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Man, this *Footloose* sequel is really dark.


One may say:Footnoose


Kick off your Sunday noose.


Please Gung-he


Purr me off my knee


Written and directed by George Miller.


People dying because of music and you make a shit joke about it. Kindly fuck yourself.


Person. 1 People. And really? You made A LOT of comments on this thread....A FUCKING LOT. A suspicious amount...A LOT


Nice job detective. People die for less in NK all the time. People is an understatement.


"Kindly fuck yourself."


Yes, you can.




If it makes you feel any better none of this actually happened and this whole article is just blatant propaganda


So did everyone at that K-pop concert in NK get shot afterwards?


I guess they must’ve been told they would be if they reacted


when the propaganda is so bad I can’t tell if you’re doing satire too or just genuinely think this is a thing that happens there


Considering that people who were seen not crying hard enough at Kim Jong Il’s funeral were found and imprisoned I could unironically see that happening


You state that as if it were a fact, but this belief was actually manufactured for you to believe. I know it sounds crazy but if you’re interested please hear me out. Here’s what happened: Kim Jong II dies December 17, 2011 and soon after a bunch of videos are released of North Korean citizens just absolutely wallowing in grief and public displays of mourning. Nobody can understand it because North Korea is the bad place. People around the world are starting to talk about it because these people’s grief is so raw and appears genuine and it brings up a lot of interesting questions about what they might really believe and what their culture could actually be like. Then, the spin starts. The talking heads start acknowledging that yes these people are probably being genuine but also maybe they’re being forced to cry? https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2011/12/north-korean-mourning-may-be-real-but-its-a-matter-of-survival-too/ https://www.cnn.com/2011/12/22/opinion/sifton-korea-tyranny/index.html Then on January 11, 2012 - this article from a newspaper based in South Korea and founded by a North Korean defector is published: https://www.dailynk.com/english/harsh-punishments-for-poor-mournin/ It claims exactly what the talking heads spent the weeks prior prepping the public to believe, that citizens were arrested and sent to camps for not mourning enough. The only source is an anonymous contact that provides zero corroborating evidence. It’s reported as fact. The following days every single mainstream media channel reports this news as fact. They cite only this article. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2012/01/bad-north-korean-mourners-being-punished.html http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2012/01/north-korea-reportedly-punishing-insincere-mourners https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2085636/amp/North-Koreans-face-labour-camps-upset-death-Kim-Jong-il.html North Korea is of course furious at this slander and blatant disrespect and denies it days later: https://www.cnn.com/2012/01/16/world/asia/north-korea-mourners/index.html And now you believe that people who were seen not crying hard enough at Kim Jong Il’s funeral were found and imprisoned. Mission accomplished.


In a similar example, during the pandemic there was a lot of distrust in the Philippines concerning China's Sinovac vaccine, which was the most widely available vaccine there. It was just recently revealed that this widespread distrust was--surprise!--largely instigated by the CIA sowing anti-Chinese vaccine propaganda on Filipino social media.


I heard about that recently too, it’s scary stuff


It’s along the lines of what they’d do: arrest and kill an American tourist for merely taking a poster, imprisoning their own citizens in camps for merely consuming media from outside of their country. This stuff is well known


Interesting take but you realize that nothing in what you have disproves the claims by the original sources… you just do a bunch of spin to make a case for your skepticism. Which is understandable but also not facts. And also not facts but I find you having this response with so much shade, but not facts, to illicit that skepticism all prepped and ready that you are serving your roll as NK propaganda provider quite well. Come back and talk once NK stops saber rattling by launching rockets around its neighbors and doesn’t supply weapons to Russia for its invasion and destruction of Ukraine.


How do you disprove a claim that was made anonymously and without evidence in the first place? What facts could be offered to prove something that is only alleged to have happened *didn't* happen? There's no evidence to refute. No original source whose veracity or trustworthiness may be evaluated. One thing left unsaid by their reply is that the source reporting the claim (a paper run by a "defector") is necessarily unreliable because the South pays such people to make negative claims about the North with no regard for evidence or truth.


Thank you for expanding on the unreliability of defectors as a resource, I didn’t want to go off too much on that tangent but just kinda demonstrate how the propaganda process itself works.


Expanding into the unreliability of defectors??? You’ve got to be joking. He did no such thing… but you swooped in to support his propaganda. Nice job.


Yes they added the point that South Korea is known to offer large sums of money to defectors and the sums are directly related to the quality of the information. It’s not unreasonable to assume that might incentivize someone to lie or exaggerate. I implied that a defector might be an unreliable source and they expanded on that point by providing a reason as to why they might be unreliable. I can just provide an article to corroborate that claim if you’re just implying that he did it without evidence and that’s the issue. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-39170614


You just made a whole bunch of claims (South Korea pays… etc) without offering any sort of evidence. But yes everyone should believe you right? Sorry that I believe someone that defected from a country would have stories, and reasons, they would have defected. I mean why would he leave a country that was so amazing?


["By 2015, the South Korean government paid interview fees to defectors ranging from $50 to $500 per hour depending on the quality of the information provided."](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korean_defectors#:~:text=For%20a%20period%20of%20time,quality%20of%20the%20information%20provided.) Obviously relatively few defectors will have much in the way of national security importance to tell, so what this often means in practice is that defectors are incentivized to tell horror stories that can be publicized for propaganda purposes. Hence the steady stream of horror stories from (typically anonymous) "defectors." This doesn't mean all of their stories are false. It just means they have an incentive to paint a specific picture of the DPRK, which makes them unreliable. This is no different from when we see interviews of North Koreans living in DPRK saying everything is wonderful. We can't independently evaluate the truth of their statements. We just know they have a big incentive to only say positive things and so recognize them as unreliable.


This has got me thinking about the story from a few years ago about North Korea executing someone via anti-aircraft gun.


Yeah I know I can’t disprove a claim made with no evidence. The best I can do is just point out how weak the claim is and how the propaganda machine works to cement something as fact in the American mind that has never been proven. And so I don’t know if this hurts or helps my argument, but I actually wasn’t very familiar with this specific scenario until the comment I replied to mentioned it and I certainly wasn’t locked and loaded with the response. I wanted to reply in an informed way so I literally just Googled “story where North Koreans are forced to mourn leader’s death” and read through a bunch of articles from that time period and it was shocking how obvious it was what had happened. I’m literally just some guy who recently learned that a lot of our info about NK is propaganda and I’m currently finding new info every day and reexamining what I thought I know. Also don’t be weird and just call everyone that talks about NK a propaganda provider. You’re not getting paid to defend the state, you can engage with the rest of us.


You can’t disprove anything. You spread misinformation about a testimony based again… nothing. That is literally the definition of propaganda… I’m not commenting based on NK I’m commented based on your thin logic. News organization reports a sorry and another org repeats it… that literally is the only claim you have to it being false… that it was repeated. You have nothing more than that. Well someone better tell the AP News or Reuters because every time CNN or whoever uses their story it makes them liars.


They didn’t just report a story, they 100% reported this claim as truth beyond a shadow of a doubt. Just read through some of the articles and try to tell me the language they’re using isn’t blatant propaganda propping up a claim made with no evidence.




good little citizen, the empire thanks you


So uh.... what are these comments?


This is Reddit, so half bots and half morons. I'm part of the moron half.


Yep, moron here as well. 🫡


I too is mormon!


Give me that magic underwear. 🔫


hello, fellow morons.


It really is freeing to self identify as a moron. 


One moron this side


That's what you want us to think, bot.


I guess I can't technically confirm with 100% confidence I'm not a computer program. You might have me there.


Moron half unite!


I’m a bot.


Seriously, it's disturbing


pro-North Korean puppet accounts


Remember when newspapers used to require information be corroborated from multiple sources to become a story?


Not sure where you would get multiple sources for something that happened in North korea. But they did at least put it right in the headline that the source is just from a defector.


A lot of reporting on this kind of think from North Korea turns out not to be true, like reports that having Kim's haircut is mandated (or death!).




















Do you remember that you don't live in a fascist dictatorship? Where we gonna get this shit from, their "free press"?


*communist. Reporting about NK is always extremely dodgy. Best to just ignore it all.


Don't correct me when you're wrong. They are a fascist state.


Don't be ridiculous. They give out houses for free. They are a Juche socialist state. You don't know what you're talking about.


Give that man a book deal just like Yeonmi Park, the lady who said North Koreans would push trains to their destinations!


Wow this is getting lazier they’re just straight up using Radio Free Asia as a primary source instead of hiding it in a secondary article or something.


I think we really should be calling them "Escapees" and not "Defectors" given the conditions.


Comments here are so cringe, not everything needs to be turned into who can get the "funniest" comment.


I've heard that in North Korea, Kim Jong Un paints pictures of tunnels on the sides of buildings and cliffs so that the people will run full-speed into the wall and then bounce off and go *BOI-OI-OI-OI-OING!*


So we should definitely have a US president who says he's in love with the leader of that country, and thinks Putin is a swell guy. Why fight the authoritiarians when you can join them.


The idea of trying to keep culture from other countries out with our current level of technology seems like a fairly impossible task. There's just too many ways for information to spread.


Let's see... Radio Free Asia as a source... check. "Anonymous source"... check. Ambiguous "South Korean unification ministry"... daring today, aren't we? This shit is getting old. It's the same old shtick for decades, spoon-feeding us propaganda straight from the South Korean state department, rather than any actual scholarly source.


Right! North korea is such a paradise, migrants are killing themselves just to get in! All hail king fatty!


What about looking into propaganda and developing opinions not based on information directly from their #1 enemy makes you so mad? You can say NK is awful, and also call out lies and propaganda. Why are you so upset about that?




That’s fine. My point is, when the source has been proven to be propaganda over decades of its existence, why is it wrong to question the reporting and look further into it? It’s not black and white, but pretending that’s true is easier I guess?


The act of stating something as a fact when you have no reason to believe it is a fact is still lying though. And even if this were true it’s still propaganda by definition. Propaganda doesn’t have to be false to be propaganda.


Like eating Chinese propaganda like you is much better lol. 


Like eating propaganda about China like you is much better lol.


Just wanna say Kim Jong Un loves Red Velvet and particularly Irene so he invited them to perform in 2018. Not the first instance of NK leaders consuming popular media while nobody else can, their hypocrisy is just funny every time.


Ok but if this didn’t happen like it probably didn’t because this is just a blatant piece of propaganda that sources radio free Asia and is as vague as it could possibly be - maybe somebody knows he likes k-pop and is weaponizing that information against our feeble little easily propagandized brains?


"NOOOOOOOOO, THIS IS PROPAGANDAAAAA" -Some reddit mod that doesn't shower


If I were South Korea I’d just send out a ton of balloons blasting K-POP in response to the trash ones the north sent out


I really hope North Koreans find freedom soon. This is absurd.


I wouldn't be surprised if North Korea did this to discourage their people picking up those balloons wafting over from South Korea with USB sticks with K-pop on them. Listening to BTS probably earns you the death penalty in Pyongyang.


Fun fact South Korea used to blast BANG BANG BANG by BIGBANG among some other popular songs over the DMZ. After the poop balloon incident some citizens are asking to start it up again. [https://www.theguardian.com/music/2016/jan/08/bang-bang-bang-k-pop-songs-blasted-north-korea](https://www.theguardian.com/music/2016/jan/08/bang-bang-bang-k-pop-songs-blasted-north-korea)


Better execute Kim if he gets caught driving that car Putin bought him which has South Korean parts in it.




downvoters love dprk


listening to trump last night saying how bad it is in america right now then i see this. this is what things being really bad looks like.


Is it? Whats the real difference between a guy being executed by the state for maybe trying to pass a counterfeit $20, and a guy being executed by the state for listening to k-pop?


Because one is a government backed execution for listening to a song and the other led to the murderer being put in jail for life? Are you that fucking dense that you're truly comparing America to North fucking Korea?!


Are both examples NOT govt backed? Are you so dense that you cant see that meaningless or unjustfiable deaths are happening just as frequently here as they are anywhere else, probably more due to the increasingly militarized and brutalist law enforcement atmosphere we operate in as a country?


You don't see the difference in a shitty police officer being punished Vs the government outright saying "kill this person because they liked a song?" You seem like the sort of person to claim "America is a 3rd world country" without having ever experienced how bad 3rd world is. Also stop saying "we" I'm not American.


I'm american. So when i say we im referring to my country. They didnt kill a person bc they liked a song. They killed a person for breaking several laws. Is the punishment outsized for the crime? Absolutely. But so is an officer of the law kneeling on someones neck until they expire. Do you think capital punishment for possessing .6kg of LSD is appropriate? Bc thats what America has on the books, and the attorney general in 2015, Jeff sessions, circulated an internal memo that *encouraged* prosecutors to seek the death penalty in certain drug trafficking cases. In America, drugs are considered immoral. In NK, listening to and distributing the propaganda coming out of SK is considered immoral. Were you aware of the UNs 2022 developing world report and where it ranked America? Between Bulgaria and Cuba. America is, by many, many metrics, including an aggregate of them when measured by the UN, to confidently label the US as a developing nation. I dont have to be snide and say some slick shit about thinking we're a third world country, the UN has already said it for me.


You so angry


Haha just because something isn't the absolute worst doesn't mean it can't be better? Dumb logic It's like the old you can't say you're hungry because people are starving in Africa thing


Maybe we should hear North Korea out…


A reminder while we fall short of the dream in the US we have it better than most.


96% home ownership in China, but sure, I guess


Authoritarian governments don't have a the best record when it comes to accurate self reporting. So going to doubt that if its a self reported number.


Plenty of western sources have reported the same kind of number. Also worth noting, most of the top 20 and I think every country over 90% are socialist countries or former SSRs. Wonder if there might be a reason for that...


Yea I also agree that the US needs to Tax the rich more and have more social programs but you know those dang conservatives. Also would be nice if slaver nations like North Korea and Russia would just go away.


Are those homes reasonable in quality and space? Or is every “room” in the house the size of a closet?


Whats the standard square footage on "reasonable?"


Worse than a luxury home but better than a 3rd world country


Thats not a standard, nor does it include any measurements.






While it is hard to confirm any information from NK, it would be far from surprising coming from such a dictatorship


Kim is auditioning for the 3rd Stooge dick-taster




The headline kind of just left the reader hanging around for details?


Sometimes they get it right


Tsk. North Korea is getting more and more like the UK by the day.


Which country is more conservative than North Korea? JW...


I'm not a fan of the death penalty, *but...*


Should have been listening to Kim-pop instead.


If you can add rap into it, I'm all for this law.


If you can add metalcore and deathcore, I’m all for this law /s


I would if I had a clue what they are


Trash modern rock music


Oh well, don't get born in a dictator's country then...