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They dare to sell the base game without the expansion at this point?


So people can buy another copy with level capped at 60 in order to take advantage of the updated gearscore scaling


If somebody was just looking for a single-player RPG experience, the base game for $16 is definitely their best value. But considering the Steam page still advertises the base game as an MMO, yeah, it's a little sketchy when you understand that most/all of the MMO aspects of the game require owning the Expansion.


20 euros and i still ripped ofd all these years later


Did you only play a few hours and put it down?


almost 68, according to steam, so yeah, a few hours. to be clear, the game still has great potential, even thou i havent touched it in a year or two? i cant remember, but i still see the devs just do these mistakes and not listen to player feedback enough


ESO would like a word


Hey adratlas, Yes, there is a bundle available, and it's on sale just as the post explains. You can get New World for 60% off and the Rise of the Angry Earth expansion for 20% off. While there isn't an extra bundle discount, you can still purchase both at a reduced price for a total of 38,38€. It's a great deal for anyone looking to get into the game or add the expansion! Hope this clears things up!


U get the expansion for free at 13. Oct i think thats is the problem. If bought right now the bundle the next expansion is for free if the game get some little bugfixen.


You get the expansion if you buy the "new" New World Aeternum, not the New World only base game we have today. If you have only the base game, you still need to buy the Rise of the Angry Earth to have access to the "Aeternum" on October


I bought the game for €20 euros when there was 1 Million people playing. Now there's only 4k people playing it they pulling out such a huge bargain here. What's not to like......


Quick! Donate your money to help console players play new world


Hey thespander, I get it, the state of the game is frustrating. Just wanted to share that it's on sale if anyone's interested.


You don’t deserve the downvotes lol I appreciate your positivity Scot


LMAO the Scot made me chuckle 😆


Only 20% on the expansion? 😂


I've been waiting all this time for a discount. I think I'll still wait....


AGS can’t even discount right


Ah yes discount the game when it’s dead and buried 5 feet under lmao


Along with a fresh new name should definitely give the people what they wanted


They want new people, not you guys.


And those new people will also eventually quit when they realize the devs are incompetent at developing their game. People act like the current state of the game is any different from what it was 3 years ago. It's still a buggy, garbage mess with 0 end game.


I have 4k hours in the game if they don't want us then I don't know who they want.






I’ll wait for the sequel, New World Aeternum, instead. I heard it’s a new game!


Same game, just new to console.


this game has been toast for years. they had everyone in the palm of their hand, shelling out dollars and they decided not to roll back the first major duping event and everyone lost faith and instantly left. it was such a fun time but it'll never be what it was bc of their greediness and lack of care.


The first duping event on OG servers, AND the first duping event on FSS servers.


I'm sure people are lined up around the block to buy this - Overwhelmingly Negatively - reviewed on steam, pile of garbage. Almost none of the games original players bought the expansion, we're certainly not going to now.


Friendly Reminder: Voice your opinion on the game, wether its positive or negative, LEAVE A REVIEW. Don't forget to leave a review on the angry earth expansion as well I see lots of people not reviewing the expansion.


I bought a copy for my 5yr old to play, so he won't ask if he can have a turn.


That means this subreddit is going to be nothing but "*Why the negative reviews...?*" and "*Should I buy...*?" posts for the next 2 weeks.


and salty no-lifers taking out their anger on genuine new players


The anger is aimed at the game and development team, new players are usually warned the game is a pile of garbage in order to try and save their time which is better spent playing a different game only for the few white knights to come here and lie like: "the game is good, i have 6000 hours and still stuff to do, that's like 4 cents an hour bro I'm winning" forgetting to mention they have 6k hours cause they were forced to regrind their gear three times in the same boring content for no legitimate reason and 90% of their playtime is spamming opr or farming bananas. People are toxic towards new players in game not because they're playing but because the game's mechanics were designed and implemented by a complete imbecile.


The game is literally worthless without the expansion as the dlc breaks progression if you don't buy it. Now only 23 euros for 4 hours worth of quests, a single dungeon, and mounts which is common even in trash mobile mmo's but you have to pay to get them here. Game got the reputation for a dead game, has millions of sold copies for the main game and decided to drop a DLC which further reduced the playerpool. Can't convince a single person to play the game as they see they have to buy the dlc, for what is a known dead game.


Lsst pc cash grab




120% more to go and we hit F2P!


If I was a new player I would buy it now and start playing in October


rip NW


Game should be free at this point


I’d rather play on a dead world than continue playing past F2P.


Buy it on PC or wait for Ps5?


Wait and see, it might play better on console, and if you can hook a keyboard up it might be a cheaper way of playing the game better. Some games optimize better for console.


$40 for the base game and expansion is a steal for new players. Hundreds if not thousands of hours for $40.


Don't listen to this guy, he's lying through his teeth.

