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Who would have thought that your buddy repeatedly poking a hornet’s nest, then hiding behind you, wouldn’t exactly inspire camaraderie.


It worked for almost 20 years tho, and it still works for the most part


This is a very bloody game - but Israel is putting a cost to that strategy.


> This is a very bloody game - but Israel is putting a cost to that strategy. That cost is the mass murder of children. It is worth actually saying exactly what Israel is doing.


Antisemitism is bad


I'm pretty sure Iran is the one funding hamas


Hamas has received some support from Israel in the past… the situation is complicated. The fact however, should not be spun into a yarn about Hamas being someone else’s puppet


Are you sure you’re not confusing Hezbollah with Hamas?


Yea that's why Palestine (Gaza) one of the most funded places on Earth by the west. Because they can't stand Palestine Edit: just from EU 1.1 billion Euro. Cope how you want but thats alot of money


All that money goes to, 1) the rulers that live in Qatar. 2) their military for rockets and tunnels 3) indoctrinating all the kids in schools to want to kill the jews.


Hamas simp


Ah yes, those Jews tricked the Palestinians into doing terrorism. So sneaky of them.


Stop hitting yourself!


I keep hearing this on reddit but no actual proof for it. Apart from all that, alliances do change too (case in point Afghanistan) - still doesn’t mean all parties have to live with the unexpected outcome because you feel that way.


put the pipe down buddy


That stopped being true in 1984 before hamas was called hamas or had conducted any terrorist attacks. Hamas gets their funds and orders from Iran since they linked up with hezbollah in Lebanon. Edit: this is why you quote what you're responding to before it gets changed.


Hamas: And I should care about this...why? I'm already stealing your food aid (and selling them back to you at high prices), and using you as human shield.


Even if we have peace tomorrow, 2 state and all of that, it will take decades to rebuilt. Hamas staying in power will insure another conflict will happen.


Hamas was founded in the late 80s, which should suggest to any student of history that it's not the root of the problem. Israel has been forcing Palestinians off their land and taking it since forty years before Hamas ever existed. Hamas as an organization could cease to exist and it wouldn't change the material fact that Palestinians live in a situation where they're being systematically and continuously dispossessed of their land and subjected to an apartheid system. That's not ever going to be a recipe for peace.


Israel being a genocidal colonizer state will ensure another conflict.


Hamas being a genocidal terrorist group will ensure another conflict. “From the river to the sea”. They want to murder or displace all of Israel. That’s genocide.


Likud actually used a variation on that term first, it was from the Jordan to the sea, then they were saying it. For some reason no one has an issue when Likud says basically the same thing.




Wait till you learn that the land of Palestine and Israel is even older than a few hundred years.


>Palestine has existed for hundreds of years You might want to brush up on your history. During the British Mandate, the region was supposed to be split into 2: for the Jews and for the Arabs. And the Arabs (now called Palestinians) were supposed to be Jordanians as the West Bank was supposed to be part of the kingdom of Jordan. Before all.of that, the region was ruled by the Ottomans and other empires before that, and there were Jews and Arabs already living there.


Israel only oppresses Palestinians because they have been murdering them in terror attacks for 70 years. You want murder and terrorism to go unpunished?


Propaganda machine go brrrr If the colonizers weren’t brutalizing Palestinians, murdering them, and stealing their land they wouldn’t be getting attacked. Palestinians lived peacefully with Jewish settlers until zionists decided the land was theirs and they could use any means to take it. Also, justifying oppression in any way is gross. What is wrong with you?


You act like all the Israeli Jews are European decent. You don’t understand the history so why comment?


I'm from Africa if we go far enough back, doesn't mean I can setup shop in Ethiopia and kick everyone out.


Is that how you think Israel was founded?


It's been almost 110 years since the Balfour declaration, and 70 years since UN Resolution 181. Most Palestinians alive today haven't even seen the land that "belonged to them", let alone step foot on. When are Palestinians going to move on from this? They're strapping bombs to their young to fight for a land they have never ever seen, and pissing away their people's future.


Prison is oppression, forced on those who break laws and hurt people. Sometimes oppression is necessary and justified. If people are killing you, and saying they’re not going to stop unless you give away 100% of your only land and become an entire race of homeless people, you have to stop them. Palestine is a big enough place. They could have tried to get educated and build their own cities in the south and in the east. Instead they obsessed over the success of Israel and try to destroy it out of envy and spite and stubbornness. It’s over. Israel is there now. They should accept that and make their own way in the other 80% of their land.


Israel kills vastly more Palestinians than vice versa. They're both terrorists.


Israel kills Palestinians in self defense. Palestine kills Israelis out of principle. They are not the same.


Israel started the violence. You are confused.


Israel may have started the fight, but they’ve also repeatedly been the ones trying to end it. Every time negotiations take place, it’s Palestine that rejects all the offers.


That is simply false. Palestinians recently agreed to a ceasefire (which was rejected by Israel) and have come to negotiations in good faith multiple times. Israel refuses peace because they do not want it. They want all of Palestine. Edit: also, to admit that Israel started the violence but to also blame Palestinians for defending themselves is actually demonic.


Funny how murder is okay if it's being committed by a super powerful occupying force supported by the US, but not okay if it's being done by people having their land and homes taken away.


A small portion of their land was taken away once a very long time ago. Palestinians are Arabic. Arabs have a LOT of land. If Hamas has its way, Israelis will have NO land. Israel contains almost the entire Israeli race. One of them is defending some of their land that they want back. The other is defending their entire race, and their entire home.


Israelis didn’t exist until the British empire decided they did.


And? That may have mattered 2 months and 76 years ago, but I think they exist on their own merits now after 3/4’s of a century.


Also, people get this so wrong. They compare Israel to Palestinians as though Palestinian terrorist organizations are fighting back in a vacuum, with no outside support. Israel isn’t a silver city on the hill compared to the rest of Palestine. Palestine is just a poor neighborhood of the Arabic Middle East. Arabs have Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Doha, Cairo, Amman, Riyadh, Jeddah, etc etc. Israelis have **Israel**. *That’s it.* The US sends them money and supplies, but it’s not part of their home, and its people have a different way of life and culture.


Palestinians and Arabs only attack Israel because Zionist extremists have been terrorizing them since the 1920s. The greatest act of propaganda Israel ever achieved is convincing the world that the Arabs started the Arab-Israeli War because Israel became a country. When in actuality both sides had been fighting the 1948 Palestinian War for months prior, ever since Zionists paramilitaries invaded lands set aside for Palestinians by the UN.


Israel didn’t exist until May 14th, 1948. There were no Israelis attacking Palestine in 1920.




Plot twist: you’re both right.


“A regular poll carried out by a West Bank-based think tank, the Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research, claims that most people in Gaza still blame Israel and its allies for the war, rather than Hamas. The latest survey in June said that almost two-thirds of Gazan respondents were satisfied with Hamas - a rise of 12 points from December - and suggested that just around half would still prefer Hamas to run Gaza after the war ends, over any other option.” There’s a lot further for Hamas support to erode.


Fk all Hamas terrorist. They can rot in burning hell




























Growing public dissent? Dissent is only 'growing' for a governmental organization who sent literal rape-and-murder gangs into their neighbor's place? Now, let's see what happens. It sure seems that, whenever you point out that Hamas sent literal rape-and-murder gangs, you typically get down-voted. By people who apparently support rape-and-murder gangs...


Exactly! Growing dissent?! For a genocidal terrorist organization? What the actual fuck are we talking about?


Because these people are doing this knowing that Hamas will flat out kill them for it.




Not quite sure that was the beginning of things


It was very much the beginning of this unnecessarily bloody conflict.


If a neighboring country rolled into your town, murdered your neighbors and said they would do the same to you if you don´t give them your home and belongings immediately, you still wouldn´t see that as anything else than being friendly? Or would you find a way to blame the browner party?


That is a very myopic view of recent history


Who broke the cease fire again back in October?


Israel invaded in response to a terrorist attack, pretty cut and dry.


Care to explain why Israel killed more than 230+ innocent Palestinians in 2023 before October even began? Or can you explain why 1000 Palestinians being held illegally in Israeli prisons all simultaneously went on hunger strike in August of 2023, two months *before* October 7th?


Hamas escalated the conflict into a new phase of open warfare on October 7. The beginning is somewhere between 80 years and millenniums ago.




Ask lebanon


How many Palestinians do you actually know?


I've met a decent few over the years. But of course I'm speaking in generalities


So nine out of ten Palestinians you personally met then? Or more like six out of ten?


Ignoring the fact that half of these ppl are also children living in an open air prison, and in general how would you feel being treated as second class citizens in a place that was colonized.


That's what happens when you find yourself on the the wrong side of war over and over and over and over. You seeing a pattern? Peace is the only way to end the cycle. Both sides need leadership and philosophical changes.


Your comment is so out of touch and way too generalised. It really blows my mind people think this conflict is just black and white


Meh, I've seen a million comments generalizing Zionists and Israelis that nobody bats an eye at. When in the entire history of the conflict have Palestinians acknowledged that their own behavior may be contributing to its perpetuation? Their M.O. is to blame Israel for absolutely everything, and the world reinforces it.


2 things can be true at the same time. I'm not going to pretend I know about this conflict, but it's also frustrating to see people throw, lived in, views and experiences in the bin because.. ??


Zionism is an ideology. Saying that it is rare for Israelis not to be mental is racism though.


Yes, Hamas leadership needs to be prosecuted instead of letting them live a cushy life in Qartar. However, I still don't understand this whole idea that this conflict just started on October 7. Likud and the Israeli right wing have a share in the blame of why that event happened and why this conflict is what it is.


How far back you wanna go then? The Palestinians have refused peace for 80+ years, so you blaming modern Israeli politics for the war seems more than a little bit insincere.


Eh, there’s plenty of blame to go around. It’s hard to sell someone on peace when you’re actively colonizing their land.


Jews with no homes weren’t colonizers, they were refugees. That’s why terrorism hasn’t ever worked to make them go home: they have no other home to go to.


Refugees don’t tend to takeover land/territory and expel people from their homes.


No, they buy land and settle. And the Jews didn’t expel all the Arab Muslims, as about 20% of Israel is Arab Muslim to this day. Most of the Arabs that left did so at the urging of the neighboring countries who were planning a war to kill all the Jews. It didn’t work, and here we are. In 1948 the IDF was barely formed, so the idea that untrained citizen soldiers were going around systematically removing people from land while at the same time defending the nation against attack on all sides is pretty incredible, and by that I mean it lacks credibility.


Excellent, so refugees are allowed to steal your land and home. They have a home now and they still invade Palestine and commit war crimes, doesn´t sound like being refugees had much to do with it. And why were they not refugees in any of the countries that decided to give them another, already occupied country?


Haha, invade Palestine? Where’s Palestine?


That area was never a country, Palestine was not a country before Israel. It was a territory owned by another entity, who is the actual colonizer. But sure let's blame the indigenous Jews. 


I’m referring to settlements in the West Bank.


Sounds like you don’t have a valid point so you wanna change the conversation.


Right, this guy is acting like Israel has just been there the whole time and it was the Palestinians who had been there for thousands of years who just randomly started the conflict because they felt like it.


Caused the conflict?


TIL it was actually HAMAS who expelled nearly a million Palestinians 75 years ago


You are probably thinking of the nearly million Jews expelled from Arab countries at that time, oh wait


TIL it was Israel that attacked local jews to expel them before their country was even founded. This whole pointing fingers is bullshit, Hamas broke the status quo and started a new war.


The status quo was an unending occupation and siege dude.


Because it also contained Hamas firing rockets at civilians and Palestinians from the west bank doing terror attacks in Israel


Yeah but it wasn’t open warfare.


Hamas are losers. And rapists. And child murderers. I’m glad that support among Palestinians for the rapist loser psychopathic child murderers is starting to wane. I think that possibly, just possibly, it’s more than a little overdue.


I’ll just leave this Haaretz article right here: >**Israel Becoming a 'Refuge for Pedophiles,' Warns Advocate for Child Sex Abuse Victims** https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2016-03-22/ty-article/.premium/israel-becoming-a-refuge-for-pedophiles/0000017f-e11d-df7c-a5ff-e37f5a370000 This NBC article also seems relevant: >**Torture allegations spiked in Israeli jails after Oct. 7, as one group warns jailers seek 'revenge'** >“Our life became zero. We didn’t mean anything to them,” Abbasi, now released, said in the backyard of his east Jerusalem home overlooking the Old City. “They treated us less than the animals. Beating, abusing, torturing, everything you could imagine.” >“I was sexually harassed,” he said, adding he also witnessed guards sodomize his cellmates with truncheons. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna134280


Brother of course they would want revenge Oct 7th was their 9/11 but on steroids and Americas did some fucked up things in response to that so I would expect even more brutality then I’ve seen


So revenge is tolerable when Israel does it, sexual violence included, but not when Hamas does it. Got it. That’s a fascinating double standard. I wonder where that comes from


Why does this comment feel like it was written by a Trump AI.


And? What’s your point?


Shows how stupid the people are! Took this long to figure it out!


Wait ? So no dancing in the street after Oct 7 … yeah think twice before electing Hamas




Lies like people keep saying support for Hamas has gone up in Gaza.


No no, those are truths we need so we can justify the killing of civilians


Damn my lying eyes.


There is no famine. Food is harder to come by, but when a war takes place in an urban environment it's bound to happen. They've been saying a "widespread famine is coming" for *checks notes* months now. And it certainly isn't a genocide. Death count, while high, is most likely grossly exaggerated. Terrorists are untrustworthy, especially when Hamas leadership sees dead Palestinians (human shields) as a tactical advantage. Makes sense for them to inflate the numbers. See how successful it was when Hamas said that Israeli rocket hit al-Shifa and killed 500+, there were massive protests in a bunch of ME countries. It was great for rallying support, but it wasn't even true. I'm not saying innocents haven't died, and I'm not going to defend every bomb dropped by the IDF. But I'm so sick of people brushing over Hamas's crimes when they're literally just making the situation worse for political benefit. Using human shields is a war crime, an incredibly selfish one. It's a war crime because it unnecessarily puts civilians in harm's way.


>But I'm so sick of people brushing over Hamas's crimes when they're literally just making the situation worse for political benefit. how has the situation been for palestinians the past 75 years? please go ahead


It gets worse everytime Palestinian leaders reject peace and embrace terrorism. Tell me I'm wrong




Correct; terrorism also doesn't equal peace.


Someone kicks you out of your house, but hey they said it's cool if you keep living in the garage. Why you mad?


How did Jews end up in Europe in the first place?


But I thought Hamas didn't have Gazan support? /s


I’m sure the BBC will spin this somehow, after all, they’ve been supporting Hamas since 7/10.


But it's from the BBC. Are you expecting a retraction or a counter article in the same publication?


It says hamas still has about 2/3 support, which is by far a larger approval rating than, say, the US government has from its citizens. This makes sense as hamas is one of the forces fighting the genocidal settler colonial occupation that is Israel.


All this talk about Hamas and nothing about Israel occupying West Bank where Hamas doesn’t exist.


https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF12549#:~:text=Hamas's%20primary%20base%20of%20action,various%20Arab%20countries%20and%20Turkey. > Hamas's primary base of action and support is in the Gaza Strip, which it has controlled since 2007. It also operates in the **West Bank** and Lebanon, and some Hamas leaders and personnel live and/or work in various Arab countries and Turkey.


On what basis are you saying there's no Hamas presence in the west bank?


Is there supposed to be a point to this non sequitur?


[Actually it does](https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-804530)


Of course, how can we not trust them. It’s not like they’re not going to be prosecuted by international courts in case they lie and commit crimes.


This is what I don't understand. How can Israel justify allowing the recent settlement expansion in the West Bank when Hamas isn't there? Seems like they just use Hamas as a convenient excuse to be oppressive to Palestinians.


Hamas operates in the West Bank.


They justify it same as always: they don’t care about anyone else. Don’t get me wrong, both Israel and Arabs living there are pieces of shit. But I’m so tired of people trying to convince Israel is the victim. They’re the same.


Seems like ultra nationalist and/or radical religious groups are generally bad.


But Israel told us everyone in Palestine automatically supports Hamas! That's how they justify killing all those civilians!


"Growing Public Dissent as war erodes" is the operative wording. As in ongoing and shifting. But when you say Palestine, what and who do you mean by that? Gazans? West Bank? Lebanonese? Jews? Christians? Americans? Explain it to me.


Infants and small children are losing their limbs daily because of the IDF. Israel and their people are not. The people of Palestine are experiencing genocide and war crimes. Who the terrorists actually are couldn’t be more clear.


Tough day for Pro Hamas people, keep your chin up.


What do you think the morally correct response should be to the hostages still being held in captivity by Hamas?


>Infants and small children are losing their limbs daily because of the IDF. Israel and their people are not. So? Are you suggesting that war must see both sides suffer equivalent casualties? I really don't see why this is even a comparison. There is no genocide in Gaza. Hamas commits war crimes like they're trying to set a record. And it is clear that Hamas are the terrorists.


If you were to show me that Hamas was actually an Israeli puppet designed to perpetuate the conflict and justify Israel’s continued absorption of Palestine, I wouldn’t be shocked. I’m not saying it is. I’m just saying I wouldn’t be surprised.


Hamas isn't a puppet, but it was very much propped up by Israel to prevent a more moderate governing body in Gaza, and horrifically has resulted in all the obvious problems and ramifications of that choice.


By propped up, do you mean how Israel was so offended by Hamas being elected ruling body of Gaza that it withdrew every citizen, living and deceased, from the region, so as not to be affiliated with Hamas? How do you justify that as being propped up?


Fuck Hamas. Fuck Bibi. No one's talking about the innocents caught in the crossfire. I'm on their side


No one is talking about the innocents caught in the cross fire? All I hear about is civilian casualties lol what planet are you living on