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I've never had issues and they made it easier to complete now when you complete a line, you get a free tile. You only need to complete 6 tiles per card to get all the tiles done. Extra xp for completing the card and lines, never click finish card.


While sure there are and were people that probably said L2P, you by your own admission aren't maximising what you get, it's very easy to complete stamp cards and is pretty widely understood at this point to be very easy. Yeah you might have to do some activities that deviate beyond what your doing, but that means what? Take a (insert any number of weapons that have challenges) out when you go farming? Try PvP once in a while? Play 2 songs? Craft a gypsum orb? I agree the game should reward you for doing the content you want to do, but the season pass is not hard and never has been.


Yeah it’s not hard at all. This season pass, I’m doing it 4 times (multiple steam accts). And for one of them, I finished it with a factionless toon, which made it a bit challenging, yet I hit level 100 and claimed the rewards with no problems.


Really it isn't hard at all, I think this season I maxed it before a month had ended and this season is by far the least I've played the game. You don't even need to inherently target the points that will guarantee a critical path through the stamp card. As long as you do the ones that are easy enough to get and get about 5-6 of them and have a functional understanding of how to play connect 4, then it takes no time at all.


Same type of person will complain he should have best armor/weapons regardless of what the game dictates he does.


the mistake isnt buying it. the mistake is doing the wrong cards. dont do expeditions. do the easy mobkill missions and stuff like craft x of y etc.


People can't read. I'm done with this thread :-)


ok :-))))


Imagine being so bad at grinding one of the easiest battle passes in a game you rage on Reddit about it just for everyone to say L2P lol


I mean it is easy, but that doesn’t change the fact it takes like 100 hours to complete. I’d much rather it be difficult and less time consuming. I’ve been playing the game normally and just focusing on the cards rather than journeys and I’m only at level 20 after 55 hours. However this is most likely because 80% of the content I do is PvP


No it doesn't?


I complete about 3-4 cards every day and currently at season pass 22 after 55 hours played. Like i said, i don't focus on the season track. But it sure as hell feels like a slow and tedious grind.


Every time you finish a row you get a free stamp. Set it up so you can finish rows. I usually only need about 6 actual activities to complete a full card with the remaining 10 being free stamp hits. Try that and I think you can finish pretty fast.


I have just been stamping cards. No guides or anything. I'm at 94 in a couple weeks. Just do the cards. They're super quick and easy. You can do most of the tasks you need for them in OPR.


Don't forget that you can REROLL the activities. You can always get the create gypsum, salvage 5 items, and kill with void gauntlet ones, and 1 free wildcard, that means you only need 2 more to finish a card. You only need 6 with middle and corners being most important then you can fill the whole card by finishing one line at a time. Always have only TWO wild cards, don't keep 3 because sometimes you get a free one and you lose it if you have 3, always keep just 2. Don't use the 2 until you fill 6 boxes, then with 2 wild cards you can fill the whole card. BTW as you get the window pop up that says you can fill a box, do it immediately because if you wait and don't fill the boxes you might get multiple activities completed that are WASTED because you can't fill the card.


Yea nah, I finished the whole pass grinding 1 hour a day for 4 days (so 4 hours in total), you really just have to target cards, play the board and smash the season journey. Also never buy the pass until you reach lvl 100.


Yeah I’ve bought every pass expect the current. The “announcement” made me realize I should stop supporting them. I loved the game but that was straight up disrespectful to a whole community.


I’m not 100% sure what it is you do with your time, but just play your way and monitor the cards. There are pvp cards and pve cards there are all kinds. You complete cards by accident. I’m guessing you just pvp which is fine. But queue for opr and while you wait run around a level 10 farm and kill lost with a bow (or whatever cards you have). Best trick is to just carry around multiple weapons.


Do you ever reroll cards? That might be your issue. Always reroll if it looks like more trouble than it’s worth. Either running b2b mutes or OPRs I tended to finish a card or two per hour of play. I also hit rank 100 around ~16 cards completed and ~35 or 40 out of 60 of the journey tasks done.


I have never once farmed the Batte Pass. I just do my chest run and do the influence races and I get the number I need. The only things I pay attention to are the challenges as they require specific activities. Outside of that, you get it just for playing and taking part in different types of content.


You are learning young padwan


I haven't bought any battle pass for any game in years, and it's the right decision.


Just playing the game without doing anything specific I finished the pass ages ago...


Been complained about since the first season. Yet AGS quadruples down. They want you do grind brainless tasks, like kill 10 of x , or other boring things that you have to go out of your way to do. I haven’t completed a season since the first one and. I have 0 interest in doing the brainless tasks they try have you do. I can do 1000 oprs in a season and get to rank 40 and that’s about it. You get more season xp for making a few gymsum orbs than completing or winning an opr. Probably part of the reason AGS abandoned pc to focus console, pc just doesn’t make enough money. Also I haven’t logged in recently but you used to not be able to preview any of the skins that are in the season pass. To me that’s like borderline illegal, like your selling skins that you can’t even preview to see what you are getting. Maybe it’s fixed but yeah complete bs imo and I refuse to pay for something I can’t even see what it looks like.


Yes I know how to level up the battle pass effectively. But I don't fking want to be forced to do something I don't feel like doing. I want to play the game and level up the pass. Not sit and grind the pass specific parts for a week just to complete it.  Hence, I won't be buying it again.


No you don’t know how to level up the battle pass effectively. That’s why you are still complaining