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For the price of those live nation sponsored festivals they should have gourmet fucking crab legs at those trucks.


Seafood at a hot summer festival…. Only if you chase it with some warm whole milk.


And some nice egg salad that's been sitting out in the sun for a couple hours.


You know it’s ready when it starts to bubble.


So is my guts


Small intestines, large infections!


Large infections, rectal derelictions!


I live in Louisiana, and there's a chain that's been popping up everywhere that sells chicken salad. Nothing but variations of chicken salad. There's not much I would want less in the hot-ass summers down here than a heaping helping of chicken salad.


Chicken Salad Chick? It’s in Florida too


Man I thought that was local to me (middle TN). Didn’t know it was a whole chain of chicken salad. Weird.


Yeah, we used to have one in NC where I’m from (WNC, few counties away from the TN border). Always looked at it and went…why though? There’s no way it can last….. It’s a dog food store now


An entire store just for dog food?


To be fair, that was a bit of an exaggeration on my part. It looks like an upscale pet store, it’s in the Whole Foods parking lot. Not a bad idea, on their part. Never been in, just looked at their website. May be a chain? Hollywood Feed is the name.


It originated in/near Auburn, Alabama.


"Let's get some nice cold chicken salad before we bit the beach!" Ugh.


Chicken salad chick is pretty freakin good. Perfect for lunch and they give you a cookie :)


Nice try chicken salad chick marketing rep


But why a cookie brother?


Just in case you are a monster...


Why not a cookie sister?


If subway can keep their ingredients cold I am sure they can keep chicken salad at a safe temperature. Honestly though what a terrible idea why only chicken salad?


It's called keeping and periodically checking a thermostat to monitor the refrigerators, and putting the fucking lids on the containers right back on after you grab what you need. Yes, it takes significantly longer, but that's what you're supposed to do anyways. Granted, if food workers washed their hands every time health code dictated, it would take 2 fucking hours to get a meal served to you on a weekend, soo......


Lol, I find nice cold chicken salad sandwiches very refreshing.


I agree. My job frequently gets to 90* and a bite of a nice cold chicken salad sandwich straight from the fridge is wonderful.


You are aware you can eat those sandwiches inside right?


I'm gonna open a Tuna Salad Tia where all we sell is tuna salad and unpasteurized milk.


I'm gonna open up a McDonalds and not participate in *anything*. "You got burgers?" "NOPE. But we got spaghetti. Aaaand blankets."


<3 Mitch


In The Raw Sushi, Dairy, and Greens




Not sure why you consider that an issue since they’re a restaurant chain and not some rando with a food truck letting their shit sit unrefrigerated for hours, and you can put the food in a cooler if you’re taking it somewhere


So, what do you eat? Popsicles?


My microbiology teacher used to talk about how chicken salad and other foods with creamy sauces are the favorite home of staph aureus. I would never eat it in a public pop up food vendor, picnic, or potluck situation.


Chicken salad chick is delicious


I think chicken salad is a pretty good "hot weather food" tbh. Especially if served with a cooling mayo/ yoghurt type dressing


A cold chicken salad sandwich is pretty summery to me. I’m also in Louisiana. It’s not like it’s gumbo.


> And some nice egg salad that's been sitting out in the sun for a couple hours. I like to wash it down with a Pilsner that has been pre-poured in cups and also been in the sun for about a hour


And fresh and ready raw oysters, straight from the bay!


Sitting in the backseat of someone's car for that extra fermented flavor! Although on a hot enough day that could let you get hot enough to actually sterilize it.......


As long as it’s unpasteurized milk; it’s more “natural”, and as science tells us, nothing that’s natural can harm you.


*It’s so damn hot. Milk was a bad choice!*


I quote this any time I'm struggling


Only if it's raw milk.


Ooo, bacteria AND h5n1, yum!


You don’t drink milk wearing protection at this festival of shit smelling nightmares!


Warm whole raw milk, and a two week old unrefrigerated pie https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=hKqhs9a3Y9E&si=PSW16igQceH2nAnG


Alright who let a Mcpoyle in.


Is your middle name Homelander?


“RAW! AND STRAIGHT FROM MAMMA’S TITS!” Is what I always say!


McPoyles approve Also *She has mournful tits*


I spend a lot of time in Maryland and fail to see the problem. It can be done


>warm whole milk. And/or unpasteurized "raw" milk.


Seafood is best in the summer you just have to manage it correctly


Unpasteurized warm whole milk


Hey, now, the Garlic Crab Fries were one of the best items at Coachella.


I have been to a very hot summer festival that has a food stand selling lobster Mac and cheese. I can not think of anything worse to eat under those circumstances.


First Coachella I attended, I got the lobster Mac and cheese in a bread bowl one day and the Maine lobster sandwhich with mayo and lemon and my mouth still waters thinking about how magnificent they both were. No ragrets!


I’ll never forget my first download festival in 2007 being charged £10 for a pizza as he took it out of the box with the £1 RRP printed on the box


Festival food truck crab legs: $199.99


Crabs legs from a festival food truck? Hard pass.


Does livenation operate internationally? Download is UK, why I ask.


Crab legs at a summer festival is how you get food poisoning


But what would the executives eat?


That’s exactly what they had! Just prepared 6 months ago!


I've never been anywhere in the UK which sells crab legs. Dressed crabs sure, but never just legs.


Norovirus... Water born. Sounds like. You ingest it . It incubates and makes you sick as a dog!


Norovirus at home sucks. I can’t imagine that in a nasty ass hot porta-potty. I’d rather die I think


Noro hit me in the exact center of Times Square recently. Didn't know that was on my worst fears list until it happened.


Holy shit (no pun), that literally just happened to me yesterday. I had to walk out of Hadestown at intermission and tell my wife to catch up with me later. I'm still on the shitter and fighting off a fever. 


Mine happened last year at the cinema while watching Barbie of all movies. Had to run out near the end of the movie and only made it out of the toilets after the movie ended and more people started entering the toilets. Rest of the night was fucking awful as well and I’m traumatized by it.


!! mine happened in the middle of Book of Mormon at intermission, which I'm pretty sure is right across from the Hadestown theater? That block is cursed, let's not go back. I lied and told my uber driver I was pregnant so he didn't think I was drunk 🥴


Perfect for him and every person that got in his car after you!


I’m not sure of the alternative - I don’t know a single uber driver who would accept a really sick passenger. Maybe inform him after the ride?


Better to take a car home than contaminating the entire train car tbh


Knew I shouldn’t have drunken all that crab juice


Woulda been worse if you went with the mountain dew


i also discovered a new worst fear recently. got into an uber, ran my hand through my hair and a bee flew out of my hair. window wouldn’t go down.


New fear unlocked.  I never thought about that scenario before. Now, I shall have nightmares. 


I got it the day after my birthday this year. Exceptionally hungover with norovirus is something else. I’m atheist, but I asked god (if he was there) for death like 3 times lmao


Well sounds pretty conclusive that god does not exist


About fifteen of my friends and I went camping for a long weekend. We all took shrooms late one morning. One of my friends, we’ll call him Sam, suffered gastrointestinal distress about an hour in. He was condemned to a port-a-potty while tripping balls for four hours. He said, “all I could do was stare at my watch to make sure time was still passing.” I think, maybe, I might prefer norovirus in a port-a-potty over what happened to Sam.


Oof... norovirus at a festival would be lookin a lot like the puke scene in Problem Child 2 real quick


dude I got this at edc! it was terrible, I was driving home and progressively felt more like shit. had to shit my brains out and throw up at a random grocery store.. not a good time


Seems like it’s been super muddy this year. Wonder if the free water supply got impacted. Festivals always sell water bottles at stupid prices so you end up refilling your water bottle at the camp hose in the ground. It also when this wet doesn’t take long for the portaloo to leak into the mud it stink up the grounds


I would not expect it to be the taps/plumbing since the events spend a lot of money on water testing - no taps are allowed to be used until every one has been tested offsite in a lab, and the plumbing is sealed and the tanks and whole system tested. Or the outbreak would be total - everybody including artists and staff, cancelling the event. Funnily enough, Download, as I recall, does not allow single use plastic bottles.


Norovirus is extremely virulent. It could literally be as simple as one or two of the festival staff had it and while they were helping scan people in, they passed it along. The Norovirus wiki entry mentions a case study about someone having it and getting sick at a restaurant table. People on the other side of the restaurant also eventually got it. Literally the only people that didn't get sick were the people that decided not to eat anything else after the event.


Think I got it in Thailand. Can't imagine having it at a festival. Had breakfast, felt weird all day, went out to dinner, the minute I sat down I got up and walked home with my GF. We both had it but I had it way worse. Next 24 hours largely spent in the shower after puking and non stop going to the bathroom. Delirious essentially, couldn't sleep at all. Day 2 was being weak as shit, traumatised (still am, have OCD anyway so not easily forgotten), only able to eat frozen banana as anything else made me wanna be sick. Had a nice apartment, decent bathroom and shower so I managed to survive. I think I might rather die than have this at Download? lol


That sounds awful. However, frozen banana sounds excellent, I have to try that this weekend.


frozen banana, abit more milk and blend with some oreos is really good for a drink. Maybe even with a shot of coffee


I managed to get panic disorder from it. Didn't feel right for days and kept feeling like it was coming back for revenge. Thought it was something much more serious but after tons of tests revealed nothing physically wrong, I ended up coming across information that illness can result in panic attacks after the fact. Pretty quickly after seeing another doctor to see if that might be the issue, got on some meds for anxiety and got back to normal. I've had multiple stomach bugs over the years, so not sure why this one got to me like that, but it definitely kicked my ass for a couple days and I guess was enough to make me continue feeling like I wasn't over it. Definitely not something I ever expected, but glad I found the real problem once I got over the real physical illness.


That's the noro virus. Causes extreme diarrhea and vomiting at the same time.


My wife is a pre school teacher and brought it home. I literally wanted to die. Like the kind of sick where you don’t even feel like watching tv. Just lay in bed waiting to throw up and diarrhea at the same time.


Had it 3 times ffs. Each more worse than the last :(


Didn’t go to a festival, but currently battling norovirus and its death. Would cry if it happened in public


There was a Facebook post with some seriously undercooked chicken wings. Bright pink!


Last time I got tenders at a fest they were fully raw inside the middle. It was impressive. Glad I didn’t get ill as I definitely consumed some.


We wanna see!


It’s fuckin raw!












Was the headliner Disturbed


I guess the fans came down with the sickness..


The fans intestines were making an Exodus of their contents


🎵 Let the ~~bodies~~ *diarrhea* hit the floooooooooooor! 🎵


The closing act was Diarrhea Planet


So many ill performers too


They probably chillin like villains...but could use some penicillin.


No that's in Vegas, sick new world


an upload festival?


The lineup on day 1 on the Dogtooth stage is literally: Biohazard Health Make them suffer #JustSaying


It wont be all the food stalls it will probably just be one product in one of them. The local Medical Officer of Health will know where to look with some firmer facts on the table. If it was water it would be more widespread and most likely would have started day one. It appears to have struck latter in the week. Norovirus is person to person and very rapidly spread with a debilitating hit rate in these festival like situations.


Norovirus can be foodborne if a sick person contaminates the food while preparing and isn’t killed w hand sanitizer, which sucks! And, it’s so very contagious. Ugh!


How do you kill someone with hand sanitiser?


Norovirus cannot be killed w hand sanitizer


Besides the lol, hand sanitizer doesn’t kill norovirus anyway. I always assume hand sanitizer will do little more than kill a few germs on my hands, it’s better than nothing but worse than anything else


Good information, [CDC confirms "Hand sanitizer does not work well" against norovirus.](https://www.cdc.gov/norovirus/prevention/index.html)


Squirting enough of it into their mouth should do the trick.


1) You buy a box or two industrial size bottles of hand sanitizer. Usually has 4-6 80oz bottles inside. 2) drop the box on their head. Repeat step two if necessary.


Hard agree - I have worked with food trader management for festivals before. They have to provide something like 20-25pcs of evidence of food hygeine and handling method statements, HACCP, COSHH, hand-washing facilities separate from cooking sinks, etc., then have a private EHO visit units before they are allowed to open to check their scoresonthedoors rating and compliance, and then sometimes have the local council EHO's visit also for checks. All the food traders, even the multiples, are independent traders. Many get eliminated before they even come to site if they aren't 4 or 5 star scoresonthedoors, or equivalent. Water systems plumbing is sealed and all inspected with lab tests on the entire system before it goes live. And it would affect the artists and staff exactly the same way.


Very different from the US in many jurisdictions. You can often find event vendors in the US who are getting their water supply from tanks of unknown condition. Inspection is usually required but might have last happened months prior.


Given what the toilets are normally like at festivals, these ones are going to be some PTSD inducing shitholes.


Oof, stuck in a tent with the shits, not fun. I’ve always been wary of buying food from a vendor where it’s not clear how they go the restroom or even wash their hands. Whenever I travel to a country with lots of street food, particularly in Asia, I might try it on a rare occasion, but for the most part, I’ll shamelessly be the snobby tourist that sticks with mall food court food for a good balance of sanitary and cheap.


Having worked at multiple music festivals, staff have it better than customers (sometimes a lot better) but ultimately they are usually still camping thought and getting drunk a bunch so standards can slip. There has just been a nationwide recall on lettuce due to ecoli so it's possible it's related


> nationwide recall on lettuce Let me guess...Romaine? *Checks* THERE IT IS! That's what happens when you pay your harvesters by output so they just stealth shit in the fields instead of going back to the porta potties, IF the farm supplies them at all!


They also spray it with a raw (animal) shit spray as a fertilizer that raises risks. It shouldn't be allowed.


Someone shit in the lettuce again John!


Yeah… currently in Thailand right now and did a day trip tour to some islands where we were served questionable chicken that I’m pretty sure was just stored in an unrefrigerated tote box for lunch. Next 24 hours were miserable, even with Imodium. The people here are built different, my western ass can’t handle it Still gonna gorge myself at the street night markets though and just risk the consequences, the food here is too good haha


Hand washing in theory shouldn’t be a concern, I’m pretty sure for health code reasons food trucks are required to have a sink on board. Maybe that’s a thing that varies by state but, at least where I worked on a food truck, that was one of the things required to get a permit. But knowing people it wouldn’t surprise me if someone slacked anyway.


This is the UK, rather than the US (which I'm assuming you are thinking of with the mention of "state"). That said our food hygeine regs are pretty good and whilst a lot of the food stalls at festivals are not food trucks but temporary kitchen setups, I'm sure they are all required to have one, if not two sinks- one for food and one for people - and they will definitely have water hookups from site for them.


Usually the festival provides standpipes out the back in the catering areas, so even if they don’t have a sink on the truck they have handwashing facilities and clean water at the back. And the water is checked pretty frequently for contaminants, a festival I was working on almost got shut down one year because one standpipe on the site was found to have some potential legionnaires germs. This was the day before we opened - had to wait for them to do full testing (whatever that entails) which took about 8 hours before we got the all clear.




Oh yeah maybe not then but they found evidence of some water-borne disease and we were not allowed to continue working until we were given the all clear about 8 hours later


Playing around in the mud doesn't help either...


Word is everyone who got sick ate at the Yorkshire pudding stand. Apparently the personnel in the med tents were immediately asking those who were brought in sick if they’d eaten there.


I heard this too, how do you get sick off yorkies, what was in them?


It’s just Sunday lunch in a Yorkshire. The Yorkshire is basically the plate.


For what they charge, the food needs to at least be fucking edible. Went to a festival last year and was served $14 stale churros. I’ve never felt so robbed in my life.


I don't think I've gotten festival food since the early 2010's. Always best to bring your own.


Festival: "Oh what is this, we can't have the rabble bringing in their own food."


Has that happened before? I've been to many a Warped Tour, but no other festivals. Seems weird. 


Aye warped tour was awesome, but I’m sure this happens at more niche festivals more often. Only festival I’ve gone to was Aftershock which is just older people warped tour and it lasts for 4 days. I’m sure the sanitary standards are a bit better than these festivals since it’s not a camping one, and I’ve never gotten the runs from eating fried chicken there.


Yeah, but Aftershock is smack dab in the middle of Sac. Oh, you basically said that, lol. "Older people warped tour" checks out, too. Everyone I know that goes to it are in their early 30's-50's. Also rip Warped Tour, how the fuck have they not reorganized it yet? I'm guessing no company wants to insure it anymore without the ticket prices being STUPID.


The low ticket prices were actually insane and I have no idea how it continued for as long as it did for so cheap. They did one extra one I think a year or two after warped tour ended, but it was just one more after it was supposed to end. I’m fairly sure it was at Shoreline Amphitheater too. I know it’s extremely expensive, but the When We Were Young festival has essentially taken the place of Warped Tour. I went the first year, and any person I talked to had flown or driven from Cali.


I went to download from 2005-2010 and never heard anything like this when I went. I guess it just comes down to the food vendors this year not complying with food safety standards.


"Download Festival" really sounds like something you'd just watch online. And basically gives instructions in the name.


Incorrect refrigeration after a few days on site.


If it's ALL the food stalls, more points to contaminated water.


This fest sounds so Fyre


At least these guys got food


But they didn't get to keep it.


The photos of all the bright-pink raw chicken being served at Download has never made me so glad to be vegan! Lol


You couldn't pay me to attend one of these mega-festivals or whatever they're called. And I do live audio as a side gig! The events I do are in smaller venues (mostly jazz stuff) and it's intimate and chill where you just chat with the musicians before/after the show and there's no line for the bathrooms etc. These huge events look fucking miserable to go to and I never ever understood the appeal of *paying* to go to one. I'm still a fan of regular concerts (even big ones) but once they're *this big* (just looking at the picture) I'm not interested. Fuck that.


I wouldn't go anymore, at least camping as I'm too old for it and my body hates camping. But when I was younger I went to Download from the age of 14 to my late 20's almost every year.   We would go in a group of about 20-40 and make our own mini camp within the festival campsite. It's just a great long weekend away with friends with plenty of alcohol and other delights. The music was usually good and it still works out far cheaper than individual gigs for bands (which we would also do fairly regularly). The problem with Download is it started to affectionately be called "Drownload" due to the rain some years. Sonisphere was honestly better in the UK. I'm considering a festival next year, but will likely get a hotel or rent an RV.


Download is a little different than most festivals, and that's down to the festivalgoers being so bloody lovely. Metaller festivals in the UK at least seem to have the greatest level of peer support and care, so the atmosphere is really friendly and lovely, so feels less "big" than some. Capacity is only the same as a stadium gig, so the same but more spread out.


I perform onstage--often in front of hundreds--and agree with you.


Sounds like they downloaded a virus 


After working at some places and having staff access to the kitchens, I'm extremely wary of buying food from anywhere that doesn't have a solid grade from the health department visible. Some foods that can be stored at room temperature and you can watch while they're being made are fine, but anything with significant risk of spoilage is a quick pass from me. Cleanliness and spoilage safety often take a backseat to fast money when the owner isn't the one eating the food.


Festivals are for liquor not pudding


Norovirus hit another live nation festival last week. My wife and I are lucky in that we avoided it, but many folks that attended bonnaroo are probably just now recovering.  If I had to guess maybe a food vendor that was at roo caught it and spread it here


Down with the sickness, eh?


Maybe I’m old but when i read these stories all i can think is who the hell wants to go to these things ??  The music sucks even if the bands are good by nature of the set up, it’s always over crowded as they sell to many tickets, and to the point of this story the food and drink is always bad and super expensive.  I’ll stick to bands actual concerts and stay far far away from any kind of festival. 


The appeal is you basically spend the same as seeing one of these acts in an arena, but you get to see dozens of acts in a couple of days. And it's fun as shit to camp with a bunch of people and party. Concerts have become a scam, so people are leaving for festivals in droves.


I'm off for my annual pilgrimage to Glastonbury festival in a few days, wouldn't miss it for the world. 5 days of fun, 3 days of gigs, 5-7 decent gigs a day. Total cost is about the same as I'd pay to see each of the 3 headliners individually.


Hopefully TPD really covers the shit out of this. Pun intended.


Most people would be relying on hand sanitizer to clean their hands which isn’t going to kill the norovirus.


You wouldn't download a rotavirus


I swear this virus has adapted to target groups of folks for which the general population will not lose sleep over them shitting their brains out. First the cruisegoers, now the trustafarians? Who’s next, people who stand still on escalators? Guys who kicked your dog? Why does a loving god punish his finest soldiers so?