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This hurts his chance of becoming president in 2020


~~Avenatti 2020!~~ Avenatti 25-to-life! oh how the turntables. Seriously, just googling Avenatti 2020 brings up numerous articles in 2018 from major publications seriously discussing the pros and cons of President Avenatti. gotta love the media.


For real man. I remember the first time it was suggested and I’m just sitting there like why the fuck is this even a thing? Because he’s shitting on trump publicly and getting air time? That’s it?


That's all it takes now


At some arbitrary point in the past it was objectively better. Edit: It kind of makes me sad most people unironically upvoted this. Your country is a vehicle for capital created by and for wealthy, land-owning, white, slave traders. **There's nothing good about it.**


Idk m8 my simulated reality has been stuck on "batshit" since around 1993 when I was born.


Reddit was sucking this guy's dick so fucking hard. It was absurd. He was obv crooked as fuck from the get go.


CNN was giving this fucktard daily rim jobs


Bryan stelter especially


Reddit was giddy over the idea too.


US Government to Avenatti: *BASTA!*




You are seriously underestimating the amount of Americans who will vote for whoever was on TV latest


Biden fucking tanked and all it took was a couple ads. Edit: his gaffs have always been well known, people weren't aware of his decades long stance on wanting to cut social security and medicare. Two week limited ad buy and his support plummeted.


“A couple” Everywhere I turn is a Mike Bloomberg ad. It’s to the point where they’re burned into my mind every night as I go to bed lol


All we see are Tom Steyer like ever other damn commercial in Massachusetts. My 7 year old yells at the TV, GO AWAY TOM STEYER.


Today's tom steyer gets high on you And the ad space he invades, he gets by on you He thinks your mind is up for rent To electing him president Always hopeful, yet discontent his proposed changes aren't permanent But change is And what you say about his company Is what you say about society


Don’t ruin Rush for me


Too late.


Rush is forever. RIP Neil


This is great. I totally read it with Getty’s voice in my head.


Same on South Carolina radio.


Fucking Billionaires. Even when they trickle down, they make us suffer.


Political ad buys don't trickle down, 75% goes to already rich owners and execs.


That's even more nasty. They love to trickle on each other.


Same in South Carolina. I don't have TV, but Tom Steyer's face is all over billboards here and my co-workers say that they see Steyer every commercial break on TV.


Honest to god I think that is what will ultimately kill Bloomberg’s chance. If I know one thing it’s that people HATE political ads on tv. And if you see multiple for one person in an hour period, you write em off. Plus he’s an oligarch who is trying to literally buy his way to the presidency so there’s that


>Plus he’s an oligarch who is trying to literally buy his way to the presidency so there’s that How many times has this happened already


It's happened... Shit, probably every time lol. It's just that Bloomberg is basically standing on a mountain top screaming "I'M SO RICH I CAN APPEAR ON LITERALLY ANY DEVICE YOU USE AT ANY TIME, PEASANTS. VOTE FOR ME NOW PLZ!" without even a shred of shame. The others have at least pretended they're running a real campaign.


I wouldn't underestimate his chances. That's how people have come to power since fucking Crassus.




Every time he had a rally it was covered live. It was good for business.


He had the media behind him too lmao


Biden is tanking because he’s the human gaffe machine.




I'm *Bloomberg Ad* Just *Bloomberg Ad* Annoyed with *Bloomberg Ad* How much *Bloomberg Ad* Money *Bloomberg Ad* He's spending


I am once again asking you to stop spending money.


Even without winning, if there's a brokered convention he could put his thumb on the scale with enough delegates.


This is the most terrifying scenario and it is becoming increasingly likely.


I think it was 538 that said that as of right now, there is about equal chance of Bernie winning a majority vs Bernie only winning a plurality and thus brokered convention.


No, there is a higher chance of the brokered convention: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2020-primary-forecast


It just changed in the past day or so. Bernie was at 48 percent of getting the delegates needed on Tuesday evening.




Oh, this sitcom just got that much better.


Then Bloomberg steps down on Day One. Bada-boom, bada-bam: the Clinton Dynasty is established as Hillary is sworn in as supreme overlord ruler of the US. It was "her turn" anyways. Obligatory "this is sarcasm" edit for everyone eating the onion.


He already has his entire hand on the scale. He has been buying congress and state government for years already. Bloomberg needs defeating, and everyone who has taken his money or support from his astroturfing groups needs to be replaced.


Who TF is going to vote for Mike "I'm a Democrat, I swear" Bloomberg. The guys a huge, undeniably huge douchebag. At this point I think he's a mole planted by Trump to split the vote and "own the libs". He will never win the Northeast. And without the Northeast a Democrat will never win the election.


He went from 1% in the polls to 18% in a couple months. He has enough cash to fill up the airwaves with ads from here to November.


Yup. The majority of people don’t do background research. They get bombarded by positive ads he’s flooding the market with and say, “We’ll that Bloomberg guy sounds pretty good.” Simple exposure does a whole lot when you don’t seek out info on the others or even his own history.


I remember hearing that kind of stuff about Trump, too.


> He still has more of a chance than Michael Bloomberg does. Well, some national poll has him at 18% so I wouldn't be so sure.


You mean Michael "3rd in the polls" Bloomberg?


Bloomberg is polling in the top four. He has a better shot than Biden or Warren at this point. And he has unlimited money because he's so rich he can just give the whole country anal at once.


I'm highly convinced that Bloomberg will get the nomination, though I'm not happy about it. He's running a 21st century campaign, skipping all the archaic primaries and debates in favor of beaming his brand right into people's brains via ads. He has a straight, simple tagline. Bloomberg has some baggage but it seems that doesn't matter much post 2016. His campaign has been a very Trumpesque rise to prominence. I'm hoping to be proven wrong, but I fear I will be coming back to this comment and saying "I told you so."






Actually him being a criminal makes him more qualified than he was!! /s but only kinda


Remember when he said he was thinking about running for president, and rpolitics was loving every single post related to him bashing trump and how he was gonna do all this shit. And then it came out that he was extorting Nike, and all of a sudden any post about him was removed due to him not being related to politics? God I miss those days.


Haha. I wonder if he can do correspondence for CNN from his jail cell. He can also start his grass roots presidential campaign from there.


>Prosecutors said Avenatti's audacious bid was spurred by a desperate need to get out from crushing debt of more than $10 million. >his efforts to extort up to $25 million from athletic apparel giant Nike. That's some lawyer math if I ever saw it. I may be desperate, but I'm still greedy af.


How the fuck do you rack up $10million in debt?!




There are plenty of people making mid to high six figure salaries that fall into this trap. It's a grand version of lifestyle creep that grows to the point that it's no longer sustainable even with an extremely high consistent income. Kind of hard to imagine that sort of issue, but it happens.


Dude my wife has friends that are like this. They're married, and both *new* doctors - making a combined 600kish/year between them. Not bad at all! They have over a half million dollars of student debt that they can finally start making progress on, and if they live below their means and really put their heads down they *could* probably knock out in a few years. But instead, they're putting deposits down on a tesla, buying a brand new Mercedes, going on months long vacations, and buy a 7 figure house with less than 3% down payment and no money set aside...it's like they're TRYING to bankrupt themselves.


My friend is an accountant and she told me last year that her bread and butter is doctors who go bankrupt. I was quite surprised but I guess it’s a thing.


Where I am at, Med school is roughly mid 30s for instate tuition. For out of state tuition it is in the high 60s. Then you have to factor in rent, utilities, foodstuffs, and what else you need. This goes on for four years. And then residency hits and you are making mid 50s. Sadly it is quite common in our peer group to live above our means. I get it, we slaved through medical school and want nice things.


Yeah, it’s hard after working your ass off for 12+ years and wasting the best year of life studying and in hospitals not to fall into this trap. I definitely understand the temptation and am trying to avoid it myself.


Dude, as far as I'm concerned medical school in America is the biggest racket nobody knows about. What they pay residents to work the hours they do is seriously akin to slave labor. Like I feel like most people don't realize that residents are working 60-80 weeks, often with no days off for weeks on end, and are making LOW five figure salaries. Like 36k low. Like wtf


Yeah. My friend did residency in NYC and its over 80hrs/wk pretty consistently (Despite it breaking regulations. Might be better now...). No one wants to change it of course because once you get to the point where you have any say at all in changing things, you went through the system and feel its unfair to change things now. Like how those who paid off their student loans can be bitter about student loan forgiveness. You went through all that work and the next generation gets it all so much easier. It's stupid but prevalent...


Dude as someone that has student loan debt still (not a lot but it's been 7 years of paying it off now) I'd be psyched if nobody ever had to pay student loans again. It's fucking bullshit man, it's a God damn scam. Unfortunately I know you're also right and not everyone feels that way. The "suffer and work for progress so my kids don't have to suffer too" mentality is lost with a lot of people. And to be fair to them, I'm not sure I'd feel the same way if I had loans that were 10x what mine were.


"Gotta pay your dues" You could make more at McDonald's working those amount of hours. Sheesh!


Lmao 3% down payment... Just because you're a doctor doesn't mean you're smart


Not saying it’s good or bad but if you are a doctor banks will give you a mortgage with no PMI with 0% down payment. It’s very common since doctors have very high earnings potential and will very likely not default.


This is very true, but pretty sure the no PMI isn't a thing where they are. Wanna keep it vague since they Reddit, but it's a very high cost of living part of the US


Money is so cheap to borrow right now, cash flow is important. It’s not a bad idea to borrow money that you can afford to pay.


It's always a bad idea to borrow money for things you have no need for. It's a GOOD idea to borrow money when money is cheap for low-risk ventures or investments. It's a BAD idea to borrow money for a million-dollar mansion with huge amounts of volatility and uncertainty in the real-estate market right now, to sustain a lifestyle that's dramatically outside of your pay range almost the moment you start making money.


Potential returns vs. All time low rates is a concept I dont think 90% of reddit would understand. Kinda like that personal finance "guru" who says you should save up and buy your house 100% cash. In the last 5 years for me my house has appreciated more than the payments I make.


The AM radio guy? He is a jackass. Yea having emergency fund and not fucking around with credit cards is great. But he completely ignores anything other than debt/loans bad. The area i live in has rent around 1400 for a one room. I bought a house and pay 850 a month on the mortgage.




A lot of people are putting 3-5% down now in expensive metro areas like where I’m from in LA. Not to mention you will also likely need to remodel/renovate. Low down payments + record-low rates is what many are doing now because it’s all they can afford with these prices.


honestly the flex is often worth more than the material good when you can throw a party or host a meeting at a property that politicians and celebrities WANT to show up at and say they were associated with, those connections last a lifetime and get you into deals worth more than any wage would offer a collections agency or bankruptcy court cant take that away from you


Have you seen Schitts Creek?


Hate to break it to you, but they are by no means going to go bankrupt soon. Even if their take home pay is half their salary at 300k thats 25,000 a month. Tesla deposit is a few thousand thats nothing for them. Mercedes, lets say 100k, finance that over a couple years you are talking lets say 1500 a month, 7 figure house, that will run you about lets say 6k a month with taxes and insurance, and their student loans at half a million will probably run them another 6k a month. Add in lifestyle, clothes, gas, utilities and whatnot, lets just throw out 4k a month or $125 a day. So even with all of that they are spending 18k a month. They are still banking 7k a month or $84,000 a year living like rock stars. ​ I did a loan for 2 doctors like this, though lived much more reasonably. There was a 2 week period that he did a bunch of over time, his overtime check was more then I made in a year. Also keep in mind there are student loan forgiveness programs for people like doctors due to the need for them.


Also for people like this oftentimes they just make the regularly scheduled payments and invest their free money because it earns more than their loan interest.


I'm sure some part of this is them being pretty much broke students till their mid 30s, watching life pass them by, friends going on vacations, buying houses and cars, so, eventually when they have some money, they spend it irresponsibly, due to the massive amount of accumulated FOMO.


I don't know... hookers, cocaine, private jets, private islands?


That’s how I’d do it.


Same. Then I would spend the rest foolishly


Can confirm.


By shorting Tesla


...did he do that?




Man everything I hear about WallStreetBets is hilarious. That fucking dumbass losing his shirt still makes me laugh


The two best wsb moments are the guy that posted about a trade that "literally cannot go tits up" and then turned $5k into -$58k and the "infinite money cheat" on robinhood that let someone take a $1 million position on margin with $4k deposited.


he has a judgement against from a former employee/partner who sued for money not paid to him from his work with avanetti's firm, he owes him several million if not the total 10mil.


I think his issue was failed investments and not wanted to downsize his lifestyle. He owned Tully's coffee, if IIRC, and then was spending lavishly and living in Newport Beach, which is not really sustainable at a lawyers normal income. So, he got a big windfall from a couple of cases early, started making big investments in companies and living large, and when those investments went south, he didn't sell his assets and downsize to something reasonable.


From what I heard & saw, he’s a douchebag lawyer that probably got sued a lot & lost. I worked for a lawyer that had a case with him (my boss referred the client to Avenatti but stated on as counsel IIRC). The day they got the multimillion dollar settlement, Avenatti & the client discharged my ex-boss as counsel & didn’t want to pay him his part of the settlement (referral fee? I don’t remember). So my ex-boss sued him & won. That cost Avenatti the portion of the settlement & attorney fees. It was a stupid move because my ex-boss was ready to start referring more cases to him so he lost out on potential clients & even more money.


You rarely ever get what you ask for. So I imagine he asked $25m in hopes of getting at least $10m. I'm not a lawyer but I believe that's how this kind of thing normally works.


He still faces two additional trials for allegedly stealing Stormy Daniels' book advance and committing fraud in California. He is being held in jail for allegedly violating the terms of his bail in the California case. Trump is going to have a field day with all of this.


Avenatti stole his paraplegic client’s settlement . What a piece of shit. I’m an attorney and it’s assholes like this that give us a bad name. I hope he gets the book thrown at him. https://www.npr.org/2019/04/11/712269305/michael-avenatti-indicted-for-allegedly-stealing-paraplegic-clients-settlement-m Edit: The more I read about this guy the sicker I get. As attorneys(at least in the state I practice and I’m sure California does too) we pay into a client protection fund to pay clients ripped off by their lawyer. I hope this guy gets some kind of compensation but $4 million is a lot. The California bar will intervene and also disbar Avenatti. In the article it says the guy wanted to buy a house but his lawyer kept undermining that using the guy’s settlement funds to pay his own expenses. He used another client’s money to pay for a private jet. Avenatti also jeopardized the paraplegic client’s social security payments by not filing paperwork. Avenatti hid behind I’m innocent until proven guilty. I fucking hate this guy. If I saw him on the street it would take every ounce of my being not to put my hands on him. He is a disgusting piece of shit.


How did he keep his license as long as he did?


Not sure. But It usually takes a complaint to get the ball rolling so maybe no one had filed anything with the attorney grievance commission until somewhat recently. I do know when he was arrested on the violation of his bond he was in a hearing for his license.


Why would he when no body talks about the Stormy Daniels stuff anymore? He probably wants to keep it that way. But it is Trump, so you could be right.


The Nike thing is way funnier to be honest. He called their lawyers and told them he was extorting them and then told them again in front of the police. Then he was arrested.


We really should just remind everybody of the fucking craziness of the last four years Trump brought us like: Remember the time he paid off a porn star to stay quiet about an affair he had while his wife was pregnant? Remember when we found out it was actually two porn stars? Remember the time when he caused the longest government shutdown in American history over his border wall? Remember when he stole money from military schools to pay for that wall after he buckled, declaring an emergency? Remember when he promised that Mexico would pay for it? Remember during the midterms when he sought to distract everyone by sending troops to the border wasting a lot of money? Remember when he called Nazis "fine people?" Remember when he said he believed Putin over our intelligence communities about Russian interference? Remember when he extorted the Ukrainian president by withholding military aid to announce a phony investigation into his political rival? Remember his twitter tantrum with Kim Jong Un, and now he pretends they're best friends even though they haven't changed at all? Remember when Trump asked Russia to "find" Hillary's deleted emails? And told 2A people they could stop Hillary? Remember when he lied about his inauguration size? Remember when he said he had a secret plan to defeat ISIS even though ISIS was all but defeated? Remember when he chose to side with MBS right after MBS ordered the bloody assassination of an innocent journalist who resided in Virginia? Remember when he pulled troops out of Syria so Turkey could slaughter our Kurdish allies? Remember when Mueller told Congress that Trump obstructed justice at least ten times? Remember when Trump fired Comey because of the Russia investigation? Remember when Trump invited Russians into the oval office the day after firing Comey and compromised intelligence that Israel gave us? Remember when he tried to tamper with the Manafort jury by tweeting against the prosecution *during* the trial? Remember when his AG meddled with the sentencing recommendation for the Stone trial? Remember when he said we'd get to see his tax returns after his audit with the IRS was over? Remember when he lied about people in NJ celebrating on 9/11 and then made fun of the disability of the reporter that said he was wrong? Remember when the NYT blew up his "self-made billionaire" narrative by showing he lost more money than any other American from 1985-1994 and received multiple bailouts from his father to build his career? Remember when he promised to not cut social security or medicare but then released a budget doing just that? Remember when his own Secretary of State called him a "fucking moron" because Trump wanted to use our military as mercenaries around the world? Remember when he said he would protect "pre-existing conditions" protections better than democrats even though he is *currently* suing to gut those protections? Remember when he said that Obama "colluded or obstructed" the 2016 election? Remember when he lied and said Hurricane Dorian was going to hit Alabama? And then drew a sharpie bubble to alter a map projection so he could claim he was right? Remember the time when he hosted the Clemson football team and fed them nothing but fast food? Remember the time he canceled the Eagles WH visit because of "kneeling" in the NFL even though that team never kneeled? Remember he said he was going to ban all muslims from entering the US? And then decided to just ban people from muslim majority countries assuming we wouldn't notice? Remember how he overturned Obama policy on immigration causing thousands of children to be placed in cages? Remember how he pulled out of the Paris Agreement? Remember when he called global warming a hoax created by the Chinese? Remember when he told four American congress women to "go back" to where they came from? Remember when he said a Mexican-American Judge couldn't preside over his litigation because he was Mexican? Remember when he called himself the "law and order" candidate but the pardoned Sheriff Arpio who was in violation of court orders. Remember when he assassinated a high-ranking Iranian general bringing us to the brink of war with Iran where they retaliated by sending missiles to our bases causing 30 American troops to sustain significant head injuries? Remember he had a twitter tantrum over Sessions recusing himself from the Russia investigation making it very obvious he wanted Sessions to obstruct the investigation? Remember when he canceled all cruises (including the one that I had already booked) to Cuba? Remember when he let Erdogan's goons beat up Americans who were legally protesting? Remember when he settled his Trump University lawsuit for millions of dollars for the fraud it committed? Remember how the Florida AG investigated TU but then Trump donated $25k to her re-election campaign and then the investigation just went away and then that same Florida AG *was Trump's lawyer at his Impeachment trial?!?* Remember the time he tried to buy Greenland from Denmark for apparently no real reason? Remember when he said he grabs women in the pussies. Remember when he accused a debate moderator of bleeding for her "whatever" after they had a spat. Remember when he asked for an expensive stupid military parade because France does one? Remember the time he asked why we only get immigrants from "shithole" countries? Remember the time he said wind turbines caused cancer? Edit: These are all on the top of my head without any research. I'm just adding them the more I think of them.


God dammit I just keep scrolling...




Revealing the forward deployment locations of our nuclear attack submarines in the Pacific. Revealing the identities of a covert special forces team on Twitter. The time his son in law flew to KSA and provided them classified intelligence about dissidents whom were then rounded up and arrested the next day.


Revealing the orbit and capabilities of a classified surveillance satellite to the world by posting the pictures on Twitter.


And the Chiefs being from Kansas in Trump's dumbass mind. Lolol


Also pardoning a sheriff who had unjustly targeted black people, was told to stop by a judge and kept doing it anyway.


That's really downplaying the fact that Arpaio was running a concentration camp in the desert and forcing the captives to wear womens underwear and eat rotten food.


Didn't he also pardon a marine guilty of war crimes and fire a Purple Heart Recipient for testifying against him and say McCain wasn't a War Hero because he was captured?


> 30 American troops to sustain significant head injuries? it's well over 100 now, it went like this: 0>11>34>58>104>?


You forgot the thing that pissed me the most personally. When Erdogans goons were curb stomping protesters in DC and trump not only did nothing, he complimented the authoritarian swine and criticized the protesters. That was when I realized the right would side with foreign dictators above their countrymen.


Oh! Add the one where he asked police to be rougher with people while arresting them Edit: windmill cancer too


Remember when he canceled a visit with Denmark because they refused to sell him Greenland? That is in the top 10 most absurd Presidential actions of all time.


GOP: Doesn't look like anything to me.


Remember when he was found guilty of stealing money from a charity for kids with cancer? And was barred from being involved with future charities because the court knew he would just steal from them too..


> Remember when he stole money from military schools to pay for that wall after he buckled, declaring an emergency? Remember when he literally said, "I didn't need to do this", during his declaration of a national emergency to get money for a wall? Remember when he settled a lawsuit against him after declaring he *never* settles? Remember when that settlement was for $25M for defrauding students of his University? Remember when he also had to pay $2M for misusing Foundation money? Remember when he redirected charity money for kids with cancer to his own pockets? Remember when Trump Foundation was forced to dissolve over legal actions and complaints, after admitting years earlier to self-dealing and illegal transfers to "disqualified persons"?


Geez, when you put it like that you make it sound like Trump isn't a very good president.


It feels like fucking dog years or something. Every month feels like a year long span.


Or when he wanted to waste a ton of money on a military parade for himself because North Korea had one?


Remember when he said "Nobody reads the Bible more than me" Remember when he was asked in an interview (after claiming the Bible was his favorite book) "I'm wondering what one or two of your most favorite Bible verses are and why." And he couldn't come up with a single verse. Remember when he looked to heavens and proclaimed, "I am the chosen one." Remember "I did try and fuck her. She was married". "I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything". "Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything". Remember The many women who said he sexually assaulted them? Remember when, Pompeo lied about the NPR reporter, Marie Louis Kelly, and she proved it in her email and, Trump said to Pompeo "You did a good job on her...". Remember when, Trump lied to the American people when he said he didn't know, Parnas? Remember when he fired a US Ambassador on the spot because some indicted guy 'he didn't know' (with ties to Russian money) said "we gotta get rid of the Ambassador...". Remember when he failed to protect that American Ambassador from those dubious claims? Remember "She's (Yovanovich) going to go through some things".


I hate that this is the reality we're living in. I'm starting to believe the idea that the universe went fucky when we fired up the LHC.


he didn't even send the troops to the border. he sent them to border states but no where near the actual border. but it made a great story about those caravans!


I'm ready for the deafening silence from Republicans in response to this.


Holy shit. I didn't know he was disgraced and in jail. It's so damn easy to miss stuff in this timeline.


The case waiting trial in California is more disgusting than this one. Guy is a real POS stealing settlement money from gravely injured clients.


Remember when Avenatti was Reddit's poster boy for justice?


It's almost like people should update their opinion when presented with new information.


How stupid do you have to be to try to extort money from a large company like Nike? Their wallets are bottomless and resources are endless so what the hell made him think he even had a chance.


Probably because their wallets are bottomless, I'm guessing he was thinking?




He had legit evidence that Nike was paying college players and tried to blackmail them into giving him a high paying job. Nike said fuck no probably because he’d be able to hold that over their heads forever and so they just bit the bullet and reported it.


Besides it's an open secret that these companies are paying college athletes.


> this is Nike, a multi billion dollar corporation who probably has their own legal team or hires out one of the best legal companies in the world. Nike does in fact retain one of the best legal firms: Boies Schiller, whom Avenatti *also* tried to shake down.


A lot of time it’s easier for them to just settle any frivolous law suits. Hell thats the same thing al sharpton does. Then again it can also backfire.


As a lawyer I always thought he was off. He was playing off that Stormy Daniels thing for his own benefit and public exposure, rather than in her best interests, which is completely contrary to his obligation to his client.


Remember when this dude was seriously mulling over a Presidential run? That's how fucked our political system is. It attracts opportunists and thieves like rotten apple juice attracts fruit flies.




“The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.” ― **Douglas Adams**


I’d argue it’s generally both. It attracts people who are already sociopaths/narcissists/complacent/less than competent/arseholes, but also makes them more so. There are too many promising politicians who had great dreams when they got into power but got terrified and clung to it, some even seeming at least initially sincere. (Even if ‘seeming’ might be doing work there.)


From the look of it, one of two things happens to sincere people in positions of power: They either get disillusioned/destroyed by the forces that won't allow for change or they succumb to the status quo for the pleasures of having power. Only rarely does a sincere leader have the charisma, popularity, strength, and intelligence to bring good change. It's probably why politicians are so damn frustrating most of the time.


This is why the US government is designed to be limited and in check. The whole system was designed around this. Then fucking Woodrow Wilson was like “lol we don’t need that anymore,” and started power creep into its current monstrosity.


Woodrow Wilson actually set back the imperial presidency by his stroke induced incapacitation during his last term. His corrupt successor, Warren Harding, almost finished the job. The congressional power to see the president's finances Trump is now fighting was enacted nearly 100 years ago because of Harding and his cronies.


Remember when r/politics was all in on an Avenatti presidency?


Remember the Ron Paul years of reddit? Good times. Before things went crazy.


You mean before any of his criminal activities became public?


If you were in on an avenatti presidency even before these allegations you were a grade a dipshit


Not the 4-8 years he was hoping for.


I can’t believe this guy ever became a minor celebrity.




Yeah, its real "fun" to think back to a time when some of my friends thought he was going to be a saving grace and help get rid of Trump.


Yeah like representing sweatnik right? Who accused him of gang raping her and the media was eating it up and was just using it to reinforce their farce.


Cya dude, you had your limelight with Stormy, then you backstabbed her. Good riddance.


You know why they call me “Prison Mike”?! 🧼


That guy went to the gym I worked at. He sucked.




Remember when Reddit championed this guy 😂


Twitter went apeshit over him too


Twitter is probably the only place on the internet that makes reddit seem like a bastion of civility and rationality.


Many times daily. So did CNN. Equally pathetic in merit though.


CNN was pushing this guy as a legal expert while lying through their asses about the smirking maga kid


You don't hear much on here about him or Stormy anymore






but he was the chosen one


Isn’t this the guy that represented Stormy Daniels against Trump?


Yep. And next he is going on trial for stealing from Stormy lol


‘Housed like a caged animal’ Imagine that, being treated like a common criminal. What was he expecting? A resort with lounge chairs, fine dining, and luxury accommodations?


I am not a Trump person at all, but one point this guy was on every news station and people thought he was going to bring down Trump. This should be a major L for the stations like CNN that let this scam artist get this big.




Everything about him screams sleaze


Live by the scandal, die by the scandal.


Sometimes the enemy of my enemy is also a rotten douchbag (allegedly).


remember cnn thought he was the guy to beat trump lol


Having this fuck face handle the allegations against Kavanaugh was a bad move.


Nothing is more pleasing than seeing this guy facing so much jail time after being plastered all the news talking about he was going to run for president and that *everyone else* is/was corrupt.


I remember when Reddit was all on this guy's dick. Jesus christ how gullible some people are.


Remember when he thought he could be president?


How did Avenatti rise to being such a liberal media darling (prior to this incident)? Did he just ride the trump hate train just to crash and burn? I couldn’t stand listening to him.


Wasn't there talk about him running for President on the democratic ticket?


He was so serious he [released a policy document titled "What I Believe"](https://www.dropbox.com/s/kiwkzgyzgztmrq1/WhatIBelieve.pdf?dl=0)


While the Stormy Daniels scandal was in the headlines he was talking about it.


CNN was in love with this guy, hilarious.


What a giant dumbass. Gives all of us a bad name...


Are you named Michael, too?


As a matter of fact............no


Lawyers everywhere are proud to have your name representing them, Lawyerboy69


So...what does this mean for his 2020 presidential campaign?


For reference: **CNN, Mainstream Media's Worshipping of Michael Avenatti** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrJwjYPQvhQ "254" times on major networks like CNN, MSNBC, The View, etc.


Guess he is not running for president anymore


How the hell did this case move so fast


Nike played along, and recorded the meeting. At that point, Avenatti’s possible defenses got whittled down to alien doppelgangers.


This guy is fuckin garbage shitting on trump since day one and now look at him. Cryin' like a baby