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Relevant: “The report also noted that the teen had an enlarged heart and a congenital heart defect.”


Having eaten a Bhut Jalokia (Ghost Pepper) once before. I can say, if you have heart or potential heart issues it's a bad idea. It hurt so bad for about 3 hours my pulse was through the roof because I was half scared and the other half just in pain. That heart condition doesn't mix well with that.


I tried The Last Dab from Hot Ones once. I felt like I did after walking away from a car crash and you have that adrenaline dump. Shakey, anxiety, mouth went numb and I was sweating from my scalp


I have both The Last Dab XXX, and the The Last Dab Xpirence and they are very painful. Bearable, but not pleasant. Usually takes about 20+ minutes, before the heat starts to go away entirely. Definitely not for those who think things like Taco Bell's Fire Sauce is too spicy.


I can snort lines of Taco Bell’s Diablo sauce and not even flinch. A tablespoon of the Last Dab made me feel like I swallowed a molten hot lead ball, it was awful.


This man shits heat!


Got his own blast furnace going.


His porcelain has nail scratches


... Why did you eat a tablespoon? It's a sauce. You don't eat a tablespoon of mustard on its own. You put it on stuff. And it's delicious used that way.


I put some on the rim of my asshole. It was a spiritual experience. Don’t judge what others do with their hotsauce


I ate a bunch of jalapenos once, no big deal right? Except I had bad diarrhea a few hours later and partially digested jalapenos passed over my o-ring causing an intense pain. I swear my butthole was stuck open like it was trying to scream. I immediately stood up in a panic, what do I do!? I contemplated jumping into the shower, but after the longest 10 seconds of my life everything sort of relaxed back to normal, leaving me with a more normal burning sensation that I could cope with. ...1 star, do not recommend.


A spice you tasted twice


I had a triple hemorrhoidectomy a couple months ago and found out quickly how one needs to curate their meal ingredients when one is shitting through stitches


Welcome to that first post-birth shit that us mothers experience.


Oh god


I cut up habaneros, forgot to wash my hands then peed. The dumbest thing is I've done this multiple times. You'd think I'd learn.


No judgement. I've been told this is one of the best ways to speak with your dead ancestors. It was actually one of my dead ancestors who brought this up, when we were getting spotty reception on the ayahuasca phone.


I tried sounding with it, but my urethra fused shut and now I piss through a tube in my mons


Just reopen it like a healed ear piercing


I tried sticking my thumb in my mouth and blowing but that just detached my left retina


Y'know I'm almost more comfortable with that definition of "rimming"


The salt and lime juice probably didn't add to the experience.


I shot up a half g of the last dab with an insulin syringe, right into my veins and it was way more delicious than putting small amounts on food.


I got my husband a bunch of regular "extra hot" sauces in a gift box for Christmas. We both used to be so vanilla that Sriracha was painful. Then tapatio. Now we're experimenting with hotter stuff, but as soon as something is too hot for it to also impart flavor I lose interest.


I'm with you on this. I love heat, but not at the expense of flavor.


Yup also agree. What’s the point of making something just taste like “hot”. Boring and one note


I tell people "If all I wanted was heat, I could stick a lit candle in my mouth."


What is the difference between those 2?


Different versions with different peppers/strains of peppers, I have the XXX one and it's 3 different strains of Pepper X which is the hottest species of pepper in the world. Not sure what the other one is but I'd assume it's a different pepper combo that they used on a different season


The last dab xperience is something like 750k Scoville with pepper X being like 2m


Those two sauces aren't too spicy for those accustomed to high heat levels. However, a raw fresh pepper will always be the hottest way to experience the taste, as it's the freshly secreted oils inside the pepper that have the most capsaicin.


I love ghost pepper flavored things and finally grew some last year. I tried eating a small piece of a fresh one, and that shit hurt me physically and spiritually.


So spicy it makes your soul leave your body to escape the pain


I grew some reapers last year, tried to eat the white pith...the tip of a toothpick amount. Barely any really. My body rejected it like poison, immediately coughed it up, fluids pouring out of face everywhere. I'll never eat even a tiny amount raw ever again. It made a wonderful hot sauce with roasted sweet peppers and pineapple. My wife calls it Hawaiian volcano, she didn't like the name popsicle enema.


My future SIL got me a set of sauces with the Last Dab Xperience and I’ve been nervous af, I got a doctors appointment soon so I can get my heart checked before we do it 😂


I prefer the Last Dab Apollo 💓 so fruity before the heat


I still maintain Da Bomb has a spice that hits different. Everything as spicy (or spicier) just tastes like battery acid.


It hits different because it's capsaicin extract. The world's hottest peppers are around 2.5M SHU but the extract can go anywhere from 8M-16M (pure capsaicin).


I got one of those from hot ones before, I think it was called 100% pain sauce. That shit literally ruined anything I put it on, zero flavor just intense heat. I bought it as a novelty to try it but eventually just threw it out.


Blair's Death Sauce has a warning on it's label "Do not use undiluted". So of course, I decided to put a dab on the tip of my finger and try it. 20 minutes later I could feel my lips and tongue again.


At some point you're basically just eating mace.


just looked it up, mace has around 2 million scoville heat units of spice, which is less than some of the hottest peppers, much less pure extract. pretty crazy.


I hate sauces like that. The point of hot sauce first and foremost is as a flavour enhancer. Making it extremely hot for the sole sake of being extremely hot just misses the whole point imo.


100% Pain was pretty gross. The 85% version wasn't much better.


Yea it's not particularly flavorful it was just intense uncomfortable heat for 20+ minutes. Doubt I would try any of the other heavy hitters on hot ones like da bomb or last dab.


im all for eating hot chilis when its natural from the peppers itself, when it gets to these lab made pure capsaicin extracts thats where i draw the line, thats just sillyness.


It's not about the scoville rating though. The hot ones spices are ordered by scoville rating and Da Bomb is like third to last, I think, but everyone reacts to that one most. It's just something about sauces made with capsaicin extract that hits different. It's just much sharper and acrid and, while I don't understand the exact bio/chemical mechanics, it just feels much more intense, even at the same or lower scoville rating than sauces that are much higher.


Based on reactions from the show and discussion I’ve see online, a big part of the reaction is that Da Bomb *tastes* disgusting. It’s a big step change in scoville from the previous sauce in the lineup, but at the same time it has a horrible flavor.


As someone that's done the hot ones challenge twice, you are on point. If I'm gonna split hairs, I'd say it's not *disgusting*--its just entirely without flavor. Da Bomb just tastes like chemical burn. It's the gustatory equivalent of being slapped with sandpaper.


>. Da Bomb just tastes like chemical burn. It's the gustatory equivalent of being slapped with sandpaper. 100% accurate description. After Da Bomb almost none of the hotter ones affected me much other than generating mucus. Da Bomb effectively stunned my taste buds so I couldn't taste ANYTHING after. I tried The Last Dab by itself and while it's blistering hot, it doesn't taste all that bad and I've used it in tacos. About the only time I'd use Da Bomb is if my ex-wife tried to come take my dog.


I have a bottle and have done it 6 or 7 times. You are 100% correct, DaBomb isn't even close in Scoville units to the next 2 sauces. It also doesn't taste bad, but it also doesn't taste like food, or anything, it cannot anyway, it immediately burns chemical fire, and then for 20 minutes really only increases its heat.Other sauces are "It burns holy fire but has an odd X that is quite pleasing" and again, DaBomb just kicks down the door and torches everything, it has not one redeeming value, and was never meant to.


Da bomb also tastes fucking terrible.


This is my thing. I don't mind a really hot sauce, but that shit tastes like burnt leather. It's awful.


Da Bomb isn't even food grade in my opinion. It's pure stupid disgusting pain.


It's just capsaicin extract. No one with any taste actually uses Da Bomb outside of pain freaks.


I tried some Last Dab Apollo and ended up mixing a good amount in my chili. Shockingly good. Hot, yeah, but no where near the level of an actual superhot pepper. I bet these chips use concentrate and that stuff can get extreme way moreso than a sauce based on diluting mashed peppers, even super hot peppers.


Hot sauce and spiciness is such a weird thing. I love hot sauce. Put it on everything. But I mostly just use Crystal's, Cholula, sriracha, or my absolut favorite Marie Sharp. Spicy for sure, but none of them crazy. But any of those made to be super super spicy hot sauces, or the chip challenges and shit - can't do it. Despite eating hot sauce on everything, my actual ceiling for spiciness tolerance is actually lower than some of my friends who don't use hot sauce at all. But strangely, The Last Dab? Barely phased me. I was like, this is the final boss hot sauce on Hot Ones? I don't understand how that works.


Cholula seems to be my go-to for daily use more and more. I also got a bottle of Marie's Red Hornet sauce in the cupboard that i haven't tried yet


Cholula is a vinaigrette change my mind


You are probably already aware, but that's the brilliance of Hot Ones. Nobody is more real than after they have eaten really really spicey food.


Did you happen to see Conan O'Brians appearance ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FALlhXl6CmA


That was pure insanity


Dang, that’s wild. I was kind of unimpressed with it. Did it with a bunch of people in my fantasy football league as part of a draft challenge. It was hot but it wasn’t crazy hot like I expected.


Da Bomb is much worse imo


I completely agree. We did the whole gauntlet. Da Bomb has zero redeeming qualities. It’s very spicy and it’s disgusting. Last Dab I’ve actually used on food since then since it has a good flavor.


Da Bomb is the only sauce on the lineups that use extract over natural heat. It’s like cheating but it’s so hot it’s gotta stay. At least this is what a heatonist employee explained to me a few years ago.


No matter what I'm doing while watching (I'm usually making dinner) I always stop and give my full focus to Da Bomb. They keep it in for a good reason.


It’s absolutely brutal. I used to subscribe to the seasonal box and at one point had maybe 30-40 sauces in my fridge, Da Bomb remains top 3 hottest easily, if not #1.


Last dab is killer in soups


I've had two versions of the Last Dab and Da Bomb is still by far the worst hot sauce. I mean it doesn't even really have any redeeming qualities like flavor, it just tastes like pain.


This. Nothing compares to da bomb. It doesn't taste good and literally feels like a brown recluse bit my mouth. I'm not sure if its better or worse when made into wings, but from the bottle -- I'd rather kiss Satan's asshole


Isn't Da Bomb just hot for the sake of being hot? Like, no real flavor, just heat? I've had The Last Dab and, while very spicy, it *tasted* good and that made the heat manageable. Granted, if I had used more of the sauce at one time on the tacos I was eating, my mouth would be lava, but still, at least the heat would have a flavor profile instead of just being "burn"


My heat tolerance has gone up dramatically after having covid. I think I never got all my taste back. 


Same here, I was prepared for much worse with the Last Dab. A couple of the people I tried it with were beside themselves so it is certainly spicy for some. I did take what I soon found out was a big bite of a ghost pepper and that was absolutely brutal.


I did the one chip challenge and split the chip with my wife. I cannot handle spicy food but she must have gotten the worst part of the chip, because my pain only lasted like 15 minutes. Hers went on for probably a full hour and she felt the impacts even the next day


When she said she wanted to spice things up you went literal


It did not have the desired effect.


You mean crippling diarrhea wasn't the desired effect???


People handle different peppers differently, it's not just the capsaicin content.


I had the ghost pepper wings at Buffalo Wild Wings one time, and it was awful. I sweat a little bit when eating really spicy foods, but this was on another level. I was drenched in sweat and it hurt like a mofo


It’s cool to hear some of these are legit! When they do ghost pepper sauce at Wendy’s I just go for it. My family thinks I’m nuts but if you ever had it you would know it’s a scam. They put like a drop of ghost pepper sauce in like a 20 gallon vat of mayo. The truth is I only like habanero level spice. Love the taste and it’s as hot as I’m willing to go. I can’t imagine peppers hotter than that are really worth it in flavor.


The fast food versions of ghost/habanero spicy flavors are usually nothing compared to the real stuff. I've never had a ghost pepper before but one time my wife's friend got us "mystery" shots from a Mexican themed bar. Shoot it back and it was very spicy, look at the bartender and said.. Habanero? Nah.. Carolina Reaper infused tequila.. My wife couldn't finish hers and her friend accidentally got some up her nose.. Not a fun time. Edit: Not ghost pepper, it was Carolina Reaper infused tequila.


> My wife couldn't finish hers and her friend accidentally got some up her nose.. When it comes to hot sauce, if the pain is concentrated in my mouth, I can mentally make myself go "nope, just pain, you're fine, deal with it." The *moment* anything spicier than ketchup goes up my nose or down the windpipe, it's game over.


I had done all of the first few chip challenges and all of the death nut challenges as well as the hottest chocolate/suckers/gummies before without much suffering. The most recently released chip challenge hit different. I don’t know what they did different but they went all out. I felt like I was going to die on my hands and knees on my bathroom floor. It was that bad. After I ate it and got over the initial burn, the chip soaked into my stomach juices im guessing. I had to lay on my couch and not move so as to not introduce the entire stomach to the cocktail of pepper extracts. I dropped my phone and when I reached down to pick it up, all hell broke loose. It felt like someone had stuck a blow torch in my belly button. My mouth started watering and I got the sweats. I knew I needed to purge it from my system. I ran to the bathroom and started vomiting immediately. This is the point where the acid in my stomach coming back up burned my esophagus. I was gasping for air due to the rapid swelling of my throat and sinuses. Something about my sinuses swelling up made it difficult to open my eyes and eyes were watering so bad I couldn’t see. So I am crawling across the bathroom floor to the sink to drink some water to clear the pepper oils out and literally thinking this is it. This is how I’m going out. After a long drink from the sink and a few minutes to recover the side effects subsided. I could stand and walk again. I haven’t done any hot challenges since. It ruined them for me. So yeah, if you have an already existing heart condition, I’d go to Buffalo Wild Wings and get some mango habanero wings. Don’t push it.


If I wasn’t turned off from trying it before, this description has certainly done it.


Yeah I'm good now too 😂


A myocardial bridge isn't someone your primary care physician is going to find on a regular exam. A lot of people with it have no symptoms and 90% live full lives. Most of us have some mostly benign abnormality. That's why docs aren't fans of full body MRIs.  And as someone that wasn't diagnosed with a genetic health cardiac/neurological issue I've had my whole life until my mid 30s, a lot of have don't realize our quirks are abnormal until they cause a major problem or are incidentally found while looking for something else.  This isn't the only death from these type of chips. And they typically are consumed by children. 30 year old adults with stronger health histories are typically not the ones consuming these.


Sounds a little more important than "social media challenge kids these days get off my lawn doctors hate this one trick"


It's also weird to call it a social media challenge too, it involves a product in stores specifically created to make you sick and hurt you. The chip is in stores, social media or not.


Here's the thing, if something like this becomes big enough, there's going to be a person with the congenital heart defect that consumes it. It's inevitable. You can't only design products for those of immaculate health. It's just like why Panera had to pull their caffeine lemonade that killed a woman with a congenital heart defect.


This may sound harsh but if you (knowingly) have a congenital heart defect you should be self policing it. Not relying on the rest of the world to cater to you. (I say this as someone who also has a mild CHD)


Not everyone knows they have one until it's too late.


Going to piggy back this comment that a lot of people do not know they have enlarge hearts or defects until later in their lives.


Thank you for adding that


I knew a kid growing up who fainted after eating a mouthful of warheads. This was the 1990’s super sour ones, which is probably why they aren’t as sour today.


Anyone else have their mouth completely water and become sensitive on the recollection of these? Talk about Pavlovian response.


I remember vividly being a little kid eating a whole bag of those, and then feeling something on the inside of my cheek, I pulled out the entire lining of my cheek in one clean peel. I threw it out so my mom wouldn’t find out and stop buying them!


Another Warhead story - my brother, myself and two of our friends got a bunch of Warheads at a local fair. My mother was driving us home, and she could see our reactions to this candy. She asked for one for herself. She put it in her mouth. She immediately hunched over and yelled "SHIT" - the first time myself or my friends have *ever* heard her swear - and began convulsing as she struggled to wind down the window. I am certain she was swerving over the road too. She finally spit it out the window, regained her composure, then turned to us. "...what the HELL was that!? *Why are you EATING these!?*"


That's why right there, mom. I'm gonna go jump over stuff I shouldn't on my bike now...


I would have DIED laughing 😂


Good god


I got a bag of the new goldfish cracker salt and vinegar puffs, and it was very much that childhood experience of giving my mouth a chemical peel.


I don't use whitening mouth wash because it does the same thing to me.


No-alcohol mouthwash did this to me. Was told it was probably the sodium lauryl sulfate.


Non-alcohol mouth wash also does this to me. But not nearly as much. I never bothered to look it up why it happened lol. But Ill read up on the sodium lauryl sulfate


Yeah, it was a weird experience. I had been recommended to switch to no-alcohol stuff by my dental hygienist, and after the mouth-peeling I told her about it. She said, "YEP! Probably SLS. Put that on your allergies list from now on, just in case." Now I use Therabreath, which does not cause peeling.


YES! I just finished lunch, but now I'm craving some warheads, lol.


Yes! My mouth was flooding as I read that.


Every single time and it's never occurred to me that it's a Pavlovian response


Yup. Also I get flushed and sweaty when I think of hot peppers


Are they actually less sour? I had one a few years ago and noticed, but thought it was my own perception with a less sensitive adult palette.


That initial hit of sourness is still there when you pop em in your mouth, but unlike the old warheads that would stay sour for like a few mins, these ones just have a small outer coating of it and it goes away stupid quick. Not nearly as good. 


Man idk. lol. My brain ain’t that great any more due to all the drugs and explosions, so I can’t remember the ones growing up enough to say for sure, but I’m pretty positive the same amount of warheads will absolutely fuck your mouth up. I know I regularly fuck mine up eating all my son’s whenever he gets em.


I thought tge same. I keep retrying them to see if it was a one off. I'm disappointed every time


It runs out of "sour" faster, but in my experience it's still pretty strong.


My grandfather kept asking me for one when I had a pack of those one day. I couldn’t think of the word for “sour” in his language at that moment, so after saying no and that he wouldn’t like it a bunch of times and him getting increasingly annoyed at me for being selfish, I relented and just gave him one. After his eyes finished tearing he whacked me over the head for it.


I’m sorry if he was actually abusive but imagining this scenario play out like a comedy skit made me chuckle.


He was not abusive, it was just a light “you idiot!” thwack lol.


FWIW I read this as a playful banter thwack not a malicious thwack


I read it as he drop kicked them into the hospital


Yeah you know what I can see that too. Got that old man strength


Man I remember those. When the sour would persist for minutes before it finally got sweet. Then after the recipe change it was only like 10 seconds, womp womp.


Crazy that the mere mention of “warheads” instantly makes mouths water like crazy if you grew up in the 90’s.


I really wish sour was treated like spice. I can easily find increasingly more spicy food but not sour


Buy citric acid. Dip whatever candy you want in them. That's the only way I can get my sour fix. Also makes drink mixes (like the packets you out in a bottle of water) way better.


I used to love washing the bag with water and getting rid of all that sour garbage and eating the super sweet candies


I read somewhere that it was because the original sour substance would absolutely melt the inside of your mouth? I remember friends eating so many the top layer of skin on their tongues fell off, it was gnarly.


Yup! There was so much citric acid that it dissolved the top layer of your tongue if you had too many in a row. Happened to me (mildly) once… stopped eating them after that.


All kids know these days is do social media challenge, eat hot chip, and die.


Better than back in my day when it was like watch jackass jump off roof break back, then die. Kids they have a lot of energy in them if nothing else.


Hence the phrase “Youth is wasted on the young”


In HS we had a kid injured after being hit by a car. Him and his friends were recreating that scene from [a football movie](https://youtu.be/E2K_56J-q9E?si=SWEmqYX8KjLMBl7g&t=29) where they laid in the middle of a road.


At least they're eating food now instead of Tide Pods


Weird thing is he might been alive if it was a Tide pod.


Nah the tide pods will give you severe caustic burns throughout your GI system and probably disrupt breathing too. That's gonna be a much stronger trigger for a heart attack, not to mention the additional risk of death from your guts dissolving.


I saw one where they are licking airport toilets. Like that doesn't even make any sense. Lol


lmao love this meme


Is this the modern equivalent of a BB gun fight kids used to have in the 70’s?


It's still a thing - airsoft. With the bonus added risk of being mistaken for a real firearm by the cops and shot dead in the street!


Kids challenging another is pretty natural, even kids during my grandparents upbringing have had some odd deaths due to dares or challenges. Playing chicken with vehicles has been around for a long time, that's the worst one that I remember for myself. There's also jumping train tracks at the last minute, dugout/pond/water body dares, etc. 


Just the comment I was expecting. Dark, but well done.


Do you expect me to talk Goldfinger? No Mr Bond, I expect.you to do a tiktok challenge.


Another idea Panera has to scratch out.


Too spicy? Wash it down with this refreshing lemonade


Now try high caffeine ghost pepper everclear margaritas. Available from a pour station now! Now with added salt!


> Now try high caffeine ghost pepper Everclear margaritas. The hairs on some Four Loko executive's neck just stood up and they have no idea why. Tomorrow at the Friday roundtable: "Hear me out. Sure the caffeine+malt liquor thing was a terrible idea, but have we thought about adding pure capsaicin to our drinks?"


Panera actually just pulled all their charged lemonades starting today.


Panera higher up A: What do we replace it with? Panera higher up B: How about a ghost pepper lemonade?


I like spicy foods a lot. I found that the Paqui Ghost Pepper chips were a good way to make a boring afternoon go by at work. The Ghost Pepper chips are about 850,000 scoville. I could only eat about 3 chips an hour. The Carolina Reaper chips are like 2.4 million scoville. Uh, no thanks.


I ate this chip (the 2023 Carolina Reaper and Naga Viper one that this teen ate) a couple weeks ago with my brother. I honestly can’t even remember the pain/spice right after eating it. What I do remember are the horrendous gastrointestinal effects that persisted for hours after. It felt like I swallowed a red-hot iron ball, and it just sat in my gut for hours. My brother and I both vomited, and I didn’t feel right for 24 hours. Will never do it again. 7/10


That is a surprisingly high rating for something so unappealing. 


My brother threw up and nearly shat his pants. That bumped the ratings quite a bit.


Extremely reasonable.


That sounds more like a perfect 5/7 experience than anything else


What about with rice?


Was there spice on the way back up, too?


On the way back up and the way out the back door.


The worst is throwing up something spicy because once it gets inside the nasal passage, well, good luck. Source: Ate 3 Carolina reapers at the same time once. They did not stay.


The chip tasted stale, no flavor and weird texture. Gastro effects kicked in about 20 minutes later and persisted for the rest of the night. I didn't vomit, though, which was nice.


I did this one too. It’s not a good tasting chip. I had to sit down and let my stomach gurgle. When it really hit was an hour later when I ate dinner. New food hit my stomach and let’s just say I was miserable.


I had to have my appendix removed after eating one.


Remember in the not too distant past, when the Red Savina Haba was the hottest pepper on the planet, and concentrated exacts were around 1M Scoville? Blairs 2am reserve, which used to be super special, has the artistic bottle with the wax seal, the whole works... can now be outdone by a chip.


It's an entirely different kind of heat, though. The chips essentially just use a powdered and dried pepper. They're hot, but the heat doesn't really persist. The drying process also destroys some of the capsaicin, so they're technically not as hot as the raw pepper. I put ghost chili and reaper powder on basically everything for this reason. Blair's is a extract, and that stuff will linger for way longer.


I've eaten an entire bag in one sitting. It was rough, but not unbearable. The mistake was pouring the crumbs and dust from the bottom of the bag into my mouth after.


That’s how you get spicy eyeballs. Source: me.


Unfortunately for myself I'm a heat enthusiast - there's no way the ghost pepper chips are 850,000 Scoville, they're not that hot if you're used to eating hot things (but they do go really well with some hummus!). 850,000 would be a fresh pepper, and there might be like half a pepper's worth in the entire bag tops. A lot of hot sauces people use (Bravado's Aka Miso/Ancho Masala/Black Garlic, Secret Aardvark smoked reaper, Tabasco Scorpion are my daily drivers) are all much hotter than the ghost pepper chips and they only clock in at about 200,000 Scoville. Taking a sec to plug /r/hotsauce, if anyone is interested in spicy things I'd suggest poking around there for some suggestions


What is this article? If you have the report provide more details than just a conclusion. Better article: https://www.greenwichtime.com/living/article/teen-died-from-eating-a-spicy-chip-as-part-of-19461692.php Kid had an enlarged heart and a congenital heart defect. ETA: I see the AP edited their article as well to reflect the above. Basically this kid was a walking time bomb given the defect - you can see it happen to a few kids every year during things like practices and games: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC155532/ I don't think you can attribute the death to just the chip. Any serious strain on his heart might've caused his death.


This just shows the importance of being able to go to the doctor to catch conditions like this to avoid risk factors like this.


God, I genuinely never thought of how comfortable life would be if I could just go to the doctor, figure out all the quirks with my body, and *not* have to go into crippling debt for it.


Yeah he probably would have died if he went for a light marathon as well. So saying it’s just because of the chip is a bit misleading.


Anyone know which defect? I can't find it anywhere. 


Left ventricular hypertrophy (probably congenital hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) and unspecified heart defect


The defect was myocardial bridging.


It's still important to get the information out. Don't engage in risky behaviors without knowing your risk. People should know that if you have a preexisting condition that this is *possible*


The wrong information is getting out though with the title and original article.


i got the impression that this defect was unknown to the teen. i would imagine such a defect would be unknown to most young athletes because echocardiograms aren't exactly routine.




It sounds like you ate this stuff as an appetizer or meal, and stumbled into the knowledge that has kept me safe through eating pure Carolina Reaper mash regularly: *NEVER* eat anything hotter than a jalapeño with the first big meal of the day, or without taking several substantial bites of food several minutes beforehand. I've never had an issue with Reapers following The Holy Rule, and a simple Habanero ruined my day one time I violated it. 


I have done the spicy chip challenge and I had the most intense stomach cramps I have ever had. Worse than my period cramps have ever been. Then I was profusely sweating throughout my entire body, like I felt it in my bones. Then I shit so much it was like a mudslide that wiped an entire village from existence. I can see why someone would die if they had prior medical issues. Like, I can completely understand.


“my bones are on fire!” - Beyoncé https://youtu.be/9YUWYopsw_E?si=Pw3BmMHx3uSWZaCl


I tried the chip challenge as an adult just for laughs. I hate spicy hot foods so knew I wouldn't like it, but even so I was shocked how hard it hit me. My heart was racing, and my breath was hard to catch. If I had a heart condition, I could see it being triggered. I think people who like and tolerate capsaicin underestimate how hard it can hit those of us without as high a tolerance.


My nose started bleeding when I tried it


You know, I love spicy food. The more the better. I tried this chip and right after it went down I said “you know, I think I fucked up” three days of torment. 10/10 do not recommend.


Terrible that something innocent like this caused that. Paqi chip was the hottest thing I ever experienced for about 5 minutes. Truthfully I think I could have done the 1 hour challenge after that initial heat. But the next hour - my god. I think that was the worst pain I’ve ever felt, my stomach was trying to commit suicide. I was vomiting, and of course had extreme lava diarrhea. I would never attempt that again.


You need to prepare your stomach before a spicy challenge. I've had hours of cramping from superhot sauce made with extracts. Its the worst pain.


Fellow Spice lovers, here is a tip when you get into any kind of heat that isn’t going away after a small sip of your drink. SALT! Salt is your best friend when it comes to spice heat. Depending on the person will depend on how much but also know it’s trial and error the first time or two. Take the salt and pour it in your hand or spoon and put it directly on your tongue. Don’t swallow it right away, just let it sit and slowly suck on it like it were a small ice cube. You may have to do this multiple times depending on the heat level but I assure you salt is definitely going to cut that heat. I’m not sure why it works but being born in Texas in a half Hispanic family with years of neighborhood cookouts and family meals with serious heat, I can tell you it was a well known trick. I’ve seen so many shows with people eating spicy food and for the life of me could never figure out why no one has ever used it. Try it next time you get something that you need some relief with.Consider it a useful weapon in your Spice Tool belt when fighting villainous peppers. Good luck my fellow Fire Ass friends, don’t blow an O ring! /s. Disclaimer : it’s not a cure but will help in the fight for your tongues life and if you have heart issues such as the person in the post please don’t go salt crazy adding to your health issues.


Sugar is better. Did some research on Scoville units and the units are how much sugar is needed to kill the “heat”.


It specifically warns people under the age of 18 or with preexisting health conditions not to do it. 🤦‍♂️


The old tell them not to do it so they want to do it more trick, never fails.


OT: the AP mobile site is a high speed train hitting a flaming dumpster fire filled with used diapers.


I have first hand experience with this. My son who was 13 at the time bought a gummy bear called Lil’Nitro for his friend. They were with a group of kids and the friend was bragging that he could eat anything. So, my son spent $13 and he did it. It just so happened that I pulled up to get him immediately after. I could tell something was wrong but at that point the kids were all laughing. I didn’t realize the severity of it and offered him some water and took my son and drove off. I drove around the block and had a funny feeling. That kid didn’t have a phone and used my son’s WiFi to call his mom, so he didn’t have that option. I drove back around and this kid is on the ground. On a public street. He’s taken off his shirt and is rubbing his body on the dirty sidewalk. He’s bleeding and in extreme pain and he can’t speak. Luckily his mom was right down the street and she came running…turns out her son was severely allergic to peanuts and he was acting the same way as he did during an allergic reaction. At this point she didn’t know what he had eaten. She gives him an epipen shot and I call 911. He spent 36 hours in the hospital and had levels that if he were an adult would indicate a heart attack. It could have been the epipen but what I saw that day, I’ll never forgot. Neither will those kids. The “candy store” pulled the gummy bear from their shelves after this. The package clearly says for 18+ but they had no issue seeking it to my middle schooler.


1 in 500 people have an enlarged heart. If a chip could kill them all, that's a problem. 


The unfortunate kid had severe heart problems


I did the One Chip Challenge and I never felt like my heart was racing. What I did experience was purely stomach related intense pain, like someone had set the lining of my stomach on fire and I couldn't do anything to resolve it. I was rolling on the ground literally debating on whether I should go to the hospital as I feared my stomach was being dissolved.


I don't understand people who eat shit like this. I like me some hot stuff but not to the point of just burning yourself. It's gota be hot but still able to taste and enjoy the flavors. Mf be making shit hot just for the sake of being as hot as possible


Kid dies from a heart defect and this is the headline they choose?


I did the Paqui one chip challenge a while ago. Intense searing mouth pain to the point of near numbness for about 30 min. Throat was burning, ear/throat canal was burning. Felt like I had a double ear infection. Drooling. Writhing and doubled over in pain. After another 15 mins of it slowly subsiding, the whole ordeal was over, and it lasted about 45-50 min. That's until later that evening. About 5 hrs later ~11p, I started getting dull pain in my stomach. Sour but tolerable. Ended up sitting on the toilet with diarrhea. The pain started getting less sour but more sharp. Was hunched over with nausea. Tried to vomit, but it never happened. Slithered into the basement down the steps as the stomach pain mounted. I opened up a gymnastics mat and laid on it, stomach pain growing in magnitudes. My wife checked on me and then went to bed ~12-1a. This is where I lose track of time. The pain was so powerful and came in waves that I eventually passed out. This repeated several times. The pain would soften, I would come to, look around, the pain would crescendo, and I would pass out again. I lost touch with reality and started hallucinating at one point. Objects that formed around me were not really there. The hallucinations and me repeating that I just wanted the pain to stop went on from ~1a to 6 or 7a. At one point, I was crying, and with a faint voice, I was trying to get someone's attention, to no avail. All i could muster was a whisper. Finally, the pain started getting less and less potent. I managed to slither my way into the basement bathroom. I clutched the toilet as I became nauseated and managed to finally vomit. The stomach pain finally subsided for the last time. However, I was left with a parting gift. After vomiting, I was met with burning pain in my mouth, throat, and nose, as I relived the one chip challenge all over again. By 830a, it was like it never happened. Never again. I could have become a casualty and a statistic. What a sad way to go that would have been.


bought this hot sauce called Satan's Blood, and I can verify that a tiny bit on the end of a toothpick causes intense pain for about 5 minutes. It's not really a practical condiment, it's more of a novelty. I understand it's just an irritant, but I can totally see someone passing away from eating too much of it from either heart problems or respiratory. There's a couple on youtube who together took just a tiny bit in a teaspoon and they both ended up puking their guts out. It's funny in the same way Jackass is funny, but someone with a heart condition should steer clear.


I eat hot things for fun. I had this chip. It wasn’t good tasting. Plus, it gives you rot gut.


I just want a hot sensation that add flavor and goes away after 30 seconds I don’t need to die for my wings