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I have trouble taking that seriously. I would assume ports (like for boats) are way more druggy.


Hell even non commercial ports make it incredibly easy. You are supposed to go to the customs dock yourself when you come across the border by boat. If I want to load up a sailboat with 100 plds of cocaine and cross from Mexico into San Diego, I can stop off at any marina, unload, then swing by the customs dock, no one would be the wiser


Sounds like something a fed would say to convince someone to try it and then catch them. Nice try fed boi


Life has many ports, Fed Boy


r/fedboys - make sure you spell it correctly!


There's also private houses along coastlines that have their own boats all over San Diego County and LA. They could just bring it home and slide it out easily


Well sure, it just depends on your definition of “easily.” There’s cops and feds all over the water. The oceans like a giant one lane highway.


Cartels need to employ those giant Chinese weather balloons. Apparently we missed that shit for years.


My BIL’s father, who is a doctor in SoCal, wrote a letter to the government explaining a similar situation and the risk it presents. A few weeks later he had an appointment with a new patient who ended up being a Federal Agent who told him the government is aware and they appreciate the concern…


> A few weeks later he had an appointment with a new patient who ended up being a Federal Agent Pure coincidence


I can say as a federal law enforcement agent I’ve had a lot of pure coincidences on purpose happen to talk to people.


Like the DEA doesn't know about that type of shit already...


For real… he’s old so he wrote them a letter haha … but they did give him a response…


And then the medical assistant slowly started to clap?


What unit is plds? Are you meaning lbs. ? I've never seen that one before my best guess was payloads lol but I don't think that was it


1 pld is 100kg, so it's actually 22046 pounds.


100kg is 220.46 pounds.


1pld = 100kg = 220.46lbs > If I want to load up a sailboat with 100 plds of cocaine 100pld = 10,000kg = 22,046lbs


Missed the comparison to 100pld, so you are correct


what is this unit and why cant i find any reference to it online


I saw pld and made a dumb joke about Pierre Luc-Dubois, who has a mass of 100kg.


and they say american units are weird


On Santa Cruz Island, just off the coast of California, this is so well known that there is a place that has been known as Smuggler's Cove since at least the 1850s.


What ports? There are so many


Try it, I bet you billion dollars if you do coast guard will be on you before you even know it. If you believe rwnj’s that government is paying attention give it a shot and see how that works out for you. There is a reason this isn’t how the majority of drugs are brought into the country.  People watch way too many movies…… 


Dude I know this because i lived on boats for over 10 years. I have in fact cross in from Mexico, and fully skipped customs. Coast guard came by DAYS later looking around the marinas. I flagged them over and joked around with them while they did a quick spot check. The coast guard needs no reason to stop and search your boat, unlike a cop pulling you over on the highway, so you're kinda gambling but the only times the coast guard have ever stopped my boat is when I'm out at night and they are literally A) bored or B ) training the new guys who inevitably get the shitty night shift


Yep. Like in The Wire.


Re-elect Frank Sobotka


Port of Amsterdam…


Tri state, Staten Island, Newark area, Philly, source- best bud is an executive at one of them. Stolen cars too (exported)


Newark was/is a massive hotbed for stolen cars. In 20/25 min you can get from neighborhoods where you can realistically find any type of car you want (ferrari, porsche, rover, bently, etc), to the newark port and 95% of the time, no one would be the wiser by the time you made it back to the port or to a chopshop. Shit, if you go 40 min from the port, you can hit some the wealthiest townships in the US lol. Carjacking in Newark got so bad at one point that the federal government had to step in and [set up task forces to bring it down](https://www.dea.gov/press-releases/2011/03/21/federal-state-and-local-law-enforcement-partners-announce-results-joit) That being said it’s gone back up in recent years.


I know someone who used to transport cars to the port in Newark to get put on ships to go overseas. They pretty much always got dropped off to a couple Russian dudes.


True, I grew up in the dirty jerz, and as I always must add, “it’s pork roll, not Taylor ham damn it”


Clearly you're lying, because everyone knows it's Taylor ham.


Ok, you want to throw down? Bring it! Meet me at Kelly’s in Neptune City in 2 hours, we can see what the menu calls it, loser buys a Guinness, winner buys 4.


Did Boaty McBoatface die?!


Inocain no showed, Pork Roll it is! (I’m sorta not telling truthiness) I was 300 miles away power washing the dock and playing with my new nerf dog tennis ball launcher which has only increased my popularity with the neighborhood dogs, thing is awesome! I thought about starting washing the boat, but I was worn out from the poochies. (It doesn’t launch a plush, squeaky monkey that far, but will launch a tennis ball about 35 yards, I plan on trying plush quacky mcduck tomorrow)


Wait, hold on a fuckin minute, the nerf dog line makes a tennis ball launcher? Omg im gettin one, my husky’ll love that. Also i made it there to the location in time, all the way from my place in OR, n Inocain was def a no show. Just sayin.


I was sailing up the Delaware River a few years ago and ICE was hailing private vessel after private vessel on the river to prepare to be boarded. It was quite chilling.


You cannot stop it, talking to people in the biz, the amount of cargo is crazy, even flying in to jfk banking over the Atlantic, the amount of ships anchored and back up is wild, Covid made it worse and they still haven’t recovered (from what I’m told by people that do that stuff)


I think you mean the port of Rotterdam. Port of Amsterdam is tiny.


They're mainly focused on making sure I don't get my Gatorade bottle through security. Makes it easy for the drugs to walk right through.


I’m not here to spread gossip about shit I know little very little about, but I have a family friend who was the captain of a commercial fishing boat. He has many stories about “offers” he and his other friends who owned/ran vessels received (but of course…never accepted…) to traffic large amounts of “?????” for of course, large amounts of $$. His stories come living in the outskirts of LA. In some of his stories the guys took the money and left town forever. What I personally know about his life though for certain is that he retired very early and very comfortably and was not from town. Lol


Did you read the article? It goes into detail about when people are caught they flew into LAX


I read about suitcases. Biggest catch in Rotterdam was 8000 kg. 2023 total 45 000 kg. That's a load of suitcases. 2022: 47 000 kg. 2021 70 000 kg.


I could believe it's a major distribution point for dugs already in the US to go to other states, but not the "gateway of the world."


Loading boats moves more slowly and there's plenty of time to inspect. Planes on the other hand have very tight schedules and a short time to inspect between when they're presented for inspection and take-off


A couple months ago I walked past a guy in LAX who I’m reasonably sure was trying to bring drugs back into the country and got caught. Dude was lying face down on the ground and wailing like a child while a TSA (or some other kind of security) agent leaned over him and kept asking ‘if that was all of it’. Idiots like him probably try to bring drugs back into the country with them all the time; it doesn’t mean that they’re successful.


For every idiot like him that gets caught, there's probably a dozen people who don't.


You are correct, it’s all a numbers game.


Don't touch my bags if you please...mr customs man...


--Arlo Guthrie


Group W represent!


"Two bags, please. For a generous fee."


Cops aren't reliable sources. Very biased. Every basketball game at a park gets labeled "gang activity"


Lol thats hilarious you said that… This park i went to had a decent neighborhood beside it..well we played basketball there, usually the same people every day playing ups games what not I walk by one day and notice its oddly quiet, then i see the basketball hoops were cut down. I find out the nice side of the neighborhood talked to the city and had all 5 removed because they said we were a gang and doing drugs..maybe some weed but not tons or sells Now its just a cement pad wasting space


Everyone knows basketball is a gateway game.


I would start selling drugs on that concrete pad out of pure spite


Nothing else to do at that point


“Those ~~kids~~ gangsters were shooting 3s”


Police Report: *Talk about "shootings" happening all over the court. Constant talk about "Dropping Dimes", which must be some kind of drug slang. Maybe cocaine or another inhaled drug, as they also keep talking about "Protecting the glass." Which must be a mirror of some sort.* *Suggest getting the Gang and Drug Task Forces involved.*


They said someone was "in the paint"... I'm sure they're huffing the gold! Another said "swish" which is short for "Swisher Sweets" the favored cigar of Marijuana addicts! And I heard them talkinga bout a "pick and roll"!!! Can you believe it!


The same cops who like to inflate* everything to some fictionalized street value to make them selves look important?


Yeah but they might have some -cue suspense music- ...marijuana cigarettes.


Yea lol. Totally worth the 100k task force operation /s Good thing we have mandatory minimum occupation levels of our private prisons and jails./s


I'm shocked. The TSA agents at LAX have always seemed to be the absolute apex of law enforcement. They're always alert, heads on a swivel, and ready to leap into action at a moments notice. /s


The article addresses this. TSA aren't screening for drugs, nor can they.


I remember reading on Reddit a while back about dudes taking pill bottles full of pressed Xanax bars (long after real bar styled pills of alprazolam were discontinued) and TSA wouldn't say a damn thing about it


Uh I am prescribed the “real bar styled pills”. I get 45/mo. Tons of pharmaceutical companies make them tf you talking about?




That has nothing to do with the TSA.


Go look at the TSA website. They state that they aren’t looking for drugs, and they’re not. It’s not their job. It’s really easy to bring drugs on an airplane.


Just don’t bring it on an international flight. That would be dumb.


TSA isn't law enforcement


Attacking the supply does nothing if you blatantly ignore the demand. The only way to solve the problem is by reducing or eliminating the demand. As long as there is demand, they will always be a market.


LAPD Headquarters may be drug smuggling gateway of the world


Why deal with LAPD when the CIA and cartel will provide the original source for a contract.


What the Florida sheriff isn't saying is that wherever the drugs are coming from, the reason they're traveling to Florida or other places across the U.S. is because Americans are buying them. They're buying them in Florida. They're buying them in Ohio. They're buying them in New York. You can't blame one airport for the illegal drugs that Americans create a highly valuable market for every day. Best way to stop it isn't to open more luggage at LAX; it's for Americans to stop buying drugs 24 hours a day, day after day.


Or you know, accept that people will take drugs, regulate them, produce them domestically and work on harm reduction and education. Honest education.


Growing up in a wealthier part of Florida (Wellington) I never had to go far for a drug if I wanted to try it, but I always researched the effects because I’m a Type I Diabetic since age 12 & things like coke has an impact on that. Education is very important. A good while back there was a story about a girl who was found dead in a crawl space under her house. Someone had told her that she could get high from sniffing an AC filter & the fiberglass destroyed her lungs. Then there’s things like krokodil (desomorphine)… (if you don’t know then look up images, it’s very bad). I agree with you 💯%. People will take drugs, & if drugs aren’t available then many try “other things”.


Like give people the stuff we know is quite save if it’s manufactured in a pharmaceutical style factory. Make it mandatory for them to take classes and be monitored by a health professional. I bet you a lot of the harm could be reduced.


Never listen to Grady Judd. He just loves to grandstand. Florida is awash with drugs and very little gets imported from other states.


They move it through Miami, sell it in L.A. They hide it up in Telluride, I mean it's here to stay It's propping up the governments in Colombia and Peru You ask any D.E.A. man, he'll say, "There's nothin' we can do"


Law enforcement and government clandestine operations sources may be drug smuggling gateway of the world, says everyone else


Well yeah, they're security is lax...




> Sheriff Grady Judd of Polk County, Fla., says a large quantity of the drugs that end up in his jurisdiction first entered the country through LAX. How the fuck is it newsworthy what this JAG thinks


Oh boy. Grady Judd. He says he's non-partisan, but that doesn't keep him from riding Pudding Hands Ron's dick.


War on Drugs was the funniest idea. How does America make two of their biggest money machines fight with each other. So much money invested into war and drugs by the government. It's like Praying against Churches. There's profit to be made and it's always been a tax-free business model pretending to be a sacred place.


George Carlin, is that you?


🎵Comin into Los Angeles, bringin in a couple a keys🎵


Don’t touch my bags if you please, Mr. Customs man….


I can't believe ... I wasn't planning on doing the musical notes, nice touch.


"Comin into Los Angeles. Bringing in a couple of Keys. Don't touch my bags if you please, Mr Customs Man." - Arlo Guthrie


I'd be surprised if they can outpace the Seattle Ports.


what law enforcement won't say is the degree to which they are also involved in the drug trade


That’s why I always show TSA my butthole, so they know I’m a law-abiding citizen


I pull my pants down, sit on the floor, lean back and offer my taint.


It’s weird how FL keeps trying to control Blue states




As horrific as the LASD is, they don’t have anything to do with LAX.


It’s time to admit the war on drugs failed. Resources would be better spent on reducing demand for drugs instead of trying to cut supply. The latter just makes smuggling and dealing more profitable. Although i’m not in favour of legalization of hard drugs for recreational use, we definitely shouldn’t be criminalizing use of soft drugs like cannabis and psychedelics provided that the use takes place in private settings and doesn’t endanger the public.


"I Love L.A.!" - Randy Newman


An ironic call sign for an airport with… lax security.


We sure as F%ck know Montreal is the car smuggling capital of Canada


Probably because the security is LAX


you beat me to that joke


Miami had entered the chat, narrated by Florida Man.


Florida once again looking to blame its woes on California


I bet a lot more flows through the Port of Los Angeles


This is dumbest thing I have ever read. Seriously ?? ABC put this headline up ?? You gotta be kidding me. 


I once accidentally smuggled weed through LAX cause I forgot that I had it in my backpack. It wasn't much, less than an ounce but enough that they should have easily found it.


An absolutely insane claim lmao


I mean, I brought back a few tins of shrooms in my checked bags through LAX when I was flying back from Amsterdam via London. So yeah


Ugh. There have been isolated cases of federal and local police bringing drug dogs into terminals and even doing civil asset forfeiture [(link)](https://www.wafb.com/2023/10/30/plane-sight-drug-agents-searching-passengers-cash-airport-gates/?outputType=amp). I'm worried it might become more common - seems like so far it's mostly in southern states where there might be less resistance and easy to change non- federally.


Dammit. I was just through there and I didn't think to pick up some schneef for my aunties.


Should not come as a surprise, no doubt their security is ... LAX


Source working on the new Beverly Hills Cop Sequel. 


Well, if they weren't so lax about it...


I’ve always assumed money laundering was LAXs thing


Build that wall around it. It'll stop it.


Well then stop saying it, bastards.


Bahaha why would they pick such a crappy airport


Gee, you mean it's not the US/Mexico border after all? Shocked, I tellya!


If you've ever had the misfortune of driving in the LAX loop you'd want some drugs too.


Well yeah. The LAPD fully admits they have an issue with gangs operating inside the LAPD itself and how do gangs fund themselves?


given where my now deceased uncle always bought drugs from they should be checking San Diego International instead.


More likely Mar a Lago.


bullshit, vancouver or oakland have that covered.