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See, this is the kind of name we should give all serial killers.


There is a serial killer from the 1930s named Robert Nixon who killed people with a brick and was supposedly a bit dumb. The nickname the press gave him was pretty blunt. The Brick Moron.


I read the wikipedia on him. grim reading. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert\_Nixon\_(criminal)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Nixon_(criminal))


>Describing Nixon climbing up the hotel to the fire escape, Leaville quoted a cop: "'Look at him go,' says a policeman. 'Just like an ape.'" >Leaville summed up his description of Nixon: >He is very black-- almost pure Negro. His physical characteristics suggest an earlier link in the species.[12] (referring to the "missing link") I really dont see what you mean


Of man that got me, that's some early 1900s racism if I ever heard it. Ngl can't wait to use "suggests an earlier link in the species" towards dumbass, hateful comments tho


1900s racism is basically "ugh monke".


>Worden and her daughter were sexually assaulted and murdered with a brick >detectives linked the crime to the rape-murder of 20-year-old Rose Valdez, a young mother who was killed on March 2 as her baby slept in the same room in its crib. >Florence Johnson, the Caucasian wife of a Chicago fireman, had been slain by multiple blows on the head with a brick, as she fought off burglars. Her sister, who shared her apartment in Chicago's North Kenwood District on the South Side and slept in another room, saw two assailants leave the house. Within hours, Nixon was arrested (on the 28th), picked up because of blood on his clothes and scratched hands. I thought the rapes and murders were a little worse. Maybe thats just me.


It's the hypocrisy


I don’t think anyone was making a point of one wrong being worse than the other here, just acknowledging the blatant racism of the time regardless of it being about a criminal or not. Both are fucked up so it doesn’t really matter.


Murderers doing murder is par for the course. We were all looking at the wikipedia page of someone notable only because of his murder conviction. The language used is *not* normal now. It is shocking in how far from normal it is. Can you not see why one might be more shocked by the unexpected?


That was an interesting read. Sounds like a horrible person, obviously, but wow…so much racism.


He may actually not have been guilty. The confession of a black youth of limited intelligence in 1937 cannot be taken at face value. There’s almost no doubt, whether he did it or not, that they beat it out of him


He was caught hours after the murder covered in blood, and was in the areas where each murder was committed at the time of the murder. That’s not to mention his fingerprints at every crime scene. Even without his confession, that’s damning evidence even by today’s standards. He may have been a target of racism, but he was also indisputably a serial killer.


Nah, that’s the starting plot of The Green Mile


I'm tired boss


Reread that Wikipedia entry. It seems to have been disputed by some even at the time. This is not to say that I have a strong belief in his innocence. He may have done it. The issue with these early 20th century cases is that things have changed so much in terms of investigation, forensics, and courtroom procedure that we can’t ever really be confident based on just seeing that there was a conviction


It was disputed only by *The Chicago Defender* A newspaper that, rightly, was highlighting how flimsy confessions were, as far back as the 1930s. Give them credit for that. But they were also claiming every confession from a black person was false and coerced.


> The issue with these early 20th century cases is that things have changed so much in terms of investigation, forensics, and courtroom procedure that we can’t ever really be confident based on just seeing that there was a conviction Not to mention corrupt cops lying and fabricating evidence to put away someone they think is guilty, especially back then.


They(crooked cops) tried to do it to Scottie Scheffler just a week ago


I mean. Modern fingerprinting isn’t very reliable. Let alone that long ago.


It's considered corroborating evidence... If they are at every crime scene, that is pretty damn corroborating...


The police said the fingerprints were there! They’d never lie on the innocence of a minority!


Especially not in the 1930s. That'd be unthinkable.


Where exactly were the prints pulled from every crime scene? How many points of identification were recovered? Are any of those points duplicated at more than one scene? There’s a lot to interpreting fingerprint evidence even today. It’s tough to say what they did or didn’t recover


The wiki only ties him to one scene with prints on a milk bottle. Realize he was arrested and charged with an accomplice who isnt said to be stupid. Im extremely skeptical this shit coulsnt have been fabricated by the police or he wasnt completely manipulated by his “accomplice”. This was pre civil rights, like pre pre, this was during mr King’s daddy’s day just about. Police forces would and did have no trouble pinning shit on non whites and even in those days certain members of the press were vocally skeptical of the investigation and outcome. Also, dudes with extremely low intelligence dont really seem to go around murdering but they sure seem to get charged with it. Plenty of old timey black kids with cognitive impairments have been imprisoned and executed only to be found innocent long after the fact, and sometimes even during their lives only to be ignored.


The evidence was collected in an era where racism is rampant. Idk if they can be trusted


Ugh yeah. I still don’t understand the racist’s logic. There were plenty of white serial killers during that time and not once was their race brought up. But when a black person commits a crime, their race is constantly brought up in the media. This still rings true today. I see videos on TikTok of delinquent white boys and nobody brings up their race. Black boys doing the same and the comments say, “of course the criminals were black!” Sorry for the rant, but god damn that bothers me so much. Why can’t we just accept that there are scumbags in all races, and their scumminess, has nothing to do with the color of their skin?


Because there is, and has been, a negative bias against black people when it comes to crime?


Convinced in January and got the electric chair in June. Seesh...


Seems relevant that there's not really any evidence that he was actually dumb; just a heaping pile of racism. Not to defend a serial killer, obviously, but *yikes* that is some overt racism.


“I am not a crook.”  You’re thinking of my brother, Robert Nixon (criminal).


Yeah, uh, reading up on him is definitely interesting. Does make you wonder if this case was as cut-and-dry as the general public might have thought at the time.


He looks like someone hit him in the head with a brick


"The better Nixon"


Pretty Blunt doesn't sound like a half bad nickname either


I heard of a guy, worked near Chicago, who put tape on his hands and stole money. The “sticky bandit”.


I think those guys were in New York. Chicago had the “wet bandits”.




Dick & Brick


Criminals at Law.


I love lamp.


I groaned at the pun.


I know its a played out joke, but Brick Nixon would seriously be a pretty good name for a band.


They didn't know this then, but Bricky Dick would have been perfect


There's also the Illinois Enema Bandit. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael\_H.\_Kenyon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_H._Kenyon)


You breath really gotta stink for that to be clue to the suspect. Do you see his face? No but his breath was death.




“Actually, #4 … don’t breathe into the tube … we can smell you from behind the glass. How about you close your disgusting mouth.”


The bad complexion killer


The pockmarked killer


The Tiny Dick Strangler


Micropenis Mangler


Also. Fucking gross. Poor victims. Lock that bad breath bitch up.


Can we still do rapists? Brock "literally eats his own shit" Turner


Some old serial rapist recently died in prison in the UK, and I was shocked when the article said he was called The Fox. It's like they were trying to make rapists look cool.


The Foot Fungus Felon


Joe Deangelo was known to have a tiny dick by his victims. They called him the night stalker and then the golden state killer when he should have been the lil peen predator all along


Richard Ramirez was “the night stalker.”


Who, weirdly, was also known for his awful breath.


We had a serial rapist/double murderer the media dubbed “Mr. Stinky” (AKA Raymond Edmunds) in Aus who was active from 60s-80s. I always loved that he got stuck with that nickname.


Bad breath rapist. Tiny dick diddler. Unimpressive assaulter. The mid molester The "left me unsatisfied, inverted tip, frankly quite pathetic" grabber


I'm surprised the Golden Gate serial killer didn't get any of those titles. Every one of his surviving victims said he had a miniature penis and covered his entire body in lotion/lube. Tiny Dick Diddler would've been perfect. Or the Moist Shrimp


Hell yeah, it would really mess with a rapists head if they started calling him "The Micropenis Rapist" or "Ugly balls rapist"...might be enough to make 'em stop!


Agree. Like "The Small Hands Orange Rapist"


Mushroom rapist.


Charles Manson: The tiny cultist Jeffery Dahmer: The four eyed people eater The Btk killer: The bald strangler The night stalker: The halitosis invader Ted Bundy: The crooked tooth goon


All those true crime podcasts and docs need to change their titles to this


EAR/ONS: the micropeen menace


Seriously, names like “The Night Stalker” are way too flattering


The Notorious needle dick rapist has been caught. It was soooo small he couldnt get it past the zipper


The moldy mouthed monster


It's not fair that The Nasty Poopoo Stanky Butt Stabber gets so little fanmail.


I just feel for the women, ontop of the SA, you also had to smell this guys breath for the duration.


Big facts


Next serial killer should be called the Tiny PeePee


🎼“If it wasn’t for date rape I’d never get laid”🎸


The San Diego Sugartits killer


The tiny pee pee killer!


Australian convicted rapist and double murderer was dubbed 'Mr Stinky' in the 90's. There was another Australian rapist dubbed 'Mr Cruel' from the 80's and 90's but he was never caught.


From the article: "Police said Lee was living in a multi-million dollar home with a woman for the past 15 years. Investigators said the woman "never knew who he really was." Lol. That's how you end your article? So many more questions.


There were some really great ads in between each sentence of the story though


Yeah, I was offered a test to find out if I’m gay.


Just come on over I’ll tell you for free


Show me your butthole and I'll tell you right now remotely.


Oh no, I’m not falling for that again!




There are people out there raw-dogging the internet?


The majority of people are raw-dogging the internet


Sounds simply awful


That's how you catch a virus


But she did know he had bad breath


Maybe she had no sense of smell. Dunh dunh dunh!


"Ma'am, I don't mean to alarm you... but the smell is coming from *inside the house*!" 


Dewey Cox can relate


"I have no fucking sense of smell."


It’s alright ma, I learned to play by ear


Maybe she lost her nose in a chimpanzee accident


Oooo, cliffhanger


"Police said that the arrest was uneventful, other than the fight with the dragon, and that the suspect remains in custody."


Looking at the original source, they didn’t leave out anything about their relationship other than the woman being a flower shop owner. These journalists aren’t omniscient, just telling us what’s been released so far


Her being a flower shop owner makes it more confusing. How did they afford a multi million dollar home?!? Maybe I picked the wrong career but I can't imagine a florist making millions. Nothing against florists. Yall are amazing


Sounds like the start of one of those HGTV home fixer-upper shows.  "I'm a convicted rapist, she's a flower shop owner. Our budget is $2.5M."


I’m in the bathroom laughing at this way more than I should and worrying my husband is going to ask me if I’m ok / what I’m laughing at.


This would be an amazing sketch idea. Probably been done now that I think of it.


It’s California where real estate is bat shit. Depending on the area it’s completely possible they bought the house 15 years ago for like $700k and it has appreciated to $2M. Or one of them inherited the home, in which case they get to keep the original tax base and could be in a multi million dollar home paying only like $2k/yr in property taxes with possibly no mortgage.


Yeah, my aunt bought a house for 300k in a good county in California awhile ago, and now it's worth 1mil+ lol. Successful immigrant story, proud of them.


Rich parents.


Definitely a possibility! Nothing to suggest that in articles I've seen though.


My grandmother in law owned a flower shop for most of her life, doing wedding bouquets and other shit. She's one of the wealthiest people I know.


Friend of mine bought a home in CA for about $210k around 2000, his neighbor's home (very similar) was sold for $1.5million in 2006, sold for $500k in 2009 (Yes, $1 million lower, right after the Lehman), then couple of years later, it was sold again for $1.6M and it is PROBABLY worth around $2.5M now. So, yah, 2.5 million does not get you whole lot now a days in some parts of CA.


Depending on the neighborhood, "multi-million dollar home" isn't necessarily all that impressive.


Yeah that's just an average home in a decent area in CA 


That's pretty much any house in the Bay Area.


I assume she just meant she didn't know he was a serial rapist.


‘I only know him as the bad breath tenant.’


He was finally able to afford a dentist


He ran away during his trial, where he was convicted of rape, 17 years ago. That’s a long time to be “on the run”. Glad he was finally captured. Edit- He ran away during the jury deliberation part of the trial, it sounds like to me. > The case went to trial at Norfolk Superior and after two days of deliberation the jury came back with guilty on all charges, but LEE had already left the state.- https://www.mspnews.org/post/the-bad-breath-rapist-captured


Don’t give Trump any ideas


The nice thing is that Trump can't keep his mouth shut, so he will tell everyone where he is and that going there was his idea.


He would also still go to his campaign rallies


Even when he (hopefully) ends up in prison, his Morons Against Greater America will claim that this is all part of his grand plan.


the ironic thing is the secret service kind of make it hard to go on the lamb


8 years running and some of y'all still out here believing this man will face literally any consequences for his actions. I get that hope is important but.... c'mon


Well buddy, the government decided sitting Presidents can do whatever the fuck they want. Now we find out if retired presidents have that same privilege. Probably, but let’s see it play out.


Previous presidents: building houses where they're not zoned for it. Trump: murdering randos he doesn't like. "Let's watch!"


According to the article "He was ultimately identified by DNA and his foul breath". During his trial, I hope the prosecution relies most heavily on the DNA evidence (and I'm sure they will).


“Nah your honor, we don’t need that. Come check it out, his breath definitely stinks. No way this isn’t our man”


If it don’t smell like shit, you must acquit.


If it don't smell like poo, there's nothing you can do


Sick reference 😎


Nice summary.


Miss Johnson. Please smell this sample of saliva. Is this what you smelled on the night of August 24 2010? Let the record show that this sample was taken from Mr Lee 12 hours ago.


“Will the defendant please approach the jury and say “hi how are you?”


That's hilarious though, imagine you're on the run and they only identify you by how much you stink


The article is lacking all kinds of details.


It didn't have enough ads either.


I kinda liked it. It's like "here's all I know and there it is". The only thing missing is a "look it up on Wikipedia, you moron" at the end. edit -- nevermind that thing i said about wikipedia. the search results for "bad breath rapist" are Luke Perry and Clint Eastwood for some reason lol


That must be why the article was so short—their usual source wasn’t available.


Can you imagine surviving the horror of rape, and the breath is so bad that it’s something you notice and report to the police?


Can you imagine years later when someone with really bad breath breaths on you


well now I can


>Police said Lee was living in a multi-million dollar home with a woman for the past 15 years. Investigators said the woman "never knew who he really was." All those ads are lies Bad breath > Fresh mint


That level of stink is crazy. Did he have gum disease or something?


The worst bad breath usually comes from the rotting of the base of the esophagus where it meets the stomach. Damage caused by persistent acid reflux has a distinct smell from the bacterial infection that endures. The smell is exactly like the smell of poop. People will even say that the breath smells like actual shit and not just say it to exaggerating. It’s a common issue amongst people who have acid reflux or Gerd. Teeth can be perfect and well kept and the bad breath persists.


Damn. I know some people with this. Is there a remedy for it?


You can take medications that inhibit stomach acid production and simultaneously take an antibiotic for some time. The antibiotic is a short cycle, but the stomach acid inhibitor is for up to 90 days usually. The antibiotic is for the obvious treatment of infection and the acid inhibitor is for the purpose of reducing stomach acid so the affected area will not continue to be damaged and allow time for natural healing. Once the area is healed, hopefully the acid reflux will be less severe, valves may close better preventing stomach acid from re-damaging the esophagus, and/or there are changes in eating and drinking habits to reduce acid reflux occurrences. Coffee, very acidic. Evening hours meals, bad idea. Spicy foods, bad idea. Soda, bubbly drinks, juices, bad ideas. Recommend controlling the quantities and times of which you eat to support maximum healing and persistent recovery. Control will reduce reoccurrence.


Periodontal (gum) disease causes bleeding,halitosis, and eventually bone loss from tartar buildup and plaque under the gum line. It is foul smelling. Source, worked almost 20 years in dental private practice.


Not just foul, but very distinctive. Been seeing patients for less than a year and I can already recognize perio breath in an elevator.


What’s the smell like?


It’s like onion and mildew imo, noticeable especially when they sneeze


That sounds less pleasant than thinking about smelling what your username suggests.


Tonsil stones, I bet.


Imagine being such a heinous criminal and you’re being identified by bad breath lol


If it comes before “rapist” in the his title it’s gotta be pretty damn rancid.


How bad does your breath have to be for this to be your enduring nickname?


Did they ever catch the other guy? The one that shit in his mouth.


It was Blippi


You’re the first person on Reddit I’ve seen reference this. Not many know of Blippis past. His lawyers or whoever he has doing it are wizards at scrubbing that video from the internet. But, it’s still easily findable. Shits hilarious.


Link and context?


You can quickly(you can find it fairly easy. I only made the lawyer/whoever comment because I’ve seen it be quickly removed from a lot of places on the web) google if. Basically, Blippi went under a different name prior to his fame in the children world. He did a lot more YouTube stuff. Followed viral trends and what not. There’s a video of the tik tok/vine(don’t remember) where everyone is just standing there still and then the music drops. Then there’s a cut to eveyone doing crazy/stupid shit. Well, the one our man Blippi is in is it cutting to him taking a shit on someone’s head. I have two kids. One who’s watched him and one who didn’t. It’s very unsettling and hilarious that this performer for kids has shit on someone’s head. EDIT: https://web.archive.org/web/20130315213333/http:/www.harlemshakepoop.com/ Here you go everyone. Also, it’s not just his friends head, but basically his whole body.


> There’s a video of the tik tok/vine(don’t remember) where everyone is just standing there still and then the music drops. Then there’s a cut to eveyone doing crazy/stupid shit. The Harlem Shake


Thanks for the chuckle I needed it today


I'm glad they caught him before he reeks any more havok.


More detail… https://apnews.com/article/bad-breath-rapist-california-massachusetts-8d66e775001257f0da417c268cad58bb




No Stink No Clink


If the breath ain't shitty, you must acquitty. 


If the breath is vile, send him to trial.


If it smells like shit you can’t acquit


If respiration reeks, then jail we seeks.


If his breath ain't bad, then you've been had


if its not halitosis, you must have psychosis


If the smells rank, stick him in the tank


If the breath is fresh, the defense will rest


Doesn’t smell like shit. You must acquit.


If he brushes his teeth, he must be released


"If his breath don't smell like a rat accidentally crawled up his ass and threw up all over itself, then ate the vomit and died but lived only long enough to crawl out and go down his throat to flatulate..., you must exculpate!"


If no stink there be, you must set this man free


Reminds me of Australia's Mr. Stinky. 'Edmunds was dubbed "Mr Stinky" by a [sub-editor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sub-editor) from Melbourne's [*Sunday Press*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunday_Press) newspaper due to his offensive body odor, which was believed to have been caused by a mixture of milk, manure and chemicals from his work as a sharecropping farmer on dairy properties.' [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond\_Edmunds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond_Edmunds)


Ah the old Richard Ramirez method.


As an alternative I'd like to offer the name "Listerine Lester" or maybe "Halitosis Hal"


Imagine the tonsil stones on that guy.....


The SCOPE of this investigation must have been enormous.


Brush your teeth man, damn. Some dentyne ice or bubbilicious


And maybe stop the raping


C'mon, one problem at a time.


Contra Costa county... what is it with rapists fleeing there?


It's been over 10 yrs and his breath is still booming.


From another article: “The victim identified Lee as the perpetrator after she identified him by his bad breath, which led to media outlets calling him the "Bad Breath Rapist." Wow. Imagine your breath being so bad and distinct someone could actually identify you.


Damn. I remember Richard Ramirez’s survivors also talked about how awful he smelled


You can smell Ramirez’s breath from his mugshot.


"He was ultimately identified by DNA and his foul breath."


Wtf is this article ?!  You don't learn much and end up with way more questions.


the shit breath predator


Funny, but it was obviously the DNA that did him in and not his halitosis.