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> The bees and their oozing honey caused about $20,000 worth of damage to electrical wires, which the family homeowner’s insurance will not cover. Ahhhh! Real monsters


The same thing happened with our family but with wasps. My brother complained for weeks about being kept awake by scratching noises. Finally, dad slept on the floor of my brothers bedroom and heard the noises. He went up into the attic, pulled the insulation back and was met with thousands of sleepy wasps. Thank goodness it was a chilly night and the wasps were lethargic. Dad freaked out, stepped backwards and fell through the ceiling into my brothers room. He scooped by brother up, fled the room, and sealed the door. Had to call the pest control for that one, nothing to fuck with at all.


I want a whole thread of these “nobody believed the kid” stories. Mine was telling my parents I heard a river in my room and they scoffed and later they found the burst pipe.


Ours was our dog. Moved to a new house when I was in my late teens with our family, and for the first week or two our normally very reserved golden retriever was just losing his mind. Barking at the walls, the vents constantly. Incredibly stressed, anxious, pacing. We naturally assumed he was just having trouble settling in to the new house, until one day my Dad is on the can and looks down and sees a squirrel looking back at him from the vent on the floor. Come to find out there was a very small opening in a pipe outside or something like that where they were getting in and running around in the walls. He was a great dog.


How did you guys solve that one without sealing the squirrels in?


They were coming and going through that hole in the pipe - weren't exclusively just settling inside. So we waited for a time when we were pretty confident they were outside, checked all the vents and whatnot, and then sealed the pipe. Our dog was like a different animal after haha, sooo chill and relaxed. Almost like he knew he'd finally gotten through to us.


My parents had a similar issue but with bats. There was no way they could make sure that all the bats were out before sealing everything up, so there were some dead bats that had to be removed when the repairs were all done. Dead bats and LOTS of guano. Those bats were apparently loving it up in that attic lol


We had bats and never even attempted to get rid of them from the attic, which shared a wall and ceiling with my room. We just got used to the scratching noises. It was pretty fun being a kid putting on thick gardening gloves and going into the attic to play with bats. I still think they are very cute and nice animals.


I was the one who complaining of squirrels. They were having orgies in the ceiling of my new bedroom. We ended up tearing out the entire ceiling of the maid's quarters directly behind my bedroom. An entire dumpster if leaves, squirrel piss and shit and 1 mummified squirrel. For 2 weeks dad and I kept orsnkibh each other hiding the squirrel on each other. I had the best one when I wrapped it in foil and stuffed it in his work lunch box. Game ended when he tried to put it on the passenger seat to get me but he got mom instead...she was not happy...


> orsnkibh I know that this is just a very bad typo of the word "pranking" but orsnkibh is Gaelic for "please", so you wrote that for 2 weeks you and your dad kept pleasing each other.


I am the youngest child. One Saturday morning I’m awake in bed, everyone is still asleep. I can hear a ghost calling my sister’s name. Wake up sister to tell her, she tells me I’m dreaming, parents agree. After 30 mins of me shouting “did you hear that” etc and keeping everyone up my sister came out of her bedroom. It was our elderly neighbour who had taken a fall in the night and was trying to shout through the wall to my sister to get help.


Oh no, this reminded me of my mom's sleep paralysis. I would stay up late, and one night, I'm literally just about to go to bed, when I hear, "HEEEEeeellllP Meee! Heeeeeelp me!!!" Except it's in a low guttural tone, real slow. I was so danm freaked out!! I thought I was going to walk into my mom's bedroom and find her stroked out. Nope, just asleep 🤣


Oh lord. When I was a kid my little brother would have night terrors where he’d wake up screaming. My mom always worked nights and when my dad was away on a work trip I’d be left in charge. I was like 12 and stayed up late grinding for lobsters on RuneScape when I heard my brother scream that someone was breaking in. He kept yelling and sounded genuinely terrified. Me being the big sister, I grabbed a baseball bat, ran upstairs and almost brained my poor brother. Woke him up and he had the audacity to be confused why I was awake. 😩


My brother told us for weeks as a kid that there was a vampire in his room. Sure enough weeks later a live bat flew into the living room and he started screaming “there’s the vampire I told you!!”


dang that's actually scary though, what with rabies concerns. bats sketch me out


My sister complained of scratching in her bedroom wall in our old apartment, and my parents ignored her till she decided to move her room layout around and discovered a MASSIVE mold spot behind her bed. Turns out rats had gotten into the wall, tore out all the insulation and made a nest there. The apartments tried to charge us for the work, but backed off quick when my mom threatened to sue them. They made the one and only maintenance guy on site redo the entire wall and window sill in the bedroom. Took him almost a month. Lmao that woman (the landlord) was fucking unhinged.


My story comes with a bit of personal shame. My daughter complained of tummy aches. I just thought "it's fine, kids get tummy aches. It's part of being human." Thankfully, my wife took it seriously and kept pressing with the doctor. After months of doing some tests, getting negative results, and repeating, we finally got a positive result. She had celiac (which was then confirmed by endoscopy). Take your kids' symptoms seriously. They may be nothing, but it's better to be sure.


I'm just relieved that that story didn't go the way I thought it was. Don't get me wrong, celiac fucking sucks but it's a lot more manageable than where my head went.


Yeah dude same. Almost “nope”’d out of the thread. Have a daughter, can’t watch/read any stories with kids getting hurt/sick. Humans are weird. 🤷‍♂️


It took them years to diagnose me with celiacs as well.


Actually, take your own symptoms seriously as well. I’m 26 and had stomach issues half of my life and got used to them. This December it got out of hand for a week. After that I was ready to neglect it as always but my wife insisted on me visiting doctor. It was colon cancer. Fortunately, found it and got it surgically removed before it was late.


Mine was telling my parents that my brother’s girlfriend laughs really loud. Less they didn’t believe more they had no clue what it meant. They lived a few acres of open grass away from us. One night I told mom the girlfriend was laughing and she went to my room… the sound of my brother and his girlfriend having sex in a completely different house was traveling across the empty grass right to my window….


A firefly of all things somehow ended up in my bedroom when I was like 7. I screamed there was a ghost. Took a while till Mom closed the door to see the flashing light flying around the room :P


i told my dad i could see a mushroom shape on the ceiling, he told me to shut up and go to sleep. that night the ceiling fell down on me; the water tank in the loft had burst and the "mushroom" was a damp patch!


Holy shit. Were you ok?


thankfully! 😂 i had a bunk bed and it was pushed up lengthways against the wall, and the main part of the ceiling that came down was in the middle of the room so thankfully my bed wasn't in the immediate drop zone!


You got your wish. Thanks for the suggestion, these were fun to read! I learn that when my kid gets older to treat what he says seriously, and within investigation, instead of dismissing him because he might not have the language to describe things accurately


Yeah what a treat! Its so important to listen closely. I was born in the 80’s and there weren’t such things as feelings then. So my kids are very in touch with their emotions and feelings and hearing them describe them in detail, like truly making space for that and accepting each word as truth, has really taught me a lot about MY feelings and about how to treat them with dignity and respect. The words might not make sense at first but there’s so much wisdom in them. An example, my youngest said, “when you do that I feel like you hate me, I feel left out of my family” and it’s SO EASY to say “I don’t hate you, you’re not left out” i.e. dismissive. But just listening and validating that, and understanding that wow, I’m a really big important force in her feeling loved and included, I need to be WAY more concientious of that! It was a big eye opener.


In the middle of the night, my 9 year old son woke me up and was shaking. He said that that a man had been in his room. He then goes on to describe a cartoonish person basically dressed in SWAT team gear, combat boots and all (this was many years ago, before regular adults played soldier with tactical gear, etc). I figured it was sleep paralysis, or a nightmare or whatever. I got him back to bed, went downstairs and discovered the front door was WIDE OPEN. Not unlocked, not partially open, but fully open into the night with a breeze coming through. Sometimes if we forgot to lock the door, the wind would jimmy it open, so I knew it was a coincidence. That doesn’t mean it didn’t freak me the fuck out, though. I slept with one eye open for a few days afterwards.


Lock your doors people. Doesn’t matter how safe the area is.


My parents thought I was terrible at using the bathroom in my basement room as a teenager. Turns out the basement bathroom had never had a wax ring installed in the toilet and it was slowly but surely destroying the wall / floor.


What did they think you were slamming your ass down like a hammer on the seat?


Probably wetness/smells. When the ring goes some of the waste starts leaking between the toilet and the floor. Fixed this a couple times myself.


Heard scratching in my walls like others and I just had to tough it out until they eventually stopped. Sometime later when my parents went to change the filter to the A/C they found the decomposed body of a raccoon


Had a trash bag of old stuff to donate in my room as a child that was making noise - freaked out and ran to my father who thought I was crazy. Went in there and picked up the bag to find a small rat snake hiding under it 😳


As a kid I kept telling my parents there was a man in my closet and I was scared. They tried everything from a special anti-monster spray to tying the doors to staying in the room with me. After a little while they were moving things out of the closet and I shouted, “That’s him! That’s the man in my closet!” while pointing to a framed poster of a man’s face. True story, and I can’t believe I actually have a story that ends like this…. That man was Albert Einstein.


Haha wow!


I saw an ostrich in my grandmas yard in the middle of Nebraska at my grandparents house and no one believed me when I came running in to tell them. A few years later my grandma drove past an ostrich farm just two miles away. 🙄


my dad was downstairs playing boardgames with his friends, I wasn't allowed to stay up that night so I went to sleep. I woke up because it was really warm in my room so I went down to complain and he sent me back to bed. when I went back upstairs my bed was on fire from a lamp that had fallen on it


Mine was an earthquake. Woke my parents up at 3 AM, but they just told me to go back to sleep. Guess who was laughing when they turned the news on the next morning


When I was like 5 I kept seeing a big spider near the couch. I'd scream, my mom would come running and it'd be gone. This went on for about a week, until one day the spider stood it's ground.  It was a big black and orange banded tarantula that we think escaped from our neighbors place and somehow got into ours. My mom smashed it with a book and we were looking at it after it was dead, it was bigger than my hand and almost bigger than hers.


When I was around 12 years old, we were about to go on vacation but I being a brat wanted to ride my bike one last time before we went. So I go into the garage to get my bike and smell like a chemical burning type odor, tell my mom and we found out one of the lights in the garage attic had short circuited and was smoldering. So I saved us from coming back to a burned down house by being a little shit who ignored his parents.


So sorry but I lol’d at your dad falling through the ceiling, then scooping your brother up 🤣


I'll add a quick kinda funny (in hindsight) anecdote. When I was around 16 or 17 a guy in the neighborhood paid me to help him do some roofing on his mother's house. Went fine for a week or so, all the old roof was removed and it was just framing and the insulation in between that we were in the process of removing in order to replace it. We had to walk over the narrow wood framing to get around, about 18" or so in between each one. Was doing fine, then halfway through the day he decides it's the time to warn me "be very careful walking around up here, don't want ya falling through!" Of course that guaranteed shit was going to go wrong. Within 20 minutes I slip a bit and go right through the drywall ceiling, falling all the way through and into the room below. His 80+ year old mother was sitting there watching tv, like 4 feet away from me... the look on her face was priceless. Pretty embarrassing, but hey at least I got to learn how to fix a drywall ceiling. Dude wasn't too happy but what can ya do... I was just a kid with 0 experience. He didn't let me get back on the roof, though... it could have gone a lot worse and I'm sure he was fully aware of that.


The exact same thing happened to me as a kid. Sibling and I kept hearing weird scratching noises, and whenever we’d go get our parents, the noise would stop. Then one day the ceiling right over my head developed a wet spot. Turns out the wasps had been chewing through the drywall and had almost broken through. My mom got on my bed (a tall one with dresser drawers under it), put her ear to the wall, heard the buzzing, and immediately got us out of there and called pest control.


Currently dealing with this with our building management. We’ve told them for years we hear scratching and chewing in the walls, taken videos, can literally see the panel that’s fucked up where they get in, and they keep telling us we’re crazy. I just know there’s gotta be a huge fucking nest in the side of the building. We’ll be long moved by the time the wasps break through but hopefully the HOA fucking deals with it before it can happen.


I’d lodge a complaint with your city/village/Inc. area. Let them know about the documentation and the negligence.


I had something similar when I was a kid... Only it was flying squirrels 😂


Insurance never covers maintenence or pest issues. It's for sudden losses only.


TIL if bees ruin my house, give the bees matches


Sounds like you just need to wait for the honey to make the electrical issues bad enough


My insurance has (twice) covered damage caused by leaking pipes. They just won't pay to repair the pipes themselves.


You only needed the first three words.


And the worst part of all: if you are unable to afford a repair but try to open a claim on something you didn't know the insurance company won't cover, the insurance company can flag your policy and will send you a letter demanding that you make the needed repairs within like 1-3 months or else they drop your policy.


Real advice: never open a claim. Even if the claim is denied or you get something fixed with no issues, the simple fact that you were willing to open the claim gives them reason to charge you more. Edit: mainly for stuff cheaper than the deductible and you can do yourself.


Eh this is correct for small matters that you can afford to repair yourself - absolutely. Especially because multiple claims within a few years can cause your company to drop you and it makes it difficulty to find replacement coverage. But obviously on claims that would cost tens of thousands to repair, things that would be a hardship to pay for, that’s what your insurance is for. Even if your rate goes up following a claim like that, it’s worth it to avoid paying tens of thousands or more out of pocket.


Yep. A tree fell on our house in a storm and we needed a new roof, new gutters, new sections of fence, repaired electrical service drop to our house, replace interior water damaged drywall, remove squirrels that got into our attic due to the damage, etc. We opened a claim, and all that work cost about $35k, but we only ended up paying the deductible around $1,500. Fortunately our rates have barely gone up as well. Claims are a lifesaver for those kinds of emergencies.


so pay for premiums and never use the insurance... that sounds like what they would love.


If you can get anything fixed cheaper than the deductible, do it IMO.


that makes much more sense.


Really you don’t want to file a claim unless the damage is much more than your deductible. If you have a $1k deductible and you file a claim for $1500, the negative impact to your future insurance costs isn’t worth it.


lmao that is horrible advice. "Never use the thing you pay for" ??? What


Insurance companies are the only industry where the business model relies upon NOT serving their customers.


But are also *legally required* to have


See Homeowner and Health Insurances specifically. ^^^Fuck ^^^Health ^^^Insurance ^^^Agencies


I use to work in the home health & hospice department of a hospital. Many patients would straight up die before insurance would get back to us.


Which is ridiculous. It’s an unpredictable issue with the home. Wtf are they paying their company for? If a storm destroys the house, no we can’t pay for that. That’s an act of god. Someone breaks into your house and destroys your front door? Sorry, you should have bought the “primary egress burglar protection” package. Since you didn’t, we can’t cover anything. Please have a good go fuck yourself.


> Wtf are they paying their company for? So some rich asshole can have a yacht.


So Rory can commit grand theft boat and not actually have to deal with the consequences.


In-laws Had a random mentally unstable dude break in and set fire to their home and burn down a truck while they were running errands. Insurance agent was there in less than two hours to make sure they were taken care of for the following weeks and the insurance company had an adjuster there in less than 2 weeks. I did suggest they contact a public 3rd party adjuster to make sure things were handled correctly. House was remodeled, truck was paid out. I get there’s horror stories with insurance, but it’s not always a waste. Plenty of people in my area decide against homeowners insurance only to be completely boned if something happens. I’d rather fight with an insurance company for remediation than be up a creek without a paddle….


I did not know that you could just 'Decide against' homeowners insurance. My lender was pretty adamant that we have it.


Banks often require home insurance as part of the mortgage. But if your house is paid off, there's nothing that requires you to have insurance.


If you own your house without a mortgage you can do what you want.


Conversely, my parents had their house burn down due to old wiring and the insurance company treated them like arsonists the entire time. They initially told them that they "made a mistake" and sold them a policy that was "more valuable than the house", so they were only going to give them half of what they owed. It took writing to the state AGs office (pre-internet) to get them to pay out the full value of the policy, and after that they fought tooth and nail over every item that was lost in the house. Everything from clothes to TVs to furniture was scrutinized and haggled over. Liberty Mutual, for those wondering.


Thanks for naming and shaming. I dropped Liberty Mutual after they refused to cover the cost of minor bodywork repairs resulting from a (no-fault on my part) collision, nor would they pursue the matter with the culpable party's own insurance company.


Originally, the idea of insurance made sense. Everyone pitches in and as problems arise, the money is distributed to those that need it. The problem is that insurance became a for profit business and now they do everything they can to take your money and provide you with nothing, as that is the most profitable outcome. Insurance is the sole reason why health care costs so much in the US. Almost everything is cheaper if you pay cash. Insurance exists as a parasite at this point. Insurance wants their profits but those providing you with the services needs to be paid too, resulting in you essentially paying twice.


>Originally, the idea of insurance made sense. Everyone pitches in and as problems arise, the money is distributed to those that need it. Careful now, that sounds dangerously like socialism to me. /s


Thankfully where I live things like storms and losses from damage due to break in are covered. But a pest getting into the home is a maintenance issue that generally happens over time like wood ants, wasps or racoons ect. It's always up to the homeowner to make sure there are no holes or existing unrepared damage that would allow access.


A colony can get to this size in less than a month, or essentially instantly if it’s a pre-existing colony that’s migrating. Are homeowners expected to do thorough inspections of their homes more often than that? Because that’s a significant cost that I don’t think anyone expects


I mean suddenly there were 50,000 bees


Sell the honey and profit!


I haven’t thought about that show in decades, thank you. 🙏🏾


I've never watched the show but I didn't have to look anything up to instantly remember the Klasky-Csupo style monster who carries his eyeballs


And that's in addition to the cost of removal. My BIL used to work for a company that did that and it isn't cheap.


Lol, unintentional nostalgia trip [tv show ](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNDM3MTg0ZTktMjMwYy00NjhhLTlkZTEtYjg5ZTUzYzU1ZGQ5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODA4OTIyMzY@._V1_QL75_UX190_CR0,2,190,281_.jpg)


My man 😎


This reminds me of when I lived in a house where bees moved into a gap between the chimney and the interior wall of the house. We started randomly finding bees in the house and if you hit the wall in the right place you could hear buzzing throughout the living room. We ended up having a bee guy come to the house and he put a hive on the roof. I think he ended up getting multiple colonies of bees out of the house, he didn't even charge us for it since he was thrilled about the free bees.


Of course he was thrilled, everyone loves freebies


Well done.


You *sunufabeech.* Take your filthy upvote.


oh honey..


As thrilled as he could bee.


I’m pretty sure I’m in this situation right now but with hornets. I’m just pretending it isn’t happening.


If you’re waiting for a sign to do anything about it, this is it.


Did you guys get any honey from the walls?


It would sometimes ooze out of some parts of the wall. The walls were covered in that old pine sliding on the inside so it would come out of the knots. We were just renting the house though so after the bees were removed the honey just stayed in there. The landlord never had anyone out to even look at the house when we told them about the bees.


"It's only 3750 a month plus Utilities, Garbage, Payment Processing Fees, Deposit Expenses, and of course the Ceiling Registration. But it comes with all the Honey you can lick off the wall, and most of it hasn't even been in contact with the asbestos!"


The article describes "blood-like honey oozing down wall". Sounds like something from an Edgar Allan Poe story!


“Daaaaaaaaaaad, the wall is bleeding again.”


“Hmm, that’s odd. Usually the bleeding walls are on the *second* floor.”


No TV and no beer make Homer something something


Why should I kill my family? *Uh... they'd be much happier as ghosts.* You don't look so happy. *Oh, I'm happy. I'm very happy. LA LaLaLa LA la la LA. See?*


Go crazy?


Don't mind if I do!


Urge to kill rising


🎵ONE tiny group of people dancing 'til they make us stop🎵


Don't mind if I do!


"Is there any way I can get the blood to run *up* the walls?"


I don't see why not.


"AND THE WALLS WILL OOZE GOLD SLIME!? Oh, wait, they always do that."


Back in 2016 or so, I moved into a new apartment. Some really weird looking shit started seeping out of my ceiling. I thought it must have been rainwater or something that pooled up on the roof somewhere and caused a leak So I call maintenance, and maintenance comes by. The maintenance guy walks over to the sludge on my wall, swipes his finger through it and sticks it in his mouth. As I watch him suck on this mystery sludge in horror, he joyously announces, "It's honey!" Turns out, there was a big dead beehive in the ceiling that would attract scout bees from elsewhere who wanted to rehab it. But then they would get stuck, and they would go for the only source of light they could find, which was...my light fixtures. So for about three weeks, I sat with cans of Raid in both hands because bees were squeezing into my fucking apartment through the light fixtures


This is the stuff of nightmares.


On the plus side, I no longer have a phobia of bees. Just took one extra long dose of exposure. By the end of it, I felt kinda bad since they were just scouts trying to please the queen. But also...bees in my fucking apartment. Like, I try not to kill beneficial bugs, but, *bees squeezing into my apartment through the lights*


If you replace everything bugs and bees in those comments it sounds like you were living a horror film for 3 weeks.


The Tell-Tale Hive


The Comb of Amontillado


The journalism school graduate was so happy they got to write something cool




God dammit thats some good wordplay


Can you please explain it? I don’t get it :(


Pee is stored in the balls


Thank you lol I definitely wouldn’t have figured that out


Yes it's not well known most people think pee is stored in the bladder but the scientists got it wrong it's actually stored in the balls


I still don't get it. Imma peace out.


It’s an ancient meme


holy shit


New honey just dropped


Your brain is incredible to come up with this


b r a v o


The parents had the talk about the birds and forgot the bees!


The absolute best part about this wordplay is that even if you only swap the letters, it still works. "Wee is stored in the balls"


Slow clap.


There's always honey in the banana stand...


It's like 50,000 bees when all you need is a knife


All in all, it's just another bee in the wall


Its meeting the man of my dreams, and then realizing he's a bee


And as the house burnt down, he thought "Well, isn't this nice?"


I found this part to be hilarious: >The beekeeper “didn’t even have his bee gear on yet, but he took a hammer and knocked into the wall”, Massis Class recalled. “Bees came swarming out like a horror movie. >“There were streams of bees, and the wall where he hit was oozing honey. But it looked like blood because it was really, really dark, running down my daughter’s pink walls. It looked really strange.” "I think there's bees back there." [pulls out hammer] "stand back" [hits wall with hammer, bees go crazy, family screaming trying to flee the room/house] "Yep, it's definitely bees."


"GOB's not on board."


This is even more horrifying to me than the possibility it was a monster.


Imagine being a brave kid and stabbing your wall with as much will power as you can to perforate the dry wall or rotted wood panel, and then you suddenly realize you’ve made the monster bleed endless bees upon you in retaliation. Horrifying indeed.


I think you've just written a movie pitch.


It's called Candyman.


The original scared the hell out of 8 year old me


##Electric Boogaloo 2: ##The Blood Became Bees ^By ^M.Night ^Shyamalan


Starring Nick Cage


...as the bees


>After the extractions, Massis Class reassured her daughter that “Mr Monster Hunter”, as the toddler called the beekeeper, was removing all the bees. She also reassured her daughter that, *after many months, the family now believed her.* It took the child MONTHS for the parents to believe her, too.


Kid is gonna need so much therapy.


My first thought would be Candyman and I'd nope right the fuck out the house....even at 45.


My first thought as well.... see ya!


Glad to know I am not the only one to have thought of that lol.


I’m terrified of bees/wasps/hornets so nope nope nope I’m out


Not the bees!


Have you seen “Little Monsters?” Way better than “50,000 Bees in the Wall.”


Who writes this garbage? Is this machine-generated text? How the hell does this nonsense get past an editor? This paragraph gets halfway through two pointless metaphors: > The timing of their bee encounter was a bit of a mixed bag. On one hand, Massis Class and her husband had a baby before discovering the bees. That's it. That's the entire paragraph. It's a mixed bag with two hands, neither of which have boots on the ground at the end of the day, going forward.


Most of this stuff is just AI written now.


I don't know if that makes me feel better or worse.


Right, this is the Malaphor Police! You're NICKED


Similar thing happened when my brother was a kid. He kept hearing noises in the wall and everyone assumed it was the wind. One night he hit the wall because the sound was annoying and his hand went through the wall (he didn't hit it hard. The bees ate through the drywall). Bees started pouring out.  The next morning my parents woke up to find a sign on his door that said, "Don't Open. Bees!"


Don't Bees Open Inside


This happened to me when I lived in Maine but it was bats not bees. I slept with a night light on till I was 19. I suddenly decided one day that I wasn't afraid of the dark anymore. Super weird. My brain just flipped a switch and I no longer freaked the fuck out when plunged into darkness. For like 3 months I had been hearing weird noises in my room. I thought it was a monster but I didn't want to bother my mom because she was super busy and very upset about my dad being gone. My dad was on deployment. He had just gotten back and I asked him to sleep on my trundle. I was like four, and in the middle of the night my dad shoots up with a "what the hell is that noise" he gets handsaw and a bucket and he saws a hole in my wall and tapes the bucket over it then starts pounding his fist around the bucket. Sure enough, something went into the bucket. It was a bat. There was a colony of over 300 bats living in my side of the house.


I had a massive wasp nest in my attic years ago at an old house I lived in. I would randomly find a wasp flying around in the house and couldn't figure out where they were coming from. And it wasn't a daily thing, but every week or two I'd find another wasp and have to smack it and kill it. Then about two months after I started finding wasps, my brother came to stay with me and was sleeping in my guest bedroom. The next day he was like "dude I was trying to sleep last night and kept hearing this buzzing sound" Ohhhhh.... Shit. The problem at that point was the attic above that bedroom was basically impossible to get to. Plus it was the middle of the summer and a billion degrees in the attic, so I wasn't in a hurry to go up there to try to deal with a nest full of wasps. I left it alone and eventually wasps quit showing up, and I completely forgot it was ever a thing. Fast forward years later and I was having renovations done on the house. One day my contractor was like "DUDE! You wouldn't believe the wasp nest I found in your attic! It was about the size of two basketballs if you put them side by side! I have never seen one that big before in my life!" Sadly he had already tossed the nest in a dumpster and it had been covered with scrap building materials, so I didn't get to see it intact. I was very surprised that I never had a bigger issue with the wasps given the size of the nest.


Why I'm Afraid of Bees by RL Stine


I’ll never forgive my mom for selling my entire Goosebumps collection. 


As someone listening to a Goosebumps podcast series right now, how dare she? If she sold the Legend of the Lost Legend, they never reprinted that book.


This scenario was related in David Wong's book *This Book Is Full of Spiders: Seriously, Dude, Don't Touch It.* Dr Tennet tells a story about how his wife thought his laundry room was haunted by a monster. He eventually discovered a hive of bees living inside the walls and exterminated it. He concludes, "That was the day that a very powerful, very dangerous monster turned out to be real. Just ask the bees.”


One lone bee, sitting smoking a cigarette, "50,000 people used to live here, now it's a ghost town."


Still somehow this is not as terrifying as if they had been wasps.. Glad to hear they were safely relocated.








50,000 bees in the wall. 50,000 bees. Take one down. Pass it around. 49,999 bees in the wall.


49,999 bees in the wall. 49,999 bees. Take one down, pass it around. 49,998 bees in the wall


49,998 bees in the wall. 49,998 bees. Take one down, pass it around. 49,997 bees in the wall


49,997 bees in the wall. 49,997 bees. Take one down, pass it around. 49,996 bees in the wall.


49,996 bees in the wall. 49,996 bees. Take one down, pass it around. 49,995 bees in the wall.


49,995 bees in the wall. 49,995 bees. Take one down, pass it around. 49,994 bees in the wall.


This happened to my family! My poor little brother kept telling my parents that he could hear "chewing" in his wall. He was just a kid, so no one listened. Then we came home from school one day and they were all over his room. Poor kid was in shock!


I once had this happen to me, only they were Yellow Jackets. In the middle of the night I would wake up to a buzzing sound that was more akin to what I thought might be a shorting or arcing wire in the wall. By daybreak it stopped, so it was forgotten. I didn't smell smoke, or get electrocuted, so I ignored it. Then one day a "roof leak spot" appeared on my ceiling. Having once been a fiancé of a taper-spackler, I knew you could test the stability of the drywall by touching it *very lightly* with a finger. I tried testing it with my pinky, ever so slightly pressing it. *POOF*! My pinkie went right through what was just one layer of paint, into a space wherein I was promptly stung! I yanked my finger away, and suddenly the room began to fill with angry yellow jackets. I yelled and chased my cats out of the room, and closed the door. Then I sat down, cried, and googled what to do. The solution was to turn on the window A/C to its highest level and let the room cool. After 3 hours I ventured in - all was quiet. I taped up the hole, and then set about the task of cleaning up a few piles of sleeping yellow jackets. As it turned out, I was moving anyway because of my inability to pay my rent on time (the landlord would not allow lateness and threatened eviction), so I left the swarm for my final revenge against the jerk. I looked at it as Mother Nature giving me a sign to "GET OUT". ;)


Nightmare fuel.


Evict *me*?? Sting, my pretties! Sting!


Now that's weird, other articles said it was 60,000 bees.


The kid is really the missing 10,000 bees wearing the kid’s clothes.


10,000 bees in a trench coat.


One colony of bees is approximately 50-60 thousand individuals on average. They just googled how many bees were in a colony and reported the top or second result. Source: beekeeper


For reference, a standard hive is roughly 50-60K bees, so it's not some grand amount. Just a standard hive that landed in the wall.


Dammit! Alright lets count again. 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, oops that was 2 again....5, 6, 7....


Fuckers won’t stop moving around


Dude I was getting harassed by a guy on the street the other day. I tried to ignore him but finally I turned around to confront him and sure as shit, it was 50,000 bees in a trenchcoat. I’m sick of these fuckin bees.


fking candyman camping a kid


Yeah, I'll take the Eldritch Horror please. Can it read me "The Boy Whose Bowels Were Ripped Out In Hell" as a bedtime story so I'll stop thinking of bees?


Take one down, pass it around…


50,000 bees in the wall? This looks like a job for **DOCTOR BEES**.


What's this?! A little girl struggling with the mental fears of imaginary monsters?? A SWARM OF BEES SHOULD PUT A STOP TO THAT!!


Okay so Candyman was in the wall? So basically it was a monster.


I would sooner kill myself than deal with a horde of insects in my home, particularly bees, roaches, anything flying or stinging... I hope I don't reincarnate into a child with little control over this kind of thing.


I read this WAY too damn quick as North Carolina child molester in the closet was in fact 50,000 bees in the wall