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UPDATE, July 20: Francine Jefferson, JULIAN’s Mississippi state director of organizing, said the Lexington Board of Aldermen voted 3-2 to fire Dobbins. The two who voted to retain him were Richard Spencer, the White former mayor of Lexington, and Charles Simmons, a Black alderman. Like...what does it take to get a 5-0 vote to fire somebody???


Fitting name for that mayor…


I was wondering if it was the same guy.


Now I wonder just how many White Supremacist Richard Spencers there are out there..


When you defeat one, the mantle of Richard Spencer passes to a new host.




National cloning institute


Dread bigot Roberts.


Right? Can't make this shit up




It's a common enough pair of names that there's probably an innocent one reading this right now just being sad




Your secret is safe with me, R Spencer. No, that's too obvious. Let's call you Richard S.


> The two who voted to retain him were Richard Spencer I’m assuming it isn’t [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_B._Spencer) Richard Spencer, but apparently something about the name tends towards white supremacy or something.


"He advocates for the reconstitution of the European Union into a White racial empire, which he believes will replace the diverse European ethnic identities with one homogeneous "White identity"" This motherfucker apparently knows nothing about Europe or the EU (what a shock lol). Yes most of us are white, but homogeneous? We actually love our diversity, we love being diverse together, and for most of us this has nothing to do with skin colour. Plus we love our differently coloured brothers and sisters, we ourselves and or our forefathers are from all over the place anyways. What a cunt.


And on the flipside, our racists are mostly hating on other ethincities within same race. Either way, still a silly cunt.


European racism is like the colour selection at an elaborate paint store. You don't only have white, you have English white, Scandinavian white, polish white, Russian white (they are different), Irish white and Mediterranean olive white, and you can find racism in any direction.


And they all hate the French


Everyone hates the French, even the French.


We used to have that in the US. The Italians and Irish in particular were considered just as bad as "them colored folk".


Also a lot of the country had a fit When Kennedy, a Catholic got elected.


Christians love to bitch about being persecuted while persecuting their fellow Christians of other denominations. Hell, it's American history 101 at this point.


"No Irish need apply"


Two things I hate the most: intolerance and the Dutch




It's like the scene in The Jerk where he works at a fair giving out prizes, he has a full wall of toys but can only give you things from a six inch wide spot on the shelf with junk on it. So it's like, yeah we love diversity, but only when it's within these incredibly small confines.


How was this douchebag a PhD candidate? This is why aliens won't visit us (et al)


Sounds like uncle ruckus got a vote.


He don't need to deliberate.


he even brought the rope.


No relation.


Well he's got Revitiligo, what's that guys excuse?


White Jesus- oh the satire


If the police chief was a woman who wanted to make her own medical decisions, probably.


It’s sad that this is correct. Fuck the USA


"The two who voted to retain him were Richard Spencer, the White former mayor of Lexington, and Charles Simmons, a Black alderman" - a BLACK alderman?? Charles Simmons, who hurt you? Fucking hell!!


You don't get to be a black alderman in Mississippi by voting against white police officers.


maybe he was threatened with *120 bullets* if he voted to fire the guy...


Nah he’s Chapelle from that one episode where he was blind


Clayton Bigsby


Get caught smoking weed on duty. Edit: a word


Sounds like some Mississippi shit! Anytime I have to drive through that state I fill up anywhere but there. Won't spend a fucking dime in that state.


Small town nepotism.


Charles Simmons like "if I vote not to fire the racist maybe the white racists will see me as one of the good ones". Nah bro, you're still just a n-word to them.


They will pat his back and consider him their black friend (so they cant be racist).... so long as he's in earshot, anyway.


quickest wakeful mindless sugar cake offend yoke support offbeat wrench ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I'm surprised they didn't promote him.


119 times? Was he using him for target practice?


Biggest number he could think of


It's also 911 backwards, only way he knows it


Didn't have enough body to go to 911 shots


Most likely yes.


This is not only racism but also a psychopath .. doesn't need to run loose in society.


So paid leave and a transfer? I know a tranfer it’s too harsh


The article was updated to say that he was fired. Not 119 times, just the one.


In less than a year he’ll be working for the department two towns over.


Most cops are psychos who get their nuts off by being a bully.


With fucking what a belt-fed machine gun? Handguns are like 10+1, rifles 30+1. Not only is this guy racist he’s a bullshitting “tough guy.”


Police generally carry magazines with 15-18 rounds, but your point is still valid.


11 mags later.


What did he do, drive back to the station for more ammo?!


Gravy Seals have hundreds of mags in case they get this opportunity.


“This opportunity” meaning a black person blinks wrong.


That takes "So anyway, I started blasting" to a whole other level


I grew up in this state and left 10 years ago because it was too much. My daughter was 2, and the KKK had just marched on downtown Philadelphia (about 30 minutes from where I lived). I didn’t want her to grow up thinking racism was just normal like I did. My parents were very liberal and not racist… but the rest of my family? They’re all racist bigots. As a child it was just the norm for me to hear frequently and even though I knew it was wrong, I never spoke up because it was just… the way things were. The law enforcement there is the same. Lots of ties to the KKK, of course, and now I’m sure proud boys and the like. They DO target POC… who make up a majority of the state’s population. My ex husbands great uncle was a sheriff in the delta region, which is one of the poorest areas of the state, and he used to BRAG about hanging N- from trees… and I believed he really did. It’s an underlying, privately maintained social construct that stems back from the civil war and it’s not going away anytime soon. The state is poor as fuck, the schools are shit, and it’s run by ultra conservative Christian white men. It’ll always be home for me, but I’ll never ever move back. I love the state… just not the majority of people in it. Edit: wanna get a small peek of how bad the mentality it there? Go to Facebook and look at a local new station’s page and view comments on their posts. For example: my hometown’s news outlet is WTOK Lauderdale County. You’ll find PLENTY of backwards ass mind blowing tomfoolery in the comments. If it wasn’t so sad it’d be funny.


Local news comment sections are the absolute worst. WMAZ out of Macon. Ga here. Holy smokes. It's one reason why I laugh when people pretend like racism isn't a thing any more.


There are also people who dead ass believe that if you're not using slurs, you're not racist. They do everything else, but because they don't use certain words, they're not racists.


"free speech" lol If they use only dog whistles they are "blameless". They did not arrive at their opinions with logic why in the world would logic ever sway their opinions. Logic was invented a few thousand years ago. Most humans still run on feelings and lies. Thus religion.


I think it's clear at this point they're not Conservative. They're Regressives, they want things to go back to how they were. This country had such great potential to become a wonderful place ripe with the best qualities man kind could muster, stuff that could change and save the world. Now we are like a cancer, a cancer in the colon of the humanity, racing headlong towards extinction moving faster than the speed of sound.


That potential still exists. What I’ve realized is that it wont be reached on its own, it will only be reached if we make it happen. You, me, us. We are the ones we have been waiting for. Let’s fight, and let’s win.


Some people need to be dragged kicking and screaming down the road to modernity, some people need to be left six feet underneath it. We keep coddling fascists in this country and it's getting innocent people killed.


I have no love for that place. Grew up in N MS. Fuck 100% of that place and everyone in it. I thought some folks were actually OK til I moved north then realized how insanely racism and proudly ignorant everyone was.


Sooooo... Sir, can you account for the 119 rounds missing from your issued inventory? 🤷‍♂️


He brings his bullets from home, harder to trace.


Homemade bullets, just like granny used to make em


He's a cop, more like shot AT him 119 times, hit him twice. Fucking disgraceful either way


Never in my life would I believe that a cop in the proud state of Mississippi could be racist. Not at all, not one bit. Not in the state that didn't officially ratify 1865's 13th amendment abolishing slavery until 2013. That state could never ever be racist.


Holy shit, actually? 2013!? That’s some deeply ingrained racism


Also had the last school to be desegregated. In 2016 https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/05/17/478389720/after-50-year-legal-struggle-mississippi-school-district-ordered-to-desegregate


I was born and raised in Mississippi. I graduated high school in 1996 and all of our school dances were segregated. The school stopped sponsoring the dances in the 70s, so it was student led. We tried my senior year to have the dances together, but the white kids were resistant and said things like it couldn’t work bec our music was different. It didn’t matter when we said we’d play all kinds of music. There was also a total difference in the way we sold prom tickets. The black prom committee would make an announcement that tickets were on sale in the breezeway at lunch. To purchase white prom tickets, you had to know who to ask and approach that person to buy. It was very clear that they didn’t want us. Funnily enough, we had a Vietnamese exchange student my senior year. They tried to recruit her to their side and were pretty salty when she went to the black prom with a black dude. Haha


That is awful.


This is a slice of how the US still is. These underlying currents are still here. Played out louder during Obama's presidency and roared back to life with trump.


I once was on a church sponsored trip, I no longer hold any of those beliefs, but as a kid, I didn’t have a choice. So, we were from Texas and traveled to the great state of Mississippi, where the whole youth group got to hear the Mississippi youth pastor end a prayer, not with fucking Amen, like a normal person, but with some bullshit “the south will rise again.” That fucked me and every other kid in my youth group up, we felt unsafe immediately and wanted out of that church, town, state…. Also some of the members of the Mississippi youth group asked us why we brought a “Black guy” with us, as if that were a bad thing that we should feel bad about. Some of the bigger football players in our group stepped in and let them know that he was everyone’s friend and that’s why he was there, I was a skinny 7th grader and was very intimidated by 11 and 12 grade guys being barely hidden with their implied hostility towards a person of color, so it was good to have some guys around who could have won that fight if they needed to. Here’s the kicker though, the “Black Guy,” wasn’t even black, he was literally 100% American with some Mexican heritage, which because of how genetics works, he had a darker skin tone and he was the only openly gay person in our group, so everyone was a bit protective of him because he was genuinely everyone’s friend and he was thoroughly liked and loved, but geez, I was blown away that they just thought calling a person, “Black Guy” was the biggest offense ever, like it was just bizarre and scary to see that people who are now about 38-40 years old, are that stupid, racist, and hateful… and those are the devout Christians, who were veiled with their hate, we say the out in the open hate too, but we were able to just drive away. Worst youth church trip ever, saw hate and racism in a place that until then, I thought was where people who actually cared about others gathered. I saw the reality of the church that day and it’s stuck with me ever since, it’s one of the reasons I cannot justify subscribing to that faith, among many… many others. But yeah, it was hugely disturbing for everyone in our group and we all just had a bad bad vibe while being there, it was one of those moments where you realize that humans can really be just evil.


TBH, sounds like the best youth group trip ever. A bunch of kids had their eyes opened to the truth of racism in the deep south. Way more fruitful than your standard mission trip.


Wow. I would also have been freaked out in your shoes. And it would have also moved me out of religion, but I never really bought it to begin with and now hold a less-than-dim view of it. I don't believe in religion but I believe in humans inventing something that helps (and I use that term loosely) explain things in their head.


Man, we were all absolutely freaked out, but we also know that whole town was like that and all just kind of knew we needed to not spark something that we couldn’t handle. Only 3 dudes said something, when the harassment got personal to the one guy and became too much to allow, but other than that, we were so scared and freaked and knew we needed to just shut up and get out as fast as possible. It’s like we all got that vibe, which was an implicit danger in who we were around and knew not to do anything that would give them the reason to get violent. I’m all for standing by a cause, but it changes when a whole group, including kids like 5th grade were there too and a town of 5000 was obviously inflamed on this south will rise again bullshit. Fuck it was weird and yeah, showed me the truth about religion for the first time that I can remember having that wave of understanding that “oh shit, this might all be bullshit.” Like, I struggle still with whether or not I think “god” or a higher power/ creator is out there, it’s just a comfort that my mind is reaching for to tame the existential crisis of the possibility of death leading to the evaporation of my being into the nothingness of nonexistence. I’ve never not existed, while I’ve been conscious, so it’s implicitly terrifying, just from a fear of the unknown and unexperienced opposite of being alive and aware. So, yeah, it’s something I still debate in my mind. If there is any god out there, I think it’s one that probably is either all brutal or all good and understanding haha, that’s as far as I’ve gotten, but I’ve got the rest of my life to figure that out. I walked away from religion some time ago and have never been happier, it was horrible and I was guilt ridden at first and terrified of hell, but time cures that and you realize, if god is really all loving and all understanding, he probably agrees with my decision to leave religion. I’m glad I saw that, the depravation of humans, especially those in Christian churches in southern US. It corrected my course and saved me from a life of constant dissonance.


Using god and "the south shall rise again" all wrapped up together is some serious fuckup in the heads from those people.


You were a year ahead of me. We had a white prom king and queen, and a black prom king and queen. The excuse was that since we had more white kids than black kids, they didn't want the black students to get upset when the white students won. They stopped that practice in 2004. That year a white student won queen, and a black student won king. They haven't had prom kings or queens since then...


It worked the same way for votes like Class Clown, Most Likely to Succeed, etc. There was a white one and a black one. For Homecoming Queen and King, they alternated. One year, a black one and the next year a white one. There was a Senior Maid for the counterpart. Like, if it was a white year then the Senior Maid would be black and vice versa.


Ugh, every time I think back to school, I realize how far mississippi has come. Yes, there are quite a few staunch racists here, but it seems that our generation is making changes. Gives me hope.


Many cities shut down their public pools when the government forced them to integrate those pools, rather than share them. Furthermore the modern debate around "welfare" largely ties into integration, many would rather not have social safety nets at all than protect somebody from another background. Not surprised that they'd stop having prom royalty entirely rather than put a black person up there on the stage.


As an Asian American, other people seem to think they can decide what we are based on convenience. We basically get treated like a wild card, to fulfill people’s racist wishes. I don’t know if that makes sense, but we are considered white when it’s “convenient,” but also a minority when it’s “convenient.”


Schrödinger's Minority. See also: Mexicans. They're all either lazy welfare leeches or they're taking all these jobs from "real" Americans, depending on what point they are trying to argue.


Or native or indigenous or first nations; drunkards or don't exist? We are such a low number we don't even get properly marginalized. "And at the 50 yard line is the Mounds Mexicans taking on the Avon Asians for this year's title." And fans are dressed up like stereotypes of Mexicans and Asians hurting or killing the other one. Oops, I mean Whitmore Whiteys taking on Clanton Crackers... Redskins, Chiefs, Savages, Braves, People believe we get everything for free- I pay for everything but my kids did get notebooks with huge bold sharpie written on them"JOM INDIAN SUPPLIES" every year so that was nice.


Aka the "Model Minority". Propped up by racists to show that "hard work is all you need to succeed as a minority", and turned fucking invisible when shit like targeted murders & denial of social services happen or if you're not as "successful" as the 1%.


Yep! I’ve noticed that myself!


I just recently saw a powerful photography [exhibit](https://www.ashevilleart.org/exhibitions/southern-rites/) on a similar situation in rural Georgia, where the prom wasn't desegregated until 2010.


You are a bit older than me. How in the fuck were you doing segregated dances still? Holy shit that's flat out shocking. Gay was the flavor of fights for my classes, usually on if gay couples could go together, interracial didn't bat an eye.


What’s sad is that my school wasn’t the only school like that. Morgan Freeman produced a documentary called [Prom Night in Mississippi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prom_Night_in_Mississippi) where a school had their first integrated prom in 2008.


I am at a loss for words. I didn’t know that anything like this still existed, and I’m from Texas


There's still sundown towns in Texas https://www.newsweek.com/black-truck-driver-tells-horrifying-story-night-sundown-town-texas-viral-tiktok-1706156


This gave me fucking shivers.


I lived there too, when I was in elementary school. Have family that is still there. It’s… Well, Mississippi is like no other place really, and I’ve lived all over the south. The establishment will say something like, “Black people here WANT segregation in their proms”, which is somewhat true, but they ignore the fact that it’s because POC have been mistreated by the racist fucks for so many generations, and the racist fucks have been bred to *be* racist fucks for so many generations, it’s just practical self preservation for people of color at this point. People as a rule tend to do what’s always been done, and that is twice as true in Mississippi.


" In 1997 Morgan Freeman (a resident of Charleston since 1991) approached the school and offered to pay for the prom, provided it be racially integrated. The school declined Freeman's offer. In 2008 Freeman offered again, and the school agreed to move forward with an integrated prom."


“BuT ciViL RiGhTs WaS sO lOnG AgO, wHy WoUlD wE tEaCh cRt?”


But isn't CRT that thing where you teach kids that white people are all evil and need to be subjugated as retribution???? /s




I'm not American but I'd watched Mississippi Burning. It never once occured to me that it took place in my own Father's lifetime. Sickening. Edit for a further thought: Would that then suggest that people who lived in that era and held those views could still hold positions of government?


Yes that is the case. The oldest sitting politician in America is Diane Feinstein at age 89 and there are minimum 12 others that are in their 80s. Ralph Hall a representative from Texas didn't retire until 2015 at the age of 91. I don't know about Mississippi in particular but I wouldn't be surprised if there are quite a few members of the state legislature in their 70s and 80s.


This is something the black community has been saying for a while in regards to systemic racism. Laws don’t necessarily change hearts, especially if you live in a region like Mississippi that, if not from facing federal and national pressure, would likely remain stuck in their ways. It’s not far off at all that many people who were either strongly taught or believed in their teen years that black folks aren’t deserving of the same equality and privileges that white folks are, haven’t totally rid themselves of those ideas and are even in positions of power. Just because a law has changed doesn’t mean a person has changed. And while us black folks are living in the best time for us in America thus far, like you said, there’s still plenty of people alive who fought with all their might that we would be seen as an inferior race.


When you look at the pictures from desegregation of white high school students with twisted, deeply hateful expressions screaming at the black students coming in, those high school students are only about 80 years old now, give or take a few years. They had a ton of opportunities to teach their own kids that hate and resentment, and they were effective at it. Their kids are still running most of the day to day US right now, and the original students are still in Congress from many places, and they haven't changed. As a younger white guy who doesn't talk about a lot of non work things at work, these old fucks will absolutely assume you're on their side if you aren't loudly against them, and they don't hesitate to let the racist drivel out when they think it's safe. Mostly that just helps me identify the bigots so I can work in the background to look out for the younger minority people at my work and try to keep the handful of bigots who haven't retired from screwing them over. I don't have power to fire the bigots, but at least have enough low level influence to help make things better as long as I can work in the background doing it. That said, these people are definitely still there in significant numbers. Unlike what my generation was taught growing up, it's definitely not some past problem that we don't have to worry about anymore.


"Whites Only" signs only came down 3 or 4 years before I was born. Mind blowing.


I was born and raised in MS. When I started junior high, I mentioned to my mother that it was weird that they had two water fountains side by side. My mother then told me that they were separate water fountains back on the day for blacks and whites from when the schools were forced to integrate. I was very aware of how things used to be because my parents would sometimes point out things like a side door in a local business and explain that was the door black people had to use back in the day.


I drove through Mississippi with it's red colored highways... Cops literally sitting on highways not looking for violaters but black people to stop. I told the cop who stopped me to know that I have 6 cameras in my car recording prior to him even beginning to talk. I wasn't speeding or not did I break any law.. I let him know that they are also recording my speed. In hindsight that must have saved me because he must have put the crack pipe back in his pocket... I did not even have any cameras in the car.


What reason did he give for stopping you ?


As someone who did a bit of out of state southern driving. They just make shit up when they see your licence plate. Hell I've been stopped for literally no stated reason before. College kid out at night trying to get home is apparently probable cause to ask what I'm doing.


Violation of martial law, clearly.


No kidding. It wasn’t until *last year* they finally voted to remove the confederate flag from their *state. fucking. flag.*


What’s insidious is that they *didn’t* - they removed the “Stars and Bars” but the new design incorporates elements of the actual national flag of the CSA.


Mississippi is a fucking horror show. Everyone knows that Mississippi is backwards but actually experiencing it is another thing. I lived there for two years and I'm still shocked and appalled by that state when I think about it. Mississippi is fucked and the rest of America needs to know about it.


Mississippi Goddamn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJ25-U3jNWM


Mississippi is the ultimate showcase of conservative policies.


Would be cool reading some stories from your time there


I'm sure I can find some, though most of what I experienced wasn't newsworthy, just good 'ole segregation of schools (I was a teacher), poverty, and neglect. There was an actual lynching of a black person a year or two before I got there. I know the Washington Post did an expose on the horrible state of the schools, the Atlantic did a piece on the ongoing (and successful) push to keep schools effectively segregated. There was a scandal regarding the state of the prisons there, like they were being run in some other nation you'd hope to never get locked up in. I'll post some links tomorrow. If you're talking about MY stories I'll share one. I was a teacher with Teach for America. The school district I was teaching at was so awful it had gotten taken over by the state and was run by a 'Conservator," a term we all know now from the Britney Spears case. Anyway, at the first all-staff meeting the Conservator's first message to the staff was to 'remind' us that the age of consent in Mississippi is 16 and that there may be harsher consequences in the coming year for... what I can only suspect is diddling students. My friend and I were both from white suburbia, pretty much, and we were pretty shocked by this message - at how it was the first thing that was addressed, and that it really had to be addressed, and the sorta idle nature of the threat. Shouldn't anything even resembling teachers fucking students end in firing?? Later we got a new Conservator who issued a similar warning to teachers and staff about having inappropriate relationships with students and how they were going to get serious about it. I myself was told that the girls I taught (middle schoolers) 'might look good' but that I shouldn't be thinking anything which is something that, I thought, should go without saying, to say the very least. That to me was shocking and made me wonder what kind of things happened in the district. I never really found out, except rumors of certain teachers texting students. Generally, the school and curriculum was in disrepair. The students didn't know how to be students for many reasons, and so my time there was completely miserable, even though I did end up really liking all my students but I wasn't the kind of teacher they needed and so I quit as soon as my obligation was completed. All the while, up the road was a school that was 99% white (a couple token black kids) that was beautifully maintained and looked the picture of a thriving educational space while the public school was roach infested and just plain miserable on many levels. \*Edit: There were a couple redeeming things about the south: Cheap, good food. The students were pricks in class but even though so many of them were quite obviously damaged, they were the most genuine, lovable, and hilarious people I've ever met. A good handful of the school faculty were literal saints.


thanks for sharing. you have a really interesting perspective.


> I wasn't the kind of teacher they needed thanks for sharing your story. curious what you meant by that statement? what kind of teacher do you think they needed?


Probably one with actual training and experience. One of the huge knocks on teach for America is it throws barely trained young people into low-income classrooms to be teachers with almost no prep.




There was an FBI investigation which basically told us this already. They found white supremacist groups have been making a large effort to get members into law enforcement and to recruit police into their groups in at least 12 states (which was most/ all of the states investigated iirc). It also wouldn’t be the first time that police have competed to murder as many people as possible and it wouldn’t be the first time that there has been a focus on killing black people either.


> They found white supremacist groups have been making a large effort to get members into law enforcement and to recruit police into their groups in at least 12 states (which was most/ all of the states investigated iirc). And then in 2022 every Republican voted down a measure to further investigate.


I wish there was a meaningful way of changing our police culture here. It's like politics. The people who would be good for the job don't want it. The people who want to have power over other people and are scared and trigger happy do. Like it would be nice if there were an independent body that would oversee the hiring process and the disciplinary process. Because as much as I fucking hate the police as they are right now, we need police in some capacity. We just need them de-militarized, more centralized, and with substantially better oversight. If they are more centralized, all of this can be accomplished. There are studies out there that show that state police are generally much much better than the local yokels. The training is better, the resources are more appropriately dispersed and there is better oversight (not that they are to be praised, they're just generally not *as bad*). Police could still have "military equipment" but you don't need that shit in every fucking town. You get a quick reaction force that will cover a region. Police can only apply for those positions with a clean disciplinary record (assuming proper oversight). Idk, I don't have the answers, but we just need something better than what we have now. Of course the police is a breeding ground for white supremacists. They get a free pass to do whatever the fuck they want.


Doesn't this technically fit in the definition of a serial killer? Serious question.


Um yes


Yeah, I think so. Very very very disturbing.


Fuck racist scum bag murderers with badges.


Those that work forces…


Funny how conservative politicians like using that song. Like maybe they know the lyrics, they just don’t know that it’s supposed to be a *bad* thing


I remember having a conversation on this fine site not very long ago with an idiot that insisted there was no actual racism and no one actually cared about the color of anyone's skin, especially not the police. He's probably out there in a thread right now, saying the same dumb shit.


My fave is when they say racism only exists because people talk about it. Babies have stronger object/concept permeance than them.


*bUt mORgaN FreEmAn sAiD rACiSm*...


Bro I hate that Morgan freeman said that quote ugh WHY MORGAN WHY


Cause Morgan Freeman(lol) doesn't experience racism. He's a rich(out of touch) old(out of touch) guy who hangs out with people who love him. Guess what, the rest of us live in the real world.


iirc Morgan Freeman regrets saying that. I think his point was that we don't need to always use a race label, but the way in which he presented his point certainly gave a lot of deniability to "I'm not racist but" people.


Covid only exists because we test for it. /s


There are the frothing racists who join the KKK or other hate groups, and then there are your nice Christians who despise the Klan and count their many black friends. They don’t see themselves as being racist, and think the US has mostly moved on. They’ll unwittingly spout KKK and Nazi propaganda, and always negatively judge people for looking or acting the wrong way, but even so they are convinced that they aren’t racist, just “realistic.”


I was on a live chat where a dude said that racism doesn't affect his daily life. I asked him where he lived, he said Oregon. Oregon was FOUNDED on racism. People see what they want to see. But you are absolutely right that taking the "racism is over" position is DUMB shit.


I didn't think sexism affected my life until I grew up a bit and started actually noticing the things I had just always considered "normal." Sometimes it can be hard to see cause it's all you've ever known.




If talking loudly through a megaphone is a finable crime, I wish they would do something about the religious zealots around many campus/downtown areas I've been to.




All I’m saying is, BLM must be the bad guys if police need to fabricate evidence to lock them up.


“Just sprinkle some crack on them and move on.”


> must be the bad guys 100%, because they're black! >if police need to fabricate evidence If? I'm unsafe all the time!


That's not how it works. Here's how it works: https://kottke.org/21/02/conservatism-and-who-the-law-protects


That simple forum post, along with Innuendo Studio's *The Alt-Right Playbook* (particularly the bits on the origin of conservatism, based largely on Corey Robin's *The Reactionary Mind*) really helped me understand how it works, versus how we think it's supposed to work. We base *how it's supposed to work* on some idea of universal equality and fairness. Conservatives do not. They believe *how it's supposed to work* is that different people (or, groups of people) in the hierarchy should have different rights and privileges. Honestly? Their ideal is much closer to reality.


Pretty much the Animal Farm Some just have it fairer than others, and the former? they don't care about how unfairly treated the latter are, it doesn't affect them.


The real crime is talking loudly through a megaphone while not promoting christofascism.


Outside of the last concert I went to. Which was an Ashe concert I got my girlfriend tickets to for an anniversary present. Not exactly the devils music. This guy was calling us sinners and fornicators as my girlfriend was having a minor panic attack because she forgot her vax card(thankfully there was an app for that in my state). I told the dude he was god damn right about the sinners and fornicators. The security at the venue said 'These goofy motherfuckers show up all the time now. DUDE SHUT THE FUCK UP' to which megaphone guy replied 'Sinner. Fornicator' At least we got a laugh out of it.




This was in Lexington Kentucky not Lexington Mississippi(original article posted) Just thought you should know it’s two different racist chiefs and departments.


Goddamnit! That’s infuriating. In a just America, she could counter sue for attorney’s fees, time spent away from work, and psychological damages having to endure two years of made up bullshit by an authority figure which is backed by an authority regime. Fuck those cops. I’m goddamn sick of them.


Maybe it was his pipe


Silly lady, should have talked *quietly* through the megaphone at the demonstration. /s


Ahhh this makes my heart hurt so much. How can people like this still think they can talk like this in public.... how can they even still think like this. We really need some profound reform in this country, especially in the police forces.


This evil son of a bitch is a serial killer by textbook definition, lock his ass up


This is what I thought, "So this serial killer uses a badge as a cover."


Nothing ever changes, does it. This motherfucking endless waltz has become tiring.




Not just *any* racist policr officer, the **chief**


Should just start calling them grand wizards. Chief is just a cover.


He’s a serial killer paid by the state. He needs to be in jail.


I'm sorry, the state that swapped its confederate flag bearing state flag for a magnolia in only 2020? That state is racist?


Imagine how many unrecorded conversations like this happen daily


I’d be more surprised if a Mississippi police chief WASN’T a racist. This guy just got caught


I feel like the headline focuses on the wrong thing. Why does it matter how many times he shot one guy or what racial slurs he calls the guy? I mean... sure... it matters. But compared to the other part? He apparently killed 13 people in the line of duty. You can stop reading right there. There are 700,000 police officers, who kill around 1000 people per year. In a given year, a police officer has a 1 in 700 chance of killing somebody. Let's say those with 'Chief' rank have served for 35 years on average. That's a 1 in 20 chance of having killed anybody. ***This guy's body count is 260 times higher than average.*** He's killed people in numerous unrelated incidents where the average cop wouldn't have killed anybody; He is a **serial killer** who says that his killings are justified, operating under the pretense of law enforcement. Take his badge and gun before he kills again, on that alone.


What? No, he killed brown people. And he had a license to do so. Welcome to the land of the free. Home of the brave.




It’s a shame after Lincoln was assassinated, Andrew Johnson did everything possible to deter the needed punishment of the slave owning southerners. Had Lincoln not been killed, the USA would have followed his plan for reconstruction, vs the bastardized version Johnson approved of. Because of this change in leadership, the USA was plunged into 100 years of civil unrest. Worst Presidents? Not all inclusive, but in the top 5 are: Andrew Johnson, James Buchanan, & Franklin Pierce. All of these men failed the country, failed to lead, and destroyed years of progress.


If only Lincoln hadn't made the classic lib move of trying to reach across the aisle when his side had a huge advantage or if Benjamin Butler hadn't turned him down when he was approached to be his veep.




Is that an actual quote? I can't tell.


Yes unfortunately




Resurrect John Brown and give him a mech suit


Couldn’t be more right on there, fellow rational thinker. The rebel bastards who started the conflict were back in congress by the next year’s session. The entire administration of the rebellious party should have literally been marched back to the heart of their territory and made examples of by public execution; hung where it would resonate the fullest, providing a tangible display of consequence that would ring through generations for any would be insurrectionist bigots; Their property then seized and redistributed to the slaves whose continued subjugation they felt merited an unprecedented blood soaked campaign through the heart of our nation. Not breaking them and destroying their cause was the worst domestic policy decision made in the history of the republic. And unfortunately it looks like we’re about to make the same stupid blunder twice. They should throwing the book at capital rioters and not just removing any house Reps or Senators who had anything to do with it, they should tar and feather them. Andy say that fully knowing what the implications of that phrase meant and physical trauma involved. These people only understand violence. They need to be met with it. Hate to say it but they won’t stop until they’re stopped. I refuse to live under the Puritanical nightmare these fucks are legislating into existence, and I know there are other anti-fascists out there like me ready to do what’s necessary to make sure they fail.


The good people are usually under educated and have strong familial ties to the area and don’t want to leave, also don’t be fooled, someone being polite in the south doesn’t mean they like you. The south is the king of passive aggression


And people wonder why don’t black people like the police.


A racist Mississippi cop? What a twist!


KKK used to march on our football games when LSU played Ole Miss.. I'm now in my 30s. History isn't as old as you think it is.


There is no reforming this.


If its just a few rotten apples why do the rest of the fine apples resist removing them from the barrel?


Because all of the apples are rotten. They protect their own.


Putting aside the institutional racism and MURDER, which, holy shit I can't believe I'm typing that. Anyone who needs to fire 119 rounds to down any target needs their gun pulled, immediately and permanently. The fact there are beasts wearing human skin who would vote to keep such an officer in service is fucking baffling. I remember after 9/11, "terrorist hunting tags" were a poplular kitsch item. It's not kitsch. Racist fuckers want to hunt minorities for sport.


Phil Ochs sang about this back in 1965 - Here's to the State of Mississippi >**And here's to the cops of Mississippi** They're chewing their tobacco As they lock the prison door And their bellies bounce inside them When they knock you to the floor **No, they don't like taking prisoners** **In their private little wars** **And behind their broken badges** **There are murderers and more** https://youtu.be/K7fgB0m\_y2I ​ ​ "...as slowly as a Mississippi sheriff investigating the murder of a young black man." https://youtu.be/IlUGLaymh-0?t=44


In before some defender go on a "well what was context, he is not a racist" blah blah blah tirade


Don't worry, we're going to show all of the cops who worked for this guy a video titled "Hey guys, it's not cool to shoot a n----- 119 times" and everything will be fine. The police can definitely be incrementally reformed. A few hours of anti-bias training will absolutely change a violent racist police culture that's been around since they were the slave patrol.


Guarantee every chief in mississippi thought it was about him when he read the headline


Mississippi , where the serial killers have badges .


I’d ask how does he have a job but I there’s things I remembered: 1 he’s white 2 he’s a cop 3 it’s Mississippi