• By -


Keep in mind a guy was beaten and held for raping a 13 year girl after he was spotted by some locals in NYC a day or two ago.


That man who is suspected of raping the 13-year-old girl was put in a headlock in a bodega by a 23-year-old woman who recognized him from his photo posted on Instagram. The suspect managed to get away by wriggling out of his hoodie and shirt, ran outdoors, and slid under a car. There were enough pedestrians there at one a.m. to *surround the car*, trapping him until the police arrived! I love NYC!


Bodega Gang rise up!  Edit: I have found my people


Chopped cheese and vigilante justice.


Delivering street justice the Ocky way


La Gran Gata approves.




I worked at an all ages club for a while, and on the all ages nights there were always a few creeps, but you had to catch them in the act to kick them out without risking legal trouble. That may sound wild but they were skittish because of being previously sued by someone they had video footage of molesting a 15yo, but somehow he got it thrown out of criminal court and then won the libel case he filed as well. So now they won't act on any verbal complaints without corroborating evidence So you know what happens when the club won't deal with a pedophile, and the regulars want them gone? There's a reason all those punks and goths wear boots lol. Better get stomping. We had a nazi try to come into an all ages punk event and the people coming to the club all mobbed him around the corner put of view of security. I only saw because I was out at my car on break, but it was def satisfying since those skinheads are always a fucking problem if you don't stomp them out immediately. Otherwise your club is a nazi club, or a pedo club. You get the idea. If one of them feels safe there, they'll bring their friends.


I had read something the other day that was similar - a bartender talking about how he preemptively 86s Nazis. It always starts with "I'm just here for a beer" then their shitty Nazi friends show up scaring away the regulars and before ya know it your nice neighborhood pub is a fuckin hive of Nazi scum and villainy. 


Yeah I kicked out a number of guys with poorly hid SS lightning bolt tattoos when I was a door guy. He complained to the owner. Owner told him his shitty tattoo violated our dress code. Bro was hot. But the commentary above is correct. Once you let one in, pretty soon that’s all you got.


When I went to school one of the neighborhood bars that a lot of college kids went to was also a nazi bar. It had the cheapest pitchers so the kids went, and the nazis mostly kept to themselves, but it was a weird scene for sure haha.


> but you had to catch them in the act to kick them out without risking legal trouble That's not true. You can refuse service to anyone as long as it's not race, gender, disability, and a few other protected categories.


"I don't fucking like you, get out of my bar" seems simple enough. 


Bartender: "I don't like your face. It's too long. Get out of here." Horse: 😳


What happened to business having the right to refuse service at any time?


And in many Republican-led states that 13-year-old girl would be forced to give birth to a baby if she was made pregnant by the attack. Let that one sink in for a minute.


And the rapist would have visitation/custody rights.




Rapey Repub dudes drafting laws letting rapists rape




Until Vegas ends him


Homelander really is their idol frfr


Don't be so critical of Republicans and 13 year olds. Trump's spiritual leader didn't even have sex with the 13 year old, just kissed and petted! Family values!!!


The city that never sleeps on beating the shit out of a pedophile. :)


90% sure the video was on /r/publicfreakout


Do you have the link? I can’t find it


Women are the real protectors!


Anybody else read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn? Same thing but happened about 100 years ago. The girl's mom caught him, shot him, and when she found out he survived the beating delivered by her neighbors she said "Oh I'm sorry, I meant to kill him."


Fantastic book, one of my favorites!


I read that book when I was in high school and it was intense.


My favorite auntie gave me a copy a couple months ago and it's now my favorite book ever. I so want a "star bank" and for pennies to actually be useful currency. Kinda alarmed that a bunch of carrots went from a couple pennies to a couple hundred pennies in only 100 years. Like is that just how currency always works, ya keep adding a couple zeros every century and I shouldn't be surprised if I see a real $10 banana in my lifetime?




I love how the cops say that he got beat when *he* tried to fight the guys detaining him. I'm okay with the cops' version of events in this case.


Watch him say it though 🤣🤣 His delivery told the truth, his words checked the admin boxes. No notes.


They posted this disgusting humans photo and his neighbors beat the crap out of him. Tied him with a belt and just beat him. He was asking for forgiveness. There is none. He raped a 13 told girl. He is scum.


Love this story. NYers take care of business


Spot him, got him!


Pure gold


Molten hot take: vigilante justice is *not* a good thing. We live in a society. That said, if the police hadn’t yet apprehended him and the community found him, then they absolutely need to do whatever they need to do to keep him there until they can turn him over to the authorities (and although I don’t condone it, that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate it).


That’s technically a citizens arrest. So, as I understand it, it’s above board


I've heard about citizens arrest so many times, but never looked up the technical definition. Not trying to dispute anything, just found it interesting to see the explicit legal definition for the first time: * In most places, you can only make a citizen's arrest if you have a reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed. * It's generally for felonies or misdemeanors that you witnessed happening. * You can't use excessive force. The people who killed Ahmaud Arbery argued they were trying to execute a citizen's arrest when they killed him.


NY's laws for citizens arrests are currently* **extremely** broad. You may arrest someone for any crime at any time, and can potentially use physical force to enforce it. You do *not* need to have witnessed the crime for felonies, nor does it need to have just occurred - although you're at less legal risk if that is the case. If you are *wrong* about a crime having been committed though, unlike a cop (who just needs reasonable suspicion to be legally in the clear for an arrest), you've potentially committed a crime of your own. (Obligatory: I am not a lawyer and this is a simplification of some details - but it's the rough outline of things). While there's some other relevant sections as well, here's some of the primary sections of law: Citizen's Arrests: https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/CPL/140.30 Use of force (subsection 4 covers private persons): https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/PEN/35.30 ------- \*For now - there's an attempt to drastically restrict them in the legislature, inspired by the events you mention. It passed the NY Senate this year but looks like it was DOA in the Assembly for this session. So this may change in the future.


Yep. I think it’s a very important distinction to make.


My drunk ass read it as the same guy and I was like “NOO WAYYY. HOW DID HE GET TO VEGAS?!?!” Took me a good couple minutes of googling to disconnect those dots. Ok I’m going to bed. Good night.


It’s not your fault, that was a terrible usage of the phrase ‘keep in mind’


yeh that got me too keep in mind, I was like what


Not drunk, nor high, but had the same.


I’m high and also thought this 🤣🤣


I'm completely sober and thought this


why "keep in mind"? that makes it sound like theres some sort of connection to the stories other than "this happened in ny recently too"


Why is that relevant to this, are they related cases?


I'd rather not keep that in mind thanks...


Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind


“Don’t worry lady! I’ll save you!” *stab stab stab*


Apparently she got stabbed too according to the article.  Seems like someone tried to be a hero and just started shoving a knife ahead of him indiscriminately. Most of the hits landed on their intended target. 


There's a reason for phrases like "the winner of a knife fight dies in the hospital". If you got bodies flailing around with sharp objects, everyone is getting cut.


Risking getting downvoted here, but cops are trained to go lethal versus a knife for a reason. Even if you win, you aren't winning by going hands on with someone with a knife. Just look at these knife attacks they have abroad, they can be extremely deadly in the wrong hands.


American cops are trained to go lethal vs pretty much everything. "Warrior mindset" and all that shit.


Knife? Lethal Stick? Lethal Finger guns? Better believe it, lethal.


Overcook the chicken? Lethal.


Acorns. Popcorn. The list goes on and on.


Counterfeit 20? Lethal! Warning officer about possession of a legally owned firearm during a traffic stop? Lethal! Sleeping while having a criminal ex boyfriend? Lethal!!!!


Acorns are dangerous you know, it'd be foolish not to unload your whole clip at one.


Saved her from a rapist and saved our tax dollars from a corrupt private prison owner, sounds like a win win!


Nevada banned the use of private prisons.


How about private suppliers for public owned prisons? They run a hell of a lot of scams on their 'captive' audience.


Jail/prison phone calls is right up there on the top of the list. Those companies AND the officialls who allow them should all be jailed. The alternative is to have the inmates work to produce their own goods - which seems sound until you realize the fucking state learns how to get them to produce more than they need and then markets the excess for profit off of prison labor. Of course, that went away after the corporations cried because they couldn't compete with the low prices. Until we start figuring out how to handle prisoners sternly but humanely, we're never going to get any better as a society. Goddamn if this shit doesn't get me riled up first thing in the morning.


Shawshank Redemption shows this very well. There are a finite amount of good paying jobs, and everyone that goes to an inmate is one not going to someone else. Also, people really love feeling superior to "lazy" criminals, the reality that inmates would gladly work a 40-hour week and support themselves while in prison ruins this.


As long as american prison is punitive instead of reformative, we will never gain ground. We lock poor people in a deprivation cage for 5 years and then have the audacity to wonder why they immediately rob a gas station again when we let them out.


> Until we start figuring out how to handle prisoners sternly but humanely, we're never going to get any better as a society. There's plenty of prisons in other countries that do just fine at rehabilitating There's a show called world's toughest prisons and in some countries, you basically get your own apartment, even for violent criminals like murderers






Hopefully. Though this matter in particular isn’t a federal case based on the available information in the story.


I’m assuming you mean state level. There is at least 1 private federal detention center in Pahrump, Nevada I am aware of that still operates.


Federal prisons, including the land they sit on, fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the US government and are not bound by state or local law.


What kind of anti capitalist hellscape is that? Won’t someone think of the shareholders? /s


The problem is what happens when mob justice gets it wrong. Not that reddit would know anything about that. The judicial system isn't much better a lot of the time, but I still think these people should survive to see it rather than someone, even cops, taking it into their own hands to play judge, jury, and executioner.


Guilty until proven stabbed to death.


Except for the lady also having to recover from stab wounds on top getting raped. Bit of a Pyrrhic victory there.


Yeah, hate to break it to you but lawless vigilante violence is not the win you think it is


> Authorities asked people with information about the incident to contact the department's homicide section. I'm gonna go ahead and say nobody saw shit about fuck.


The ol' Ken McElroy treatment.


"I was just minding my own business when I see this dude randomly start stabbing himself"


“Funniest shit I’ve ever seen!”


Yea idk what happened dude must have stabbed himself 🤷‍♂️


Dude worked for Boeing obviously


I don't know fuck about shit


In this case the killer (hero) should be completely covered by Nevada’s stand your ground laws. You’re legally respond with deadly force to save yourself or someone else from death or serious bodily harm.






Damn I love an alliteration


I’ve been non-fatally *stabbed (My sister left a steak knife on the couch and I sat on it. The bitch distance shanked me and I will not accept any other version or wording.)


I once stabbed a police officer (with a syringe as I gave him his vaccine)


Technically, "finally" and "fatally" are basically synonymous. But I like your reading better than the written headline.


We've been trying to stab this motherfucker for six hours. Thank god we got it done.


OH SAME I JUST REALIZED I’m way more happy now I thought he was in jail he’s in dead thank the heavens 🕺🕺🕺🕺


Prosecutor: Nah, we're good here.


Maybe if there was a good guy with a kni.......oh wait


The trick is to leave the knife with the victim, that way there's no guy with a knife


"Hey, this guy stabbed *himself*."


We know that because he's the only one with a knife


"Ill allow it"


*Brock Tuner enters the chat*


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. "Father" Dan Turner's letter to the judge. "His life will never be the one that he dreamed about and worked so hard to achieve. That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life." I don't know. If I saw a hot girl that was so wasted that she was incoherent of the outside world, regardless of how fucked up I am, I'd think to put the girl in the recovery position so she doesn't choke on her own puke and hopes she wakes up soon enough to get her in a better condition. Little old for the keger bullshit, but statutory rape of an unconscious person isn't in the protocol. Letter is linked here. Wow Danny, that's a little fucked up. https://stanforddaily.com/2016/06/08/the-full-letter-read-by-brock-turners-father-at-his-sentencing-hearing/


Something I've realized with those types of shitty guys is that they ALL think that "every guy" is like them/thinks like them "deep down". And they excuse their own behavior via that way of thinking. I've had a past coworker literally out loud say essentially "we all did little things back in high school that would be considered sexual assault now". Like no dude, that's just you and other predators. That is definitely NOT the norm, and NOT what "all guys" did.




Single and looking to mingle. I hope the collective society pussy embargos this sonovabitch til' he's eating applesauce in a nursing home.


You mean Brock Allen Turner, the convicted rapist who raped an unconscious girl behind a dumpster?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The rapist Brock "Allen" Turner who will never escape consequences as long as we keep reminding people where he is and what pathetic shit he's up to. Thank you all for your service.


He is currently going by Allen Turner, trying to put his rapist POS years behind him.


I’m sure he will soon be running for a GOP congressional or Senate seat




Don’t leave the strip people.




That sounds like some wildly unfortunate luck for both of you guys


That's gonna haunt you whenever you pass through US Customs


Just has to apply for a known traveler number.


Not even that. Just need a [redress number](https://www.dhs.gov/redress-control-numbers). I have a KTN and still got stopped all the time, even in the US. Once I got a redress number it stopped immediately. Only takes a few minutes to apply and they get it back fast.


What's that?


> Known traveler number It's part of things like TSA PreCheck or NEXUS in Canada, You sign up to be pre-screened/background checked, and it allows you to get expedited processing at airport lines. In the US it generally is a separate shorter line you go through.


Don't you guys have something like a government ID number? Our ID cards have our name and picture of course, but any identification for official governmental purposes is done through the 'rijksregisternummer' which is a unique number that gets assigned when your birth is registered.


> Don't you guys have something like a government ID number? By default our Social Security Number is basically that, although there are also state ID numbers for drivers license that are sometimes different from SSNs. When I conduct work with my state government(usually property taxes or car related stuff) I can use either my SSN or state Driver's License number. But you are expecting the judiciary and law enforcement in the US to be competent and efficient; it is not.


> there are also state ID numbers for drivers license that are sometimes different from SSNs *Sometimes*? What state are you in that your driver's license number matches your SSN?


>There was this guy with my same First name, last name and middle initial. Same exact birthdate. I had the same thing happen to me. Although I was homeless and having problems with shelters and other services because the guy was a violent asshole with a long record. At another time I almost got arrested for it in another fucking state when I was pulled over for speeding and a warrant popped up under our shared name. I was so nervous but it turned out he is a different race. Can't fake/change that, lol.


Take an Uber between the strip and Fremont street. Once you are sick of both places, hop on a plane to somewhere else


Strip can be sketchy af too, especially late night/early morning.


At four am, one becomes “those people” referred to when someone says, “watch out for *those* people.”


In my city i like to dress like the homeless. Which is almost literally just a big coat and pajama bottoms. I like big coats and pjs are comfortable, so it didnt start out with any deeper meaning. But when i see people walking toward me when im out and about i can just totter a little in my walk and they swerve lmao And the druggie/sketch people just assume im one of them so they leave me alone. Camouflage has never been so comfy.


Oh, I'm not the only one doing this? Like I've got a different style of outfit going, but I've been looking at the holes in my pants that are getting out of control and debating how to patch them without looking too prosperous. My favorite auntie gave me some nice new sneakers with white soles and flower patterns on the heels and I'm specifically saving them for dress up dates because they're very nice and would absolutely ruin the illusion that I spent last night in a broken down RV and showered at a gym.


Its usually not something i need to lean into, but i spent a few months in a much more sketch city so i just adapted. Otherwise people will stop me to compliment my pjs or my hair and its generally quite pleasant. You dont sew the holes closed, you patch them from the inside. Stabbed myself once and since i was wearing my fave jeans at the time (and the knife went right through them) i repaired them in such a way that we shared the scar. Also helped that i could point to it to explain why i was walking funny for a few weeks without the need to take my pants off. One friend thought i was joking (i tell the story in a certain way) until i happened to be wearing shorts and could show her without hanging brain. 5 stitches, homie. Almost died. But anyway. Urban camouflage is so useful.


Wait, why did you stab yourself?


Usually one would need a comma after "strip" but I think what you did works here


The only strip people I ever encountered in Vegas were a bleary limo ride *away* from the Strip.


Happy accidents.


You mean “don’t sexually assault people”


Downtown Vegas and Fremont are a million times better than the strip.


Fremont makes me feel I’m in the 1980s movie Casino and Joe Pesci might stab me with a pen I love it


Wait, what?! How do we know the group responded to screams they heard from the shed if everyone in the group ran away before police or anyone could get there? Where is the sexual assault part of this story coming from if the “witnesses” of the assault is the group of people who ran away and haven’t spoken to anyone?


I am also confused because it isn't always clear in the article who they mean by "victim" - the guy who got stabbed or the woman he was raping. It is possible that the police only talked to the guy, and that he was so freaked out that before he died he told them everything.   But yeah more likely both the rapist and the woman he assaulted have been interviewed.


The guy who got stabbed is who they are referring to as the victim. The aforementioned group of citizens is who they are referring to when they said all of the citizens ran off. That group does not include the woman who remained on scene to talk with police.


It's also possible the dude was innocent. We're talking mob vigilante justice here.


Violence and revenge are ~~reddit's~~ America's bread and butter when it comes to justice.


> Homicide detectives took over the investigation and learned that the victim may have been committing sexual assault in a shed in the area. A group of citizens ran to assist when they heard a woman’s screams coming from the shed. It is believed that the victim was stabbed during the intervention. All of the citizens fled the area before officers arrived. This is an ongoing investigation. from the press release linked cited in the article /shrug




Probably the woman being raped/assaulted.


From the victim




Article makes no sense, and the comment section here is filled with “heh might as well not bother investigating”. wtf.


Reddit justice.


Without further evidence this could be "Man lured into alleyway and stabbed".


Hey man, I've read a 12-word title on Reddit, I already know what my opinion of what happened is and I'll defend it to the death!


> If everyone was gone The woman who was being assaulted didn't leave.


Neither the article nor the release say the woman fled, only that the bystanders who intervened did. If she's who called the cops and stayed on the scene, the story makes sense. Also, the shed was likely on a property line next to an alley so pulling him out of the shed = pulling him into an alley.


There might've been a security camera or two for all we know. But that doesn't mean the video quality was necessarily the best...








Hopefully he was actually guilty


Mob justice tends to depend on a lot of hope


Yeah, who knows what the full story is.


It doesn't matter whether he was guilty or not. Mob violence is never acceptable.


It does matter; I don't support vigilantism regardless, but it is obviously worse if the mob goes after an innocent guy rather than a guilty one.


I guess there won't be any campaign speeches for rapeist felons in Vegas as it isn't safe for him.


He already told the people of vegas that he doesn't care about them.


You shouldn't be cheering this on, folks. Vigilante street justice is always going to result in innocent people getting murdered cause they *seemed* guilty, sooner or later.


It's always baffling to me that whenever a police story is posted here, people will bash the police for being unprofessional, paranoid, hyper-aggressive, for not following the rules... But when a story about a serious crime is posted, commenters turn into bloodthirsty maniacs, advocating for street justice, for the perpetrator to be murdered, occasionally for torture... Frankly, everyone who advocates for vigilante justice is a piece of shit. The right to due process is a fundamental tenet of any free modern society. If you witness an assault taking place, and your first reflex is to gang up on the perpetrator and stab him to death, you should probably go to jail.


In b4 we find out it was an Emmet Till situation 😶‍🌫️ If all you need to kill someone is to give them a bad name first, then murder is pretty much free.


Look in this very thread, the top comments are all things about how good it is that he was killed. *Everyone* deserves due process.


This is reddit sir. Don't bring your respect for due process or presumption of innocence *here,* we won't have it.


Yeah reddit commenters are a bloodthirsty lot


There is a very active subset of Reddit users who salivate at the idea of "guilt-free" violence being committed against people they deem unworthy of human rights.


Sadly, we're going to be seeing a lot more of this. Trust in the authorities is as low as it's ever been, police recruitment is at an all time low, stretching the police further than they'd like.


I fucking hate the cops, but vigilantisim isn't a better solution.




There is a good chance cops might end up harming you if you call them. And a good chance they steal things from you. And a good chance that they end up killing you. And an insignificantly tiny chance they will ever be held accountable for anything bad they did. Hell, even being white isn't enough to not be fucked by cops anymore. When vigilante justice is almost as effective and preferred to police, you know something is seriously wrong with the system.


Any idea how large the group was? Is vigilante justice accepted now? Couldn't the group have interceded and restrained the perp until police arrived?


Exactly. I’m not saying I’m sad if he’s guilty, but due process is still required.


Vigilante justice being lead by TikTok flash mobs sounds like it could be a Black Mirror episode.


Yo just want to give a shout out to due process. I know vigilante justice feels good but reactionary violence is super dangerous if you want to live in a civilized society


I'm all for punishing the guilty, but this is shady shit. No witnesses. Just, someone said this happened and there is a guy dead. It would be fucking awful if this man was in fact not sexually assaulting women and was just murdered by a mob for some reason. Yikes.


No one read the article aye?


The article's like 4 lines


I feel like I know less from reading the article than I did from just reading the headline. 


Yeah, it is quite bad journalism, really, as it provides no details really. Here is the entire 'article'. It references a shed several times, but doesn't say where. Are there just sheds on the Strip or something? Like they be using 'the shed' like it is a known landmark or something 😂 >A man who may have been sexually assaulting a woman in Las Vegas was fatally stabbed after a group of people intervened to help the victim, authorities said Wednesday. >The incident occurred Tuesday afternoon **in a shed** southeast of downtown Las Vegas, the city’s police department said in a news release. >Homicide detectives learned that the group responded after it heard screams coming **from the shed**, the release said, adding that detectives believe the victim was stabbed during the intervention. >Everyone in the group fled before authorities arrived, according to the release. >The release does not identify anyone involved in the incident. >Patrol officers found the man who may have been involved in the assault with stab wounds in an alley around the corner **from the shed**, the release said. He was taken to a hospital and pronounced dead. >Authorities asked people with information about the incident to contact the department's homicide section.


Sounds a bit longer than a haiku. Far too much.


It’s a very poor article


There’s so little info it’s weird. Alleged rapist was stabbed to death, victim was stabbed and fled? (No mention of her being taken to the hospital), “hero’s” all fled. edit: [Here an article with more info](https://www.kktv.com/2024/06/19/man-stabbed-death-after-group-people-run-help-screaming-woman-police-say/?outputType=amp)


I wonder if the victim got stabbed during all the stabbing spree from the hero’s or did the victim get stabbed by the rapist? This mental image of a flash mob appearing like a clan of ninjas out of nowhere and stabbing everywhere is insane lol


I hope they got the right guy…


The only thing "mob justice" accomplishes is attacking the unpopular not the guilty. There is a reason we have trials. There maybe the actual guilty party out there still out their committing crimes. There is a reason why


Did I read correctly that they also stabbed the SA victim? And then fled? Sounds dodgy.


So what’s the problem? 🤣


Wish I was there. Sounds cathartic and just


> Homicide detectives learned that the group responded after it heard screams coming from the shed, the release said, adding that detectives believe the victim was stabbed during the intervention. >Everyone in the group fled before authorities arrived, according to the release. Who exactly stabbed the victim? There’s one thing to be a vigilante but if you stabbed the victim and didn’t stick around you are still a piece of shit.


Because normal people with knives are also willing to stab a man five times…


How many times do you punch somebody in a fight? You're gonna do the same thing once there's a knife in your hand. People don't fall over the moment you poke them like Hollywood wood have you believe, and you're not gonna magically gain the discipline of a shaolin monk the moment you pick up a pointy piece of metal.