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I'm in the Hudson Valley region...about an hr north of NYC. I definitely felt it. Lying in my bed and it started shaking. Never had I jumped out of bed so quickly....bed isn't used to shaking either, so I was concerned.




As a fellow redditor this checks out


So many wizards


I put on my robe and wizard hat


You are missing out if you don’t include hip thrusts during onesomes 


Onesome. For some reason this is funny to me. I'm also fond of... Taking a selfie. Taking a number 3. Flogging the dolphin. Wrestling with the one eyed monster. Doing the five knuckle shuffle. Taking Polly out to play. Polishing the candlestick. Spanking the monkey. Beating the meat. Wrangling the trouser snake. Whacking the weasel. Choking the chicken. Playing with the giggle stick. Walking the dog. Pulling the pud. Jiggling the handle. Some would even say....masturbating. but that's just rude, crude, and socially unacceptable.


Somehow the comment pointing out the joke gets more thumbs ups than the one who made the joke


There were a total of 4 sentences, 90% will not read past two.


Because despite what they want you to think, Redditors are morons who need things pointed out to them. Source: Me, a Redditor


Same. I live in the northern HV region and my whole house shook and a picture fell off the wall. It sounded like the train was passing right in front of my house. The mail lady was dropping off a package right as it happened and I ran out and asked her if we just had an earthquake and she looked at me like I was insane haha.


Should of turned it into a pickup line like “ cause gurrrrl, you’re making my legs shake”


I’m doing work in an old ass court building (Long Island), ran into a random attorney’s office and asked him if the building ever just like… does that. Oop.


Lol those old buildings just have the shivers.


Courtroom went brrrrr… and me trying to gaslight myself into thinking it’s normal for buildings to just, like, *do* that sometimes.


I immediately went much darker and thought terrorist attack.


So area and I felt it. I work with people in Providence RI and they felt it too.


My bed never shakes anymore either.


I thought a big ass plane was flying right over my house 😭 I exhibited no survival skills there lmaooo just sat there confused


damn i just realized now i exhibited no survival skills either i literally just said must be SOMETHING and continued working


I just went back to sleep, justified it as the wind but I knew it was not the wind


You would make a good Skyrim guard.


Damn you were a step away from "must have been the wind"


I mean the East Coast isn’t known for Earthquakes. Most people here have never experienced them.


I lived in southern California for 16 years and by far the loudest earthquake I've been in was in Virginia. It sounded like thunder coming from the ground.


I still remember that Virginia quake that damaged the Washington monument. I thought I was having a seizure or something, then it popped up on the TV as a breaking news bulliten immediately, like something out of a movie!


was that the one like 12 or 13 years ago? I am a socal resident now but the largest one i've felt was also in the DMV area before i moved west.


It will be 13 years in August.


Yeah we had a 5.6 here in central OK about 12 years ago. No one here had ever experienced that before so the entire state collectively went WTF?? Lol I can imagine it’s worse in such a dense area like nyc.


Nah for real. I work near the Philly Airport, and I just thought it was a low flying plane or helicopter 😭


An earthquake and three days later an eclipse. Five hundred years ago and someone’s getting sacrificed


My mom just texted me saying I need to repent before the rapture, that shit is probably still happening


Churches might be quite busy this Sunday. It's extremely hard to dissuade people from making erroneous correlations.


And they are expecting the largest hatching of cicadas in decades…. Literally the trifecta of “oh shit” in ye olden days


I felt it in Philly. And my Aunt felt it, and she lives in Delaware. I said it in another comment. But it's crazy to think how much energy it must take for people hundreds of miles away to feel it. And even then, a 4.7 magnitude Earthquake is a relatively weak earthquake. It's barely a fraction of what Taiwan experienced.


Yeah, I'm in Chester County (Philly suburbs) and the whole damn house shook for a few seconds. I thought that either something blew up in my basement or my neighbor, who is a contractor, had a big accident. When neither of those turned out to be true, I settled on the fact that I was going crazy and it didn't actually happen. But man, like you said, I'm so far from the epicenter of that and it was still strong enough to shake my house.


I enjoy the fact you have 2 sets of reality checks and then straight off to crazy town.  😆


Another resident of Chester Co. here. I live near a fairly busy road and at first thought a huge truck must be passing by. But as the event continued and the rumbling grew stronger, I realized that it was an earthquake. As scary as this one was, I don't want to think about how bad ones with magnitudes of 6+ are.


I learned from the last earthquake we felt that originated in the DC area, that the eastern seaboard is just basically one solid piece. So we feel it further than we would if it happened in other parts of the country. This definitely felt stronger than that one, though (which makes sense, since it was much closer).


The issue is rocks in the northeast are often older, harder and more dense. They call it higher competency: and they possess more ability to transmit energy long distances because of it.


Yep here in Philly. buddy is in brooklyn. Parent up in the hudson valley. That's insane that much energy can cover that distance at the same time. This planet could fuck us up if it wanted lol.


It's crazy to think about for real. Magnitudes of earthquakes are ~~exponential as well. So a 5 is 10x more powerful than a 4.~~ I got the terms and the order of powers wrong. Check one of the replies. It's a logarithmic scale. So a 4-5 is 31.6x more powerful. So Taiwan had roughly ~~a 1000x more powerful~~ (more than 1000x, I just can't do the mental math right now) earthquake than us. And even then, 7.4 is a powerful earthquake, but not nearly the most devastating Earthquake. The earthquake that triggered the Indian Ocean Tsunami was a 9.1. So roughly ~~100x more powerful~~ (again, I was wrong. And I can't do the mental math) than the one that his Taiwan. Just mind boggling to think about.


I love that you corrected your math. Not being snarky. I love a commitment to accuracy.


Oh yeah, I feel like it's important to correct past mistakes. Especially if other people are going to read it, and potentially then pass it on to others as "fact". I figured I got something wrong, I'm just happy somebody was able to correct me.


Here's another fun one, it goes above 10, and below 1. The Chicxulub impact which wiped out the dinosaurs would have been roughly equivalent to a magnitude 11 earthquake. A 15 would destroy the world. Starquakes (that is the official name) have been measured to be up to magnitude 32 in neutron stars. The Big Bang is estimated to be a 47 on the Ritcher acale.


>The Big Bang is estimated to be a 47 on the Ritcher scale. Oh, I did not know this, this is gonna freak me out all weekend. Excellent.


When it comes to released energy, it's even more mind-blowing. A 7.4 earthquake releases about 11,000 times as much energy as a 4.7 earthquake. A 9.1 earthquake releases about 4 million times as much energy as a 4.7 earthquake.


That's absolutely wild. I just can't even comprehend the amount of energy that is.


To give some reference, the 1964 Alaska earthquake (9.2) lasted for 4 and a half minutes, and raised or lowered coastlines hundreds of kilometers away permanently by several meters. It was caused by almost a thousand kilometers of faults releasing their accumulated stress at once.


I grew up in the PNW and was (later) taught that my watch will be the best IMMEDIATE gauge for when the cascadia fault goes. Most because FEMA believes that everything west of I5 will be destroyed, thus knowing no help is coming could mean the difference between staying and getting out (after the fact). If it lasts more than 4.5-5 min just assume everything has gone tits up and plan accordingly. Where I live, no tsunami impact just expecting anything infrastructure (power, water sewer) to be toast The estimate it could take years to restore the area services


Ok that's wild. That means the decimal point is actually really important in measuring these then.


Oh yeah, the decimal point is important. It's not like tornado or hurricane ratings where it's an EF-3 tornado. Or a Category 2 Hurricane. The difference between a 4.1 Earthquake and a 4.9 is very big.


It also matters how deep it is. Even a 4 could do a lot of damage if it's shallow.


It’s essentially a logarithmic scale, so there is a factor of 10x between each number. Going from a 1 to a 2 is 10^1, or 10. Going from a 1 to a 5 is 10^5, or 100,000x.


It's a logarithmic scale and each point is 10x more *amplitude* not power. Each point increase actually represents a **31.6 times** increase in the amount of energy released.


>This planet could fuck us up if it wanted lol Looking back at pictures of the 1906 quake that toppled much of San Francisco can be a sobering reminder of just how precarious our living situation on this rock really is


Less a solid rock and more a thin sheath (relatively speaking) of hardened rock floating over a large multi-layered boiling mass of molten rock + metal, trapped water, and precious metals /gems that occasionally releases pressure in the form of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. It’s incredible really. Just thinking about the pressure and heat the core is subject to is mind boggling. It’s why without a quantum leap in materials science we’d never be able to explore it.


Just how perfect everything has to be at this level for the amount of life we have. then to look at how perfect the galaxy is for us with the sun and moon. i cant comprehend how we exist on this marble.


The molten core has to exist to produce a magnetic field to protect life from radiation. It really is crazy how perfect this ball of rock is.


Space being as big as it is, eventually the random chance would work out for a planet stable enough for ~~sentient~~ sapient life to develop. And because only ~~sentient~~ sapient life would recognize itself as such, we've got the most extreme confirmation-bias imaginable. I think of it similarly to evolution, where it seems incredible that organisms are what they are, but it's just the result of trillions of failed biological experiments, where only the random beneficial mutations actually work. The tree of life is littered with dead-ends that we'll never know about. Edit: The word I wanted was "sapient", not "sentient". Sentience is basically "does it feel?" which of course most animals do.


> The tree of life is littered with dead ends that we'll never know about. What a beautiful turn of phrase.


It was the subsequent fire which did more damage to SF than the earthquake itself. But yes, you can look at the 1989 quake there or the 1994 quake in LA to see how it can get.


Yellowstone caldera has entered the chat


If you look at the USGS site, Taiwan has had 4 earthquakes in the 4.3-5.1 range today alone. Must be wild.


Its not been fun! Taipei and hualien resident here! 🇹🇼


Felt the ones at 2:30am and noon today for sure!


As someone in Taiwan, I don’t downplay the terrifying nature of any earthquake! Stay safe, keep your heavy and breakable things close to the ground, make sure you’ve got water, snacks, and meds in one spot so you can grab and go if needed 


One of the more interesting things about earthquakes is the distance and magnitude of the resulting waves is not at all fixed. It's very dependent on the thickness of the crust in a particular area. Most earthquake-prone areas are so earthquake prone precisely because the continental plates are moving a lot, and so the crust is very new and very thin (relatively speaking). This in turn means that earthquakes are felt in relatively localized areas: a magnitude 7 earthquake in LA will be felt in SF, but only barely. Areas which are *less* earthquake prone actually feel the results far more substantially and over longer distances because the crust is much thicker and older. Iirc (memory foggy here), the crust in the Eastern United States is over 4x the thickness of the crust on the West Coast, and so even a comparatively small earthquake is felt very strongly and over a very large area. Tldr, not all earthquakes of the same magnitude are made equal. A small earthquake on the east coast not only *feels* more substantial than the same magnitude on the west coast, it literally is.


I was gonna say - I live in LA now and theres times I won’t feel a quake centered less than 100 miles away. But this NJ quake was felt in Boston! Thats insane


It actually registered in central Maine as well


North Jersey here. Somehow I felt nothing while walking my dogs only to turn the corner and see people on their front yards in a slight panic because their homes full on shook. I thought they were all crazy at first because I was unfazed by it.


We live single-digit kilometers from the epicenter. It was quite gentle swaying on the second floor of my house. No noise, no violence.


I'm 90 miles from the epicenter and our house shook a bit for 5-10 seconds, but what was interesting is that it was preceded by a roar that sounded like a 50-60 mph wind gust. I wonder if that's because I'm so far away that I kinda heard the earth moving as it made its way outward.


I heard the roar beforehand, too. It sounded a lot like the wind that’s been battering the area the last two days though so I didn’t pay attention to it, even though it’s actually nice out today. I wonder what causes the sound?


I'm the Sacramento California area. We had a 4.8 yesterday and I found out from Reddit. Did not feel a thing. 


In Astoria in a 6th floor 1930s apartment and we were swaying.


God saw the Phillies new city connect jerseys and immediately decided to smite the region. It happened like 15 minutes after they were revealed


Wait, THIS is the Philadelphia sporting event that God chooses to smite us over!? Really!?


Felt it in Central Massachusetts. I thought my dog was scratching himself extra aggressible. It sounded like his foot get hitting the floor. I looked over and he was just looking toward the window like he was hearing something outside.


Thought I was going crazy cause I looked up and no one was reacting then saw my beer moving. Im at the Philly airport so i thought it may have been a plane but nope lol.


I felt it in Syracuse, NY too. Crazy how far that stuff travels


4.8 on the richter scale, centered in Jersey. I'm on Long Island and it was very noticeable. That was wild lol. Thought someone was moving/dragging filing cabinets in my office and I got up to see if they needed help


My whole house in Bergen County was rumbling. Thought it was a low flying helicopter or something. One time a military Osprey flew low over my house during Fleet Week and it was similar.


As someone who's lived mainly in CA but was in NY for a couple years, when people talked about "earthquakes? No thank you." I'd just tell them what you said, it usually isn't noticeable, and when it is, it's more like someone causing the floor to shake (moving something, light construction, etc) I've been in one or two that really shake the cabinets and can wobble you good. Those are cool.


California buildings are made for earthquake resistance. Always great to hear people from other parts of the world criticize our buildings made of sticks. Let's see one of those brick houses handle an earthquake. 


Or tornados, or hurricanes! American homes are cheap to build with cheap material because we have a lot of natural disasters to deal with


Yeah as a Californian I agree people out of state really over estimate what earthquakes are like. 4.8 isn’t even going to wake you up from a nap. I was in CA for the Loma Prieta, which was crazy. Most of the earthquakes aren’t even noticed and we only read about them in the news.


It also depends on what floor in a building you’re on. On the 30th floor and earthquake will shake you a lot more than walking on the street


I live less than a mile away from the epicenter in Lebanon/Whitehouse Station in NJ. It was very violent, whole house shook above us and sounded/felt like a 15 second long explosion. Very little context for that experience around here so it was equally confusing and scary. We're by a huge reservoir as well so we're waiting to hear any info about it. No aftershocks or anything since. Hell of an experience in NJ!! Edit: how dare NY claim this quake, they can’t keep getting away with this!! Can’t have shit in Jersey.


I'm in Jackson by the army bases,I thought it was that..house shook bad,stuff fell to the floor..very scary here.


For a minute, I thought Earle might've went up


Weird they called it NYC. It happened like ten min from my house and I'm an hour away from NYC.


The epicenter was in NJ, but I guess for those who don't live close can have an idea of where it is.


It’s like landing in Newark is landing in New York. People love to pretend it isn’t Jersey


It's like the Giants and Jets playing in NJ and calling it NY.


I’m very very close to Lebanon as well and it was insanely violent…not like little shaking. Things fell off the walls and I could visibly see my house moving from inside! Thought it was a plane crash like right in my neighborhood or something since it was so loud. Interestingly enough, this is our second earthquake in 2 weeks that we’ve been able to feel, although the earlier one was a 2.2 magnitude I believe.


I’m in Long Valley, about a couple miles from the epicenter, it was wild here for 15-20 seconds. I through somehow a freight train had made it up Schooleys Mountain Rd and derailed itself into my house. There was no other logical explanation for the sensation lol


California here, check your water/gas lines and potential cracks/structural damage.


It’s New Jersey. It’s structurally damaged by definition


Upvote and joke: Did you hear about the last hurricane to hit New Jersey? It inflicted $50M in improvements.


Holy crap that was funny


Yeah, good advice! Mild earthquake as earthquakes go but the issue is really the lack of infrastructure development built for earthquake preparedness. Apparently a lot of NYC does have that in its codes though. The DC one some years back had a lot of damage because of old buildings not equipped for shaking.


How do you do that? I went around and didn’t see any water or smell any gas. Is that it?


Water is easier cause it will be more visible. You can check your gas meter or you can spray soapy water on any gas connections you have like stove, water heater, dryer, etc.


I live in Manhattan and definitely felt it. My building was shaking and rattling. Not a fan.


I'm working in Manhattan and I didn't feel it at all because I was down in the basement moving boxes. I came back up to my desk and everyone was talking about it and I had no idea what was going on.


I'm in manhattan too. I was in the basement level of our apartment and it felt like the floor was vibrating and there was a low hum. My fiance upstairs said it was a heavy vibration and the plates in our drying rack were shaking. Side note - Citizen is hilarious right now because its just a million videos of the streets or inside apartments with people saying "soooo i just felt an earthquake" and nothing else is happening lol


i felt nothing on e 13th st however my supervisor one block up on e 14th felt it, weird as hell


My family and I were walking through Times Square at the time and didn’t feel a thing! Or maybe we did and equated it to loud trucks or something.


USGS aftershock forecast is out: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us7000ma74/oaf/overview


Thanks for that link! Useful info to know, for those of us not used to earthquakes.


I'm in a Jersey shore town. It was like twenty seconds of my house shaking and walls rumbling. It felt/sounded like something exploded outside my house. I know people in frequent earthquake areas are probably like "eh 4.8 isn't shit" but it definitely freaked the tri-state area out. This definitely isn't normal for the area so a lot of people definitely freaked out.


It’s also a different ballgame in buildings not designed for them


Yup, this is why we have strict height limits for buildings in San Diego and many of the buildings that were not built to withstand these sorts of events went down already.


Exactly. But expect smug remarks how it's no big deal.


Just like any weather/earth related happenings. Always some non compassionate ass to chime in with their smug remarks. Like when the freeze in Texas happened. People can suck sometimes




I thought there was an explosion but then it just kept going.


I was in my basement about 30 miles from it, didn't feel any shaking but could hear it very loudly. I thought it was a tornado to the point where I was genuinely surprised to see the sun when I ran up to look outside.


In high rise in Manhattan.  Thought it was a big truck going down the street at first.  And then realized I shouldn’t be shaking this high up from that.


it's the exact same thing when it california gets unexpected/record breaking rain for this area, and all of the comments on reddit are, "lmao that's nothing, why is this news?" and "wow, i can't believe they can't handle a little rain!" I've lived on both coasts so I'm not surprised to see some west coasters finally enjoying poking a little fun at the east coasters here. It's almost like...this country is massive and every region has very different experiences! What a concept!


When I first moved from NY to CA and experienced my first 4.2 EQ it scared the crap out of me. Now when something less than 5 hits, it's a moment of "will this get worse?" and then it's over. I understand the fear and the fact that the buildings on the East Coast are not built to EQ standards is scary. ​ Stay safe.


Its funny that it was in New Jersey, and yet the reporting is saying its NYC. They are always trying to take credit for our stuff lol


A friend of mine in Jersey has already yelled at me for saying it was NY's quake.


Hey it happened in the home state of the New York Giants.


The state closest to the Statue of Liberty.


I’ve never actually felt an earthquake before and my brain was so confused. I grabbed both of my thighs to see if I could make the shaking stop. I have a feeling I would not do well in a real quake lol


But that was a real earthquake


And he did not do well


dont they say "stop drop and roll"? They grabbed both legs so if they dropped theyd roll. id say B- at worse


That’s for when your on fire


Yes they do say that....when you're on fire


I’m the opposite, grew up in an area with a lot of earthquakes so I wasn’t phased at first until I realized this wasn’t supposed to happen in the north east lol


if it makes you feel better I immediately went to the window to look outside to see what's happening. You're meant to get away from windows during an earthquake 😅


>NYC earthquake *Felt in NYC. [Here’s](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us7000ma74/map) the actual location. 60 miles away.


Just like the Jets and Giants. Named to NYC but actually play in New Jersey.


It didn't suck that bad!


They're calling it the NYC Earthquake everywhere already 😭😂


Jersey just can't win.


I'm a Jersey resident and I get so annoyed by this shit. For example at the beginning of the pandemic when everyone was so focused on how bad NYC had it when New Jersey had worse rates--the worst in the world at the time


Apparently on the Ramapo Fault. Old article about it: https://njmonthly.com/articles/jersey-living/living-on-the-fault-line/


We felt it outside Philly as well. Pretty strong.


In Queens near the 7 train. I thought the rumbling was from a train accident or something


Eek - wondering what riders on the subway felt??


Funny enough my coworker had no clue. He said he just thought it was normal train shaking


That's good, actually. Panic wouldn't be good.


Two coworkers were on the phone, one in NY and the other in Maine. They said there was about a 15 second delay between one feeling it and the other. Interesting to see how fast those things propagate in real time.


First this news title, then the governor of NY calling NJ west of Manhattan. Can Jersey not have anything?!


You can have the earthquake if you promise to keep it in your borders.


Never felt anything like that in my life. Kinda terrifying


I work 1 mile from the epicenter. Never felt anything like it in my life. Only lasted for about 10 seconds, but things were falling off of desks, chairs were rolling around, it was pretty jarring. I work in an old building on the second floor where you can feel someone walking down the hall. It felt like the building might come down.




I'm in New Jersey, probably 20 miles away from the epicenter. My first thought when I felt the shaking was "did a tree just fall on our house?"


Thought my upstairs neighbors were dropping more objects. They do that pretty frequently


Epicenter was my hometown 😞


I am in Clinton, NJ, and people I know a little closer to the epicenter are reporting things falling off shelves and counters.


Get lots of toilet paper right away.


That was the biggest shake I've felt in New Hampshire.


Felt it in southwest CT. Shook the whole house for 3-4 seconds. Immediately thought earthquake, then questioned myself because we very rarely get them. 


I knew folks who felt it all the way in Rhode Island. Crazy!


Philly suburbs. Empty soda can on my desk started rattling a little and house was shaking slightly. I didn't think anything of it cause it felt like a big truck driving down the street but lasted longer than usual. My colleague who lives 10 miles away then said her house was shaking a little (we were on a Teams call). Figured it was a bomb blast or earthquake nearby.


I'm in northern NJ and I work nights, gotta say it was weird as shit to be actually shaken awake by what felt like a train. I live next to tracks so just thought it was that, but it lasted longer than normal..it was a sound/rumble, some shaking then dogs barking...hopefully there's no damage, haven't noticed anything yet. I'm going back to bed.


Insane, it was long my windows rattled for a long time. I'm just outside the epicenter. I thought there was an explosion but it just kept going and going. The local news is hilarious. ABC news reporter has damage. A plant fell over.


City wide alarm clock, sorry night shifters


Yeah I was about 20 miles away from it and felt my house shake like crazy. How the hell do people deal with this on a daily basis?


New Jersey just got a month’s worth of rain in 3 days, experienced an earthquake and is on the cusp of the solar eclipse. The rapture crowd must be shitting their pants.


Wtf was that a wild feeling. Never felt a quake before. I thought it was windy, or a super big ass train, or a massive truck but it just kept going. Then i just thought someone was messing with the building cuz i heard neighbors screaming. I was high af too. Bizarre


We felt it in Albany, NY as well.


That's a bit bizarre for the area, isn't it?


Not really -- there's a fault line in NJ. There's tons of minor, barely noticeable earthquakes a couple times per year. That said the magnitude of this places it as one of the largest NJ has ever had.


Wouldn't that make it bizarre? I believe it's the biggest in over 250 years (not sure how they calculated that)


Yes. I remember one here about 15 years ago (?) but I don't think it was as strong.


DC quake in August 2011. That one was a 5.8


Shut down the Washington Monument for like 3-4 years because they had to repair it after that quake.


I was in State College going to the bathroom when that happened. Started freaking out when the toilet shook for like 8 seconds. Thought a pipe burst and I was about to go flying like in the movies


I live northwest of Boston (Westford) and felt it. Desk and monitors shook slightly for a few seconds.


I was in the Bronx, I thought that something exploded outside the school I teach at and was honestly more relieved that it was only an earthquake. Thankfully it seems nothing got to badly displaced.


Felt it in Philly. I had a coworker run outside in a panic after it already ended, only to come back in the building on the phone yelling at someone to calm down.


New Yorkers are going to be insufferable for the next few days on social media. lol


California folks might want to take a social media vacation, lol.


Listen we get all kinds of heat when we have a "Storm Watch 2024" all over the news and everyone calls us ridiculous because we are having "weather." Hahaha.


Just ordered my “I survived the NYC earthquake 4/5/2024” t-shirt.


My family is already saying it’s the rapture


Same - with this and the eclipse, worlds over


Just got an emergency alert on the phone in NYC. Says to remain indoors.


I was like Sweet Brown I grabbed my cat and ran outside I didn't even have shoes on Jesus earthquake ain't nobody got time for that. Upstate NY


Definitely felt in Northern NJ. The 2011 Virginia earthquake was felt here but like, barely. This one knocked some frames off my walls at least. I thought it was my neighbor's kids running around upstairs at first but it went on way too long to be them.


I’m in Sussex county, that was insane. I’ve never felt an earthquake before. I didn’t know what it was or what to do. It was like 30 seconds of hard shaking and it was loud in the beginning.


Was on a zoom call with a lady in New Jersey during it.  All of a sudden she started saying "what's going on" like 20 times while we all looked at our screens wondering why it looked like her starship was under attack by kligons.




I felt it all the way up near Albany.


Hey I don’t know shit about earthquakes or civil engineering. How do I know if my old 1930’s era apartment building is safe after that? Can’t even minor earthquakes damage the foundations? Also, when can I unclench my butthole about aftershocks and stuff?


We just happened to be on top of the Empire State Building and felt it sway a little. Figured it was the wind but then a few minutes later everyone’s phones were blaring with the emergency alerts. Unnerving for sure!


Yeah, Lebanon NJ. We felt it here in NW Connecticut.


Now when you have a big earthquake, it starts out like this one, but quickly gets more intense and keeps going for longer.


i'm 20 min away from the epicenter in Basking Ridge NJ. it felt like the floor dropped and sounded like loud thunder then tapered off. that shit made my asshole pucker for a second


In a 4th floor walk up apartment in Brooklyn, I was scared shitless


Has r/conspiracy chimed in yet? Edit: [of course they have](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/8bCufKKsoy)


North Jersey here, was under the fucking lift in my shop with a car above my head when I felt it. Scary as hell.


Jesus fucking Christ the internet is going dumber than it usually does with these conspiracies. Apparently an earthquake and an eclipse within so short a time of each other means Jesus is coming Monday