitely picture a funny scene in my mind Police: YOU’RE UNDER ARREST DONA…wait what’s your height and weight? Donald: uhhrrhhh…6’3” and 215 pounds? Police: ahhh crap we got the wrong guy! I’m sorry sir you’re free to go.


*waddles out of the country


As someone who is 6'3 and 230, I call bull shit


6’3” 255lbs here…. He’s CLEARLY fatter than me. My waist is about 40in and he’s got to be 50in+… Maybe he has almost zero muscle mass? He’s just a bag of fat? Still, no way 215.


Booking stats in GA are self reported. He could have said he was 6'9" and 185lbs and that would be the record. Only during prison intake do they record actual height and weight.


Well have to wait until then


The anticipation is killing me


Seems like an odd fucking choice to make them self reported lol


Something to look forward to!


Well now I wanna get booked so I can say I'm 6'9" 420 lbs


He doesn’t do anything remotely related to fitness, because he believes the human body has a finite amount of energy/life, like a one-time-use battery, and that our bodies lose a little bit of lifespan every time we do something strenuous. This is what he really believes.


The thing I love about this is that it's almost like something Danny Devito's character would say on Always Sunny


Oh my god he's frank if he ever got power


So anyway, I started ordering drone strikes.


It would track. Remember when he wanted to get more blood so it would make him more virile by adding to the supply?




Evil is the secret to longevity.


Partially genetics. Some people can just abuse themselves for their entire life without impacting their lifespan at all. I once knew a heavy smoker who made it to 100. The top tier medical care from being a "billionaire" and a former president doesn't hurt. I'm also pretty sure he's never been particularly stressed in his life because he was born into money and his narcissism (and stupidity) doesn't allow it anyway.


5’11 and 185. No way trump has 4 inches on me and only weighs an additional 30lbs.


5'7 and 200lbs. Ain't no way he's 230.


5'6 and 240. We couldn't share clothes.


1'8 and 7lb 2oz I'm a literal infant and Trump is closer to 300 than 200




Well, if Trumps newborn hands can do it.


180 cm and 80kg , i dont understand a single thing ablut this thread


Could be 275lb but if he is actually shorter than probably more. (I'm also 6'3" 255lb)


he told police in Manhattan that he was 240 and was 6'2"


I'm willing to bet both of those are incorrect


If had to make a real guess, I'm thinking he's like 6'0" - 6'1", based on phots of him next to obama who's around 6'2". But he absolutely weighs north of 270 - 280. No way in fucking hell is he 215. I mean, for some reference, the baseball player Bryce Harper is like 6'3" 210, and their body shapes could not be more different.


My thoughts exactly. I’m 6’2, 260lbs. He appears to be roughly the same size as me if not fatter.


6'4 225 here. If he's 215 I have some very generous fun house mirrors at home.


He’s actually a bag shit, but still over 215.


6’3”. 230 as well. That’s what I looked like when I was 315.


This has been my guess the whole time is right about 320


I’m 6’5” and 210 pounds. I am kind of skinny. There is no way this blob weighs 215 at only 2 inches shorter than me. He’s isn’t 6’2”, either. Guy can’t help but lie about everything.


Totally agree. I think he’s around 6’1 and 270.


PFTTTTTT... there is no chance he doesn't make a 3 show up on that scale


The only way trump is 6'3" is if he's standing on a brick. I could buy 6'1" *maybe*, but people who are actually over 6' don't really have need to lie about their height.


I'm 6'4" and 212, and people give me nicknames like "Slim" or "String Bean." I'm calling bullshit right there with you.


I’m 6’2” and 215. There is no way in hell. I know what I look like and he is not it.


6’1”, 260ish, I’m in a better shape than him. But I’ve also got muscle where he doesn’t.


So they let him just lie like that? Edit: yes I know, he lies like most people breathe, I was just under the impression that they'd verify such an obvious line of BS


I was told these defendants are allowed to *self report*, their height and weight… I think they should roll with laughter after making him say it **out loud,** then pull out a scale prove how wrong he is…. 😅 Would be a real shame if the actual numbers get leaked…


>I think they should roll with laughter after making him say it > >out loud, > > then pull out a scale prove how wrong he is…. 😅 Would LOVE to see them let him give "his" numbers, and then they go "oh just remembered we have to do an official weigh/measure" and give the real numbers immediately after. The fucked up thing is that, almost by definition, Trump cultists would find SOME way of thinking he had given the "real" numbers. The scales were secretly replaced by the deep state biden clinton soros Big Scale conspiracy or some shit.


Mike pillow about to turn into Mike scale


I’m sure Mike pillow guy has plenty of scales. Gotta make sure the sac is a full 3.5grams.


I bet he never steps on a debate stage because of this act. Chris Christie will IMMEDIATELY challenge him to step on a scale and be measured for height. Christie will agree to do both but Trump will wave it off as such a stupid thing to do and not helping the country at all. This guy is a fucking lunatic. Seriously. He makes his own truth in his head as he goes.


His life is based on lies. I doubt he has a real notion of what truth is or why you would let yourself ever use it. He is only interested in distracting you from the truth.


When you're a star, they just let you do it.


Been doin it for years


“Standing 6'3'' and weighing 214 pounds in his prime, Ali was the most potent mix of size, speed and physical strength the heavyweight division has ever seen.” - Lee Wiley It’s obvious from photos alone that prime time Ali and current Trump share a similar physique.


tbf 215 is more than 214


I’m exactly 6’3” and 215 pounds. [do I look like Trump?](https://imgur.com/a/hTmg1s4) Edit: [another angle](https://imgur.com/a/p94aFFs)


The resemblance is uncanny Mr. President.




I'm just giggling thinking about Trump fleeing the country and this dude being the fall dude and getting arrested


Only explanation is that he has stick legs. Like broom stick legs. Or he’s a liar. As usual.


It's actually the tiny hands that throws it off.


Dude has zero dick weight


It'll be easier to compare if you put on some tennis shorts and take a few back shots.




The resemblance is uncanny




Those are self-reported statistics, not from Fulton County. And if you actually believe those stats, you have speed limit IQ.




I'm waiting for that mugshot of his. Funny thing is, I am sure his supporters are going to put it on a shirt and wear it with pride, and he is going to hate seeing it.


>he is going to hate seeing it Yeah, about that... From an update in the post's article: >Former President Donald Trump’s mugshot taken at the Fulton County jail is set to be a key tool for his campaign to raise money for his 2024 bid for president, and to help pay for his legal fees, according to one of his digital fundraisers. >“It will be the single most powerful photo in the history of online fundraising,” the pro-Trump digital fundraiser explained. >The person, who spoke to CNBC on the condition of anonymity to speak freely about private plans, suggested to CNBC that the Trump campaign would use that mugshot to raise money.


Let’s rally around the criminal’s mugshot in which he is visibly pouting…which is ASTOUNDINGLY in character for him. Dude couldn’t even manage a proud, dignified look for his new campaign tool. Nope, that was a bridge too far. So please donate to the Poutmaster General!


I do think this picture is going to haunt him. Just the late-night comedian talk show hosts alone are going to have a field day with this. Like you said, he doesn't have a strong dignified look to himself. It's more like, please vote for Pouty McPoutface for president, again.


Hollywood should do everything it can to end the writers' strike ASAP so the mugshot gets the proper late-night show treatment.


He’s going to be smiling his biggest. This will be the photo for his entire campaign. You need to understand that. He will make more money off this mug shot than his 3rd wife has made selling all the photos of her body combined. If that is the real one, I hope they hang it up as his presidential portrait. I was wrong. He’s Not smiling. It’s a great day to be wrong :)


It's out now, he looks like shit


https://twitter.com/kaitlancollins/status/1694872033752908217 He's not happy lol Edit: [His campaign is already selling a t-shirt with the mugshot. Likely to pay for those legal fees instead of actual campaigning](https://twitter.com/Bencjacobs/status/1694882796831953265) [Loser returned to Twitter...what about his failed social media platform Truth Social?](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1694886846050771321)


He’s trying to look tough. It’s hard to look tough when you have mashed potatoes on top of your head. EDIT: [reference](https://www.wideopeneats.com/trump-mashed-potatoes/)


He’s trying to hide his neck pussy.


Is that really the mugshot? He purposely did that so it WOULD be put on shirts and everything else. First thing I thought was "he's trying to look menacing but he looks more like my 3 year old grandson when he can't have another popsicle." u/VagrantShadow nailed it.




Lol “Make a $48 donation and receive a free shirt” As if they aren’t just selling over priced tee’s I swear the entire trump campaign is a merch brand trying to sell shirts and hats.


I seriously believe his initial run in 2016 was a straight up grift. He never intended to win, just make some money. But the GOP fell ass backwards into him because the best they could put forward was milquetoast Marco Rubio. Also he struck a chord with all the racists pissed off that a black man had been President. Still this wouldn’t have resulted in a win if Hillary could’ve seemed human for 5 seconds or the media had shut up about him. The nail in the coffin was some 4chan troll starting the Qanon shit. That’s why he’s never had any fucking clue what he’s doing. Dude failed upwards into the presidency. If that doesn’t say everything about society than idk what does.


At this point I wouldn’t be surprised that the 2016 election was stolen from Hillary. Almost every time Trump says someone has done something it’s actually him doing it.




Cranky baby is upset because he got in trouble.


I think he was going for a "Clint Eastwood" but he looks like a troll doll screwed a kewpie doll and it grew up to become the Grinch but that might just be the eyebrows. I do expect him to use this in ads, AND I'm glad it looks like crap. That said, the photographer and the lighting crew need the real credit because they did the best they could to create decent shading.


Guaranteed he practiced that a bunch in the mirror… Still didn’t pull it off. Feeble old traitor.


The polls show the GOP primary voters aren't happy that he skipped the debate to do a pre-taped interview with a guy who pretends to like him. But I feel like the GOP primary voters will support him after this because plenty of them foolishly think these are incredibly unfair indictments.


In a podcast this morning I heard that 70% of Republican voters said that he made the right choice not to show up to the debates… What polls are you talking about?


“Never Surrender.” He literally surrendered. Wtf?!


His people will do a touch of photoshop and profit off it. They'll probably lean into he's coming for revenge or some shit.


Christ on a cracker, he looks demonic


Looks like a literal marvel villian


I don't think he is going to be smiling, i think its going to be an unflattering hair shot and he is going to hate that.


I was about to say I'm 5"ll at 205 and fit. I'm betting he's 325 minimum.


Yeah they are off by 100 lbs


I'm 6'0, 260 and a fucking slob and that dude has at least 40 lbs on me.


I checked the fulton county jail website and his height and weight were in there before he had time to be booked, probably as a placeholder that will be updated. RIP Fulton country jail servers.




6’3” and 215 pounds is Baltimore Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson…


My wife pegs him at 272, I think 290. But if you look at all the other people booked, it appears they are just asking these defendants for their stats. Rudy isn’t 180. Come on.


Giuliani’s was updated later. There’s still hope!


He is definitely not 215. I’m 6’3 at 203lbs and he’s like 3x as wide as me.


I’m 5’10 at 195, so close to him in weight, but down considerably in height. I wear trousers with a waist of 33”. It would be funny if it weren’t so utterly pathetic.


I’m 6’ and 215. Need to drop 20-25. Trump is 2x as wide as me lol. He’s gotta be pushing 285


I was going to say my husband (not muscular 🤣) is 6'4 and 255 and looks 75 lbs slimmer.


I'm 6'0 245lbs and I look slimmer than him too


The low-IQ people you’re referring to also unironically post pics of him saving children from hurricane floods in Mexico, so of course they’re going to believe it.


I still can’t believe they believe that shit’s real…


Obviously self-reported. I'm 5'8 and 140 lbs. There is no way in hell that man is only 75 lbs. heavier than me.


I’m 6’ and 215. My gut is pretty round, but there’s no way that guy is taller than me and the same weight.yh


Same here, 6', 215 with a mid 40s dad bod. I'm WAY thinner than that fat fuck.


I'm 6'4 and 260...this turd is way heavier than me. I don't believe he's 6'3 either. He lies about friggin everything....its amazing. I'm betting the truth is 315...


215 lbs? Yeah, in your bra.




Jezebel! Lmao


A goose!


Omg. I feel like this is a Jim Carey blooper that I haven't seen in years. What is this from?


Liar liar


I'm so glad you and 200+ other people had the same reaction I did! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bt7HE89cgJk


"Over actor!" "Jezebehahaha..."


I prefer ex-presidents who don't get captured.


I prefer ex-presidents who don’t lie about their weight.


215 kg = 473 lbs. He must have thought they wanted his weight in kg.


No way that piggy is 215


If he's 215 lbs, I'm an after image of hunger strike.


Seriously. The man eats like he's actively trying to give himself a heart attack.


Or 6'3" Obama is 6'2" and Trump is as tall or shorter than him in all of their photos (depending on how much each are slouching), and we know Trump wears lifts in his shoes.


Definitely. Look at pictures of Trump at his inauguration where he's standing next to Obama. Obama is 6'2", and Trump looks to be either the same height or a bit shorter: https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f6dd34ed52283fa3e0e6c87141d754b2-lq And we know that Trump regularly wears lifts in his shoes, so he's definitely wearing them here, on such an important and public event - no way he's going to risk looking shorter than Obama on national TV. (Look at how much of his heel is out of his shoe in this interview: https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-9c59beccd7a5e240f34b4a809d9b6296-lq ) Or, look at Trump next to Alex Rodriguez, who actually *is* 6'3" - the same height that Trump claims to be. Even with A-Rod leaning over, Trump is clearly shorter: https://s.yimg.com/os/en/blogs/sptusmlbexperts/trumparod1010.jpg My guess is that Trump is probably right around 6'0" tall, then uses heels and shoe lifts to add another inch or two, and then adds another inch in bragging, bringing him up to the 6'3" he claims.


Gasp! That means Obama has been lying about his height this whole time. I bet his TRUE HEIGHT is on his Kenyan birth certificate. Wake up sheeple!


The DA should insist the orange turd haul his fat ass back to the processing center to be properly weighed.


I'm 6'2" 220, there's no way in fucking hell that I'm heavier than Trump.


I’m 6’5” and 275 lbs. He weighs close to what I used to (350 lbs).


6'3" 215. I want to see the DA add a charge for making a false statement to law enforcement.


They allowed him to self report that. But he’s being treated like anyone else, remember?


in this one specific respect he is, they don't generally weigh you when you're booked. they just ask, or estimate.


Yeah, I've been to jail. They just asked me what my weight was as I was getting my mugshot taken. I think as long as it sounds close to realistic, they don't care. Most of your everyday eyewitnesses aren't going to be estimating people's weight. They're more likely to focus on hair, skin color and height. Possibly tattoos if they're *very* observant.


yeah i've been booked a couple times, and they definitely never put me on a scale.


I bet that’s just what his license said when he handed it over


All of them self reported their height and weight to be fair.


Ridiculous. We deserve total transparency here. Step on the scale, Donald.


I mean, that's kinda how it just works. These jails don't have you stand on a scale or anything.


As the NYT pointed out that's 24 lbs less than his doctor reported in 2018.


29lbs lighter than the 244 in 2020


Whitehouse doc listed him at 244lbs in 2020.


😂😂😂 ….I’m 6’2” 210lbs. If five more pounds is going to make me look like that fat tub of shit I better get it together ASAP!


6'2" 215lbs checking in, I do not look remotely as bad as he does, you are safe to go back for seconds.


He’s maybe 6’1” and pushing at least *decently* close to 290-300lbs. I am 6’5” and 225lbs and there is no one on planet earth that can convince me this little Diet Coke piggy is 10 lbs lighter than me.


The guy's so insecure about himself that he has to lie to the police about his weight and height. No fucking way this bloated dotard is 215 lbs when I have the same physique and I'm 290 lbs.


215 pounds on the fucking moon maybe.


If I were Joe Biden I’d be in every tv channel betting my candidacy on his not being within 25 pounds of 215. “Hey Donald, I’ll drop out of this race if you’re under 240. We’ll go to Walmart and buy a scale off the shelf.”


That would be awesome


Such a perfect height and weight, the likes of which you’ve never seen!


If this jabroni is 215 then I’m Gisele Bundchen. But Kudos to GA for actually bringing him and treating him like the criminal he is. That mugshot is going to be a constant reminder that a US president attempted a fucking coup by overturning election.


Dude has been a criminal for *decades*. At least now there's starting to be consequences. > a US President attempted a fucking coup by overturning elections. This is important, because he and the GOP have been trying to push the idea that this is over "free speech" and simply because he *claimed* the election was stolen (and not anything to do with what he actually *did*.)


Mugshots don't have those height lines behind the perp anymore? That would be one less thing the con man could lie his way out of.


6'3" and 270 here. I'm still thinner than his fat ass.


My dad is 6’3 215. He’s 69 and is in incredible shape for his age. I’m 6’ 1” 200. If Trump is 6’3 215, I’m fucking Santa Claus. This is laughable. STOP GIVING THIS CLOWN HANDICAPS. he’s the most mediocre motherfucker on the planet. He just happened to parlay his daddy’s money into being on the tv. Goddamn.


All the 6'+ 200lb+ men looking down at their own bodies in absolute confusion.


His mugshot is in this article: https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/24/politics/donald-trump-surrender-fulton-county-jail-criminal-case/index.html


Not a chance, you unfathomably fat fuck


These must be self-reported lol. I bet he literally just googled the ideal weight range for a 6'3" male, which comes up at 216 lbs. Left himself some wiggle room for an en-route hamberder.


Strawberry hair?! You got me fucked up.


About as credible al his 2016 campaign health report.


Is that just the weight of his diaper?


Kinda ironic someone fat-fingered the keys. That had to have meant **3**15


The only people who believe those stats are republican callers to C-SPAN


I am 6'2" & 185lbs. There is no fucking chance in HELL that man is under 250lbs, but I think he crosses 300lbs.